Anon 07/07/2019 (Sun) 03:52:45 No.4355 del
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>Imagine my face when I was about to end my course this year with the last test and watch the farewell from the BO at 6AM on mobile.....true story.
Wow, that's a certain hauntingness isn't it?

>yeah, you wanted to apply for Nextchan but it looks like you are getting a substitute
Speaking of that. Nextchan is kill. Creepy because I just checked there like 2 or 3 weeks ago.

> I hope that this board doesn´t put you into big challenges in the future because of it.
>good luck Bridgefag. You wanted to become a moderator in the other chan but it seems that the circumstances have decided to blow into another direction
I mean if it's just a mostly hands off nightwatchman state style like BO did it should be no problem. Yet, you never know what might arise. And curiously enough, I maybe forced into a much awkwarder position of leadership over some choices I have made so I might as well get used to modding. Hopefully though, I won't have to do much than log on every so often and delete spam.

>in fact, if he ever comes back, he should step up for it again. Not only because of the merits but because he is the longest BO that /endpone/ has had so far (18 months). Not a small feat at all.
I whole heartily agree! In fact, I propose that he remain honorary BO for as long as /endpone/ exists and I, for the hopefully few times that it maybe relevant to be addressed as the "leader" as simply mod.

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