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Rapport is a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned are in sync with each other, understand each other ideas, and communicate smoothly.

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NEW THREAD --- Cute girls + microblogging Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 05:21 [Preview] No. 51240
Is everyone excited for the Taylor Swift superbowl?

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 05:23 [Preview] No.51241 del
Make a thread first try on this damn website challenge [impossible]

>What exact differences have you been noticing?
I google search "song name" lyrics and I don't get what I want, whereas in the last few years it has been a challenge to find lyrics. Maybe because my tastes have become so niche.

I think Emma Stone is a blindcel as well, I once saw a pic of her with some thick glasses.

Nice sweater pic of that qt

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 06:02 [Preview] No.51243 del
My windshield wiper switch was half way falling apart, so I am hopeful that the old clean + reassemble scheme will work

I always forget that if I press enter on the captcha field it deletes all my pics and calls me a retarded faggot.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:02 [Preview] No.51246 del
>Normies also don't mind how life is because they kinda win at it automatically.
They think they win but they don't really win

>I think if you have an average-to-low IQ and average-to-low sensitivity (I suspect what people call "neurosis" is just the consequence of being able to perceive more than other people can, and suffering added stress as a result - hence why women are naturally prone to it with their increased social perception
I think it's like this:
Normie - dumb dumb but "happy", or rather may not suffer as much
An autist or a neurodivergent person or whatever you want to call it - suffers more due to being indoctrinated into the normie mindset and not being compatible with it
However the normie's happiness is not a true one. The neurodivergent suffers more, but if he can find inner peace, his newfound peace or inner happiness will be something far beyond the normie's happiness. A normie can find this too, but he is far less likely to, because he goes through life asleep, unconscious and unaware

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:12 [Preview] No.51247 del
Hungary admin or Doc save us there is some weird spam on the front pagerino

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:13 [Preview] No.51248 del
I heard Marina's voice for the first time. If her body was not as feminine I would say she is a tranny or how would you assess this voice. Or is this how all south american women sound

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:21 [Preview] No.51250 del
>40 minutes waiting on a park bench because they couldn't get an Uber
Chad doesn't have a car hahahahah aahhahahahahahah he's so done after this

>Or is this how all south american women sound
Obviously not. I don't think her voice is that manly tbh, just low pitched and "mature" sounding

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 07:26 [Preview] No.51251 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XcXzrMxvuXo [Embed] "stupid shit" wtf is this videogame addicted retard talking about she's based as hell

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 08:55 [Preview] No.51252 del
(44.34 KB 640x533 unnamed.jpg)
for me it was dinosaurs and ancient egypt

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:02 [Preview] No.51254 del
For how much I like to think of myself as a smarter, or at least more conscious or woke person than the average, two things took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out

1) other people are not always right. I don't know where I got this from but I've always been the kind of person who pretty much believes anything they're told, up until someone else comes along and contradicts that previous wisdom. it's like I started seeing normies as some sort of authority, maybe because I was living on their turf so to speak, so my subsconscious took every piece of advice and every opinion they shared with me very seriously, I guess it surmised that I had to learn to adapt. More recently I started believing more in the way *I* see things even if that implies running risks and guarantees constant conflict. I hope to strike a healthy balance some day, that would be great

2) I'm not like the other boys. Memery aside I already talked about this a few days ago but I didn't mention that it took me a loooonnnngg time to accept that most people's conception of the world and of life are very different from my own. I'm never really going to understand theirs and they're never really going to understand mine. It's hard to accept this because I guess it forces you to realize just how lonely you really are, but there comes a point when it can't be denied anymore, after you've experienced enough failures in trying to relate to them or establish some sort of connection

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:17 [Preview] No.51255 del
Also I find that when analyzing yourself or really anything at all it's hard to avoid the pitfall of "tunnel thought" by which I mean taking the first idea that comes to mind and just kind of running with it, taking it in a straight line to the very end of the cognitive railway and reaching a quick and easy conclusion, having only added shallow rationalizations and justifications on the way, as opposed to stopping at each station and considering the different ways in which that train of thought can branch out, often by finding flaws in your thinking like preconceptions or biases. The latter approach while entirely possible requires deliberate conscious effort, quite a bit of it too, at least in my experience

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:32 [Preview] No.51256 del
>1) other people are not always right. I don't know where I got this from but I've always been the kind of person who pretty much believes anything they're told
That must be almost everyone to some degree. It's just the mindset that we are indoctrinated with through going to school. In school someone places an authority figure in front of you and you are more or less forced to accept what they says as true or as knowledge worth inheriting.
Maybe some people just have more of an instinctual rejection of authority than others. I think the ones who put ukraine flags on their profile or were the people who encouraged everyone wearing masks during covid are the ones who never were able to shake that off

For me what was hard to figure out was that my parents weren't always right or flawless, and that they were actually really dumb about most things. Also I did not fully realize that my mom was mentally ill until I was 20

>2) I'm not like the other boys. Memery aside I already talked about this a few days ago but I didn't mention that it took me a loooonnnngg time to accept that most people's conception of the world and of life are very different from my own. I'm never really going to understand theirs and they're never really going to understand mine. It's hard to accept this because I guess it forces you to realize just how lonely you really are, but there comes a point when it can't be denied anymore, after you've experienced enough failures in trying to relate to them or establish some sort of connection
But don't you think that's also a good thing

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:36 [Preview] No.51257 del
(170.19 KB 1290x2293 omg big girl bella !!!.jpg)
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(710.18 KB 2500x2500 Hannah Pukis.jpg)
Yeah that's a good realization

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 10:53 [Preview] No.51258 del
I used to love dinosaurs and had a collection of 20 or so plastic dinosaurs. But I also had a bigger autism about excavators. There is a pic that my dad took of me where I sit on the booth thing on one of them
When I was around that age I would often fantasize about becoming a construction worker and burrow all day either by hand or with an excavator

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 14:30 [Preview] No.51259 del
True. Wasn't Doc just talking about this in regards to how doctors diagnose their patients?

40 minutes without stimulation? That's a real vibe killer as the femoids would say.
I was thinking about that happening during the superbowl with TayTay's boyfriend. if he chokes and loses Taylor will almost half to dump him.

It is a low voice, though It seems Portuguese fosters low voices. Did you see that clip of that Audra girl I've been posting? She really sounds like a tranny.

I was a Caterpillar 988 front loader. My dad worked in construction when I was a kid and he told me that was the coolest one. I was also a tow truck for a minute because I had a hotwheesl tow truck with a van front cab that looked cool.

That's a nice moment. Did you ever do anything like that? As a kid I had a big dirt hole I'd play in, and later a big pile of rocks and there was one big flat rock that I could break other rocks against. That was fun.

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:29 [Preview] No.51261 del
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Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:58 [Preview] No.51262 del
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Juicy thinking here.
Those issues come down to "knowing your hardware", and this is not very intuitive and require some experimentation.

Ideally, you will take every possible path and then figure out all the contradictions and then out of that you will have rebuilt your personal belief system as your own, and not something you just believed/copied from others whose intentions, precedence and consequences you do not know.

But that is not really possible to do just with our regular normal way of thinking, it would take more than a whole life.
But here is the thing, that is just a fraction of your hardware power. Would you be able to walk if you had to think about contracting and releasing every single muscle of your body manually? Would you remember to breathe in the correct interval? Did you remember to pump your hearth meanwhile? Etc...
The mind is a ridiculously powerful super computer, doing insane calculations. A lot of it is "specialized" functions, but even those can be explored.
Example: Judith Polgar and her sisters were trained by their fathers to prove a theory that Chess is played by exploiting the facial recognition system of the brain to recognize plays.
It is now recognized that most top players do this, they recognize arrangements of pieces as they recognize the face of a person, and just know by feeling what those plays are/mean/how to respond.

So, trying to keep it simple (3rd rewrite), there are other ways of thinking that take advantage of functions of our brain that make it possible to think in hundreds of those branches at the same time, and solve the contradictions. This is possible because like I said, our thinking is just a fraction of the system.
If you enable other "avatars" of different perspectives to exist in your mind, they will do their own thinking of those branches, and they will debate among themselves the contradictions.

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 18:08 [Preview] No.51263 del
(1.33 MB 720x1280 women moment.mp4)
(250.25 KB 1102x1470 Jessica Henwick.jpeg)
I extra hate women and hippies for latching themselves to important stuff and making it gay.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 18:42 [Preview] No.51264 del
The wipers WORK. High, low, and like 9 levels of intermittent. High tier tech for 1970.

Billions must be enlightened
Funny pepper spray vid. I would have rigged it to not work at all before giving it to her hehe.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:00 [Preview] No.51265 del

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:35 [Preview] No.51266 del
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I was doing some digging on gnosticism/indo-aryan/jewish mysticism spread event in early computer/anime history. Being present in several schizo tabletop rpg books, point click games and VNs (and later animes) of the time. (Its a really long list). Ended up falling on a particularly OOF rabbit hole.
I got into computers and game dev via my older brother, he got into it as a child via a rather polemic teacher activist from italy/brazil called Pierluigi Piazzi. My mom was into him, and followed his advice that getting kids into computing was a better path than brazilian school based on the Paulo Freire positivist educational system model, which is absolutely correct. So she got his books and bought an MSX for my brother.

Piazzi also has a label of book publishing called Aleph (as in, the hebrew letter) that is the only sci-fi and esotericism book publisher in Brazil, and so happens that my copy of Snowcrash is published by him.

I'm now learning that he understood programming as an extension of alchemy and means to expand/open one's mind to become a "learner". Sadly it is all in portuguese, so I can't really deliver all of it. I had this book, it reads very differently now.

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:37 [Preview] No.51267 del
(207.92 KB 1080x1350 Kathryn Newton(38).jpg)
(666.18 KB 2000x3000 Kathryn Newton(33).jpg)
Auto OCR and translated that book intro:

Humanity can be divided into 2 categories.
In fact, anything (humanity included) can always be divided into two categories.
In the particular case of humanity, we could divide it into “men and women” or “young and old” or “poor and rich”, etc.
Personally, I think that every division always carries some prejudiced connotation, but that doesn't mean I stop dividing humanity according to the criterion that is most meaningful to me: “people who like to think and people who don't like to think”.
When I classify someone as a person who “likes to think,” it means they get PLEASURE from using their brain.
This pleasure causes the brain to be used as much as possible and this person usually (but not necessarily) ends up developing a higher level of intelligence.
This implies an even revolutionary concept: intelligence is, within certain limits, an acquired skill.
Furthermore, it is not acquired through painful hours of study but through leisure! People who don't like to think end up developing an undifferentiated intellectual level and limit themselves in their activities, reinforcing a vicious circle and “dumbing down” more and more! These are people who only read out of obligation (and not for pleasure), have fun watching TV or videos, hate programming a computer and only use it as a video game. If, professionally, they are forced to use a computer, they only use “user” programs. friendly” and view the computer as a “black box” whose inner workings are and should continue to be a great mystery.

To serve thousands of users who use their MSX as a stimulus, we gave Martello the task of organizing this collection of programs.
The software we are targeting is that of the readers' brain: what remains in the RAM memory of the micro € that is listed on these pages is a simple pretext.
There is a saying that can be applied to video game players and “executive” users of expensive computers: “Every time something is made that can even be used by an idiot, it will probably only be used by idiots!”.
To escape this growing “idiotization” of humanity, Martello and the other collaborators created the material for this book: if we are losing the fight from a quantitative point of view, from a qualitative point of view we and our readers are winning by far!

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:41 [Preview] No.51268 del
(319.27 KB 1440x1795 Lily Collins(47).jpg)
(367.29 KB 1440x1795 Lily Collins.jpg)
Translated post from someone I was talking about this:

One of the ways to understand an object, a reality, is through analogies with things already known through which visible similarities insinuate the intelligibility of the desired object/reality. A hermetic principle exposed in the Emerald Tablet. It is interesting to note how Pierluigi drew great analogies between the brain/intelligence and software, an analogy that already existed in NLP, and which Pierluigi just reused. But many of these analogies are true, although he ends up exaggerating the analogies, and failing to maintain the appropriate proportions.
I believe that combining Piazzi's techniques with the advice of Sertillanges, Jules Payot, Narciso Irala are extremely effective in transforming any illiterate person into an extremely cultured subject and aware of their own abilities, and see that becoming aware of their own abilities, and for this very reason Feeling the possibility of achieving them and consequently awakening the will already leaves the subject a thousand light years away from most people.
But for this it is necessary to combine a spirituality that, although insinuated in Sertillanges, and Narciso Irala, has not yet become a felt and lived cosmology, if the desired intelligence and culture placed us in the correct ideas, spirituality and the search for Good in everything there is, including your participation and perception in Beauty will give us strength that will make us capable of overcoming any obstacles.
Having an ideal combined with a sense of virtues will unify our intelligence and feelings in the right direction.
There is a book that will give us the correct inspiration for this superhuman ideal: The Envy of Angels. Educate ourselves to such an extent that everything that happens in our consciousness, and every bodily movement is a reflection of a tension of the will that seeks to express beauty, truth, and justice. Every look, every expression, every breath must be like a blow of force against everything that is animalistic and low in us.
This is the ideal, Pierluigi would want this for us, Olavo would want it, let us strive.
Let us draw an analogy with the beauty and intelligence of angels who, although unknowable to us, and purely spiritual beings inspire us with the best in human nature.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 19:54 [Preview] No.51269 del
Interesting revelation.
It does make sense that the people who were (and probably the ones that still are) on the leading edge of computing were more esoteric wizard types than grug warrior types.

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:14 [Preview] No.51270 del
That angle is easy enough, university basements were the holding place of this sort of knowledge since the first one was founded by the church and even before that in Solomon's temple.
When universities invented the internet, the spread event happened in the esoteric alts of the usenet/bbs.
But there is a lot more to it. Snowcrash is precisely about the use of technical language as a tool of mental expansion via analogy, even if its terms of masonry, geometry, metallurgy or in this case, programming. But since computers are closer to human brains, it is the most effective metaphor for self-understanding.

It was interesting to see I had been indirectly influenced by this same movement from the moment I was born. Feels less lonely, somehow.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:20 [Preview] No.51271 del
>Did you ever do anything like that? As a kid I had a big dirt hole I'd play in, and later a big pile of rocks and there was one big flat rock that I could break other rocks against. That was fun.
Yes, all the time, whenever I could. I would often burrow either in the garden. I also had a dirt hole to dig in as well. But also in the nearby forest together with some other kids. We even found some clay several times which was the highlight of our burrowing. Some dudes in suits came by once or twice and said we should stop doing that since this belongs to the city or something (we didn't stop)

>It is a low voice, though It seems Portuguese fosters low voices. Did you see that clip of that Audra girl I've been posting? She really sounds like a tranny.
Was that the one where you all did a whole transvestigation on and came to the conclusion that she is female?

Sounds interesting. I think I agree with everything said there or see it the same way.
I used to think that I was dumb for the longest time, until I started to learn programming in my late 20s and found that it helped me to transform myself in a positive way

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 20:27 [Preview] No.51272 del
If I could start my life over I would just start learning anything computer related and skip school completely and just self teach myself everything through the internet. I don't know why people in poorer countries but still with internet don't just do that

Doc 02/08/2024 (Thu) 22:35 [Preview] No.51273 del
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Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:33 [Preview] No.51275 del
Whoa, 3rd eye. I imagine that means something.

>(we didn't stop)
Hehe, nice.
And yes that's the one we were transvestigating. Doc thinks she's female, and aside from the voice I have no reason to think she isn't.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:36 [Preview] No.51276 del
(127.71 KB 1140x855 matchbox tow van toy.jpg)
Coolest die-cast toy car. It even had a hook and the towing arm was spring loaded

I'll have to read Snowcrash already so I can have something to say about all this other than "whoa that's interesting"

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:13 [Preview] No.51277 del
(74.46 KB 582x710 Caylee Cowan.jpg)
Specifically that is the "Egyptian eye", which is a symbol of the pituitary gland's capacity to access the metaphysical. Doesn't hold any particular satanic connotation by itself unless you are a die hard pact guy.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:59 [Preview] No.51278 del
Hmm. Autumn had a few paintings that reference the 3rd eye/pineal gland.
>Caylee getting more naked
Nice to see. I like those Vietkong hats btw, I bought one and they're very breathable.

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 02:49 [Preview] No.51279 del
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(3.09 MB 1330x1662 Emily Kinney(87).png)
How hard would it be to get a lot of toy cars to etch your shop's number in and hand out to customers? I guess making it nice would be the hard part.

Snowcrash doesn't have any particular super deep writing, its a fun thriller sci-fi thing. It just happens to connect some very strange dots that make a lot of things make sense. In retrospect or working forwards. Which is ironically a lot like what it describes.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 03:13 [Preview] No.51280 del
I left some flamin' hot cheeto flavor pork rinds out for the opossum; so far he hasn't eaten them.
I know he's still around but he won't be my friend.

It wouldn't be so hard I imagine. Maybe use some kind of mini silk screen printing? First I need to open a shop, and make a logo.

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 03:34 [Preview] No.51281 del
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Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 05:45 [Preview] No.51282 del
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This is similar to Olavo de Carvalho's 12 levels of thinking (a bit more well polished tbh). Which is not far off from my own conceptions.

Funny video explains it:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kse87ocS0Uo [Embed]

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:14 [Preview] No.51283 del
lvl 3 is basically my town. probably most of south america sits there to be fair

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:40 [Preview] No.51284 del
One eye covered in this pic as well from that shoot I believe

If you ever get into J. Krishnamurti let me know what you think of him or if what he says aligns with what you think

>And yes that's the one we were transvestigating. Doc thinks she's female, and aside from the voice I have no reason to think she isn't.
Sometimes you think she is a tranny but she isn't. E.g. Mackenzie Davis seems like one to me sometimes but I don't think she is

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:46 [Preview] No.51285 del
>Coolest die-cast toy car. It even had a hook and the towing arm was spring loaded
Did you have that one? I never had a car autism as a child, except I had one mini ferrari testarossa. I only developed a slight car and racing autism when I got Gran Turismo on the PSX, Ridge Racer and the game Formula 1

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:47 [Preview] No.51286 del
while I appreciate that this is so dumbed down that I can understand 80% of it in just one quick pass, it's still not as "dumbed down" as it could be. there are certain paragraphs where almost every word is either a connector or a complex concept from academia. you don't want fewer words, you want something that flows and is not too formal or contrived compared to how someone would express the idea in a casual face to face conversation, or even better, in the context of teaching a child. this is tangentially related to something he said in the video about the variations in skills within one person, pedagogy is probably the one thing I'm best at, and I can tell precisely because I'm almost never content with the way people "simplify" things lol

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:53 [Preview] No.51287 del
>burrow all day either by hand
by hand? were you some sorta autistic mole boy?

show me the dent harvey

can't get a girl, can't get an opossum, what is even the point anymore

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:58 [Preview] No.51290 del
(1.18 MB 1335x849 saveitforparts.png)
It would be another thing to learn from scratch or would need time for but I kind of want try to learn and to understand radio frequencies, antennas and so on. Doing stuff like pic related would be fun
Have any of you ever done anything like this?

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 08:03 [Preview] No.51291 del
I just realized there aren't many Kathryn tongue pics, but she just posted this

>by hand? were you some sorta autistic mole boy?
Hehe no what I meant was by manual work with your hands like with a shovel, etc. That being said burrowing by hand was fun too

I consider all arab, med, asian, hispanic and so on as my white brothers

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 08:07 [Preview] No.51292 del
Iman looks like a gelfling here

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 08:10 [Preview] No.51293 del
damn, I was having fun picturing you as some archetypal cartoonish weird nerd kid, like a character from Recess

>I consider all arab, med, asian, hispanic and so on as my white brothers
fitting that you would say "brothers" because only the men are emigrating to europe lmao

the bangs make her look like a gelfling in literally every new pic. I'll still never not love bangs though

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 09:43 [Preview] No.51294 del
One thing that annoys me is how I would like to form a connection with people on one hand, for example IRL, but also on the internet, and create like a commune or a group of like minded people, but there are so many difficulties with other people and you can never really fully trust others. And even if you did have like 5 people or so whom you fully trust, the more people you bring in, the more difficulties will arise. So, in the end the best thing to do is just to do everything by yourself because you are the only person you can fully trust and rely on.
But the issue with that is that one person can only accomplish so much at once

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 09:52 [Preview] No.51295 del
I don't mind living by myself, but with a groupf capable people you could accomplish many cool things or ideas. But finding people who want to do the same things as you might be another issue
For example Sylvie was talking about this in her latest vid that she will organize a meet up. I imagine the people who go there are all on a similar wave length and are "like minded" through watching her videos consistently. So in her case this brings together people of a certain ideal or mindset

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 09:56 [Preview] No.51296 del
Generally, people work together because they are forced to work together, like in an office they work for a company. But if there was a group of like minded people working for the same goal, and they were actually motivated to accomplish these goals, it would be much more efficient because the people would actually want to do it

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 10:00 [Preview] No.51297 del
(710.18 KB 2500x2500 Hannah Pukis.jpg)
For a company, the company's owners and shareholders are the benefactors of the work of the people working for it. And the goal is always money, power, etc.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 10:10 [Preview] No.51298 del
there is a lot of nuance to trust. it's true that you can never FULLY trust anyone, but you can usually trust some people to not do 99.9% of the bad things they could potentially do to you. however those few trustworthy people wouldn't necessarily share all of your interests or want to work for/with you. I think the deciding factor is whether there is rapport between you and those people. That chart Doc posted is very relevant to this - notice how scummy people like politicians, CEOs and bankers help each other out all the time, even across parties and borders, because they all share essentially the same worldview that makes them predators trying to "win" the game they perceive life as. Whenever I've come across people that "get it" irl (that one woman from night school, dreadlocks girl also from night school) I immediately trusted them almost completely. I also trust you guys (except for the central european untermensch)

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 10:33 [Preview] No.51299 del
also just because they do have rapport with you doesn't mean they haven't done questionable or downright bad things to other people that they didn't have rapport with in the past. not really relevant in most cases, but it's still worth pointing out

so what exactly do you want to do?

