Anon 02/04/2019 (Mon) 22:10:15 No.3375 del
>I have spent the fair portion of the night searching for two Eqd alternatives that existed cira 2013 or 14.
jesus anon. It´s almost like you follow the contrarian trend that Seth does. And you can tell the hours´ difference between these two posts. One word: Goddamn.

>my main focus at the time was looking for Discord Daily and it still is, now it bugs me
oh, that one. Well I suppose that you won´t get what you are looking for yet you find a few gems along the way.

>I found several mlp related websites that I never heard of and one that I did but have little history on why that it exists and a couple of cornors that are surprisingly active
rough diamonds that were hidden in order to rescue themwhat does it feel like I am describing this move as if this was the MLP movie?

>The site did however sometimes report on news and feature fanfiction on its own.
well, that strategy could have created a different trend/branch for the fanbase if those levels of popularity were kept for more years.

>I think the site was hosted on blogspot but I have no memories of the address, or whether if they had there own full domain. I just know that that searching for discord post the rise of the app anywhere is hasn't been easy.

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