Anon 03/06/2019 (Wed) 23:40:36 No.3612 del
one thing I should add about that drama bait and middle truths that end up being fake and tricky. A very famous writer said: "In an era full of lies, truth is a revolutionary act". I´ll leave it at that.

>overall I stayed away from even that low level idiocy.
then you are unaffected and you most likely forgot about it as soon as you didn´t see them anymore. I know those feelings because I barely remember or even spend a neuron that I was there with those kind of people. I suppose those fuck ups make you immune to do wrong things in the future because you know how people would do it.

>I only mentioned that as an example of that there was some mobility/fluidity of things as opposed to always hurting
well, then you definitely worded this wrong. You were talking about a short period of move instead of an escape. Then, it´s pretty ordinary to feel kind of homesick and have mixed thoughts of those changes of place. If you combine that personal friction with psychological confusion, that can perfectly make you feel devastated.

>I have also have know stuff like this though it didn't always end happy of course
it makes you wonder if one has a boring life by witnessing events like these.