Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 01:18 No.8952 del
Nice, it works:
>$ cd ./Qmb7pn6qDfb75QZx65W26JPiffZe5rGjJgpCC4R4hV6F4Y/4chan/mlp/thread/40219665
> grep -l "\s*>" * | grep -v "\." | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $(echo $(grep "^\s*>" $args | wc -l) / $(wc -l $args | sed "s/ .*//g") | bc -l) \* 100 | bc -l | grep -o "^......" | sed "s/%/g" | tr -d \\n; echo " for $args which has $(wc -l $args | sed "s/ .*//g") line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=$(cat $args | tr -d \\r | perl -pE "s/\n\s+>/\n>/g" | perl -pE "s\s*>>\d+\n//g" | perl -pE "s/^\s*>.*\n/\0/g" | grep -Pao "\0+" | awk " {print length (\$1)}" | sort -rn | head -n1)"; done' _ > 1m1f1.txt; cat 1m1f1.txt | sort -n > 1m1f2.txt
>$ head 1m1f2.txt
>3.7037% for 40264911 which has 27 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=1
>3.8461% for 40226324 which has 26 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=
>4.0816% for 40226321 which has 49 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=1
>4.5454% for 40257423 which has 22 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=
>4.7619% for 40265179 which has 21 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=1
>7.3170% for 40254432 which has 41 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=2
>7.6923% for 40267713 which has 13 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=1
>8.3333% for 40224542 which has 12 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=
>9.0909% for 40241948 which has 11 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=1
>10.000% for 40225175 which has 10 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=
>$ tail 1m1f2.txt
>88.000% for 40232552 which has 25 line(s) and max_consecutive_greentext_lines=20

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