Anon 06/13/2019 (Thu) 05:40:52 No.4248 del
>Now, our method is not perfect but there is something charming about replying properly to the user and being completely heard in his opinions without room for trolling. As this goes in a circle, trolling serves no purpose except getting the same boring reactions all the time. Instead of wasting the time on it, focusing on the replies seems to be a more efficient method so far.
That's the charm here, and I'd say of a lot of the microchans, where there are so few posters that it has this small town everypony know each other feel.

>little by little. I don´t know when I am going to end my grade either. Anything will be useful in the future for literally everything.At least, I am getting more free time and room to breather for balancing this tense year.
Glad at least for the freetime.

> I prefer not to not consider myself as such mostly because of preventive actions in the future
That's fine and perfectly understandable though as a minor clarification, I had thought I had mentioned you and the BO in a second line, but my second line mentioning him I guess I never typed and existed only in my mind.

>keep in mind that we have the Anon name in it
> This looks stable but at any moment, this can fall apart in the blink of an eye easily. It´s stranger to have reached this stability than getting a chaotic whatever happens next, the past is already written.
Indeed. I fully understand the fragility of this place. I see it as a stability in the sense that we have fallen into this pattern, however long it lasts. and y'all can never melt away from being a pair of identities I know as beyond as simply "anon" in the mass collective sense. I don't mean that we should fully abandon the chan nature with namefagotty and such (ick, ponychan feel). I just mean that, even with the temporariness that one can walk away from at a instant, over a year with a pair of anons on a board that exists in spite of normal logic is hard to forget.

>yeah. Look, we may not know the future of this board anytime soon but one can notice that this board is having a positive period in general.
Indeed, I'm actually a bit hopeful for having some time for working on a few small sometimes for this board in this board if I can get things pulled together in the next month.

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