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 10:57 [Preview] No.51300 del
I don't think it's surprising that there would be little to no empathy between people living multiple levels apart. Look at it this way. I unfortunately know many level 3 stone age hunters in this town, as I have complained about multiple times before. These people for the most part are NOT harmless. They cheat, steal (A LOT) and I'd be surprised if they hadn't raped a girl or two by spiking their drinks. Now, practically every other day I eat a meal that includes meat. Most of the time it's cow meat or pig meat, sometimes lamb or chicken. All domesticated, docile, peaceful, perhaps even "sweet" species. If I don't feel (that) bad about eating them why tf would I care what happens to some random darkie or politician? Not to mention that they probably see me as little more than easy prey because I have values and principles and whatnot

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 10:59 [Preview] No.51301 del
>spiking their drinks
What drugs do they use? I'm just curious

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 11:00 [Preview] No.51302 del
>so what exactly do you want to do?
I could write a big wall of text about this but rather to keep it brief
With the whole world becoming less free, to form a group of like minded people who are concerned with all this and with the goal in mind to work together to help each other out as best as they can. Ideally it would be a group of people of different professions and talents or skills, but generally it would have to be the type of person that enjoys constant learning about new topics, the world and enjoys learning to understand and to gain insight, to improve himself and to become a better person. It can't be people who are selfish, greedy, egotistic, and so on. Interest in technical things would be good. Sometimes I see people who could be that type for example this guy >>51290
I don't have one particular thing I would want to do, although I could name a bunch of different things, but if you brought together a group of like minded, smart individuals, they could come up with some good ideas on how to deal with how the world currently is and what the world is changing into. A group like that would also bring out the best in each other and help to elevate the others in certain ways. For example there could be people who are brilliant at math or programming, but have no clue about finances and economics, and if they were brought together they could accomplish something that would create money for the group. Or some people might not be good at social things, but have some ideas that require social skills. People can learn different skills from the others that they themselves don't possess and generally uplift each other

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 11:08 [Preview] No.51303 del
Also I know this would be a very politically incorrect thing to say in lower IQ environments but thankfully you guys don't watch Netflix shows: There's definitely a high degree of correlation between "awareness" and "wisdom" and just plain old IQ scores. Sorry not sorry. I had their best ever average in night school, my friend with the unfortunate chromosomes had the second best ever average. Dreadlocks girl rarely attended class but she was always (faultlessly) the first to hand in exams and never got scored lower than a 10. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 11:23 [Preview] No.51304 del
Speaking of which, there's no way the ashkenazi jews are the ooga booga money hunters they pretend to be. They're too high up in sam hyde's staircase for that. Maybe they choose to live life that way deliberately as some sort of logical exercise - if we (or at least our bodies) live in a physical realm then it follows that just for that simple reason, one should aim to make that material existence as pleasant as possible, even at the expense of others, but there must necessarily be a lot more than that to their belief system. Also I can think of a couple other hypotheses as to why so many of them prefer to focus on making money like any random pleb would (while obviously being more successful at it) as opposed to choosing more "interesting" or subversive lifestyles, but it's way too late now and I gotta sleep sooner or later I'm gonna get a stroke if I don't

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 14:26 [Preview] No.51305 del
(122.46 KB 877x1080 freya-allan_0338.jpg)
(7.13 MB 1080x1920 Clara Galle.mp4)

Correct on the view they maximize life on both material and spiritual. And they are playing the game with cheats when doing the "evil" things to achieve that doesn't necessarily have the mental consequences it has for lower plebs.
But most of them are utter midwits that fall for their own material tricks. Specially "secular" jews.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 15:19 [Preview] No.51306 del
I did, that caused my tow truck phase when I was 3 or 4.
Very nice screencap

Neat. I've seen that guy go through other charts but this one is new to me. Highest I've been is level 7 I think. Also I'm realizing that many more people than I assumed are at lower levels. Even though they can use a lot of big words and assemble them well, their process is still "use the right symbols/mouth sounds = get what I want from the others"

I'm level 3 when I have to go outside. The "darkies stay away or I'll stab you" mode. When I'm shitposting here I get to go higher.

Is she part north african? Nice butt pic. She's pretty but I wouldn't give up my +1 to Agartha to her.

>fitting that you would say "brothers" because only the men are emigrating to europe lmao

Looks cool. I've never done anything like that. My most ambitious thing is to make a spark gap radio jammer (jk feds I would never do that)

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 15:40 [Preview] No.51307 del
Not having empathy for other levels makes a lot of sense (and I relate personally). You eat cows, jews exploit goyim, it's not so different.
Call it low level, but my view is that prospering on a physical level is not something that can be ignored or passed over. Basically don't let yourself get psyopped into letting the jews run the world forever just because you reached a higher level on a .png chart than they did. I'm fine with letting Moche Twinkleblatz be more enlightened while I own the building he lives in and all the surplus of the energy he expends goes to me.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 15:49 [Preview] No.51308 del
How did I not notice how muscular Clara's legs are until now

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:00 [Preview] No.51309 del
(891.96 KB 1152x1441 Clara Galle(36).jpeg)
It is a new development.

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:04 [Preview] No.51310 del
(312.11 KB 720x1242 1706997618202424.jpg)
The trick is while you should have the best material experience possible, DO NOT IMMANENTIZE THE ESCHATON, and confuse the immaterial with the material and try to satisfy your immaterial wants in the material world as they do. Your material self does not need a genetically engineered human cow to drink milk from, your immaterial self does not need to have power to shape DNA to feel unconstrained, he can be unconstrained in his own fucking world.

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:19 [Preview] No.51312 del
(1.81 MB 2208x2944 dawn willow (1).jpg)
(1.60 MB 2208x2944 dawn willow (2).jpg)
Since we are having a fun time, lets talk about this kind of shit:

Magik systems, initiatory cults, thelema, kabbalah and every other esoteric system.

They are crap. Why are they crap?
Due to the nature of the mind, there is an inherent operational system with concepts and mechanisms to it, which is shared by all. But that system is inherently too complex for language, and it is simplified down. Like you have assembler -> C++ -> Phython (and it will only get more similar as we develop A.I programming itself), etc... simplifications written with simplification written with simplifications, until we reach our verbal language and how we talk about these things.
Those magic systems try to access that inherent operational system, but they are only "emulations" of it, that affect only the people running those emulators, and no matter how accurate they portray the inherent system, it is still a bubble, and it even keeps them from ever exploring the real system.
Even literal programming languages, math, chemistry, geometry and such are better complex languages to think about these things and explore them via metaphor than those magic systems.

For instance, when one of those systems tells you "you have to distill this idea", it is borrowing from Alchemical language. But reading those guides, you will never "comprehend" the abstract concept of distillation.
Only via practice of or observation of chemistry you learn exactly what is a distillation, and can use that abstract concept on other things.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:20 [Preview] No.51313 del
>power to shape DNA to feel unconstrained
My material self wants that. Like the meme pyramid says, I need to satisfy the basics.


Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:29 [Preview] No.51314 del
(162.14 KB 720x1080 shirogane-sama-1_2100.jpg)
This is why they have such a need to spread their symbolism, in order to run that emulation in more people and gain more power.
Wereas, a system like Sufism rejects words and is entirely based on experiences, and this is why it rules over jewish mysticism among the elite.
But it has very little effect on the masses.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:43 [Preview] No.51315 del
>150mb of Gorillaz album cover art
Ah geez. I'll read on this throughout the day.

>This is why they have such a need to spread their symbolism, in order to run that emulation in more people
I'm not sure what symbolism you're referring to here. Pyramids?
The latter part makes sense. Words are easy to spread, especially in the current year, they can be copied infinitely. Experiences are much more powerful but much harder to share. Reminds me of a saying I like; "if they won't see the light, make them feel the heat"
Musk's NeuralLink seems to be a step towards digitizing experiences. (probably a bad thing)

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 16:50 [Preview] No.51316 del
(231.88 KB 1243x1157 Emma Myers(91).jpeg)
Words are just the end point. Before them you have images, then sensations, etc...
Lets say "freedom", there is an inherent true representation of it in your mind that is primal, it was inherited from your biology and maybe from the nature of the universe itself (if not beyond it).
If you look inwards and deal with that concept/feeling, you will have one or more different visual symbolic representations of it. None of those forms is the real form, but they all contain some of the real form. The real form is the full comprehension/experience of what is freedom, unbound by time or words.

If they can make you see their symbol of freedom when you look in, they can shift its meaning/comprehension.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 17:24 [Preview] No.51317 del
What you mean is "the word is not the thing"?

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 17:26 [Preview] No.51318 del
>Looks cool. I've never done anything like that. My most ambitious thing is to make a spark gap radio jammer (jk feds I would never do that)
Reminds me of this vid I saw recently
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0zSKSiJbVqw [Embed]

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 17:37 [Preview] No.51319 del
(119.84 KB 1080x1079 isabela-merced_0406.jpg)
Yes, but symbols are necessarily a step in between the words and the thing. Not only symbols, but archetypes too.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 18:54 [Preview] No.51320 del
Very interesting. I've "known", you could say, about that sort of language trickery, but to talk about it the idea becomes more solid for me.
I think people who don't have the "mind's eye" are more easily tricked by this sort of thing. They can't imagine their own apple, so when someone describes an apple for him, he is amazed. Like you were exactly saying, if you find someone with no idea of "freedom" you can give them your idea of it easily.

Will watch later. It looks cool.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 19:38 [Preview] No.51321 del
Just when you thought it was gone

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:27 [Preview] No.51322 del
(316.17 KB 1080x1350 Kiernan Shipka(83).jpeg)
(79.63 KB 640x1080 isabela-merced_0193.jpg)

Doc 02/09/2024 (Fri) 22:48 [Preview] No.51323 del
(1.77 MB 480x480 emiru (1).mp4)
(1.71 MB 480x640 emiru (2).mp4)
(17.34 MB 720x1080 emiru (3).mp4)

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 01:02 [Preview] No.51324 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BXLYayeJ1Fk [Embed]
New AnnAnn, and I was in fact drinking an energy drink at the time

That 2nd pic is a good one

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 03:33 [Preview] No.51326 del
https://parabrisas.perfil.com/noticias/novedades/asi-sera-la-version-suv-del-nuevo-fiat-uno.phtml I like it for what it is 🤷‍♂️ certainly a lot better than the modern 500 which I've never understood the hype about. it's still toy-like but at least it isn't an incoherent, messy, ugly design

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 03:57 [Preview] No.51327 del
Are those not just renderings?
But yeah It's unique and not it a bad way.

How was your Friday? Any better than the other days?

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 04:58 [Preview] No.51328 del
yes but I trust that source. mostly

>How was your Friday? Any better than the other days?
not really no, my keyboard broke, it registers multiple key presses with certain keys. I hope some contact cleaner will fix it tomorrow otherwise I'm screwed

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 05:09 [Preview] No.51329 del
Oh nice. Want me to post the alphabet so you have all the letters to copy and paste?

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 05:30 [Preview] No.51330 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=nvMcFQqhbpM [Embed]
For the Hungary man

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 05:31 [Preview] No.51331 del
kill yourself

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 05:52 [Preview] No.51332 del
If the cleaning spray doesn't work I can send you that crypto

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 06:07 [Preview] No.51333 del
I just fucking fixed it. jfc thank god

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 06:11 [Preview] No.51334 del
turns out the "4" key was stuck even though it didn't look stuck at all. the funny part is that apparently this brand has a recurring issue with the number 4. the only reason I realized what was happening was that I was reading reviews of keyboards I could potentially (not) buy and one of them was from this brand and someone who wrote a 1 star review complained that the 4 key got stuck. I pressed it on my keyboard and suddenly everything was back to normal again. Well not everything, the built in scroll wheel has been broken for several months lol

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 06:16 [Preview] No.51335 del
the brand is called "klipxtreme" they're based in Miami (most likely latinxs) but all their products are cheap chinese crap. they're present in the US and Brazil apparently. avoid them at all costs. the mouse that came with this keyboard lasted all of two months. their products have pretty/niche designs but they're UGLY ON THE INSIDE

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 06:35 [Preview] No.51337 del
(190.02 KB 1080x1350 bbq tongue.jpg)
Will do. I'm glad it is working now.


Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 06:58 [Preview] No.51338 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RXqbCoVgWdo [Embed] just one click is all it takes and then you can tell everybody you know irl that you listen to hispanic post-punk with norwegian black metal influences. even if they were talking about the weather

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 07:05 [Preview] No.51339 del
>ex president of panama reportedly corrupt
isn't that kind of panama's thing? like their whole raison d'etre? this is kind of like if I acted surprised that the president of the congo has dark skin

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:05 [Preview] No.51340 del
She has a feminine body and she is smol but her voice is so tomboyish; It's a funny contrast

Nice tongue. How long until tongues become a worldwide fetish because of this tongue out meme

post punk with BM is not a bad combo
I like this word

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:15 [Preview] No.51341 del
surely you appreciate this part at least? there is NO WAY anyone who's even slightly into melodic electric guitars doesn't

>hot neoteny gf
you can only choose one...

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 09:23 [Preview] No.51342 del
(23.23 MB 576x1024 mellow magnet.mp4)

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 09:44 [Preview] No.51343 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7_6OmPbuXYg [Embed] the algorithm is acting up again

Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 14:55 [Preview] No.51345 del
(95.43 KB 867x1080 Kathryn Newton(29).jpg)
(299.48 KB 1080x1350 Kiernan Shipka(1).jpeg)

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 15:47 [Preview] No.51346 del
>How long until tongues become a worldwide fetish because of this tongue out meme
I hope it stays underground so women won't withhold it

Is that from something you've linked before? I do like it.

>cucked out of 30 seconds of driving by the faulty clutch safety switch
it's over


Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 20:24 [Preview] No.51348 del
(2.31 MB 720x1280 22_11_2022.mp4)
(79.75 KB 400x604 Karen Gillan(93).jpg)
(91.06 KB 483x604 Karen Gillan(90).jpg)
(192.77 KB 607x1080 Karen Gillan(87).jpg)

Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 20:37 [Preview] No.51349 del
(381.44 KB 1421x2000 shiro.jpg)
Impressive cosplaying.

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:01 [Preview] No.51350 del
I wonder how it looks without the processing. Still impressive though, it's not easy to make things look that clean.

Hot red giant

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:23 [Preview] No.51351 del
Another week of successfully sneaking old cans of oil based paint into my city trash cans

Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:32 [Preview] No.51352 del
(120.43 KB 606x1080 shiroganesama_0014.jpg)
(109.39 KB 810x1080 shiroganesama_0012.jpg)
(127.35 KB 810x1080 shiroganesama_0013.jpg)
Are they supposed to be disposed as chemicals or something?

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 21:44 [Preview] No.51353 del
Yeah. There's a long list of things I'm not supposed to throw away. So lame.

Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:14 [Preview] No.51354 del
(1002.92 KB 750x748 Katelyn Nacon(101).png)
Finally got through the level design hassle I was having. Now polishing.

Doc 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:51 [Preview] No.51355 del
(205.71 KB 1080x1350 Jodelle Ferland.jpeg)
Here is your new Jodelle for the year, ration it well.

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 23:57 [Preview] No.51356 del
you should hide a bunch of My Little Pony collectible dolls in every level. Also add sports cars that go really fast

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 01:29 [Preview] No.51358 del
Comfy room

She has a top tier smile.
Congrats on the progress. Today I sharpened some knives and got my brakes bled and adjusted as well as possible. They still suck but the fix is to do the upgrades I have planned, at least they are safe-ish now.

And machineguns and big boobs and gambling

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 01:57 [Preview] No.51359 del
On the subject of computers as metaphors for the mind, here's some cool facts:
Most people assume "machine language", assembler, is the lowest level.
While the whole processor does work with binary transistors on a low level, If you try to program a modern computer in machine code, you will only be accessing a higher level where it interfaces with the common architecture (be it x86, ARM, Risc, etc...).
All modern processors are designed by algorithm (not quite A.I in most cases, but some use neural networks) and have a massive inaccessible and barely comprehensible structure, that then translates its output to the known architecture machine code.
You can only communicate with it indirectly.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 02:07 [Preview] No.51360 del
I saw a video about the magnetic bead ROM used in the Apollo missions or some shit and it was impressively complex to me, and now computer stuff is 10000x more complex and compacted. I can't imagine.

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 02:46 [Preview] No.51361 del
(233.14 KB 980x1225 Margaret Qualley(97).jpeg)
This is as low as you can comprehend.

There's some things unexplained, that are down to quantum stuff, how magnets work and all. But the mechanics of it are not too hard.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 02:52 [Preview] No.51362 del
(447.58 KB 1562x1513 2611.jpg)
How do people make the stuff if it's all so unexplained?

I also remember watching some guy use a computer he made in minecraft from redstone blocks. That was neat.

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 03:01 [Preview] No.51363 del
(100.90 KB 864x1080 shiroganesama_0011.jpg)
You don't have to fully understand something to use it, it just works.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 03:17 [Preview] No.51364 del
Chairba bros I don't feel so good

I was thinking about designing the stuff.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 03:20 [Preview] No.51365 del
So I'm 99% sure Costco sells the info about what I buy to Meta.
I bought some pretzels today and an hour later I see an advert for that brand of pretzels on instagram, and I didn't use my own credit card, the only thing tying me to the pretzels is the Costco membership card.

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 03:48 [Preview] No.51366 del
(186.88 KB 1080x1350 Maya Hawke(102).jpg)
We know how to work with semi-conductors, but we didn't knew much of WHY they worked. Now we understand quite a lot of why, but not all of it. As the scale of processors gets smaller, this becomes more relevant because they don't work as consistently, being closer to atom sizes.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:07 [Preview] No.51367 del
It is curious how you would make a switch out of like 6 atoms.
Speaking of manipulating atoms, I was reading a bit about how monocrystal metals are made, basically they cool the molten metal in such a way, starting with the base of a pigtail shape, so it cools in a totally uniform atomic structure and it makes for better turbine blades. Neat stuff. I wonder if the way it works with nickel superalloys is similar to how it works with those pretty rainbow bismuth crystals.

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:16 [Preview] No.51368 del
(193.26 KB 607x1080 Karen Gillan(86).jpg)
Ye, been thinking about the massive boom there will be once we can do metallurgy in space. More specifically, I was stuck thinking of the Inconel paradox. Inconel being the ideal heat shield for re-entries, but too heavy to rocket into space.

