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(113.97 KB 448x896 benis.png)
Anon 02/06/2016 (Sat) 09:44:30 [Preview] No. 110

This place seems a bit different.

Anon 02/06/2016 (Sat) 09:50:43 [Preview] No. 111 del
(96.70 KB 632x606 checkem.png)
PS. first trips in end/pone/ GET

Anon 02/06/2016 (Sat) 10:17:09 [Preview] No. 114 del

Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 01:25:42 [Preview] No. 167 del
(906.09 KB 4000x3613 1448737368091-0.png)
I'm new here too, but they're isn't much things going on. I came here because I got tired of 8chan's pone stupid politics. I just want to talk about ponies, with care maybe we can make this into a better chan.

Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 01:50:12 [Preview] No. 168 del
nice trips

Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 01:52:18 [Preview] No. 169 del
welcome to the new pone lol

Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 02:19:44 [Preview] No. 170 del
(413.15 KB 800x800 Sketchy Gentlemen.png)
You have a some fine repeated digits right there.

Anon 05/20/2016 (Fri) 18:47:12 [Preview] No. 172 del
(117.21 KB 1280x800 EverfreeLaugh.jpg)
Gonna be a while before we have more trips to give.

>tired of 8 ch

I hear ya. But apparently this is the minority -- at least for right now.

Let's everypony, keep checking back here periodically and maybe more will migrate this direction than other directions.

Anon 09/09/2016 (Fri) 02:00:20 [Preview] No. 219 del
>Lets spread on this direction rather than other directions.

Bu-but anon, I thought spreading Metastasis was a good think.

Anon 05/17/2018 (Thu) 21:01:47 [Preview] No.1400 del
that´s not how it works Fluttershy. Let me show you how the nightmares follow you during the night

Anon 05/22/2018 (Tue) 20:21:50 [Preview] No.1414 del
(484.59 KB 876x1013 1725126.png)

>"Not you too fluttershy!" Dolores put a hoof to have face.
>"Urg, of all the things I have to deal with, first Cadence running around as a edgy bat and now Fluttershy wants to revisit my teenage years as well now"
>"What it is with the /end/ that causes ponies to go crazy!"

Anon 05/22/2018 (Tue) 20:43:23 [Preview] No.1415 del
>"It's not insanity, it is merely that things are so quite here."
>" When things are so quiet there is nothing to distract you from looking within. Sometimes what you find goes against the mold that others put you in."
>"You become a little further away from what you have presented and what you feel."
>"And with less eyes watching... you get to know who you are"

Anon 05/22/2018 (Tue) 20:52:40 [Preview] No.1416 del
Opps. Didn't mean to post the Cadence greentext with that picture though admittedly its comical. I've heard that R9K has been messed up durring the move, regardless of who is posting the image in the board. I guess it still is.

Anon 05/22/2018 (Tue) 21:09:10 [Preview] No.1417 del
>"It's not insanity, it is merely that things are so quite here."
>" When things are so quiet there is nothing to distract you from looking within. Sometimes what you find goes against the mold that others put you in."
>"You become a little further away from what you have presented and what you feel."
>"And with less eyes watching... you get to know who you are"
not as spooky as yours but at least it's still somewhat dark, still better then screenshot

Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 22:57:56 [Preview] No.1433 del
(1.63 MB 900x1247 1060957.png)
>first Cadence running around as a edgy bat and now Fluttershy wants to revisit my teenage years as well now"
>"What it is with the /end/ that causes ponies to go crazy!"
didn't you want to make everyone else equal,the same as you,Dolores?
What happens? Don't you like the wish you have hoped for all these years for your town? Are you regretting your crazy idea?

Be careful with what you wish lady. You can't have a nightmare if you never dream. You can wish a cult and you will end with a very different result.

Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 23:23:37 [Preview] No.1434 del
(1.20 MB 983x1062 435438.png)
>Opps. Didn't mean to post the Cadence greentext with that picture though admittedly its comical.
error 404 not found falls short in comparison to error 500. The website is also chaotic and insane in terms of maintenance up and downs. Also,it feels meta as hell with that accident.

I>'ve heard that R9K has been messed up durring the move, regardless of who is posting the image in the board. I guess it still is.
yeah,another thing to fix yet powerful to beat and make a posts passing it.

Anon 05/25/2018 (Fri) 23:35:54 [Preview] No.1435 del
(2.96 MB 2507x3541 1181301.png)
>it is merely that things are so quite here
it seems that for a lonely princess,you seem that you are having a nice time with those little weird wings you are trying to hide

>there is nothing to distract you from looking within. Sometimes what you find goes against the mold that others put you in
are you proving that the others are preventing you from going on? Are you going against the mold because it's...Pandora's box?

>a little further away from what you have presented and what you feel
so,that's how you felt during that night. Tell me Candy,what happened to you? What went into your mind for this?
>with less eyes watching... you get to know who you are
don't tell me it's Chrysalis. That old lady is done,there is no way you are Chrysalis

>not as spooky as yours but at least it's still somewhat dark, still better then screenshot
indeed. Eh,if it looks nice,then it does because this is what the edits are made for,setting the mood and visual imagery of those lines. At this step,we are going to be editing alk the time just to shitpost an image and beat the R9K....how ironic

Anon 11/01/2018 (Thu) 04:37:55 [Preview] No.2387 del
This is the Sketchy Hoers of Destiny

Good Luck and Treasures of HorseShoes will come to you but only if you Post: "Your Logs Are Proprely Chopped"

Anon 11/01/2018 (Thu) 09:20:07 [Preview] No.2388 del
my logs are not properly chopped


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