Anon 05/31/2019 (Fri) 23:34:27 No.4186 del
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>Though I hope it'll be worth the delay. I especially don't wanna cause the BO any dismay!
he admitted that he hadn´t cared about the site most of the time in 2018 but yeah, you are taking a riskier step this time (a tiny bit)

>I wish the BO best blessings too even if he's far away.
he´s the silent Phoenix. Just when you thought you had forgotten about him, he shitposts randomly whenever he sees the chance to do it. Again, his appearance in last Christmas was a gift by itself so I wouldn´t bury him easily.

>It seems our old acquaintance,, is trying to advertise and start a new run! is still going and we have witnessed its birth in its first posts even though it has slowed down a lot after its first month. Anyway,let´s talk about its grand opening with OP´s message in it:

< aims to be what 4chan's /mlp/ used to be before it's moderator shitfest started: A free, anonymous haven for all things pony-related with minimal rules or censorship.
so their main objective is to become /mlp/ as it was back in 2012, allowing to post anonfilly,Milky, tulpas and roleplay threads banned in the mother´s imageboard. There is one big problem and it´s that the writing prompt has been lifted so they have allowed partially that fun again.

<As for other sites, 8chan has turned into a defeatist circlejerk hostile to outsiders, and mlpol mixes its pony content with real-life politics.
even though that line is correct, I would like to see their reactions about /endpone/. It has gone through defeatist/pessimistic perspectives, political discussions with a lot of depth and circlejerking all the time. I wonder how they would accept all these posts except for the greens, the edits and the character dedicated threads.

<The whole reason for poni is to be free. The ever-increasing arbitrary rules of 4chan have been strangling the fandom for years, banishing parts of it one by one with only the most mundane and casual remaining.

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