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:19 [Preview] No.51369 del
(267.16 KB 864x1080 Karen Gillan(96).jpg)
(412.40 KB 1280x960 Karen Gillan(89).jpg)
(150.11 KB 360x1080 Karen Gillan(88).jpg)
Space has all sorts of benefits for metallurgy. From "zero G" to heat having nowhere to escape so you can control cooling speeds without wasting as much energy.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:27 [Preview] No.51370 del

It's better than that cool silica foam? I know it's good for high-end exhaust tubing.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:29 [Preview] No.51371 del
I have run into dire straits and I could use a soldering iron now

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 04:53 [Preview] No.51372 del
Ah man. A nail held by pliers and a source to heat it can work.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:01 [Preview] No.51373 del
its fine I taped it back together but its still doing the thing where it types nearby keys on its own

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:08 [Preview] No.51374 del
(74.04 KB 850x1017 1704893615637.jpg)
Based on that stripe of rubber hoelding the flex, I assume your keyboard is one of those big flex plastic sheet 3 ply kind of keyboards like mine.
Mine (a nice dell) had that same issue for a while, and it took a lot to fix it.
Basically, its dirt or moisture or both. You will have to pull out the sheets, gently rub every inch of it inside out and inside out and inside out with some alcohol (70%+ better) until its fucking immaculate, and blow it dry with a cool fan until it is completely and utterly dry. Only then it will behave.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:24 [Preview] No.51376 del
work? cant I just beg lizbro for a new one?

there are definitely still some crumbs in there but moisture is the most likely culprit. not from anything I spilled but just from the environment. its been disgustingly humid these last couple days, to the point that you could flap your arms and make instant rain. I doubt this keyboard was designed with rainforest tier weather in mind

some blonde people are secretly hairier than your average arab

Doc 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:36 [Preview] No.51377 del
Put a silica pack in it if you can.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:38 [Preview] No.51378 del
(3.52 MB 320x240 738989459.gif)

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:56 [Preview] No.51379 del
I would rather you buy van parts with any begging money

Nice pantsu

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 08:37 [Preview] No.51380 del
(2.32 MB 576x1024 2ko14e4k49.mp4)
who tf are you to tell me what I should spend MY money on

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 09:29 [Preview] No.51381 del
yeah it's from >>51197

was your life on that list haha jk

wdym intel has had atom processors for years

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 10:14 [Preview] No.51382 del
you know it used be that in these rural areas not too far from Buenos Aires you'd find all sorts of interesting mammals, like skunks or armadillos, a wide variety of reptiles and amphibians, and every possible color of butterfly, as well as plenty of fireflies during the night. That's what it was like when I'd come here for school breaks when I was a kid. Nowadays all the pretty animals are gone and in their place there are a lot more new species of ugly, large, creepy bugs. It's like even the countryside is turning increasingly dystopian, I'm sure Monsanto has nothing to do with it though

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 14:29 [Preview] No.51384 del
(151.53 KB 1080x1350 tongue 2.jpg)
(117.99 KB 1080x1080 cybertruck towing.jpg)
1,193 wh/mile, when compared to the raw energy value of a gallon of diesel, is 34.11 miles/gallon when towing. (unless I did the math wrong)
Really good efficiency but hydrocarbon fuel still mogs with it's energy density.

Girls do be shopping. Cute dress.

I know China is like that because the Chinese eat all the other fauna. Maybe it's Monsanto I'm sure they're doing 1000 nefarious things every day.

My life was in the trash from the beginning, I just try to ignore it.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 14:49 [Preview] No.51385 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LjzQ2QaJq00 [Embed]
Cup walkers BTFO
Look at that heat distortion, and imagine welding something 4 times when you could just do it once. But hey at least you get the fancy swirl finish that's surely worth all the trouble.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 20:09 [Preview] No.51388 del
>Cole Sprouse height: 6'
>Kathryn Newton height: 5'5"

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 20:46 [Preview] No.51390 del
Mr. Sprouse is a big fat liar

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:17 [Preview] No.51392 del
Cute. She reminds me of that Grace girl you used to post.

The people love the number 6

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:21 [Preview] No.51393 del
(1.78 MB 3000x2000 Riverdale promo pic.jpg)
Flanked by Camilla Mendez at 5'2" and Lili Reinhart at 5'6"
I have too much time on my hands

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:39 [Preview] No.51394 del
Dude is about my height, maybe an inch shorter, and I certainly don't feel the need to lie about it. Granted men are shorter around here but it's not like his peers in Manletwood are particularly tall either

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:41 [Preview] No.51395 del
I guess it's understandable to some degree because his career is based on his looks. But that lie doesn't hold up to the slightest scrutiny he should've said he was 5' 10, just add an inch or two, wear shoes with thick soles and leave that matter behind you lol

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:44 [Preview] No.51396 del
If I wasn't knock kneed and had better posture I'd probably be pretty close to the 6' mark. My dad is 6' 1. No point in crying about that stuff though also height matters but that's not my problem with women at all the problem is they're NASTY FUCKING WHORES and I don't want a nasty fucking whore with me I'm the picky one not them

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:45 [Preview] No.51397 del
sorry for the repeat I misclicked... mistapped? Is that a word? I'm on my phone

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:54 [Preview] No.51398 del
She looks so ethereal in that beige dress

The cybertruck honestly seems like a pretty cool product to me 🤷‍♂️ I don't like the body design that much and it's too minimalistic for me in general but I never understood why it gets so much hate. Must be SJWs who just hate Musk... Even though he makes precisely the same kind of vehicles they're always shilling and begging for more of. That's leftoids for you. The cybertruck does what it's designed to do well from what I've seen

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 22:15 [Preview] No.51399 del
I like it too. The style is cool imo and the stainless body is a nice feature. I wouldn't buy one, even if I had the money, but that's my own autism (plus I'm poor). I haven't seen much but the cybertruck doesn't seem any shittier than any other vehicle made in 2024.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 00:12 [Preview] No.51400 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TbQ0hWbxuzw [Embed]

Dem eyebrows. Mama mia!

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 01:37 [Preview] No.51401 del
(6.18 MB 3000x4500 Florence Pugh(40).jpeg)
It is pretty questionable in reliability, safety and many other issues.
The chassi has "getting bent" issues (some ford trucks do too, but most pickups don't), and the crash tests are oof.

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 01:38 [Preview] No.51402 del
It's also not very practical, you can't really load it up without risking breaking the back glass, and so on and so forth.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 01:39 [Preview] No.51403 del
Is the chassis itself stainless or just the outer body?

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 01:57 [Preview] No.51404 del
Just the outer body.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DnsvsF6HzY0 [Embed]

Not saying they didn't improve a lot of things the industry had just been stuck in inertia on, like the whole wire rig foolishness, etc... but they are noobies in this particular market and it shows. It didn't even have an option to disable diferential lock.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 02:08 [Preview] No.51405 del
lel, I thought they were just going to use individual motors instead of a locking diff

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 02:39 [Preview] No.51406 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TeqE1kOO3dE [Embed]
Dat input lag

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 03:55 [Preview] No.51407 del

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 03:56 [Preview] No.51408 del
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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 05:17 [Preview] No.51409 del
The fuck why is Hideo so fat looking?
I heard somewhere that suburbs in Israel look exactly like that. Very coincidental that the US suburbs would have a similar look.

pls explain coconut one

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 06:38 [Preview] No.51410 del
Tbf that goes for all modern vehicles pretty much. they've been getting less and less utilitarian over the years.

yeah I never understood this about new cars in general. We've had fast capacitive buttons for how long now? This should not be an issue but somehow it is. Also they're still putting super weak chips in the media systems of a lot of new cars, up until recently the screen not being as laggy as one of the very first Android phones was a big selling point

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 06:39 [Preview] No.51411 del
dammit I have committed repost again

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:29 [Preview] No.51412 del
(6.29 MB 576x1024 9294545451.mp4)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EOgOLfz_q6o [Embed] this one has a great intro

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:43 [Preview] No.51414 del
They started to undress.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:44 [Preview] No.51415 del
(1.82 MB 576x1024 192392845.mp4)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TQexrHR_QNo [Embed] I wish I could be half as joyful and carefree as terrorism asmr man

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 10:54 [Preview] No.51416 del
(42.46 MB 1280x720 konvent.mp4)
sara norregaard looks so fucking good in this concert absolutely blessed aesthetics

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 14:03 [Preview] No.51417 del
(1.25 MB 1080x1918 yakub science.jpg)
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(208.83 KB 1079x1275 big boob pasta model.jpg)
Sorry to make you watch that whole damn video. I wanted to link to the part about the steer by wire. I complain, but this is probably a good feature as it keeps the pudgy techbros who buy this vehicle from making dumb steering inputs that would upset the truck at speed. Racing videogames do this when you play with a controller. You can whip the steering joystick maximum left but the game won't have the car turn full lock, it knows what a reasonable steering input would be for the speed and lets you go a little bit past that.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TeqE1kOO3dE [Embed]

Is that the weather reporter?

I like the instrumentals all through the song. Nice one.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 14:06 [Preview] No.51418 del
(25.90 KB 770x424 i posta da link.JPG)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TeqE1kOO3dE [Embed]

Bruh this fucking website. 11 minutes 48 seconds

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 14:28 [Preview] No.51419 del
(67.88 KB 973x541 what-to-wear.png)
>Is that the weather reporter?
No. One of the weather report website features a "what to wear today" illustration next to the predictions.
I opened the last thread here with these, I thought periodically post an update how it goes.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 14:50 [Preview] No.51420 del
Oh yeah, that's what I was thinking of.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 15:10 [Preview] No.51421 del
>tfw today is Ed Sheeran day

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 17:12 [Preview] No.51422 del
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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 17:34 [Preview] No.51423 del
Gm. Here's that "girl" we been talking about

Cute jungle gorl

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 17:41 [Preview] No.51424 del
(281.97 KB 1440x1799 Florence Pugh(51).jpg)
(6.18 MB 3000x4500 Florence Pugh(40).jpeg)

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 18:07 [Preview] No.51425 del
"Xer, could I see your genitals? The homies and I have to know"

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 18:45 [Preview] No.51427 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=64rQNqK_6PE [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=P2O8KCmVjU0 [Embed]
Tfw don't have one of these in my room

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 19:21 [Preview] No.51428 del
(98.25 KB 1038x1467 Isabela Moner (1)(4).jpg)
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Genital gatcha.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 21:49 [Preview] No.51429 del
(2.02 MB 576x1024 61923113.mp4)
>walk into grocery store to buy bread
>there's a girl there
>pale ginger, cute disney princess nose, could be any age from 13 to 23, black hoodie black sweatpants and black sneakers, wearing over ear headphones almost as big as her head
my people. I should've followed her home. maybe her dad would've shot me but what is there to lose at this point? at least it would be an honest death

can't say I didn't tell ya

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:41 [Preview] No.51430 del
I didn't even care anyway OKAY! Dang neanderthal lookin ass male, no upper lip.

The girl sounds cute. Maybe follow her a little, she might go to a different store where you could make your move.

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:28 [Preview] No.51431 del
(96.09 KB 864x1080 milly-alcock_0397.jpg)
Was he tucking in?

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:41 [Preview] No.51432 del
I see two problems with the approach you suggest
1) I have no such "moves"
2) I honestly could not tell what her age was

Milly is a little sus too you know

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:41 [Preview] No.51433 del
Must have been. All the evidence I had I already posted

Doc 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:43 [Preview] No.51434 del
(238.21 KB 1174x1317 i4xplt34kgib1.jpg)
How can we know she is not padding now?

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:45 [Preview] No.51435 del
Well if you're prepared to die then you have more options than the normal man

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:47 [Preview] No.51436 del
We can't, but that seems like a less likely thing to see.
If I find anything out I'll let you guys know lol

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:48 [Preview] No.51437 del
point taken

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 23:54 [Preview] No.51438 del
do they know I could just wipe my hard drives before Interpol gets in? free $800k

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 01:40 [Preview] No.51439 del
(1.13 MB 480x854 halcy (4).mp4)
(48.89 KB 640x798 Ella Purnell.jpeg)
Now I have time to finish writing the story.

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 01:43 [Preview] No.51440 del
(285.71 KB 1080x1350 Emily Rudd(91).jpeg)
I'm testing A.I interpolators for upscaling/smoothing the videos I will show of the game, since my hardware can't handle it in higher quality.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 02:34 [Preview] No.51441 del
Almost started a fire while welding in my shop. Luckily I noticed the smoke before an actual flame erupted. Classic welder move.

Nice. I guess most of the superbowl commercials were using AI images in some way.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:17 [Preview] No.51442 del

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:21 [Preview] No.51443 del
(205.50 KB 736x920 McKenna Grace(93).jpeg)
Hahahaha, boomers say the darnest things.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:27 [Preview] No.51444 del
What would you do with one?

Yeah hehe. If only he didn't get so distracted by the crowd. Stay on target!

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:34 [Preview] No.51445 del
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I have officially reached my lowest point. cucked by the weeping goy

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:36 [Preview] No.51446 del
Idk if there's something wrong with my brain but I'm having one of those nights where I feel horrible and everything seems bad and wrong. There's zero trust for people, zero hope for the future, zero reasons to try. Not that I usually have a lot of each of those things but sometimes it feels way worse for some reason. Probably brain chemistry

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:47 [Preview] No.51447 del
(13.51 MB 1080x1920 newt (3).mp4)
(199.86 KB 1290x2293 Kathryn Newton(45).jpg)
(193.50 KB 1290x2293 Kathryn Newton(35).jpg)
Find some of the issues that are weighting on you, not the deepest darkest shit, but more draining of your mental resources.
Write them down and ask/wish for your unconscious to solve them for you, promise yourself to unburden yourself from dealing with those issues at least for today if not tomorrow.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:00 [Preview] No.51448 del
Good advice. I appreciate it. I think that's more or less what I've been trying to do just now except mentally, I didn't write anything down. But essentially the same idea yeah

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:01 [Preview] No.51449 del
(4.37 MB 576x1024 81383845.mp4)
Also it's actually cold now to the point that I had to close all the windows, so I can drink tea. Tea is good for the soul it's better than 90% of the stuff doctors would have you take

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:25 [Preview] No.51450 del
The logo is his goofy hair lol

That sounds comfy. Enjoying small things like that is what helps me, mostly because it's all I get 99% of the time.
Not that you asked, but I think your condition is caused by paying too much attention to the world while living in Argentina.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:29 [Preview] No.51451 del
(12.24 MB 576x1024 913454512.mp4)
I'd definitely be out there making money and hanging out with my real life friends on weekends if I was capable of either of those things

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:40 [Preview] No.51452 del
(10.15 MB 576x1024 145821313.mp4)
I'm effectively bunkering down until renting out properties becomes a viable business again. That doesn't mean I'm not profoundly embarrassed that I rely on my parents even beyond having inherited said properties, but sadly that's as good as it gets for any of us right now I think. Sure I could just lay down on the train tracks and end it all but there is also the matter of my little sister who's probably going to need help, plus I don't really think things are going to get worse, I'm pretty sure this is rock bottom (both for me and for the real estate market). So I'm going to wait it out. I don't necessarily see suicide as an unforgivable act nobody should ever do regardless of their circumstances, but I'm not some retarded woke "euthanasia" shill either, and I'm not going to kill myself just because I'm currently poor

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 04:53 [Preview] No.51453 del
Going face down in defense position seems reasonable. You better not kys, who would I shitpost with? Also you need to be here for the Jules/Jayden reunion

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 05:17 [Preview] No.51454 del
(822.54 KB 735x789 please wait.png)
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Bad times are good for doing inner stuff, like how LotR was written during the war and such.
I'm a bit divided with the perspective of bad times ahead because I did my time of confinement and was just trying to come out to play now, and to some extent will continue to play my chips regardless, but its a bad timing and I'm getting old. But its not really a big loss, my early meanderings on normie world were unimpressive.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.51456 del
Me too. that's definitely how I'm going to picture Doc from now on

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 05:49 [Preview] No.51457 del
Doc the sassy hacker girl from the detective show

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 06:53 [Preview] No.51460 del
>What would you do with one?
I don't even know. You could probably do a lot of cool stuff with it. Maybe it could assemble one of itself so I get more robot arms. and then they could mass produce robot girls after that.
How do they even work, do they have a camera built in for object recognition?

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 07:00 [Preview] No.51461 del
>I'm a bit divided with the perspective of bad times ahead because I did my time of confinement and was just trying to come out to play now, and to some extent will continue to play my chips regardless, but its a bad timing and I'm getting old. But its not really a big loss, my early meanderings on normie world were unimpressive.
I feel similar.
I feel as though I am just seeing the world for the first time and my previous time was from a former life or something like it. It seems so distant and far away from me, and I don't have much of a connection to it anymore
But I am also not so young anymore and I realized I need to make use of the time I have left. It is bad timing in the sense that world war 3 and so on is ahead, but it can also be an interesting challenge

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 07:08 [Preview] No.51462 del
If worst comes to worst you can all join my commune in the mountains here and live there until ww3 has passed

That's the italian right wing woman politician, right? I think she also had a lot of promises and words, but it not uphold most of them, no?

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 08:03 [Preview] No.51464 del
>If worst comes to worst you can all join my commune in the mountains here and live there until ww3 has passed
contrary to what lizbro believes I'm not that up to date on international politics and events anymore. I'm past that phase for the most part. But yeah I think she's only done a couple things that would actually make a difference

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 14:49 [Preview] No.51465 del
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Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 14:51 [Preview] No.51466 del
Is this some new planet of the apes? Or she just got lost in Detroit?

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 14:53 [Preview] No.51467 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XtFI7SNtVpY [Embed]

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 14:57 [Preview] No.51468 del
Any skin left on that fox at all? I don't mean the chick I mean the franchise.

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:00 [Preview] No.51469 del
(7.21 MB 480x854 halcy tennis.mp4)
Well, its having a pretty solid run thus far.
But it mostly flies under the radar of most people.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:04 [Preview] No.51470 del
I think the last one I saw was made in the 80s.

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:18 [Preview] No.51471 del
(145.09 KB 1080x1040 h.jpg)
The classic is different, but the new franchise is quite good. They put a lot of effort in it.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:35 [Preview] No.51472 del
Xoch at the Madame Web premiere. I wonder who of the cast she was hitting on.

I was hoping that it wouldn't looked like the poor little white girl meme through half the movie, but I guess it will.

With AI now making the monkey graphics cheaper than ever? Yes.
Did you see the original?

Good morning. Girl tennis is such a cute sport.

>do they have a camera built in for object recognition?
No. As far as I know you have to program all the movements, though I imagine it's basic controller software will translate the desired "hand" movement into orders for all the joint motors. I've used a computer controlled plasma cutter, but that's only two dimensions and one axis.
I suppose you could put a saw on it's arm and it could make you some wood sculptures. Could be some good money in things like that.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:37 [Preview] No.51473 del
>Did you see the original?
I did a couple of times. And I think the next two as well.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:47 [Preview] No.51474 del
Wow, she must have been too distracted by Sydney's breasts to say anything coherent

Did they make any sequels before the reboot ones we have now? The original is the only one I've seen.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:49 [Preview] No.51475 del
I just looked it up they made 4 sequels in the 70s. I'm not sure how many of them I saw. And there's one remake in 2001.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 15:52 [Preview] No.51476 del
Damn I didn't think there we so many. Thanks for doing the research hehe

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 16:02 [Preview] No.51477 del
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>in today's dream I was writing a story
>it was a powerful metaphor or something
>can't remember exactly what it was

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 16:12 [Preview] No.51478 del
Another great look on Kat
Hopefully the memory comes back to you

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 17:07 [Preview] No.51479 del
>Guess where I'm going
Wild guess, I am saying Korea or Greece

>No. As far as I know you have to program all the movements, though I imagine it's basic controller software will translate the desired "hand" movement into orders for all the joint motors. I've used a computer controlled plasma cutter, but that's only two dimensions and one axis.
>I suppose you could put a saw on it's arm and it could make you some wood sculptures. Could be some good money in things like that.
This would be what's called a cnc?

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 17:14 [Preview] No.51480 del
>This would be what's called a cnc?
Yes. The acronym means "computer numerically controlled" so lots of stuff fall under that, not just metal cutting.

Good guessing, I just saw the post it's Korea (south)
She also continues to steal Emma's overhead messy selfie style. The Stacy menace.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 19:52 [Preview] No.51482 del
That's what I hear from everyone. I should watch them already.
Nice ASRs

Doc 02/13/2024 (Tue) 22:19 [Preview] No.51483 del

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 00:12 [Preview] No.51484 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=OhRcD3AYVO8 [Embed]
ASMR cutie posted a workout video. It's not really lewd, but I'm glad about that. dutch is such a goofy language

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:02 [Preview] No.51485 del
I ended up finding a workaround to fix this month's finances (next month should be better since rent finally updates and triples) and I went ahead and bought a new keyboard. It's from a chinese brand called "Only", and I found that very fitting because it's only technically a keyboard, and it only has a case and keys. It doesn't even have dedicated volume keys, much less a wrist rest. It weighs all of 10 grams, and it didn't even have any anti-slip rubber feet on its underside, so when I went to try it even the tiniest contact with my hands would make it slide around the table. I ended up having to take off the ones on my previous keyboard and glue them on. The cable is... I don't even know how to describe it, in either of the languages I can speak. The insulation is rough, as if something had gone wrong during the manufacture process. Also it reeks of that chemical that the Chinese spray on their cheapest plastic products so that the rats in the boats won't eat them. But hey I can type again now. I had been using my phone for the last two days lol

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:04 [Preview] No.51486 del
I'm kinda tempted to give it a lick to see if that substance tastes good for humans. It doesn't smell that bad to me

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:12 [Preview] No.51487 del
By workaround I mean calling the water company to beg them to please for the love of god give me a few extra days on their bills (I'm paying for very expensive repairs, not for the water itself) so that I don't have to keep paying them out of the previous month's income, which is obviously going to be lower than the actual corresponding month's. So I'll subtract the payment I owe them from a sum of $300 or so and not out of $105 like I've been doing

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:13 [Preview] No.51488 del
(348.54 KB 2048x2048 GFq40-dWEAAh0YY.jpg)
(471.92 KB 1638x2048 GGK19SfXsAAxX_7.jpg)
In his mind, there is only a frequency, a familiar sharp note that modulates up and down in waves. The note reminds him of being, and it hurts. He recognizes where he felt it, its pain, incredible pain. He wakes up lying on his back, on top of a pile of himself and others, inside a warehouse lit only by a red light. 

