Anon 08/16/2019 (Fri) 17:34:49 No.4486 del
>It's more of in the review itself tbh, I am a bit mixed on her concept but that'll be explained in time.
ah alright,I thought that you were going for OC content or something weird about her. I had thought back in the day that the arc was worth posting but I have heard mixed things about it so I didn´t bother all that much in the end.

However, that can change if you are interested enough.

>my fear is somebody just claiming it just to mess with them/us for trolling
I think that not as many outsiders as care all that much about the fanbase. If we were in 2013, then a few antis could spend their precious time in trying to mess up these boards.

Nowadays, the community doesn´t feel as weird and people are focusing towards bigger targets, not to mention that /flutter/ is placed in the 2nd page in a sea other claimable boards, so the troll has to be really specific for claiming the ownership. If we had trolled the bigger boards here (spam or something related) then any Endchan user from there would have planned something. They could still do it without but personally, I have hundreds of boards to claim in this site yet I can´t find any sort of interest for staying as the leader of literal air (unless one uses them as bunkers)

>I was a bit overzealous in starting the claims process but I figured I'd just hold on and give it if one of them steps up/if they make the end their new home.
it´s okay, you have already given the warning, they have noticed our existence and we know a little bit more about their state. I don´t know if they are going to claim but at least, they have the post to know what´s the deal with this topic.