Anon 06/30/2019 (Sun) 01:34:29 No.4323 del
Well,another proof of life shitpost but without replying to the previous posts yet.

I hope that both of you are doing well despite the hard conditions and the possible misadventures that you may be facing these days. Thanks a lot for taking your time at advancing things because I am in a fairly grey zone on which I cannot focus properly on the things, let alone if I can enjoy them in my free time at 100%.

So take it as a rest (even though all of this ride has been a voluntary thing from us) because by Thursday, I believe that I will bring a few posts to the show discussion thread because there is more content with the Rainbow Roadtrip Special in the movie style (for a whole hour with the assets of Boulder Media)

There are a few ideas/posts that should come up along the way before this gen ends so, despite the lack of activity, don´t think that hibernation means that the /end/ is dead. In fact, I do believe that the introduction back in 2017 with 3 random lurkers posting in this place was even more unbelievable than what came after in retrospective so I have hopes for ending the task created here.

Enjoy these days of Summer Solstice (the longest days of the year) because the sun will go down for what´s left. Nothing stays forever and it will inevitably end after all...

Have fun,folks.Take care.