If I'm being honest. Anon 07/26/2019 (Fri) 19:00:19 No.4410 del
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What can I say?
If I'm being entirely honest for real.
I respected what I saw of him.
<He referenced a few things that surprised me.
The BO from what I saw of him seemed pretty based.
It was sad to see him go. Even if he was just leading a small gang of diet furries.

<Don't get me wrong, he is still a diet furry.
but this is one of few boards on the end that has a chance of going anywhere.
I naturally keep tabs on endchan and this board is one of them that I lurk from time to time.

>So not only two said farewell to the BO but a third one cared for him as well...
I'm pretty sure there is a fourth who checks on this place.