He feels himself, and his hands don't meet his skin, entering the cavity that is his wide-open chest. - Awake? Already? - Say the incorporeal voice, but it feels very close now. He looks around the room, and besides himself and a few crates, a large mask decor on the wall is looking at him. Forcing his eyes, he makes out that it is made of many layers of thin metallic sheets overlapping each other in a perfectly symmetrical form. It crawls closer to him. - You are going to die. You can now rebuild. If you feed. - says the voice as he feels himself losing consciousness. - I will feed you. - His right hand rises by itself and grabs a handful of guts from the pile. He blacks out before taking a bite.

The frequency spikes up and gradually dies down until it is just in the background of his mind. The room is now all dark, but he can feel his chest whole. - Are you there? - Paul asks bravely towards the dark. - I am. - It replies. - I am alive. It was horrible, but I'm alive. - He tells himself, pushing away the gore from his skin. 

The light comes back, faint but not red anymore. The mask is still in another spot on the wall. - You can now rebuild. You cannot survive. Your world will not survive. You cannot escape. You are still aging. - Paul listens attentively to his words, standing up from the pile. - And you can? Why did you help me twice? What do you want? - He means it respectfully. - This is new to me. I do not understand it; I want to understand. - It responds. - Then help me; can you kill those things before they get to land? - He says, clenching his fists. - I am not with you. It is just a symbol. - The mask changes form; it is now closer to an insect - I can make you capable of it. If you tell me what is your need. - Paul gets close to the mask. - Like you saved me? - He touches his chest. - Yes. - It says.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:16 [Preview] No.51489 del
300usd? Damn that's a like a million argiebux.
Glad things are looking up for you.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:22 [Preview] No.51490 del
Neat. The bug mask thing sounds like a wildly strange type of creature. That kind of stuff is interesting to me.

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 03:31 [Preview] No.51491 del
(1.00 MB 480x854 halcy (5).mp4)
Let the other keyboard to dry, it may come back normal by itself eventually. Good to know things are not too bad.

The full stuff is on the discord if you need a recall of the last parts. Like how the mask appeared before

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:14 [Preview] No.51492 del
Do you come with the pancakes? and can I put butter on you?

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:21 [Preview] No.51493 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ytlLM_8y6Po [Embed] wow this is way worse than Starfield. $125m budget for a grand total of 751 players at its all time peak

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:23 [Preview] No.51494 del
it's approximately three hundred thousand argiebux. sadly still well below an average wage

>Let the other keyboard to dry, it may come back normal by itself eventually. Good to know things are not too bad.
yeah I had the same thought. I left it in the open in a big airy room precisely for that reason. I'll test it in a couple days

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:34 [Preview] No.51495 del
Damn. Well at least these new pipes will never corrode because they are apparently made of gold.

lol, the classic harsh faced strong black woman character. And that game didn't have multiplayer? Sure making a profitable game was third behind the ESG score, and paying black women game devs to do nothing, but they still could have done better.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:37 [Preview] No.51496 del
speaking of bad janky games, I was just remembering GRAW before watching that vid. I picked up a physical copy of that game as a kid because the cover looked really cool. I thought it'd be a fun, smooth single player tacticool FPS. Boy was I wrong.

maybe she's one of the rewards *beavis chuckling* let's go to ihop, butthead *more chuckling*

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:40 [Preview] No.51497 del
they love their 1/10 west africans. they'd rather die than portray an actually attractive black woman in their products

>Damn. Well at least these new pipes will never corrode because they are apparently made of gold.
assuming they even installed anything at all. they never notified me until it was already done and they were looking to get paid, only the tenants got to see what was or wasn't done

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:54 [Preview] No.51498 del
She is so weird, she posts about nothing else but "looksmaxxing" and [something]-maxxing and mogging on her stories

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:55 [Preview] No.51499 del
Oh, and about mewing

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:58 [Preview] No.51500 del
(152.02 KB 1080x1080 the boyz.mp4)
>assuming they even installed anything at all
It would be prudent to check that.

>*walks up to Xochi working as the hostess
>"Eh-Hehehe, Hey babyehh"

I played GRAW 2 a few years after it came out because I was on a Ghost Recon binge. I don't remember it being janky, but I didn't love it. The future meme weapons weren't that interesting to me

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:03 [Preview] No.51501 del
Whenever I see snow it reminds me of happy times when I was a child. I wonder if that's is the same effect on everyone and not just me. Same for forests

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:07 [Preview] No.51502 del
She's "moggermaddie" now hehe. She's an interesting one.

Not really for me, though the few times I've gone to the snow were happy memories. 1st with my dad, then with the boy scouts.
Nice Isabels

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:08 [Preview] No.51503 del
Poor thing. She's not weird she's probably just autismal and clueless and prone to become fully invested in any manufactured philosophy that she stumbles upon on the internet. Reminds me of that small community that was a thing a few years ago mostly on Discord I believe, it also glorified shallowness but with mysticism tacked on, in the end it was just a group of severely depressed anorexic girls with horrible personalities and little to offer beyond their thinness. Being women, they probably didn't even support each other

I never played GRAW 2 but it has better reviews than the original according to google

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:10 [Preview] No.51505 del
feirylla needs to make more content like this. or if she's going to add a metal song at least have it not be some boring ass crap I've never heard before (for good reason)

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:12 [Preview] No.51506 del
she's so good at it she almost makes it look like a legitimate art form and not the ooga booga mating ritual that it is

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:15 [Preview] No.51507 del
>wearing jeans that drag in slushy weather
Silly woman

Small discord community?

If Meta is really listening like I suspect, it will recommend me a video essay about how GRAW was worse than I remember.

Looks good. Xoch has some competition

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:17 [Preview] No.51508 del
back in the day vimeo had a lot of BTS videos of photoshoots for companies that made underwear and swimsuits for children. that's all I'll be saying on this matter do not quote this post

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:18 [Preview] No.51509 del
is Nemo a metal song?

a video on such an interesting and important topic should last 47 minutes at the least

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:20 [Preview] No.51510 del
(471.92 KB 1638x2048 GGK19SfXsAAxX_7.jpeg)
For AI, simulating a baby is only slightly easier than an adult. The things we learn over years are easy, the evolved built in skills like vision are hard.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:31 [Preview] No.51511 del
(86.51 KB 1228x443 GRAW.JPG)
Oh yeah here we go.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:40 [Preview] No.51512 del
the 4:30 AM train always makes my table shake a little

my turing test is can they feel the rain? not describe it by parroting our descriptions of it or simply register the sensation with the aid of electronics, but rather "feel" it in the most strict sense of the word. I think "feeling" is where the real test lies for AI and androids. We can argue all day about the exact definition of the word but the point is that we all know their "feeling" is not going to be anything like our "feeling" anytime soon

I'm pretty sure RSV2 was the best out of them all, gameplay wise. I played its MP mode A LOT back in the day

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:51 [Preview] No.51513 del
if they can't derive pleasure from smelling petrichor or experience things like deja vus or nostalgia or goosebumps they're NOT human those are the parts that count the things that are exclusive to human brains all of the androids I've seen so far are just big glorified Alexas

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:54 [Preview] No.51514 del
that's pretty much the point AI in general is at too. what essentially amounts to the code for procedural generation in some 2012 videogame but marketed as "artificial intelligence". puh-lease

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.51515 del
Tranny thing to say

Those did look like a big step forward for that franchise. Of course I never played the Vegas games because I'm a dumb idiot.

What an odd thing to say

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 08:12 [Preview] No.51516 del
well that's not too far removed from the truth actually because googling stuff and reading the results out loud technically does count as (very) "artificial intelligence" but that's not what most people think of when they hear the term AI

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 08:39 [Preview] No.51517 del
yeah why does "she" feel the need to state what should be a self evident fact out loud

>What an odd thing to say
Is that so? GRAW was a bad memory but then a happy memory came along

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:03 [Preview] No.51518 del
sam hyde was funnier when he was a skinny NEET loser. surely his new redpilled self realizes that he had easily 20-30% more brain cells back then and that he's never going to be that funny ever again no matter how hard he goes at the gym

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:09 [Preview] No.51520 del
I only ever watched 1 thing from Sam Hyde. In that vid he introduces and talks about some bs project done by some highscoolers and NASA, that the tards made a bunch of videos about their bs lives and they sent it that crap into space as a time capsule. Govt. spent 5000 dollarydoos on the project. Sam Hyde goes on that this is a useful skill, learning how to scam is important in life.
I dunno if it was funny but I agreed on the point what I thought he tried to make.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:12 [Preview] No.51521 del
This is the project:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DB_Saff55E8 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:34 [Preview] No.51522 del
>I only ever watched 1 thing from Sam Hyde.
I never thought I'd be able to relate to the redditors that freak out whenever they run into someone who hasn't seen all the movies of their favorite franchise

>learning how to scam is important in life
well yes. I'd argue that that's the very basis of capitalism. now much like with androids and "feeling" this depends on how exactly you'd define the word "scam", but there's definitely an aspect of scamming to the things that most wealthy people did to get there. even in the middle/upper middle class there's a lot of that going on, just in more subtle and nuanced ways. most people would probably disagree with me on this but I've always seen things as simple and accepted as increasing profit margins arbitrarily in commerce or cutting corners in a production line as things that constitute "scamming". I don't believe in such a thing as "honest" or "fair" competition, I think that sort of talk is just copium and the whole system rewards people for being as dishonest as possible

To be clear I'm not trying to shill socialism or any other alternative, that dishonesty that capitalism rewards is the source of all of our modern comforts is it not? Obviously I have my issues with capitalism as do most people but still, I'll take it over the next "it's gonna work for real this time" attempt at true socialism that inevitably ends up starving millions of innocent people. But I like the idea of "common sense" tax rates based on income/net worth, I'm not much of a libertarian much less an ancap

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 09:40 [Preview] No.51523 del
"Common sense" was probably an unfortunate way to describe that type of tax system. A lot of governments around the world and throughout history have implemented "common sense" (basically an appeal to popularity) measures that ended up being disastrous once put into practice. So ignore that part lol

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 13:52 [Preview] No.51524 del

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 15:23 [Preview] No.51528 del
Hehe Well they got smart to that cuz all the videos are gone it seems.
Nice Laura pics. That hairstyle looks good one her.

>Subaru Outback
Sorry baby, never going to happen.
I agree about Hyde, though even if he tried to do the kind of stuff he used to, he is probably too infamous to pull it off.

>learning how to scam is important in life.
He took that to heart.

You don't have to talk nice about capitalism just because of me, assuming you are. It's true about the scamming here; #1 way, and maybe the only way, to move up in class is to scam the government out of money.

Good morning cute Emmas

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 15:36 [Preview] No.51529 del
(263.85 KB 1921x797 Dakota Fanning(4).jpeg)
(197.51 KB 1080x1350 Dakota Fanning(47).jpeg)
(2.31 MB 360x638 barb (6).mp4)

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 15:49 [Preview] No.51531 del
(148.67 KB 594x899 Kathryn Newton(3).png)
(159.03 KB 604x953 Kathryn Newton(2).png)
Capitalism works because it does not require good intentions to work. And work here means "not destroying itself", which implies it doesn't reward behaviors that are self-destructive.
This is why it never led to say, perpetual war.
But it is a low bar, and a lot of shit will always happen within it.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 16:02 [Preview] No.51532 del
Good morning

Did you use Handbrake to make that clip?
The program I have been using somehow got 10x slower at rendering. Ridiculous.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 16:10 [Preview] No.51533 del
>cat never finishes the food in his dish
>I give him new food
>the layers of old food at the bottom get older and older
Damn retard cat, eat your food

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 16:35 [Preview] No.51534 del
Just mix when you put new in. They do some times pick each individual fresh one tho.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 17:14 [Preview] No.51535 del
I empty it once in a while.
I just wanted to berate my cat.

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 17:34 [Preview] No.51536 del
(88.21 KB 1050x1101 Sydney Sweeney(49).jpg)
GF lifehack: Meet cool boomers, find out if they have single daughters.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=RluBVKFJRI4 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:01 [Preview] No.51537 del
Dakota probably does not even realize how much I enjoy the colors

Please give your cat fresh food and not old food...

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:17 [Preview] No.51538 del
I am making some progress; I have a database access and fetch of the blog posts, so each blog post gets loaded from the database, and a comment system under each blog post with database access as well. I am testing it locally now
And also tested file upload, as well as thumbnail making

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:31 [Preview] No.51539 del
If you think about it, there is not really a non cia controlled place on the internet anymore except maybe some odd imageboards such as this one. All of the big sites like facebook, instagram, tiktok, etc. are cia'ed, twitter is probably a controlled opposition op, 4chan is probably overtaken by cia by now, and if not than they spam the site with GPT and so on. Telegram or discord are both cia honeypots as well. I don't know if there are any means of communication that is not glowniggered

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:37 [Preview] No.51540 del
Boards like this are too insignificant for them to take notice of probably. But as we could see with 8chan , once it became big and popular they false flag op'ed it and took it down

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 18:39 [Preview] No.51541 del
It must be weird for Dakota or for actors in general, to have their movie labeled as the worst movie of all time and still have to do promotion for it

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 19:40 [Preview] No.51542 del
If my cat doesn't like it he can go to one of the neighbor's houses that I see him hanging around, that furry slut.

Sadly true. The Great Satan is everywhere.
Nice Rylees

It's said to be that bad?

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 19:58 [Preview] No.51543 del
(334.63 KB 1247x2048 GGTvq2cWgAAZh-D.jpg)
(332.79 KB 1248x2048 GGTvkEAXIAAINg7.jpg)
That has always been a moot issue, they always owned the bottlenecks, now its cloudflare and probably basedflare as well.
But this is not exactly totalitarian power, if they abuse it in any significative public way, they will lose it.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:00 [Preview] No.51544 del
(393.88 KB 1133x580 madameweb_rating.PNG)
>It's said to be that bad?

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:05 [Preview] No.51545 del
>cloudflare and probably basedflare as well
I imagine these will be the gates to filter out anyone non compliant

>But this is not exactly totalitarian power, if they abuse it in any significative public way, they will lose it.
They already block or shadowban people everywhere arbitrarily on all major platforms, what do you mean by in a public way?
And what do you mean they will lose it? Who is going to take it away from them?

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:07 [Preview] No.51546 del
Dang lol
Sydney probably thinking "I could have saved the movie, but they wouldn't let me get naked"

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:29 [Preview] No.51547 del
(680.52 KB 905x936 Emily Kinney(3).jpeg)
Like, coming out as the absolutist technocrat rulers. People would just stop using the internet out of fear, and there would be sufficient motivation to get alternatives working, even if illegal.
Every dictatorship has a black market that is what keeps it from completely ceasing to function.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:53 [Preview] No.51548 del
>Like, coming out as the absolutist technocrat rulers.
Don't you think they are already doing that? Maybe in a more subtle way. Perhaps a lot of normies don't see it because they've been psyopped to be on their side or because they don't do any research.
To me it looks like they're already doing it, just in slow motion; like with the boiling frog

Doc 02/14/2024 (Wed) 20:58 [Preview] No.51549 del
(196.29 KB 1280x1920 Crystal Reed.jpeg)
Even the CCP is highly concerned with its public image, with showing how benevolent they are, with punishing greedy billionaires and corrupt small fry bureocrats.
So they are not just using the system freely, they know even if the people don't rise up against them, it could all go to shit anyway if they do.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 21:05 [Preview] No.51550 del
>Sydney probably thinking "I could have saved the movie, but they wouldn't let me get naked"
My expectations for this movie were high. I hoped they would all get naked at the very least

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 21:09 [Preview] No.51551 del
(3.63 MB 576x1024 0134848123.mp4)
you can only pick one

the guy in the black tee walking behind them was totally checking out Marina's legs lol. and who could blame him

>4chan is probably overtaken by cia
4chan has been an extremely heavily monitored honeypot since like 2011 or 2012

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 21:57 [Preview] No.51552 del
What do they catch people doing there? I can't even post in a Xochitl thread or use the n word without getting banned.

Is that Sofia's sister? tough choice

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 23:18 [Preview] No.51553 del
(18.20 MB 576x1024 9012381811.mp4)
I used a program called VidCutter. But I do use Handbrake for other things beyond cutting too. And then Shotcut for actual editing. For >>51416 I replaced the original video's audio layer with the studio recording of the song. I had to speed it up by 10% (Shotcut can attempt to keep the tone the same though) and slow down the video by 10% for them to match

I think that's her yeah. Last time I saw her she was much fatter but the face matches

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 23:40 [Preview] No.51554 del
>A Weeb, denied her spiritual homeland

I'll try that out, thanks.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 01:41 [Preview] No.51555 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9zuNm1Ow-YA [Embed]
Not bad, but It's no Immortals of Avenum

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 01:43 [Preview] No.51556 del
(188.32 KB 1280x1280 Crystal Reed(86).jpg)
(109.85 KB 1280x1280 Crystal Reed (1).jpg)
(304.13 KB 1280x1280 Crystal Reed(85).jpg)
(196.44 KB 1280x1280 Crystal Reed(84).jpg)
(124.36 KB 1280x1281 Crystal Reed.jpg)

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 02:32 [Preview] No.51557 del
I like this guy. Very wholesome.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 04:13 [Preview] No.51558 del
Another nice find. I like the tongue pic. Booba looks pretty ample too.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 04:36 [Preview] No.51559 del
good news everybody new naomi shoot


I gotta side with cam on this. I think they're already abusing their power in pretty significant and pretty public ways and so far their grip on said power is only growing stronger

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 04:40 [Preview] No.51560 del
Blizzard's refund page conveniently not working for the last 2-3 days lmao

she's been very popular on the old waifuist board for a while now. first time I see her here though

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 04:45 [Preview] No.51561 del
(164.92 KB 1080x1346 Kathryn Newton(48).jpg)
(273.71 KB 1080x1350 Kathryn Newton(47).jpg)
I can only reiterate my CCP comment.
They are still having to use most of their power in order to maintain power, and are required to maintain a high level of functional society to have that. They have not dominated to a point they don't have to worry about us.
Within the condition that they use all their power for that end, we can't fight back.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 04:56 [Preview] No.51562 del
that's all well and good but you're not nearly as excited as you should be about the new naomi shoot. It's only slightly less rare than a Jodelle selfie, and about on par with winning the lottery or being struck by lighting

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 05:01 [Preview] No.51563 del
(183.83 KB 1080x1376 Jodelle Ferland(94).jpg)
(129.09 KB 1080x1350 Jodelle Ferland(93).jpg)
I cover your flat Emma Dumont with a pair of new Jodelles.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 05:01 [Preview] No.51564 del
Very coincidental lol
Isn't she a bit old for them?

Nice showing of the arm hair

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 05:47 [Preview] No.51565 del
emma wishes she had this facial structure

I don't think there's ever been any point where at least 2-3 grown up girls were being posted regularly over there. I think she's still a teenager or close enough to one though

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:25 [Preview] No.51567 del
Happy Valentines day to all my waifus. This could be us but you're outside of rifle range.

