Anon 01/30/2019 (Wed) 08:01:07 No.3332 del
Other notes:

Their rules seem what I would expect of a moderately restrictive left community with the only thing I see being weird is the rule regarding the use of somepony/everypony being seen as disrespecting to humans or something. Wonder why they'd explicitly state that and what caused them to do so.

Also, it is fairly active in an era of discord and social media. Not the most happening place and some parts clearly are inactive but it is still getting daily posts and the booru has frequent uploads. Not a lot of smaller web fourms can claim that nowadays in this era.

Anyways I will be investigating further (and if anypony else has any info, that'd be nice!) Just out of a desire both to chronicle it's existence and out of sheer curiosity. Though it is not a high priority. Isn't the weirdest thing out there but those rules did leave me with my head scratching and it's interesting that it hasn't dissipated or died by this point. (Just look at the ponyville or friendship is magic forums) And I honestly do wounder about the dynamic there and it's history, especially why they'd keep the no noncannon shipping rule.