Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:52 No.10421 del
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Still dreaming more normal and IRL stuff. A couple of anons here have even popped up more than once, usually in vague background rolls. My dreams used to be far more surreal and only in the last two to three years have they taken a somewhat "realistic" turn. Despite strong stresses having been a feature for a great deal of my life. I wonder what has brought on this turn. Now, granted, there can still be some pretty surreal things in them, but it hasn't been bizarre viruses spread by song and random elements thrown together as much.

One notable exception: had two rare instance of a lucid dream recently. There was someone that looked grotesque and creepy. I realized I was dreaming. I started to laugh at him and attack him over just switching the scenario to something I wanted. Another time, I don't remember much. Flying in the clouds (?) and I realized it was dreaming and fought hard to not wake up yet.