Anon 04/20/2021 (Tue) 22:31:41 No.7462 del
Does the article have its flaws? Yes, a worrisome one. It´s not written by the journalist but they quote a tweet that actually encourages political conflict:

<In response to reports that the FedEx shooter was involved in the fandom, many within the community are taking steps to actively disavow the far-right-extremist contingent of the subculture. “Right-wing bronies now have a body-count. They have to continue to be pushed out of our community and spaces. None of that wishy washy both-sides shit Derpibooru pulled. These people must be ACTIVELY rejected,” one person active in the community tweeted.

congratulations, you have been giving voice to egocentric people who are obsessed with two buttons: retweets and likes, just for their daily dosis of dopamine. Creating massive circles that idolize the one who are following and then, create raids. Derpibooru for example, cannot implode by itself, but with people who are organized with a social attack, boosted as if they were revolutionaries who think that they can change the world when they simply create conflict and are using like the most agressive social media that pushes the greatest amount of political material: Twitter.

If there is something that annoys me the most is that these people represent the actual definition of a personal army. They only act in group and have to rule/impose how others should think/act. A very annoying tactic that simply serves the purpose to add more fuel to the fire. What´s worse is that this tactic doesn´t apply to just this fanbase or one country, it´s in general (with the same exact patterns).

I am seriously missing Tumblr, because the blue bird is whitewashing the times where people with this attitude would simply share their thoughts with a blog. At least, there were more than 140 characters for sharing an entry and think with a greater picture than said small amount of characters. If there is a toxic social media to point out, it is Twitter because of how annoying the vocal users are for voicing other people´s opinions when they aren´t faithful to the actual reality except for their inner circles.

Bridgefag, read >>7455

Instead of having any sense of paranoia, I...however, feel absolutely tired of this attitude of not letting other people live in peace. I am bored of seeing this movie again yet I have to care about movements that are made on Twitter that affect the rest of the community...

Drama of the month for now. If something else happens, just report Twitter raids. It´s quite simple to predict yet so annoying to deal with...