Anon Board owner 08/10/2019 (Sat) 05:52:11 No.4461 del
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>Good luck with it. I admire the fact that you are willing to do this after all.
Thanks. Even if it is small in the grand scheme of things, stepping up to any position can lead to potential chaos, and with endchan, for the time being, being in a state of chaos and uncertainty after 8chan... yeah.

>It's not as nice as it sounds but oh well,I am preparing the memes and the grave just in case.
For what? I'd like to say that I wouldn't consider myself vulnerable to such corruption. I mean I couldn't image pulling off the things I see so many mods do, but then I remember that many of them were once humble users like me. Though I'd think I would be more likely folly would be incompetence than dictatorship, at least for who I am right now. But corruption happens in different ways. I could just as well hold favoritism and bias for you. Another thing with a board of this size, there really isn't a lot of power to corrupt.

Well, now I assume the mantel of board owner though I will refuse to refer to myself as such. BO, if you are reading this, you are still eternal BO. As I stated before, in any state where I have to refer my "leadership" of this board I just call myself the mod. I will run this as a caretaker and nightwatchman state, just as BO did. This crown of red will not adorn my head often (if at all) and hopefully the moding actions will be limited to adding banners and maintenance. I will admit that I still have a little reluctance with this, but hey the direction of my life has brought me in a direction where I could be put in more uncomfortable situations like this so I might as get used to it.