Anon 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:13:14 No.5243 del
As for /endpone/, I understand it much less because it only relies on the same users that have stayed for two years. If that´s not loyalty, I don´t know what it would be called then. I wouldn´t have bet one single cent for posting here this long. In theory, I had only planned to reach the 300 posts like a race that I would do for fun >>274 and even then, I wan´t all that sure of that plan getting accomplished. I would have reached it by samefagging to myself and a few images that I liked but, this? If MLP was a surprise, imagine taking this "side project" seriously for two years.

Call it autism, craziness or even fascinating but for sure, it leaves no one indifferent that posting over 2k replies out of the more than 5000 were implemented from the main two users. The BO and other users left the rest but still, the script was supposed to end long ago or it shouldn´t have happened and yet we are here, celebrating Christmas for the third time on /endpone/.