Anon 08/04/2019 (Sun) 14:41:29 No.4442 del
>Just if I'm being entirely honest when looking at this place it has more of a culture than boards dozens of times larger. It has it's own memes, like Dolores and PoLS, it's own OC in various forms and at that Golden Oaks thread looks to be a long term project that could last if it takes off.
wow, you have been lurking this board more than I thought. I mean, it´s not obscure by any means but one has to be a little bit interested to notice all that stuff (although I have organized the OPs in order to make easier to spot the relevant stuff) You are not the first who mention the board culture part but considering that the main users come from /mlp/, it´s not hard to see a little bit of /b/ spirit here in terms of memes.

Most of them are accidental and the most genuine one is the POLS (Proof of Life shitpost). You won´t see that anywhere else because they will use the bump word instead. Here, it´s used as a message of activity to prove that one is still active but doesn´t have the time or the right mood to type big posts. It simply reports that X user is there.

The Dolores meme just came because of a word filter and it was already in this board before we came in 2017, we simply shitposted a little bit more and as a result, pictures like these get to be a reality.

There are a couple of editing threads and a few elaborated fanfics over here (the most recommended ones are in the OP)....and we weren´t content creators at first.

>Does this mean this place will survive, no.
I would be the first to say that. In fact, I cannot get tired of expressing how far this has gone from my own expectations...or basically anyone here.

>But it can and if you where going to hold a gun to my head on which boards had a chance to be something here on this miserable site, you'd be one of the first I would think of.
well...I appreciate that comment honestly. I will just mention that despite your positive thoughts towards this, /endpone/ is not much more solid in comparison. The uncertainty of reaching the complete dead state is pretty high and Bridgefag and I will have to decide what to do after gen 4 ends.

>Ponies eat carrots, do they not?

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