Anon 05/25/2019 (Sat) 03:00:22 No.4156 del
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it also mattered just that it was more familiar back then. I have studied such different things that I had forgotten what that was about. Not only that but it´s one of the few subjects that has an insane amount of content for a single semester.
All the stuff you have to master to cross the finish line.

> And this only counts as a 6th part of the course, not to mention that I am leaving a few details that I would have to explain it with some depth
Because that be boring and this is an escape from school. Yeah, no need ta tell more.

>definitely not wasted at all. In fact, MLP has served to disconnect or take a break.

>You admitted that you had begun because of them. I may not see the influence of the edits all that much (save maybe this one) but I will notice it in the future.
Especially with your more experimental ones.

>it just raises a lot of questions but that´s what happens when one takes a little girls show so seriously: analyzing plains things that were not meant to be reviewed.
It even took itself more seriously then it ever should have. Even in the very beginning to an extent but especially now.

>we could follow the /mlp/ formula if you wanted. Th problem would consist that repeating the same ends up by offering the same product....while you already have the original with more people to interact with.

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