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(92.06 KB 450x409 01-success-kid-c.jpg)
Anon Global volunteer 08/17/2019 (Sat) 12:28:48 [Preview] No. 4494
I'm posting this so you guys won't create conspiracy theories. I know, my hope us futile.
If everything goes well soon the site's and our problems will be resolved. But they will turn the site read-only mode for a while. I have no information how long the process will take. Keep calm and be patient.


Anon 08/28/2019 (Wed) 10:50:45 [Preview] No.4495 del
>you guys won't create conspiracy theories.
mfw I read this

>they will turn the site read-only mode for a while.
I come from the future and I say that it turned into a bunker with four boards, nothing related to MLP whatsoever.

>I have no information how long the process will take
11 days to be exact

Back to pony content anyway!

Anon 08/28/2019 (Wed) 23:28:59 [Preview] No.4496 del
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>Back to pony content anyway!
for me in a couple of days do to lack of sleep, but yes.

Anon 08/29/2019 (Thu) 23:06:35 [Preview] No.4497 del
>for me in a couple of days do to lack of sleep
even the princess of friendship sleeps, so catch a good pillow and sleep well

I will have to do that soon too

Anon 08/29/2019 (Thu) 23:08:26 [Preview] No.4498 del
what´s the pony content though?My head is spinning and has left me thinking who they are....

Anon 08/29/2019 (Thu) 23:10:51 [Preview] No.4499 del
it seems that we are in the wrong board,isn´t it? Because there are certain creatures who would never step into this place...

in theory, this is the world of Equestria and...

Anon 08/29/2019 (Thu) 23:16:25 [Preview] No.4500 del
>who are they for entering into my kingdom?
>don´t they know how this board has fallen into chaos recently?
>if someone comes from the Discord side, they´d better tell it before it´s too late...

>because this is another place, a new universe...



Anon 08/30/2019 (Fri) 21:43:27 [Preview] No.4504 del
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The sleep has been unfortunately, rather mixed.

And though I could have a bone to pick.

My spirits have been strangely high.

Even with the drama in real life and in the fandom by and by.

This poem is a PoLS, not a goodbye.

Our thumbnail problem may not get fixed, but at least the site is still alive.

I'm tired, I will join in the slumber, maybe tomorrow I will create a wonder.

True chaos undefined. True evil that leaves you to die. True death of friendship and heart, as her evil even tares Discord apart.

In a small board such as this.

I only have one wish.

Are we the victims and the pray?

Or are we horrors ourselves for our determination to stay?

Maybe both

Anon 08/31/2019 (Sat) 01:11:32 [Preview] No.4513 del
>he sleep has been unfortunately, rather mixed.
that´s better than straight up bad, so there is that.

>This poem is a PoLS
nobody specified nor defined how PoLS should work...so anything can happen in these kind of posts. From basic ones to stylistic lines.

>Our thumbnail problem may not get fixed
do you think so?

>I'm tired, I will join in the slumber, maybe tomorrow I will create a wonder.
not as tired as you but I do have to do the same. I am trying to find more picture for this board and then, I will meet the Z universe.

>True evil that leaves you to die. True death of friendship and heart, as her evil even tares Discord apart.
philosophical rhymes about her arc, she uses chaos it way too out of hand.

>Are we the victims and the pray?
>Or are we horrors ourselves for our determination to stay?
>Maybe both

that´s quite tricky but I am answering you with a third option...

We have created the horrors and the victims for this undefined mess.

As for who is who in this game, it becomes less relevant in comparison to this statement.

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