She makes a good grown-up cover waifu

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:30 [Preview] No.51568 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=k-SlNSD101g [Embed] flawless combat roll technique. dude should've been a gymnast

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:34 [Preview] No.51569 del
the timing chain on the van is too loose. the engine runs but it's giving off a lot of white smoke and sounding weird. I didn't think it was possible for a METAL CHAIN to stretch out in a matter of a couple years but then again it was like five bucks

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:40 [Preview] No.51570 del
https://tawas-webpage.github.io/TawasPortal/ gee I wonder what cam and this 13yo girl have in common surely it couldn't be a certain disorder that starts with an A and ends with UTISM

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:46 [Preview] No.51571 del
(12.74 KB 351x114 Captura.JPG)
another one? this must be the epilogue where they settle down together and make beautiful interracial kids

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:59 [Preview] No.51573 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z9ZlS7i2Xvc [Embed]

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 08:05 [Preview] No.51574 del
nice pics idk who that is but she looks great in that swimsuit

>You don't have to talk nice about capitalism just because of me, assuming you are.
oh no it wasn't because of you. I know you're a huge fan of Kamala Harris and that you're desperate to see her lead the USA towards a bright future where americans are truly equal

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 08:48 [Preview] No.51575 del
>the guy in the black tee walking behind them was totally checking out Marina's legs lol. and who could blame him
That was me

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 08:58 [Preview] No.51576 del
https://20buckspin.bandcamp.com/album/verses-in-oath have you heard this? it's getting rave reviews on metal websites but I really don't understand why. it sounds fairly generic and boring to me (if well produced and polished)

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:03 [Preview] No.51577 del
>Another nice find. I like the tongue pic. Booba looks pretty ample too.
>she's been very popular on the old waifuist board for a while now. first time I see her here though
I just looked her up and she looked a bit weird when she was younger but in the last 1 year or so she became hot

I have not checked out that board in a while, I will do that now. Last time I went there they had some good content

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:13 [Preview] No.51578 del
>https://20buckspin.bandcamp.com/album/verses-in-oath have you heard this? it's getting rave reviews on metal websites but I really don't understand why. it sounds fairly generic and boring to me (if well produced and polished)
I listened to two songs and I would agree, I don't like it that much. It's a weird mix of black metal, folk, ambient, and melodic. Boring is a good way to describe it. I can't really see what it wants to convey as a music. It lacks intensity for black metal and the vocals are not my taste either

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:17 [Preview] No.51579 del
Trying again to post this

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:43 [Preview] No.51580 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PPukR7PI834 [Embed] I know you guys don't like to be reminded of the horrible, crippling, disgusting mental illness all of you have (not me though) but this is a relevant vid and touches on some of the things I've been talking about on here lately. I suggest skipping to 2 minutes in or so

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:45 [Preview] No.51581 del
(149.62 KB 642x1141 vsco_080623.jpg)
(60.04 KB 576x1024 mpv-shot0024.jpg)
(136.29 KB 805x1473 0422w4pdrwkb1.jpg)
(9.91 MB 1080x1920 xochitl twirl.mp4)
Just stole these from waifuist
They have a Xochi thread and an Ever thread

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:51 [Preview] No.51582 del
yeah last time I was there there weren't many toddler lovers left anymore

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:02 [Preview] No.51583 del
I don't know what this guy is trying to say, to me it seems like he is just "yapping". Is he really autistic when he can't even make a point 5 minutes into the video? An autistic person would just deliver the information that he wants to convey and not just talk for the sake of talking; in the sense he is not better than a normie. I had to turn the video off after 5 minutes because I am sure he would not say anything of value in the remaining 25 minutes
I don't even know if i have autism or not but I think I am on some kind of spectrum if that is even a real thing. I can only see that I am different than an average normie and that I have hyperfocus on certain things and autistic obsessions sometimes and have always had this since I was a child. I think that's not something normies have. I did autism tests and had higher scores which is probably due to me answering every question regarding social activities with "i am not interested in it". I also liked to play with LEGO when I was a child

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:09 [Preview] No.51584 del
I think I posted this a bunch of times before but I think there are two types of neurodivergent, or autistic types of people: the obsequious types who do well in school and the ones who dislike or distrust authority and will not do well because of it. The former become google, facebook employees and wear suits and so on and try to mold themselves into becoming as good of a normie as they can. They will do the bidding of the big tech and big pharma and so on and become their henchmen because they never learned to distrust authority because they just want to practicse their craft, earn money, earn normie points or earn the praise of their employer or their authority. And the latter become like Ted Kaczynski

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:11 [Preview] No.51585 del
(9.46 KB 1116x38 sidis.PNG)
Or like William Sidis

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:18 [Preview] No.51586 del
I didn't like how long winded he was either, but I think the general point he was trying to get at is that there is nothing that's even close to a cure for autism and that it's more of a tragedy than people realize. Everyone screams and shouts and calls for help when someone crashes their car at 30 km/h or hits their head against something hard, but nobody will ever stop to ponder what sort of suffering a person with autism could've gone through in their lives. I can relate to him when he talks about how he feels worn down by bad experiences, tired from exerting himself mentally, hopeless (at least in regards to finding your place in the world, not necessarily about all aspects of life)

>answering every question regarding social activities with "i am not interested in it"
it's no wonder that we get along well

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:34 [Preview] No.51587 del
>I didn't like how long winded he was either, but I think the general point he was trying to get at is that there is nothing that's even close to a cure for autism and that it's more of a tragedy than people realize. Everyone screams and shouts and calls for help when someone crashes their car at 30 km/h or hits their head against something hard, but nobody will ever stop to ponder what sort of suffering a person with autism could've gone through in their lives. I can relate to him when he talks about how he feels worn down by bad experiences, tired from exerting himself mentally, hopeless (at least in regards to finding your place in the world, not necessarily about all aspects of life)
This is the type of talk that is pointless and a waste of time in my opinion. It does not matter how bad he thinks he has had it, as long as he just moves forward. Anything that has happened in the past is gone and is no longer revelant to his current state of being. If he is tired of dealing with normies, then he should just try to avoid normies. it's possible in the current times of the internet to cut down interaction with normies to almost zero. I am doing it every day

>>answering every question regarding social activities with "i am not interested in it"
>it's no wonder that we get along well
For me I had a moment where I realized that the most fun or enjoyment or feeling of happiness was when I was alone and not with other people. I still had friends when I was younger and had some good times with them, but the biggest moments of joy were all in solitude just playing games or with LEGO or just fantasizing about making games and so on. I don't think you need other people to be happy. Because happiness comes from your inside and not from outside or from someone else. It's still your own happiness and not someone elses that arises, even if you are with people

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 11:00 [Preview] No.51588 del
(8.44 MB 576x1024 6981232.mp4)
Some of these recent school shootings that involve trannies and "gender fluid" people and whatnot almost certainly involve autism as well. In fact I think it's surprising that there's not more of that stuff going on at this point. That sort of lash-out reaction happens when a person arrives at the conclusion that it's plainly impossible for them to share the same living space with a certain group (be it normies, slutty teenage girls, immigrants, the Jews). Given how common autism is nowadays and how hard it is for me to live among normies, I'm surprised autismos don't go on killing sprees more often

>This is the type of talk that is pointless and a waste of time in my opinion. It does not matter how bad he thinks he has had it, as long as he just moves forward. Anything that has happened in the past is gone and is no longer revelant to his current state of being.
I'm gonna give your brain a figurative bump to see if I can shift your perspective. Have you ever considered the possibility that you're just naturally better at getting over things than other people are, and it has nothing to do with any sort of "enlightenment" or even just a purely intellectual realization? I keep saying this but if it was as easy as "just close your eyes nigga hahaha" surely I'd be in a better place now. Again I think you lack empathy and fail to understand why people may face the issues they face

>For me I had a moment where I realized that the most fun or enjoyment or feeling of happiness was when I was alone and not with other people. I still had friends when I was younger and had some good times with them, but the biggest moments of joy were all in solitude just playing games or with LEGO or just fantasizing about making games and so on. I don't think you need other people to be happy. Because happiness comes from your inside and not from outside or from someone else. It's still your own happiness and not someone elses that arises, even if you are with people
I can only speak for myself, but I only agree with this up to a certain degree. Most of the times I've felt happy I was all alone, so it'd be very dishonest of me to disagree with your general point. That said I do think it's possible to have very positive experiences if you manage to surround yourself with the right people (i.e. those that actually understand and appreciate you). Which, admittedly, is a very hard thing to do. Normies socialize so much because they're so similar, I think. If there were millions of people like me in every city you bet I'd be going clubbing every night. But clubs and the culture in general would also be different if that was the case lol

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 11:45 [Preview] No.51589 del
(224.01 KB 1440x1800 445741041_1000000888.jpg)
i gave that site a shot, saw that, and left ages ago
what changed?

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 13:34 [Preview] No.51590 del
(54.67 KB 466x657 Selma Blair.jpeg)
(185.54 KB 1080x1180 Katheryn Winnick(95).jpeg)
(39.29 KB 473x714 Crystal Reed(91).jpg)
(208.64 KB 1080x1440 Crystal Reed(88).jpg)

Now that is malinaposting.

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 14:05 [Preview] No.51591 del
(62.09 KB 833x844 emiru-33_0323.jpg)
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Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 14:46 [Preview] No.51592 del
(197.06 KB 882x1102 grudina_anna_model.jpg)
(1.61 MB 480x854 tire bead seating.mp4)
Interesting thought. Trolling autists about how they make up 100% of school shooters may be fun.

She has a spacehey and goofy youtube videos and drinks monster and dresses like a scene kid, she's perfect. Nice find.

She's a random slavoid named Anna Grudina. She has some good pics I think, and she looks nice.
The Dem leadership is talking about retiring Biden after he "wins" and leting Camala fill the role. Surely it doesn't have anything to do with Biden being tentatave about helping Israel take over the world. Can't lie, if I was a retard nigger woman in the US I would be loving life.

Whoa, thank you for your persistence.

Outside of getting the gibes money I really don't understand the significance of getting diagnosed. Especially in the current year, the autism spectrum has grown so much that everyone is on it. imo autism has really become a girl's disease with how much autists complain about their feelings. Like boo hoo I have to find a parking spot and I'm expected to shake a person's hand sometimes and if I act like a retard like I want to people will judge me. Though I agree with him about society being alienating, and how nobody wants to hear anything negative. The normies are content and they don't want anything to change. Also he had a gf? Ok normie.

What did you do with your LEGO as a kid? I almost never read the directions and just built whatever I felt like; usually retarded looking cars.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.51593 del
I think I've seen that cap before but it's a good one no matter. That last ">" is a better description of what I was thinking about that autist guy; constantly being self conscious instead of paying attention to his environment, to society.
And good morning

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 16:12 [Preview] No.51594 del
>Order a "kit" for installing disc brakes on my car
>Pick the one that fits my year/make/model
>The brackets don't fit the axle
>My axle housing is a carry-over from the previous production year and has different sized ends
>Look through the catalog of kids and they don't sell any arrangement of parts that would have ever fit
Once again, the game was rigged from the start

Nice song. Cool video too.
Is it the Argie accent that makes them pronounce "this way" as "theeeees weeee"?

>five bucks
Ah man. Though even quality ones stretch a bit (1 or 2 degrees on a very short american v8 size chain).
I pray for your valvetrain hombre

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 16:14 [Preview] No.51595 del
>catalog of kids
it's over for me

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 16:18 [Preview] No.51596 del
I wish we had free market capitalism, I miss it.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 16:23 [Preview] No.51597 del
Did you live in a capitalism country at one point?

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 18:42 [Preview] No.51598 del
(610.16 KB 2554x1661 Emma Myers(53).jpg)
(13.18 MB 2000x3000 Sata Paxton.png)
(322.77 KB 1262x864 o9wa7ehsgoic1.jpeg)

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 18:56 [Preview] No.51599 del
(184.40 KB 1079x1080 India Eisley(3).jpg)
(232.38 KB 1079x1080 India Eisley(2).jpg)
India in some Kpop videoclip.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=srH63CP-7ZA [Embed]

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 19:11 [Preview] No.51600 del
(149.08 KB 766x1080 emily-rudd_0220.jpg)
(98.88 KB 720x1080 emily-rudd_0224.jpg)
(77.46 KB 736x920 emily-rudd_0223.jpg)
(90.73 KB 720x1080 emily-rudd_0222.jpg)
2 years or less for full movie A.I generation, 4 for Matrix VR immersion.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 19:33 [Preview] No.51601 del
>Brave auto-updates
>all the buttons and tab icons have rounded edges now, so I can't just run my cursor along the top of the screen or put it to the top left corner to click a tab as there's all kinds of dead space there now
Fucking chrome trannies. Sorry for complaining so much but it's so easy.

Nice pics

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 19:44 [Preview] No.51602 del
(1.97 MB 576x1024 6128391.mp4)
You definitely sound like a little girl with how much you complain

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 19:47 [Preview] No.51603 del
I started out thinking I could just have a simple blog, now I am in the process of making a whole blog system from scratch. And by from scratch I mean steal other people's code and stitch it together

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 19:57 [Preview] No.51604 del
>I'm gonna give your brain a figurative bump to see if I can shift your perspective. Have you ever considered the possibility that you're just naturally better at getting over things than other people are, and it has nothing to do with any sort of "enlightenment" or even just a purely intellectual realization? I keep saying this but if it was as easy as "just close your eyes nigga hahaha" surely I'd be in a better place now. Again I think you lack empathy and fail to understand why people may face the issues they face
I told you this already a couple of days ago. It was not a spontaneous realization for me, it took me a really long time and a lot of undoing of belief systems. I don't think I am "naturally" better at getting over things. I used to be really bad at it. That is also why I can relate to what you are saying, because that used to be me 5-8 years ago. I am just saying it's possible but it requires some work. I think what I did was the same or something similar as what Doc posted about

>What did you do with your LEGO as a kid? I almost never read the directions and just built whatever I felt like; usually retarded looking cars.
I liked to build fortresses

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 20:17 [Preview] No.51606 del
By the way I think Alex may be a mouthbreather. She always has her mouth open in her youtube vids

This part about subservience is what I meant too above regarding autism and the two different types

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 20:31 [Preview] No.51607 del

No I remember that. But if you did eventually find a way around that problem and I still haven't why do you think that is? I know determinism can sound like a low IQ easy way out that explains it all but honestly my first guess is that you're just better prepared to deal with that stuff than I am and it's not thanks to any particular conscious effort but rather to something about your nature

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 20:34 [Preview] No.51608 del
It's essentially the same idea as the theoretical lack of breakfast question. How come some people can't do it? How come some score 80 on an IQ test and some score 150? Is it because they just haven't read enough about breakfasts and IQ tests?

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 20:55 [Preview] No.51609 del
>No I remember that. But if you did eventually find a way around that problem and I still haven't why do you think that is?
As I said it took me 30 years or so to figure it out.
Who is to say you are not close to finding what can help you or have already made progress. At least it seems like you are concerned with it which means, it's something that will continue working in the back of your mind. As long as that is running as a background process you should be able to find it and overcome it sooner or later.
What helped me was to realize that I believed certain things should be a certain way, and as soon as I removed these belief systems everything became easier. If you don't do this then you live in resistance to life and life is hard

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 21:02 [Preview] No.51610 del
Things like how the world is unfair, cruel and violent. People are egotistic and dumb. They will betray you and fuck you over. It is just how life is.
if you believe that life should not be like this then life becomes difficult

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 21:37 [Preview] No.51611 del
(596.11 KB 2000x3000 Zendaya 1.jpg)

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 22:26 [Preview] No.51612 del
(6.21 MB 1080x1920 zendabot.mp4)

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 23:38 [Preview] No.51613 del
To be fair she does look hot with her mouth slightly open.

Neat. Did you ever get those sets that had the medieval castle looking guard towers? I vaguely remember seeing those.

Well it's not my fault bad things keep happening to me. I just got back from cleaning up the latest mess, I will never out-repair the erosion of everything around me.

Very Sorayama

Doc 02/15/2024 (Thu) 23:58 [Preview] No.51614 del
(227.54 KB 1463x2048 eamd7i6z1uic1.jpg)
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(166.65 KB 1080x1919 zfoi0h6z1uic1.jpg)

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 01:31 [Preview] No.51615 del
(436.16 KB 2122x2867 oz78bgjpatic1.jpg)
(339.51 KB 2104x2867 i0d06djpatic1.jpg)
Ass Windows.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 01:51 [Preview] No.51616 del
I'm surprised they didn't steam up

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 01:56 [Preview] No.51617 del
More hyped for the Barbarella Sydney Sweeney is making. Hopefully they put lots of actual sex scenes instead of cheeky erotica like the original.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 02:01 [Preview] No.51618 del
Now THAT sounds like kino
Bless Sydney

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 02:33 [Preview] No.51619 del
I sent a meme to Autumn and she liked it. Maybe I'm gonna make it.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 04:44 [Preview] No.51620 del
(1.89 MB 720x1280 793142143.mp4)
>Simply put, the theory of the double empathy problem suggests that when people with very different experiences of the world interact with one another, they will struggle to empathise with each other. This is likely to be exacerbated through differences in language use and comprehension. I first started to publish theoretical accounts of this issue in the early 2010s, yet similar ideas can be found in the work of Luke Beardon regarding ‘cross-neurological theory of mind’ and in that of the philosopher Ian Hacking.


Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 06:06 [Preview] No.51621 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ppNmhShekXs [Embed]
Also I'm convinced that this channel is totally fake and a psyop directed at nostalgic dorks (me). Just look at all the comments, every one of them is like "lol this is straight out of 2009". Too obvious.


Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 06:09 [Preview] No.51622 del
>This website deletes the start time suffix off the normal URLs as well
Oh gee thanks. Skip to 2:36

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 06:22 [Preview] No.51623 del
I don't understand why so many websites utilize google recaptcha. It wouldn't be that hard to make your own captcha

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 06:45 [Preview] No.51624 del
(211.06 KB 876x624 lego-underwater-set.jpg)
>Neat. Did you ever get those sets that had the medieval castle looking guard towers? I vaguely remember seeing those.
I know what you mean but I don't remember if I had those. But I did have this underwater fortress base

>Also I'm convinced that this channel is totally fake and a psyop directed at nostalgic dorks (me). Just look at all the comments, every one of them is like "lol this is straight out of 2009". Too obvious.
Reminds me of this girl. Maybe the same psyop
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wC45tnakHOU [Embed]

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 07:13 [Preview] No.51625 del
No one can even begin to understand CC's suffering. it is uncomprehensible for us normies who have had it much easier compared to him. He should just lay down and die and wait until it's all over because there is nothing he can do to change his fate or himself. It was simply not meant to be. God simply hates him. His obstacles are unsurmountable because of how hard of a life he has had. There is nothing he can do about it because fate didn't want him to succeed
This is what you want to hear, right

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 07:19 [Preview] No.51626 del
What did you send her?

>More hyped for the Barbarella Sydney Sweeney is making. Hopefully they put lots of actual sex scenes instead of cheeky erotica like the original.
"Sydney Sweeney refuses to stop doing nudity" or something was one headline I remember

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 08:37 [Preview] No.51630 del
Caucasus is a nice place.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 08:59 [Preview] No.51631 del
lmao me with tea as well. best things about winter are

>it's cold
>you can drink tea because it's cold

>Also I'm convinced that this channel is totally fake and a psyop directed at nostalgic dorks (me)
does it need to be a malicious psyop? I just assumed it was her aesthetic. she walks around with that hairdo every day so I don't think she's doing it just to pander, she must be into that herself

idk man at this point it sounds more like you're the one who wants a safe space not me. you get too mad over my posts. just like there is a "paradox of tolerance" there should be a "paradox of whining". in fact I should publish a paper on that before someone steals it from me

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:36 [Preview] No.51633 del
I think these types of artsy high effort atmospheric ASMR videos do a great job of making women interesting beyond their basic sex appeal, which is something we've been seeing less and less of lately, as Doc observed not too long ago

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:40 [Preview] No.51634 del
When I say something like "not too long ago" it means that I have absolutely no clue whether the event in question happened two weeks ago, two months ago or two years ago

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:41 [Preview] No.51635 del
Roleplays are horrible for ASMR. Originally the intention was to imitate the unintentional triggering of the reaction by recreating the scenes that these might happen. Which is awful in itself. Then these abomination cosplays arose.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:41 [Preview] No.51636 del
I'm almost certain that it was one of the first two options though

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:43 [Preview] No.51637 del
Maybe I'd agree with you if I could still get ASMR from videos, but that's not the case anymore sadly. So if I find it relaxing that's good enough for me, and I do find plenty of elaborate roleplays relaxing

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:46 [Preview] No.51638 del
you guys are HOSTILE tonight jesus CHRIST I'm supposed to be the bitter one around here

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:47 [Preview] No.51639 del
ASMR != relaxing, relaxation
Mislabeling the subject.
>if I could still get ASMR
Stop watching them for a while (like for a week), and then try fast aggressive ASMR which just making noises (tapping, scratching; but definitely not fast aggressive makeup application...)
Now this could be problematic for geographical reasons, but try to do this in a relatively cool room. For me this is about 19-18C.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:49 [Preview] No.51640 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ofsJRWbi3Kg [Embed]

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 09:57 [Preview] No.51641 del
I did try to "detox" like that a couple times but it didn't work at all for some reason. however I can still feel some weak tingles IRL with the right triggers so that's good.

