01/03/2018 (Wed) 22:23:19
>>354>Though I do find myself agreeing with Twilight fans now more then I used to when it comes to complaints to the direction of her character.Her character is awkward after she becomes a princess. From nerdy to a "I know everything and I can do no wrong" character, it made her look like the perfect princess (a Mary Sue like many joked back in 2014)
However, I've got to put a warning sign here. I've got to say that I don't notice when she's a princess or Twilight just being Twilight. What I am trying to say is that despite all the titles and stuff, she ends up being the same for me. She has less moments and it hurts to see that she was put aside for a couple of seasons besides the premieres and finales.
Her charm is there and this last year proved that we are in front of the same character we all loved back in the early seasons. By the way,S1 Twilight was NOT that good despite what many people believe. She was placed everywhere when she didn't need to appear in the first place (Stare Master, Green Isn't Your Color) and kind of changes the natural pacing of the episodes.
Thank goodness she evolved and got more opportunistic when Lesson Zero happened. That's when Twilight became a forced plot device for the morals to a full character