Anon 03/23/2020 (Mon) 21:45:38 No.5588 del
>It's raining here too! Been for the past couple of days.
oh what a coincidence. It´s stopping over here for the next couple of days though.

>NSFW thread I don't think will derail things but I'm not sure how much used it'll get without somepony else to fully share in that, but it is now functional.
well, at least the options has been offered and settled. The rest will come and go, I suppose.

>Clarification of rules and a couple of new threads should actually make it easier for us.
in theory, that should work but hey, in imageboards of this kind, anything is possible.

>I mean our bridge vs lovebat does look to be something that is possibly brewing...
not even close. We would need more content of the latter in order to even give the bat pony of love a little chance to stand on the ring for a few posts and I can´t even draw properly for even shitposting original pictures of her.

>is it just that other situation going on outside?
I lean more towards this.

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