Anon 07/19/2019 (Fri) 06:15:14 No.4383 del
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> I guess that I have become apathetic for posting here these days. I have never uncomfortable but my body translates this as a routine activity from the crazy period.
I mean, tests tests tests, plus the increased emotional baggage of the final season. You're mind probably just wants to be in a more relaxed state.

>Considering the huge amount of posts made over the year and a half,a period of inactivity was bound to happen.
Not the only time it happened either.

>inb4 Ocellus changes the queen of the changelings for the finale....
That could be awesome. If Ocellus manages to get more character development that is.

>Also,just in case that the claimable option arrives at this board or things get more complicated,you still have the Derpibooru link to my profile just to fill the secure backup and not go in a full paranoid mode.
I will link mine too when I make one.
Their has been a bit of odd stuff going on that has caused delay.
Let's just say I'm trying to change my computer set up to be secure.

The current one isn't about her.

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