>but try to do this in a relatively cool room. For me this is about 19-18C.
that's an interesting insight. Now that you bring up temperature, I don't think I ever felt ASMR (whether triggered by irl triggers or by videos) when I was feeling uncomfortable due to heat. I think you also need to be in a more or less relaxed state of mind to begin with. I don't think you can get ASMR if you're actively angry, worried, sad, etc

I don't usually follow medical advice in regards to stimulation and sleep but it's almost 7 AM, I think I'll listen tomorrow. I'm not familiar with this song. Well I'm not familiar with 95% of Pantera's repertoire tbh

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 10:07 [Preview] No.51642 del
Pay a ho to trace gently your back. It should be cheaper than a bj.

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 10:27 [Preview] No.51643 del
That definitely sounds like a good time. But I'm too socially inept to pull that off I think. I like the sounds of young women smoking in a quiet room and also when they speak softly (not quite a forced whisper, just when their voice comes out very quiet in a natural way). A combination of the two is deadly, it's one of the few things that still triggers ASMR for me

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 14:08 [Preview] No.51644 del
(173.03 KB 1440x1800 Kaya Scodelario(3).jpg)
(160.24 KB 1290x1603 Isabela Moner(8).jpg)
(224.72 KB 1290x1600 Isabela Moner(7).jpg)

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 14:44 [Preview] No.51645 del
(98.34 KB 682x1024 Crystal Reed(6).jpg)
(267.84 KB 1280x1920 Crystal Reed(5).jpg)
(255.94 KB 1280x1920 Crystal Reed(4).jpg)
(3.95 MB 480x854 workout.mp4)

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 15:02 [Preview] No.51646 del
Had a somewhat coherent dream where Xochitl and I were living together. The area was like a rural town with stone roads and walls, and it was very foggy but comfy fog not spooky fog. Also Xoch put 4 or 5 containers full of this weird plant liquid in our refrigerator for some reason. It looked like water with white rice and cilantro floating in it.

I think it's just easier for most business type websites to outsource.

Is that girl confirmed a psyop?
>The underwater base
Cool. I think that one and the Arctic/snow base were the ones I wanted the most. They had cool vehicles.

Sydney putting Hollywood on her naked shoulders.
I sent her this. She likes SpongeBob and she's an artist so it seemed like a good fit.

I doubt it's malicious, but to me all that lie-by-omission stuff feels malicious. I want to know the ugly truth. Show me who is buying her the cans of Monster Ultra Gold.
Do you have any cold drinks you enjoy in the summer?

Funny vid

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 15:44 [Preview] No.51647 del
(183.12 KB 1080x1350 gta 6 icarly.jpg)
(107.90 KB 1440x1080 keanu shirt 2.jpg)
Nice Emma btw

For me roleplays are pretty good because I only get asmr from voice, and it has to be natural-ish, repeating trigger words doesn't seem to work well.

Dat belly

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:14 [Preview] No.51648 del

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:01 [Preview] No.51651 del
>idk man at this point it sounds more like you're the one who wants a safe space not me. you get too mad over my posts. just like there is a "paradox of tolerance" there should be a "paradox of whining". in fact I should publish a paper on that before someone steals it from me
I don't think you understood my post

>Had a somewhat coherent dream where Xochitl and I were living together. The area was like a rural town with stone roads and walls, and it was very foggy but comfy fog not spooky fog. Also Xoch put 4 or 5 containers full of this weird plant liquid in our refrigerator for some reason. It looked like water with white rice and cilantro floating in it.
Sounds like a cool dream. I have not had any waifu dreams still. Maybe it means that my subconscious is not as concerned with them anymore as I used to be

>Is that girl confirmed a psyop?
Maybe it's just a new type of retro meme, like vaporwave

>Cool. I think that one and the Arctic/snow base were the ones I wanted the most. They had cool vehicles.
I remember the artic base too

Nice Angooree

The eternal politician reveals himself once again

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:05 [Preview] No.51652 del
(76.26 KB 540x523 GGa-6zeXkAAnWT5.jpg)
I think it's possible to do pic related through meditation and internet detoxification

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:16 [Preview] No.51653 del
(281.67 KB 1440x1612 xochi_h4OqHgZv_o.jpg)
(166.23 KB 1440x1612 xochi_f1tIAcda_o.jpg)
(151.63 KB 1440x1620 xochi_n1E7wEPm_o.jpg)
I am making some slow and steady progress with my blog system. It fetches the comments now based on the current URL of the individual blogpost; before it just fetched all of them.
For adding blog posts I will just repurpose the comment function into making entries to the database. And for editing blog posts, I will just skip that functionality

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:32 [Preview] No.51654 del
What was the reason you uploaded the images for your imageboard to imgur, Doc? And don't they block you if you do this?

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:34 [Preview] No.51655 del
Also I wanted to ask, Doc, which point and click games had the jewery symbolism in it? I used to love playing point and click games

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 19:38 [Preview] No.51656 del
Ok I will stop bullying Argentina for today

The retro egirl renaissance? Things could be worse.
Nice Anya pics. Despite the lack of buttcheeks, I like that outfit better than Zendaya's

I hope so. I imagine that being able to leave the outside world behind when you're in the forest is key.

Nice Xoch pics btw

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 20:20 [Preview] No.51660 del
Earrape video, but thanks I will have a good day

The hair bows :3


Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 21:01 [Preview] No.51661 del
I got my car parts. My shit's going to be stopping like an f1 car

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.51662 del
maybe I didn't, you just sounded asspained to me. The general point you were trying to make is pretty obvious, what else was there to it?

I wouldn't put it past my little sister to do that. It's definitely a whitey thing. Surely there is a scientific explanation for it but 🤷‍♂️

tetas hehehehe tetas gonna squish em hehehe yea

Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 21:11 [Preview] No.51663 del
(1.93 MB 576x1024 89124511232.mp4)
señorita violeta, son grandes sus tetas

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 22:49 [Preview] No.51664 del
(305.36 KB 835x1358 Elle Fanning(8).jpeg)
(37.28 KB 565x804 willa-holland_0262.jpg)
(31.64 KB 536x804 willa-holland_0263.jpg)
(103.99 KB 1920x804 willa-holland_0264.jpg)
(43.90 KB 452x1080 willa-holland_0265.jpg)

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 22:57 [Preview] No.51665 del
Neofeud, I Have No Mouth and I must Scream, Gabriel Knight 1 and 2, Moebius: Empire Rising, and many others.

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 23:00 [Preview] No.51666 del
(436.61 KB 640x1136 sadie (2).mp4)
Actually I meant Gray Matter and not Moebius, its another Jane Jensen pointclick.

Doc 02/16/2024 (Fri) 23:56 [Preview] No.51667 del
(201.20 KB 870x827 oc9wd5j44uic1.jpeg)
Speaking of. I got into a new scifi show called Beacon 23. It's also about Jewish mysticism. Anti transhumanism, curiously. It calls out alchemists literally.
It's very good.

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 00:57 [Preview] No.51668 del
It has quality khazars in one ep.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 01:17 [Preview] No.51669 del
Sometimes I wish I was a normoid who just leases a toyota

Did you torrent? Or is there a decent streaming site?

Big swingers

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 02:19 [Preview] No.51670 del
(86.27 KB 640x1080 emiru-33_0339.jpg)
(84.71 KB 640x1080 emiru-33_0338.jpg)
I always torrent, but this site has it as well as any recent show.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 03:31 [Preview] No.51672 del
(464.41 KB 1554x2450 green suit 2.jpg)
(794.37 KB 1454x2048 green suit 3.jpg)
Had to grind about 1.5mm of material off my brake calipers so they will fit under my cheapo wheels. If I die hopefully it will be quick.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 03:37 [Preview] No.51673 del
Maybe I was too harsh with the $9 gook keyboard. There's something to be said for cheap hardware that just works. It's not ergonomic, it's not pretty, it's barely even functional, but it is. And it doesn't cost one penny more than it needs to. Also, it's gonna give me cancer and end my suffering

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 03:40 [Preview] No.51674 del
With the way this thing smells I probably already have it, just undiagnosed

it Just Works (it's also somewhere between 7 and 16 times more expensive than driving an old econobox that also runs problem free)

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 03:58 [Preview] No.51675 del
The cost isn't as horrific in the US. If I had a normie job I could afford a lightly used normie car and probably a normie apartment. It wouldn't be nice but it would be socially acceptable.
Nice Naomi vid

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:02 [Preview] No.51676 del
the tax on new cars over there is like 7% isn't it?

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:06 [Preview] No.51677 del
did you guys know norway has had around 25% budget surplus for the last couple years

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:07 [Preview] No.51678 del
I wish I lived in norway

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:14 [Preview] No.51679 del
(101.51 KB 1080x1080 Sadie Sink(91).jpg)
(59.07 KB 800x800 Sadie Sink(89).jpg)
I value the people/culture + natural resources more than the economy. In this sense my top countries are Canada (based parts), some regions of the US and Australia.
Norwegians are ok, but too close to germans/swedes for me.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:21 [Preview] No.51680 del
(1.89 MB 2500x3832 xoxo.jpg)

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:27 [Preview] No.51681 del
old pics from back when she didn't feel the need to wear literal unironic clown makeup for every damn selfie

yeah I'm just messing around I actually can't stand scandis and germans for the most part. it could just be a mistaken impression but icelanders seem like they're a little less insufferable, I'm not sure why that is, maybe the pace of the countryside makes the snowniggers less uptight. if I had to choose a first world country to live in I'd probably choose Italy, France (particularly if I wanted a rural area) or certain regions of the US like you said

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:28 [Preview] No.51682 del
(225.40 KB 1080x1350 yahirdaniel.castro.jpg)
The sales tax varies state to state, some states have ZERO sales tax. 7% is about average I think. I've never bought a new car.

Tea weather all the time

How many more times can she show her areolas before she turns 18?
Not that she should stop once it's "okay"

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.51683 del
(2.87 MB 576x1024 1707857116017118.webm)
She's gonna be 18 in about 2 months so probably at least once. I'm sure the paps already have near full nipslips but the can't publish them, no doubt there will be good content when she turns 18

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.51684 del
(125.54 KB 1920x960 jenna-ortega-1_0611.jpg)
(164.58 KB 1920x960 jenna-ortega-1_0617.jpg)
(116.45 KB 1920x960 jenna-ortega-1_0619.jpg)
Italians are a lot like Brazilians in many ways, at least in São Paulo. More so than the Portuguese. Lots of late migration from there, they are ok.
Denmark and Hungary seem ok around those parts, if not a bit too schizo.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:46 [Preview] No.51685 del
I'm always looking forward to the next Xoch set. Nipples or no she always looks cute.

I'd like to move to Utah. Rumor is there are less mexicans there than where I am now.

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:12 [Preview] No.51686 del
(997.72 KB 1908x2000 Emma Myers(9).jpeg)
Your area is an interesting one.
Texas is transforming Mexico in its own personal China, for manufacturing aerospace stuff, robots, electric cars, etc...
Mexico is one of the last countries in the world with good demographics, aka, young people to leech from.
The problem is that capitalism is too effective, and as a poor country gets wealthier from it, the families immediately stop having 10 kids and start to over-educate them. So its not even a case of not being able to get people to work for pennies, it is a case of not being able to find people who want to be factory workers at all. Demographics being shit is just a consequence of this.

Japan, Germany, Switzerland will provide the machine tools, Texas/Mexico are going to make the robots.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GXT46osICdY [Embed]
Its already heavily in motion.

There are benefits of being around that, you will get the cool toys early and cheaper. There is a lot of business opportunity too.

But, you do better in finding a nearby less mexicoid enclave. Even moving deep into mexico itself on the more developed areas is better than being in the mexicoid slum.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:17 [Preview] No.51687 del
>some states have ZERO sales tax
precisely what I meant by "certain regions of the US"

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:20 [Preview] No.51688 del
Aren't they just going to import africans for the labor?
I'll watch the video soon. I've heard about China using Mexico as a proxy to import things, many cybertruck parts included.

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:21 [Preview] No.51689 del
More up to date video:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yi4_h1SU7UE [Embed]

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:23 [Preview] No.51690 del
(675.21 KB 3840x2160 Dakota Fanning(88).jpeg)
China largely controls Africa, African demographics are fucked as well and they simply lack the IQ for the work.

Even the rest of South America is fucked in demographics. Mexicoids are the last workers in this generation.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:45 [Preview] No.51691 del
is there any car you'd buy new if it were financially responsible for you to do so? or one that's not sold new anymore but you would've bought new back then?

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 05:59 [Preview] No.51692 del
nvm hes gone clubbing already. fucking disgusting normie I'm puking rn

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 11:27 [Preview] No.51693 del
(5.65 MB 576x1024 48123891.mp4)
I dun ruined my sleep schedule completely :(

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 11:28 [Preview] No.51694 del
(2.06 MB 576x1024 71238751.mp4)
since most of my waifus post samey content all the time there should be a tag feature so that I can tag reposts and new content as such

Anonymous Admin 02/17/2024 (Sat) 11:30 [Preview] No.51695 del
At least not clubfooting.

You are just in the wrong time zone.

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:45 [Preview] No.51696 del
(466.63 KB 1440x1800 Lily Collins(95).jpg)
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(455.58 KB 1440x1800 Lily Collins(94).jpg)
(502.47 KB 1440x1800 Lily Collins(92).jpg)
(541.95 KB 1440x1800 Lily Collins(90).jpg)

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 16:27 [Preview] No.51697 del
(184.55 KB 1440x1440 377.jpg)
I just couldn't take being conscious anymore (I was sleepy) WHAT THE HELL DID SHE DO TO HER CAT
Right now, maybe the new prius, or some sort of large rwd sedan. A long time ago my dad had a lincoln towncar and it was really comfy, I'd buy one of those, now or in the past or whatever.

That would be a neat feature that I would leave on all the time like the spoiler tag. I'm tempted to repost Xochi all the time.

Gm, cute sweater pics

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 16:33 [Preview] No.51698 del
(1.67 MB 1080x2209 McKenna Grace(11).png)

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 16:48 [Preview] No.51699 del
Interesting dream last night, and it lasted a while which is rare.

Started with me in the shower and there was this short but attractive woman just outside the shower, we were talking about something and she was wrapped in a towel so I assume she was waiting for me. Next this big crab looking creature about the size of a baseball hat crawls through the window, I leave the shower to get dressed and get a weapon to kill it with. I come back with some kind of one-handed pickaxe but now we are on a beach near where the sidewalk and houses start and the crab has transformed into a dark metallic looking wine barrel with square tiles all over it. I hit it with the axe but it just glances off. Then it shapeshifts again into a tall athletic black woman, or at least something with that sort of body because I never see it's face. I swing at it but never connect because dream reasons, then I have to tactically retreat because some people saw me attacking a PoC womyn. While ducking through all the square apartments I see my reflection and I look like Hank Hill, and that's the end.

As someone once said: "tetas hehehehe tetas gonna squish em hehehe yea"

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 17:53 [Preview] No.51701 del
(171.00 KB 828x1472 download (14).jpg)
How so?

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 19:16 [Preview] No.51702 del
(178.22 KB 495x912 bloggerino_mainpage.PNG)
(187.99 KB 549x937 bloggerino.PNG)
I have added comments, database fetching of the blog posts, showing how many comments there are on the main blog page, showing only the comments that correspond to a specific blog post, and a contact form now. Now I just need to add an error check that the message or the name are not too long. And I am not completely sure that there are not any security problems. If I upload it and get hacked right away by the cia bots then I will know

Doc 02/17/2024 (Sat) 19:40 [Preview] No.51705 del
(1.07 MB 1080x1684 McKenna Grace(13).png)
The shirt says incompetent person.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 21:15 [Preview] No.51707 del
(2.06 MB 576x1024 71238751.mp4)
That's the last thing I expected a manly american mechanic man of masculine tastes to want. I'm not up to date on what the new one is like though. What do you like about it?

First I find myself ahead of the most renowned researchers in the field, then I start getting quoted. It's all upwards from here

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 21:52 [Preview] No.51708 del
The brake upgrade is a bust and basically I'll have to regroup and spend more money. God I hate these parts vendors for boomer cars. Idk how they get away with selling such garbage. I will shoot everyone who works at KarKraft IN REAL LIFE.

>What do you like about it?
The new ones look cool, they're also reliable and efficient. I'd like one of those small 4 door 4x4 trucks like a hilux but none of them are legal to sell in the North American Jewish Economic Zone.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 22:12 [Preview] No.51709 del
That's a joke btw. I can't drive to North Carolina right now, my car doesn't have working breaks.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 22:46 [Preview] No.51710 del
It doesn't look that cool to me tbh. Except for the steering wheel, which looks retro-futuristic, like something from Cyberpunk 2077. The body comes to a sudden stop at the tail in a way that looks crappy and low effort to me, the design of the rear itself looks boring and kinda "off" to me as well. The front looks like it was taken from some chinese kei car and scaled up. Don't get me wrong it's not the ugliest car I've ever seen but every other car in its category looks better imo

It's absolutely possible to drive without brakes. I've done it many times. Same goes for driving licenses

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 23:22 [Preview] No.51711 del
What sensible car would you get?

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 00:01 [Preview] No.51712 del
I was thinking one with brakes. I don't know the US market that well. The Hyundai Elantra is kind of a shitbox compared to the Prius but looking at USA prices, it's considerably cheaper and still has enough horsepower and pretty good MPG. It also looks considerably better IMO. But the best looking one out of that bunch is the Corolla hatchback if you ask me. Both have 2 liter naturally aspirated asian engines which are underpowered by US standards but strike a great balance by argie standards

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 00:05 [Preview] No.51713 del
There is no need for a lot of power in our stretches of highways and freeways when half the cars on the road are european subcompacts with sub-110 HP engines. And a lot of the trucks (proper trucks, not pickups) are weak too due to being very old. Anything over 130-140 HP is plenty enough around these parts

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 01:18 [Preview] No.51714 del
The Elantra looks good, I like the low hoodline at the front. I'd take the Corolla though, it may not explode instantly like the Korean car.
And I'm already nearly done switching back to my drum brakes. I knew better than to make any changes that would stop me from switching back to the old working setup. Always expect the worst.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 02:35 [Preview] No.51715 del
Standards aren't only lower for horsepower here, they're lower for reliability too. You don't see many italian or french cars in the US, do you? We're used to cars exploding a few blocks down the street after leaving the dealership

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 03:11 [Preview] No.51716 del
All part of the SOUL and PASSION of European motoring

Doc 02/18/2024 (Sun) 03:29 [Preview] No.51717 del
(4.75 MB 1080x1920 Nat (2).mp4)

Doc 02/18/2024 (Sun) 04:30 [Preview] No.51719 del
(161.89 KB 1179x1262 Ivana Baquero(17).jpg)
(181.32 KB 1179x1258 Ivana Baquero(16).jpg)
It sounds like it had memes, game mechanics and internet concerns in it.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 04:54 [Preview] No.51720 del
I guess. The "poc womyn" part was flavorful description after the fact. She didn't look like any sort of caricature.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 05:25 [Preview] No.51721 del
New Concept III video. They adjust a clutch on a miata.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 06:13 [Preview] No.51722 del
oh nooooo AI videos are too realistic now oh nooooo whatever shall we do oh my goddd this is like another shoah oy vey

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 06:14 [Preview] No.51723 del
it's too realistic call the cops this cannot be permitted the sheer immorality of this act is inconceivable

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 08:50 [Preview] No.51726 del
I have SO MUCH to say about this specific topic I don't even know where to begin

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 08:53 [Preview] No.51727 del

Try organizing your thoughts. List keywords. Then create a chain of keywords.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.51728 del
Make a mindmap.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 17:23 [Preview] No.51729 del
Go off nigga

Very curious math thin. They even used the pi symbol but inverted. Classic movie.
Very pretty architecture pics too

Doc 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:00 [Preview] No.51730 del
(174.26 KB 1284x2222 Thomasin McKenzie(3).jpg)
(147.20 KB 1284x2224 Thomasin McKenzie(1).jpg)
(524.69 KB 302x640 thomasin (2).mp4)

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:55 [Preview] No.51731 del
New Thomasin slutkino dropped

Full vid, don't know if I can post mov here

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:02 [Preview] No.51732 del
Me looking in through the skylight

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:37 [Preview] No.51733 del
Jade Nappe's dad has a podcast about entertainment industry things called Chaosmade and Chaos Clubhouse. Jade is on it sometimes.
It looks boring as hell.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:41 [Preview] No.51734 del
Have you seen this?
https://www.tiktok.com/@syds_garage [Embed]

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:54 [Preview] No.51736 del
Yes, but she's added some new videos since I've last looked. Thanks

Doc 02/18/2024 (Sun) 20:06 [Preview] No.51737 del
(139.39 KB 1080x1350 Lily Collins (1)(14).jpg)
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(125.96 KB 1080x1350 Lily Collins(13).jpg)
(156.74 KB 1080x1350 Lily Collins(4).jpg)

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 20:20 [Preview] No.51738 del
Heh those are the same brakes I am trying to put on the back of my car. Typically you can use a mirrored caliper, and turn the mount around, and the caliper won't be in the way of the shock anymore. If only I was her husbando.

