Anon 03/03/2019 (Sun) 01:14:53 No.3582 del
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it seems that I am not doing much tonight either. Only a proof of life shitpost but I have to reply a little bit about this question (I also hide your bold lines from the main board page)

>Than again I'm been a little out of habit of my usually sleuthing around the net the last few months. What is going on?
basically what you are going to see and what has happened this last week is what actually gives any chan a big quantity of newfags or outsiders that check it out of curiosity.

Without the help of mainstream media,nothing would have happened and there were several AMAs like this before on 8chan.
Anyway,just browse: "8chan Thq Nordic AMA" and you will see that all the headlines point out the same drama: child pornography on the site; and because,it brings a bad name and or publi city to the company.

Almost all if not all the mediums point out this as the most problematic and unique aspect about 8chan ,by adding an edgy touch that the site is actually banned from google's browser.

So basically,for an event like this,all the video game journalists and then youtubers jumped onto it and this example serves on how a chan earns lots of newfags overnight.

I will try to reply properly tomorrow