Anon 07/28/2019 (Sun) 17:54:15 No.4415 del
>What can I say?If I'm being entirely honest for real.I respected what I saw of him. The BO from what I saw of him seemed pretty based.It was sad to see him go.
well, at least giving those thoughts for real dignifies you. I arrived at similar thoughts and if it wasn´t because he didn´t take this board all this seriously, he could have driven this board to a mess in moderation. The based aspect made him as another poster instead of the leader and that´s certainly an unique trait that you wouldn´t see in other imageboards so easily.

>Even if he was just leading a small gang of diet furries.
we have discussed the term furry before and each time I read it or try to understand its definition, I keep getting as equally as confused as the first time. I don´t know what´s the fine line that divides the furry zone or not. Either way, shitposters use it as a buzzword just to not enter in the grey zone and having to assume what it is and what it isn´t.

>but this is one of few boards on the end that has a chance of going anywhere.
that´s a compliment. Are you sure about betting for this board in the long term? Because not even the two/three of us expected to last this long and despite getting into the upper part of the boardlist, this board can become completely inactive in the blink of an eye.

>I naturally keep tabs on endchan and this board is one of them that I lurk from time to time.
you have spammed several times that image simultaneously on other boards. The ones that you usually lurk are /b/, /AM/ and this one. I don´t know if you are still interested in /kc/ though. However, I won´t deny the truth of those words because you have already posted more than a simple shitpost (basically avatarfagging at this point). The only aspect that I´ve got to point out is that you are posting in a pony board....I suppose you know what that means. You can do whatever but a pony picture every now and then would be nice.

Just saying but I don´t expect anything. In fact, I am still a bit impressed that you have shown the non shitposting side recently.

>I'm pretty sure there is a fourth who checks on this place.

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