Nice fuzz

Doc 02/18/2024 (Sun) 20:29 [Preview] No.51739 del
(316.09 KB 2867x1868 Florence Pugh(18).jpg)
(542.66 KB 600x974 k84zhhbfgdjc1.mp4)
(455.47 KB 1696x2544 Florence Pugh.jpg)
Brit women are kinda sad.

Doc 02/19/2024 (Mon) 01:43 [Preview] No.51741 del
(356.28 KB 1912x2867 Florence Pugh(21).jpg)
(440.20 KB 1912x2867 Florence Pugh (1)(19).jpg)
I mean their culture/vibe and such. It's "we are depressed drunk sluts with catlady vibes and its so cool". They feel like, someone needs to tell them it is not cool. I don't even mind the slut part, they are just embarrassing.

There's this big booba retro gaming channel called octav1us king that is pure distilled british basic bitch. The content is nice, but she plays it so hard.

Doc 02/19/2024 (Mon) 01:45 [Preview] No.51742 del
(446.39 KB 1910x2867 Freya Allan(7).jpg)
(414.04 KB 1910x2867 Freya Allan (1)(6).jpg)
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(463.91 KB 1912x2867 Freya Allan(2).jpg)
tldr, brit women are not ok.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 01:54 [Preview] No.51743 del
(2.93 MB 720x1280 british people.webm)
I kind of knew what you meant but didn't have a good enough grasp to describe it, but this webm does it well.
I'll check out that channel.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 03:31 [Preview] No.51746 del

yep I noticed that too. I even thought octav1usking was a particularly good example of it just like you. The UK's economic and cultural decline has only accelerated in the last couple decades


Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 03:52 [Preview] No.51747 del
She's no average Argie girl at the market, but I like her.
How was your weekend?

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 03:57 [Preview] No.51748 del
(3.91 MB 5500x3667 MrHHk9VN_o.jpg)
(2.07 MB 1910x2867 447238755_gomez-23.jpg)
>not showing her nips
what's her problem?

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:03 [Preview] No.51749 del
(3.07 MB 576x1024 193459821.mp4)
who cares. how was yours?

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:15 [Preview] No.51750 del
It's not her best outfit imo, or hairstyle. Thanks for the big pics nonetheless.

I care a little.
I accomplished very little, and I picked up an annoying cough.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:28 [Preview] No.51751 del
(609.64 KB 576x1024 9125822.mp4)
(489.43 KB 576x1024 7123874.mp4)
it's a good thing you specified exactly how little you care, if you hadn't Doc would've probably deemed it too gay

it was okay I guess. I think the highlight was there was finally (some) new content from the girls I usually post. I have a pretty busy day tomorrow for a NEET. not super excited about that. but oh well what can you do

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:30 [Preview] No.51752 del
you can on a killing spree. that's what you can do. pull out innocent people's eyeballs and teeth with your fingers

Doc 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:42 [Preview] No.51754 del
(228.98 KB 864x1080 Anya (2).jpg)
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(176.52 KB 864x1080 Anya (1).jpg)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:42 [Preview] No.51755 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gwP6F8cvYag [Embed] wdym femdom I thought this was the ASMR department

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 05:02 [Preview] No.51756 del
(163.92 KB 1029x1286 french toast.jpg)
Yeah I don't want to look gay in front of The Leader
>I have a pretty busy day tomorrow for a NEET

Cute lady. The name sounds familiar, have you posted her before?

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.51757 del
they've gotten bigger


>Cute lady. The name sounds familiar, have you posted her before?
I think I may have, yeah

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 05:31 [Preview] No.51759 del
Great color coordination with the outfit and the hair and her skintone. She looks great

Three lil models I will blow their houses down

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 05:37 [Preview] No.51760 del
she looks like those Marvel white supremacy golden people

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 05:44 [Preview] No.51761 del
speaking of comic books I'm going through "Irredeemable" because someone recommended it in a youtube comment section (I know) and it's actually really good. it's by Mark Waid who did Kingdom Come. not only is it heady (by comic book standards) but it even touches on several of the same issues I've been talking about on here (particularly expectations and victimhood)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 07:36 [Preview] No.51762 del
(753.74 KB 1280x1973 irr_11_018.jpg)
(832.18 KB 1280x2015 irr_11_019.jpg)
(906.32 KB 1280x2004 irr_11_020.jpg)
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(721.52 KB 1280x1990 irr_11_022.jpg)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 07:37 [Preview] No.51763 del
(925.63 KB 1280x1986 irr12_15.jpg)
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(776.65 KB 1280x1978 irr12_19.jpg)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 16:46 [Preview] No.51767 del
(1.72 MB 720x1280 ns1-LokHGM4rCVxb.mp4)
New passive income idea (might even work in argentina): Train a bird to find and bring back money or coins

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 16:48 [Preview] No.51768 del
Devon has such a beautiful face and jaw. when devon smiles, her face looks cute and beautiful, and when she doesn't, it looks just beautiful

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:03 [Preview] No.51770 del
(312.18 KB 1280x1822 ellahunt_MES3ZSM_o.jpg)
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(321.40 KB 1280x1840 ellahunt_MES3ZSH_o.jpg)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:09 [Preview] No.51772 del
if argentavis magnificens was extant you could train one to deliver women to you

last pic is *chef's kiss*

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:26 [Preview] No.51774 del
(47.85 KB 769x960 dakota__.jpg)
>if argentavis magnificens was extant you could train one to deliver women to you
But it would have to be trained to bring only the beautiful ones. Otherwise you would end up with a pit full of ogre looking women and ugly or fat girls

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:27 [Preview] No.51775 del
Yes i want to fuck and suck willow smith

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:27 [Preview] No.51776 del
She does have a beautiful smile, and not just her teeth, but how her eyes and nose scrunch up.

It's certainly edgy enough. Are these pages the start of the story?

Looks like it works well in that vid. I saw a shitpost about how a guy trained a crow to gather money and exchange it with the poster for shiny things or nest building materials. Crows are very clever.

Nice hint of underwear

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:32 [Preview] No.51777 del
(81.86 KB 800x1040 1723852-800w.jpg)
the fuck this isnt garth enis? was expecting way worse

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 17:34 [Preview] No.51778 del
Hello Frenchman
She grew up pretty well, I think, I never really paid attention to her.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 18:06 [Preview] No.51779 del
suppy sup sup
shes batshit nuts like the rest of her cursed family but who cares? adds spicyness

Doc 02/19/2024 (Mon) 18:20 [Preview] No.51780 del
(268.99 KB 1209x727 McKenna Grace(47).jpeg)
(386.27 KB 1064x1600 Anya Taylor Joy(4).jpeg)
(448.59 KB 1280x1600 Jenna Ortega(3).jpeg)

Doc 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:44 [Preview] No.51782 del
(597.29 KB 2880x2880 Thomasin McKenzie(50).jpeg)
(208.61 KB 1080x2340 McKenna Grace(67).jpg)

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 23:45 [Preview] No.51783 del
no, those pages are from a little before the middle point. It had a pretty long run, I'm like 30 issues in and it's still enjoyable. Certainly better than 99% of Marvel/DC books

this is the story of how I banged a hot nigger with schizophrenia

I always found her hot tbh even when she was very underage

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 23:55 [Preview] No.51784 del
How would you assess them? Play white for once you pussy. These questions where you ask for my takes are TRAPS. If I go first you'll just disagree with everything I say and treat me like an idiot and then throw a smoke bomb and leave. I already know your disgusting little routine at this point you can't fool me anymore I'm a grown woman now

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 00:05 [Preview] No.51785 del
Cough is gone, but my whole face hurts

I believe it; Marvel and DC make a crazy amount of comic books, 99% of them bad. I'm no connoisseur but this one looks ok.

To me it seems like the super guy is being a baby and doesn't want to accept the responsibilities that come with being a super guy.
He can fly and he's still butthurt about his foster parents? Shut up nigga.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 00:15 [Preview] No.51786 del
I think there's an underlying aspect of different natures and different experiences that leads to a failure in being able to empathize, basically the same idea as that phenomenon I was talking about the other day. He can't get empathy from them and he can't give empathy to them. He's all alone. They look the same on the outside but otherwise he was completely different from his foster families (while still within the realm of being a person), and from everyone else on Earth. He merely adapted to "their" rules and norms, which is what anyone would do under those circumstances. Especially as children, everyone wants to fit in and get along well with others, it's in our nature, we're a highly social species. He made great efforts to do everything right, only to discover that all he would get in reward were higher and higher standards for his behavior, more and more scrutiny and demands, until he inevitably made another mistake as an adult and it led to his downfall and to snapping. It was an honest mistake, though. I haven't finished the comic yet but I got the impression that he was a genuinely good man and all his wrongdoings before he snapped were only accidents. People still died in those accidents, though. In a way, it's a "Falling Down" sort of story, except with added nuance because unlike in that movie, after he snaps the protagonist of Irredeemable kills plenty of innocent people and does plainly evil things for the sake of evil. It's also obvious that he's going through a psychotic episode and has no control whatsoever, whereas the guy in Falling Down seemed more conscious throughout. So yeah basically those are my completely impromptu and unsanitized views

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 00:23 [Preview] No.51787 del
What was the mistake he made as an adult?

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 01:09 [Preview] No.51788 del
Both the will to belong and be accepted, and the behavior to scrutinize for that which is odd and dangerous are naturally evolved behaviors on humans for a reason.
First you distill it down to anthropology. Evolutionary psychology.
We either never had a pressure to evolve empathy as advanced as it would be ideal, or we necessarily evolved to not empathize or see as human that which is divergent, in order to preserve gene diversity for the sake of the species, or perhaps it is an acquired defense against sociopathy which is a trait that has been more frequent through evolution and harmful than we think.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 02:25 [Preview] No.51789 del
He handed over obscure alien technology to a renowned scientist who had been all over the media complaining that superheroes were selfish for holding back technology that could massively improve life for the people. The scientist tinkered with the device carelessly and it ended up releasing a plague that spread through sound waves and killed a lot of people, mostly children. His guilt over the fuckup, and also thinking of the things the media and people would say about him, was what made him snap completely. But it's implied throughout the story that it was bound to happen sooner or later, that there was a dark side to him that he had been reining in the whole time

The way he was written, and going off some of the author's notes on the first issue (which were empathetic towards the protagonist), I don't think he was intended to be a sociopath, his concern for others seems genuine, not like an act. I think his issue was more that he expected rewards for his good deeds rather than increasingly severe punishments. "No good deed goes unpunished". He believed so much in that simple system of moral behavior and just reward that after enough evidence had mounted up that that's not how it really worked at all, it broke his mind. It's also clear that he had some sort of neurological/psychiatric issue from birth or a predisposition to it, just not plain psychopathy. At least that's how I interpret the character. I realize you were talking in general terms and not about him specifically though. Also, as the title of the book implies, he's past the point of redemption once he starts killing for pleasure. There's no debate to be had anymore at that point, you have to kill the wolf asap

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 02:49 [Preview] No.51790 del
(161.89 KB 1179x1262 Ivana Baquero(17).jpg)
(181.32 KB 1179x1258 Ivana Baquero(16).jpg)
I didn't mean to diagnose him since I haven't read the story, just demonstrate an analytical process, as you said, he had something wrong and others did pick it up correctly, even if the outcome was undesirable.
The "hivemind" of human behavior, be it cultural or genetical, tends to be way smarter than the individuals and than what most pseudo-intellectuals give it credit for. It is just oriented to perpetuate some genes at any cost, rather than bring about utopia.

We live in that machine, forgetting that can easily make you a victim of it or a monster.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 03:09 [Preview] No.51791 del
I don't have memory problems, I just don't like it

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 03:22 [Preview] No.51792 del
He cares about the children, and about what journalists think, but he has enough of a dark side to snap and kill a bunch of people (I assume). I don't get it. As a lion he should not worry so much about the sheep.

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.51793 del
(39.86 KB 478x611 Jodelle Ferland(9).jpg)
Not implying that is ALL there is either.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:05 [Preview] No.51794 del
People can't be lions. He's not simple enough to be content with being physically superior

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:32 [Preview] No.51795 del
I'll have to read the comic to get an actual opinion about the characters.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:40 [Preview] No.51796 del
that Calva Louise song I linked a few weeks ago blew up. it's sitting at 100k views now. all thanks to me I presume

have you played any videogames lately? you don't talk about them often

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:41 [Preview] No.51797 del
currently listening to Year of the Knife after having slept 3 hours out of the last 30 (it's good for me)

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:47 [Preview] No.51798 del
the virgin listening to music from the 80s vs the Chad scrolling down your youtube history until you find the stuff from two months ago

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 04:49 [Preview] No.51799 del
Nah, I don't do a whole lot. I shitpost, work on my car and on home improvement stuff, and look after my mom. It takes up a lot of time.
I was playing Days Gone because of Sershbro's recommendation and I was almost to the point where I wouldn't be stuck with the garbage tier hobo starter gun. I should get back into that.

You sleep that little? Damn.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:00 [Preview] No.51800 del
I think the main reason I sincerely hope that Year of the Knife's frontwoman fully recovers from her accident is not because of her wellbeing but because I need a video of them playing their EP live where there's not a bunch of stupid zoomers in the crowd punching the air like children pretending they're in DBZ

yeah I know how it goes. well actually I don't, because I don't have a job. I don't know how you even manage to have any free time at all. I'm genuinely impressed whenever people that work 9 to 5s (or worse) manage to stay more or less up to date with media, hobbies and whatnot. Not that that stuff is more important than being productive, it's the other way around

>You sleep that little? Damn.
not normally no. this is just what happens when you have a fucked up sleep schedule but you still need to get up in the morning whether you like it or not on some days

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:02 [Preview] No.51801 del
(224.67 KB 1080x1346 Kathryn Newton(53).jpg)
I was looking into some upscale/reconstruction videos and ran into Metropolis:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Be955EMr13o [Embed]

Was never a huge fan of it, but it makes way more sense now and its a good way to explain a lot of biblical metaphor to modern people.

Basically, the story is about men being seduced by technology, which in this story is represented by the robot girl who is also portrayed as Babalon (Crowley's demon waifu) because they mistake her for true love (shown in the duality of the real girl vs the fake girl and the robot made of her image).
Thus men build the babel tower, which is a metaphor to science. It is abstract language/thinking development in order to reach God/The immaterial.
And ultimately this mistake leads to suffering and so forth.

Even way back in Weimar republic when this was made they used the same imagery and concepts. Hitler liked the movie too.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:09 [Preview] No.51802 del
Yeah idk how the 9 to 5 people do it. Maybe it's that I didn't have a desk job where all I do is shop online, but I was usually tired when I got home. Maybe I do a few hours of chores but past that I would be out of time and energy.
I hope the normies quit making you get up so early

I didn't know that movie was so old. Never seen it, but I've seen the depictions of the robot lady.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:24 [Preview] No.51803 del
(502.95 KB 1080x1350 r_UMz7P4t1w.jpg)
(398.87 KB 1080x1350 NVp1RbO1pio.jpg)
I appreciate the insight, doc. Now I can kinda sorta pretend I've seen it if anyone ever asks

so your job is not a 9 to 5? I assumed it was. Honestly managing time has always been very hard for me. It's one of the worst problems with my fucked up life. I somehow always find a way to get little to nothing done no matter how much free time I may have. I don't think it's just a management issue though, I think other issues like being too stressed out to do anything at all except sit/rest is what actually prevents me from getting things done in practice. I hope cam doesn't think I'm whining I'm just chatting. I gotta make up for how quiet I am irl (there is absolutely no point in talking to normies)

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:27 [Preview] No.51804 del
you see what I mean? hot girl, solid blend of hardcore and DM, beautiful blegh... and then it pans to whatever the fuck that bizarre spectacle is. I think my favorite of the bunch is the girl in the back who's not even the slightest bit intense or intimidating, she's just doing her irish tap dancing moves that she learned for her middle school play

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 05:29 [Preview] No.51805 del
It's strange to find these metaphors in this arrangement in something so old. Like yeah, this esoteric narrative is everywhere in obscurantist forms that only people who know them understand, except for Snowcrash that just fucking explains it. But even that early? Interesting shit.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 06:00 [Preview] No.51806 del
I was roughly 7 hours a day of shop work when I was working regularly, but unlike an office drone that's 7 hours of being on my feet working, not even playing on my phone. Though maybe I'm just lethargic. Our value as men is tied to how much energy we can expend in a day and I think I fall short of average.
>too stressed out to do anything at all except sit/rest
No doubt that is a lot of time burnt. My excuse for not doing anything today is that I had a sinus headache.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 06:30 [Preview] No.51807 del
beeg fat enormous

Surely you know the feeling. It's like you know there's no point in even trying to make that phone call because no words are going to come out anyway, or why bother trying to go to the store if you can't even seem to stand up. I do end up doing those things eventually, but everything takes me longer than it does for everyone else for that reason. I move much slower than the normies

>Our value as men is tied to how much energy we can expend in a day and I think I fall short of average.
and where would someone like me fall on that scale then?

I think you suffer from internalized misandry bro. If you were a woman they'd give you a month off for that headache. They'd probably send you flowers and a brand new iPad with a get well soon card too

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 06:34 [Preview] No.51808 del
(272.69 KB 1080x1349 JL8xYtZ3ESM.jpg)
I think Violeta has finally milkpilled me. I'd kill to see her naked from the waist up. Her tits look just about perfect relative to her proportions and her face. I don't like her bimbo skin tone but the shape and size are just right

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 07:05 [Preview] No.51809 del
>How would you assess them?
He has the belief system that his parents should love him or accept him as their own. And instead of dropping that belief system, he held on to it. Whenever his parents disappointed him or did not live up to what he expected, he was disappointed, hurt and suffered; from what I can tell he went mad over it

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 07:23 [Preview] No.51810 del
I think the prettiest 3 waifus of my life are Devon, Alex and Amy Acker
Look how beautiful the lower 2/3 thirds of her face are

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 13:13 [Preview] No.51813 del
hough she did some other stuff you must have heared "wait a minute" it was really popular

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 13:14 [Preview] No.51814 del
(166.98 KB 1200x801 mj1nsf43lv081.jpg)
yeah meh i mean she just looked like her brother best thing that happened to her was gettting tall n curves

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 13:16 [Preview] No.51815 del
(64.76 KB 526x586 1702412252811602.jpg)
bimbo skin tone? this girl? i dont see it bro

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 15:34 [Preview] No.51816 del
It's close enough to a bimbo skin tone by my standards. I'm white remember? Not french

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 16:11 [Preview] No.51817 del
I somewhat know the feeling. I'll put things off forever because I see now long term goal. I'm just going to die alone so why bother doing all kinds of boring or tedious shit like if I was going to have any sort of future.
>where would someone like me fall on the scale
As a woman would say: You need to get your shit together, which means make more money so a woman can come spend it.

And as a neckfag I concur

>Wait a Minute
I'll have to check that one out

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 16:22 [Preview] No.51818 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9mdAPVCNSBE [Embed]
New Slavpunk ASMR. Perfect time for me to go back to sleep.

