Anon 05/29/2019 (Wed) 02:19:53 No.4171 del
(317.15 KB 623x531 2048100.jpeg)
>Nice way of tagging the gaming projects.
Thanks. I'm not sure 100% how much the tags will differ from category to category or the will I have it fully uniform will maybe one or two specialty ones for certain things. For example, a one off ponyshort that has a sudden sequel years later may not fit wouldn't be called abandoned , because it never had the guarantee that another would be made. completed wouldn't apply either for the same reason, a one off ponyshort would be that and if it got randomly updated it will be the same questionable state where none of the tags applied well. There probably needs to be a separate tags for certain categories and this taging system that I have spelled out here would need works mainly for projects and periodical work and series (fansites, games, and abridged series) but there are other things I need to consider for certain works.