Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 04:13:46 No.4565 del
>I....I don´t feel so good.
Yes you do. You just have to let go of capitalist mindset.

>uh oh, who´s manipulating who now?
You are.

>I cannot decide if I am simply reading this text or if I am listening to this propaganda message in my head. The megaphones from the Cutie Map are coming back, aren´t they?
Hopefully both.

>Bridgefag is not taking care of the health of others. That´s a lie (like the cake in Portal) because he´s been working in the ministry of truth and he is posting with the USSR flag placed in the wall while he is listening to the anthem of his comrades.
Need to get inspiration from somewhere...

>Trips confirm his secret plan to conquer the world, with a thousand bridges more because...something refreshing had to appear in the ideology.
And you are indeed correct here. The soviets can keep their subways, bridges are the future. Bridges symbolize so much more than a subway. Because communism of the old had one fatal flaw: the working man. The subterranean subway system symbolized were monuments to that class effort, but it was still a class effort. True equality means everycreature is classless. Everyone from the Princess, the bankers to the workers and peasants will simply live as one US. Equality is the bridge that unites society and therefore we will build bridges everywhere. From small bridges in towns to giant megastructures that will have everything and actually house creatures who built it themselves! Perhaps you're right. Maybe I have gotten a bit carried away?

Uhhhhhh... want an Apple?