Anon 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:48:02 No.5656 del [Embed]

*the mare of that mountain flew at mach speed with the two fillies over her two bat wings
*her face changed radically after seeing the yellow filly blacking out, incapable to resist the fear
*the mare in the mountain was still saying this to herself during the trip back to her empire

>I can see you laughing
Apple BLoom, don´t do this to me!
>Through dreams of perfect sleep
How am I going to tell this to your family?
>Sleep away from me
Hopefully you are sleeping, I hope you do
>You know what's in my mind
!This didn´t happen to your friends, I believed that you were ready
>When you go I'm crying
Maybe the first impressions make a lot of damage
>Dream dream away from me

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