Anon 09/26/2019 (Thu) 22:27:56 No.4682 del
>does this mean I have crossed over to the dark side?
if anything, you would have crossed it long ago.
But here it is a little view from mine: only plebs believe that joining into the dark side will make them special or a minority.

The true patricians in the long run handle both parts and mix them for one entity that defines yourself, meaning that despite your looks (menacing or angelic,pick your favorite cosmetic design), you decide to have the last word and what choice to make in the end.

The prime example of it (and the first one in the show): pic related (gracefully)

>I'm just lighter shade of gray!
there are bat OCs that have lighter colours. But yeah, those are the normalized ones for bats.

>I have respect for your dedication.
nah,the only thing that I regret is that I didn´t find the dropbox archives before and that I had to stay awake until almost 4 AM. What made it artificially harder is that I couldn´t find it on Derpi but it was far from impossible.

Thanks anyway.

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