Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:22 No.9287 del
I am exhausted, but had to stay up for some other obligation. I feel a certain... randomness in my mind, if I let it I can let myself really act crazy. It is a state my family always called "sleep drunkenness" but when I look up sleep drunkenness elsewhere it seems to be referring to something different from, merely being grogginess to things like sleep walking and night terror like stuff.

I can enter this state at other times but it hits easiest when I am very sleepy.I do not know how weird or normal that is but I think it is normal and I just lack the terminology to describe it.

Did you ever feel a pizza flutter from your ears? Did you ever eat a Care Bear without a care in the world? That sort of thing makes me eat hot Pockets like a aggressive oblique aeroplane crossed with a rather hot headed libertarian business man on the fourth of July.

I probably shouldn't ramble on like this and go to bed now.

Goodnight /endpone/.