Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 09:24 No.9464 del
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Speaking of dreams and /night/, I am exhausted and need to sleep, yet I have something that happens sometimes in dreams that is stuck fresh in my mind.

I keep having my perspective be someone else. This is something that started several years ago, but grew more frequent lately. I have never even googled it but sometimes I wonder about it. The dream that happened a couple of days ago is too complex for me to go into details right now but I had this situation where I was going to have my mother pic up something before heading off, then switched to some other random guy whom I wasn't but had his point of view, with some random lady taking the place of my mother, and the same general situation of a request to pick something up. It doesn't disturb me and probably has some simple name or something but I do wonder how common it is and if others have felt it.

Well, what do you know, exhausted ramblings bring forth posts!

>do my best and that is what I have done with these
Though, I don't view them as the best, but as something where I let my guard down and just think freer. Rambling and sometimes filled with a certain manic energy.