Yeah I had heard it before on some roastie tiktoks. Didn't know that was Willow singing it.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 16:52 [Preview] No.51820 del
(77.20 KB 1080x1347 reddit ai.jpg)
Good way to make your AI have the right opinions

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 17:07 [Preview] No.51821 del
(243.29 KB 1022x1024 jenna-ortega-1_0610.jpg)

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 17:25 [Preview] No.51822 del
(103.72 KB 1042x882 mlk vs malcolm x.jpg)
Really lewd pic

Doc 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:09 [Preview] No.51823 del
No power day.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:07 [Preview] No.51824 del
(87.35 KB 920x1220 orig (1).webp)
>normies having double morals

>I somewhat know the feeling. I'll put things off forever because I see now long term goal. I'm just going to die alone so why bother doing all kinds of boring or tedious shit like if I was going to have any sort of future.
>As a woman would say: You need to get your shit together, which means make more money so a woman can come spend it.
Wasn't it you who said the best thing about success would be using it to reject every slut and whore that inevitably tries to take a serving of it? I don't remember if that's what I said then, but I actually agreed with that sentiment. It's just that I legitimately can't seem to work up the willpower to do much of anything now much less work. But I think that's absolutely the best thing about success. And I don't say that out of any sort of incel style resentment against women, I'm talking about the shallow materialistic and hypocritical female apes in particular. The second best thing would be having resources available if and when you do actually meet one that's worth sharing with and caring for

Also I don't know why you keep talking like you're a starving african when that's clearly not the case. Other than maybe cam you're probably the wealthiest person on here lol

I think that's just your excuse to be an unproductive failure. Shame on you. What woman is going to want a man that's just like "oh no the power went out I can't code anymore now"? MAKE some power you worthless effeminate pussy. Do something with your life ffs seriously

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:10 [Preview] No.51825 del
(2.77 MB 576x1024 698124981.mp4)
I've come to realize that my patience is infinite with good doctors and non-existent with the smug, uppity, self important kind. Maybe that goes for people in general too. It's like I shift between Jekyll and Hyde depending on how the other person is treating me. From lvl 6 or 7 all the way to lvl 1 or viceversa

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:49 [Preview] No.51826 del
That was probably me that said that, as I generally agree with that. People in the US call it "fuck you" money.
I don't mean to come off as a poor person. I'm in that window where I'm not starving and I have some money to throw around, but that's only because I don't live like a normie. I don't have my own place or a normie car or an iPhone or any of the capitalism things that I would need to move to the next level of life in the US (having women pay attention to you, whispers of a wife and family, etc.)

Dang, and don't you live in a city now?
Samara is another excellent example of a lower 1/3 face imo

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:00 [Preview] No.51827 del
I saw an insta reel of a wind turbine that someone made out of old fuel drums and a car alternator and some bicycle parts. I wonder if I ever get enough wind to make something like that work.

Good that you've found a decent doctor. Those are rare

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:12 [Preview] No.51828 del
(4.98 MB 576x1024 895218771.mp4)
The general practitioner that treated my mom the last two times is a kind, humble man that's very easy to talk to. There's not much chance of even the slightest conflict with someone like that, any disagreements can be resolved easily and pleasantly. Her psychiatrist, on the other hand, is an insufferable piece of shit who thinks she's a huge deal and probably wishes she could make her patients and their relatives get on their knees and eat her pubic hair before she even acknowledges their presence. There should honestly be so much more scrutiny for doctors than there is. It's one thing if a doctor lashes out at someone or misbehaves because of too much stress, lack of sleep, or because the patient started it. It's a whole different deal if they've just come back from a one month vacation and they're still treating everyone as if they were rats infesting the hospital. At that point just get a different job or something idk but it's not those people's fault that you're that bitter, you're making everyone's lives harder

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:19 [Preview] No.51829 del
>female psychiatrist
Recipe for disaster right there. These psycho women pursue work in those fields entirely so they can abuse people similar to those who've wronged them (like when their dad wouldn't let them date a drug dealer 3x their age)

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:19 [Preview] No.51830 del
I don't doubt it at all.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:43 [Preview] No.51831 del
That's how therapy in the US works at least. They are an authority that are payed to agree with their woman clients. It's why when you hear a woman say "get therapy" it can usually be interchanged with "start agreeing with me"

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:47 [Preview] No.51832 del
>35 That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp.
I didn't realize angels could have KDRs this good

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:56 [Preview] No.51833 del
Damn those child sacrifices really paid off

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:08 [Preview] No.51834 del
speaking of death, did you know mechanics have the 3rd highest suicide rate out of all the professions? only miners and construction workers have higher rates

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:20 [Preview] No.51835 del
(155.73 KB 720x1213 65fbr3b909gc1.jpeg)
I did write the next story but and planned a bunch of marketing.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:24 [Preview] No.51836 del
I need to start calling myself a "technician"

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:31 [Preview] No.51837 del

ranked 3rd after pickaxe users and brick layers

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:35 [Preview] No.51838 del
I know these two dudes that expect to be taken seriously and one of them "codes" "games" and the other "fixes" "cars". Can you believe it? What's wrong with the world these days, where did we go so wrong

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:39 [Preview] No.51839 del
Crowd = mogged

ikr, I need to get a real job, like a tiktok influencer or defense contractor lobbyist.

Bricklayers? I wouldn't have guessed that.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:42 [Preview] No.51840 del
nah that's just the first synonym of "construction worker" that came to mind but I doubt having to lay down bricks is what makes them kill themselves. probably a combination of shit pay due to being illegal immigrants and being tasked with considerably harder labor (not saying bricklaying is easy or lazy)

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 01:02 [Preview] No.51841 del
(248.19 KB 3000x3000 glow cargo pants.jpg)
(389.07 KB 3000x3000 glow casual.jpg)
(324.40 KB 3000x3000 glow plant outfit.jpg)
Glow really fills out those cargo pants

She so shiny
It does seem like a hard and thankless job. Pure wage slavery. The mexicans here don't seem to mind too much though, not enough to stop doing it.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 01:25 [Preview] No.51842 del
Can't believe Americans really cook their food in plastic bags.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 02:49 [Preview] No.51843 del
you mean to say you don't add plastic sauce to your dishes for extra flavor?

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 02:49 [Preview] No.51844 del
(113.18 KB 960x960 1708483758547.jpeg)
Part 12 I think, unedited, phoneposted.

A man with an athlete's physique lies on a pod bunk bed almost too small for him. His eyes spring awaken with a distant metallic clang.
He efficiently zips on an uniform and grab his over shoulder bag before effortlessly pulling a ceiling vent open and climbing up into it.

There is a louder clang and far up in the vent he firmly locks his thighs against the walls, freeing his hand to slip out a short pipe from his bag.
With his wide bright eyes locked down, he can see a shadow moving in the room below. The second a crusty carapace of a creature enters the frame of the vent, he throws the pipe with intent like a dart straight down.
Leaving an unnatural blue trail, the pipe accelerates double the speed for every centimeter down, when it contacts the center of the creature's back, it is so fast it causes the being to sublimate from solid into a flowing gas.
As the whole section below is purged, air comes rushing escaping from the vent, but the man can holds his breath and climb into the sealed hatch above with no hurry.
- Sneaky son of a bitch. - Paul thinks on his voice from before it changed.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 03:19 [Preview] No.51845 del
Plastic and laser printer receipt paper, delicious.

This is a whole new setting? It's a cool scene.

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 03:30 [Preview] No.51846 del
(90.65 KB 609x1080 wolfabelle_0313.jpg)
Same setting. Few days later.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 03:41 [Preview] No.51847 del
So that's Paul in his rebuilt body. Thanks.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 03:43 [Preview] No.51848 del
first pic goes kinda hard ngl lol

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 03:50 [Preview] No.51849 del
Hehe. He still sells those shirts, though I can't find the pride colors one, just black/white and red.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 05:19 [Preview] No.51850 del
I often feel like a complete piece of shit

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 05:37 [Preview] No.51851 del
we all fall short of the glory of God as they say on these christian youtube channels

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 05:52 [Preview] No.51852 del
(2.15 MB 1599x2412 199.jpg)
>God makes me a throwback freak that nobody likes
>Forgives me for falling short
Thanks I guess.
Who's the gigachad Laura made the cake for?

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:04 [Preview] No.51853 del
his husband is some "professional rich guy" who doesn't seem to do any sort of work on a regular schedule as far as I can tell. good for them tbh. she could be dating some rapper and he could be spending his inheritance on generic instagram whores, but they're both civilized people

>throwback freak
Throwback as in overly conservative? Or primitive?

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:05 [Preview] No.51854 del
her* laura is not transgender I don't think

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:11 [Preview] No.51855 del
new AnnAnn video is great even though I'm shit at following instructions. As a matter of fact I'm not sure I'm even physically capable of unclenching my jaw anymore. I really like that thing she does where she keeps doing some trigger even after the "credits" roll but without talking or looking at the camera

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:23 [Preview] No.51856 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=fBR5yl0-q_Y [Embed] this is surprisingly good and effective considering. Also I can tell it was recorded recently because of the mosquito attacks

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:49 [Preview] No.51857 del
I was using it to mean unwanted, not in a chronological way.

It's nice that they are a stable couple. Someone who looks like that and has money could have 100 Lauras if he wanted.

I'll watch that one now.
That outro music AnnAnn uses sometimes is very nice as well. She's good.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.51858 del
They deserve each other, but in a good way. That's extremely rare in normie couples. Like probably below 5% of the total

>I was using it to mean unwanted, not in a chronological way.
I didn't know it had that meaning. Are you sure you didn't mean "throwaway"? I promise I won't laugh if it was a mistake. The last few days I got lost twice in familiar places. Come to think of it I may have posted about that incident already. Tonight I walked all the way back to my dad's place thinking I had left my phone there when I had put it in a plastic bag before leaving. I've been fucking up like that all the time lately. My mom will be staying at the hospital for a week so hopefully the stress will subside a little

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:55 [Preview] No.51860 del
(730.44 KB 3142x4724 ellahunt_MES4KLP_o.jpg)
>Crowd = mogged
She looks absolutely huge here. What was her name again?
There is something about her that I like; I think it's that she looks a bit like a cavewoman, but also cute and big at the same time, with blonde hair

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:55 [Preview] No.51861 del
have you ever lashed out at someone who didn't deserve it, or at least didn't deserve it to that extent?

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:00 [Preview] No.51862 del
Why do you ask?

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:02 [Preview] No.51863 del
Because I'm wondering how normal that is

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:03 [Preview] No.51864 del
I can't tell.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:04 [Preview] No.51865 del
basically because of >>51850
I can't tell if I'm crazy or not

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:15 [Preview] No.51866 del
What was the reason?
I don't think I do this, at least not in the recent years. But I have a hard time sometimes to not be honest to people even if it may hurt their feelings. For example my to sister

You don't keep track of the waifus I post?

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.51867 del
I mean she looks like any of these girls in these threads. Liek if she dyed her hair black, she'd look like this one.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:22 [Preview] No.51868 del
>What was the reason?
Does it matter? I'm certain that it was unwarranted, but the doubt lies in whether that's a "normal" thing to do or not. Particularly in a public place and/or against multiple people. It's the second time it happens in the last few months

>at least not in the recent years.
what about the not so recent years?

I guess she does resemble Devon slightly but that's a very good thing imo. Plus she looks different enough that she still adds variety

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:26 [Preview] No.51869 del
>Some people may also experience anger when they’re hurt. “Instead of feeling vulnerable to the pain of feeling the hurt, they instead feel anger and often feel a desire to hurt others,” explained Moore.
>Also, Moore said depression and anxiety are examples of unexpressed anger, because anger turned inward often results in self-hatred, which causes depression.

I feel like it goes both ways for me. I've always had anxiety as well as some depression it's pretty much chronic at this point (not that I necessarily think it can't be fixed) but in the last few years I've had a lot more pent up anger and became much more likely to raise my voice or act out. Up until my early 20s I had a much more mild temper I think (granted I was also much wealthier)

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:30 [Preview] No.51870 del
You may have a different perception than me or us, if you are not as obsessed with what females look like you won't pay attention to or notice the details or the differences

>Does it matter? I'm certain that it was unwarranted, but the doubt lies in whether that's a "normal" thing to do or not. Particularly in a public place and/or against multiple people. It's the second time it happens in the last few months
I mean it does matter in the sense that if you say that it was unwarranted then it seems like it's something you want to change, and to find out what causes that behaviour in you, you might want to investigate what the root cause for it is

>what about the not so recent years?
Sometimes random stuff would irrationally make me angry

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:33 [Preview] No.51871 del
Nah, I think a certain type of chicks gets posted over and over here - not just by you - with a couple of outliers.
It's similar to /agatha2/ where also a certain type of chicks gets posted, with a couple of outliers.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:36 [Preview] No.51872 del
>certain type of chicks
Yeah it's called attractive women

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:39 [Preview] No.51873 del
I wonder if Isabelbro is doing alright

>I feel like it goes both ways for me. I've always had anxiety as well as some depression it's pretty much chronic at this point (not that I necessarily think it can't be fixed) but in the last few years I've had a lot more pent up anger and became much more likely to raise my voice or act out. Up until my early 20s I had a much more mild temper I think (granted I was also much wealthier)
So you are aware of your issues already
It seems like they are:
1) pent up anger
2) lack of wealth
Both are solvable. I already told you to train a crow to collect money notes and coins for passive income, but you refuse to take any advice

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:40 [Preview] No.51874 del
There is a variety of attractive women. Most of these you guys post are similar to each other. Well, they look pretty much the same.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:43 [Preview] No.51875 del
(1.37 MB 576x1024 5901230.mp4)
And did it ever lead to doing something you came to regret? Like assaulting or hurling insults at someone who in retrospect you realized didn't deserve it? For me, I realized I had acted out like a child immediately after it happened. I guess that's a good thing. But I really wish it had never happened. I did not know the feeling of regret at all until recently

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:59 [Preview] No.51876 del
>I wonder if Isabelbro is doing alright
nope I killed him

>So you are aware of your issues already
>It seems like they are:
>1) pent up anger
>2) lack of wealth
>Both are solvable. I already told you to train a crow to collect money notes and coins for passive income, but you refuse to take any advice
I'd add like 5 more items to that list, though most of them would branch out from the issue of coinlessness. I'm not trying to play the victim, or at least it doesn't feel like that on my end, it only feels like I'm being honest and open. It's not that I don't feel any embarrassment from sharing these things, I feel extremely embarrassed, I'm just looking for advice from the closest thing to a group of friends that I have. Also I'd follow your investment advice if I had any starting capital at all. Maybe soon

Is that so? I guess most of them are slender, but Violeta and some of the girls lizbro posts are pretty short and stocky. Most of them are also white, but that's to be expected, because it's the best race. We do have a token nigger though. No asians but I'm thankful for that tbh (cam used to post Pom who I do find attractive unlike most of her species). But I'd say we have pretty decent variety tbh I'm not sure I agree with your assessment hungry man

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 08:59 [Preview] No.51877 del
>And did it ever lead to doing something you came to regret? Like assaulting or hurling insults at someone who in retrospect you realized didn't deserve it? For me, I realized I had acted out like a child immediately after it happened. I guess that's a good thing. But I really wish it had never happened. I did not know the feeling of regret at all until recently
When I was younger I punched someone when he was rude to an older person, but I apologized to him afterwards
Is it possible to apologize to that person?
If you have the self awareness of knowing that it was dumb or unwarranted and that you regret, then it is already more awareness or empathy than most people have. From what you post here you seem to do a good amount of self reflection about yourself

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 09:02 [Preview] No.51878 del
Watch this vid and tell me what you think. It talks about exactly the anger problem. It is only 5 minutes
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2aT_sSY6swY [Embed]

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 09:05 [Preview] No.51879 del
Self reflection is all I have left after a bad day, which most days have been lately. I'm not sure it's a sign of higher awareness or intelligence, frankly I think it's where your mind goes on its own because you're left wondering what the fuck did you do so wrong. I don't feel like I've figured out a lot yet, but I'm still processing

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 09:53 [Preview] No.51880 del
>if I had any starting capital at all
I bought 400 XRP for you. If the price hits $10, I will send it to you. But you need an account on a crypto trading platform. When it hits that price, you can then give me back my original investment

> Also I'd follow your investment advice
The best thing you could do (imo) is to acquire some tech skills in programming/ai/crypto or any of the new emerging technologies. I am trying to do the same right now

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 13:18 [Preview] No.51881 del
(1.03 MB 720x900 1708521483438.mp4)
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Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 17:05 [Preview] No.51884 del
Nice big smile. She looks good

I've heard it used in regards to fishing; like if you catch an undesirable fish you throw it back, but yeah most people wouldn't think that probably.

>big and cute cavewoman with nice hair
My thoughts exactly. Her insta is savannazoep. I am a big fan.

I hope he is. Was he for sure going to get the nose surgery?


Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 17:45 [Preview] No.51885 del
AI could not write a story like this; it would be too racist.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 17:51 [Preview] No.51886 del
>hero child saves pitbull from bloodthirsty owner

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:15 [Preview] No.51887 del
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Reactivating work accounts...

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:28 [Preview] No.51888 del
How many times do I need to tell you I can't do that? I have no willpower, no motivation, no hope. I'm not going to learn anything right now

wdym by work accounts?

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:35 [Preview] No.51889 del
(204.33 KB 867x1080 Dove Cameron(51).jpg)
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For marketing and networking and stuff.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:43 [Preview] No.51890 del
oh, for your games? for a moment there when I read the word "work" I thought you'd be going back to some old 9 to 5 office job you had in the past

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:47 [Preview] No.51891 del
That is not too far off.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:48 [Preview] No.51892 del
but you're still independent right? just working more?

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:51 [Preview] No.51893 del
(37.80 KB 550x753 emiru-33_0346.jpg)
For now, yes. But I may have to get at least contract work.

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 19:53 [Preview] No.51894 del
good luck (not that you need it)

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:12 [Preview] No.51895 del
>My thoughts exactly. Her insta is savannazoep. I am a big fan.
Thanks. she is top tier. I like the big hair too and the tooth gap and her sturdy build

>How many times do I need to tell you I can't do that? I have no willpower, no motivation, no hope. I'm not going to learn anything right now
A person not living life to the fullest extent is a tragedy

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:36 [Preview] No.51898 del
(157.36 KB 1170x1442 Kathryn Newton(54).jpg)
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(163.61 KB 1170x1434 Kathryn Newton.jpg)

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 22:09 [Preview] No.51899 del
Make a wallet you fag. I have an "atomic wallet" and it's nice for non monero crypto. Cam probably knows better ones.

She looks nice with the natural hair.

Sturdy is a good word. I like Phoebe a lot too but she would instantly freeze if she was wearing a dress like Savanna's while on the shore of a lake in winter.
I want to buy her a metal helmet with horns on it and maybe a big mace.

Doc 02/21/2024 (Wed) 23:09 [Preview] No.51900 del
(84.59 KB 807x1080 oreob4by_0446.jpg)
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Very early internet non-nude model vibes.

Doc 02/22/2024 (Thu) 00:41 [Preview] No.51902 del
(119.49 KB 680x1024 81925.jpg)
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(146.81 KB 680x1024 81927.jpg)
Specifically, Erika Star. A brazilian model that was very popular.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 02:56 [Preview] No.51905 del
I'll look into it

>She looks nice with the natural hair.
she was a real gem before her clownification

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 02:59 [Preview] No.51906 del
yeah she definitely gives off those vibes. the (now ex) wife of Cristina Kirchner's VP was in this line of work. Agustina Kampfer. I'm sure some of her pics must still be out there

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:04 [Preview] No.51907 del
I don't think it's so bad. The "clown" wardrobe is nice.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:39 [Preview] No.51908 del
I swear one of these days I'm gonna kill everyone I know and saw them to pieces and piss and shit on the remains

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:42 [Preview] No.51909 del
it's just one thing after another. I don't think people understand that I'm not willing to put up with any more of their bullshit. I really don't care what they want from me or how rich they want to be or how jealous they want to make me feel or what their low IQ opinions are on whatever topic. I REALLY DO NOT CARE. But they insist and insist AND INSIST on shoving all their problems and needs and wants and interests in my face. I DO NOT CARE. I will kill them all

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:52 [Preview] No.51910 del
apparently Atomic does support XRP. whatever the hell an "XRP" is

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 05:36 [Preview] No.51911 del
why is it only asking for a password? is this thing fully local and file/resource-based?

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 05:41 [Preview] No.51912 del
(40.99 KB 633x539 2E05CF6.jpg)
Is that acromegaly!?

It's not my particular fetish, just askin' for a friend.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 06:13 [Preview] No.51914 del
What are they saying? Not trying to start shit, I'm just curious about the specifics.

It should give you one of those long ass seed phrases too, with all the random words.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 06:18 [Preview] No.51915 del
(66.18 KB 500x667 EF2E1CF.jpg)
ich wöhne nicht aus Österreich. ich weiss nicht warum das Komputermaschien denkst als.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 06:28 [Preview] No.51916 del
Never heard of that one before.
Does Brock Lesnar's daughter count?

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 06:35 [Preview] No.51917 del
I wasn't talking about speech but about actions. Well, speech too. I don't remember the last time anyone spoke to me to say anything remotely important. It's like I'm in a machine room and I see all these technicians scrambling around the place desperately trying to keep their machinery running. And I'm just standing there like what for? I don't know if those people are miserable, they can't all be, but I certainly am. So why would I care if it all goes up in flames? It's not just the difference in perspective with other people, it's also how abstract and absurd it all is. I never realized how little control I really have over things. I think most of life really does just happen to you. Or maybe that's just my experience, who knows

That's unfortunate. They have pretty great living standards over there. I chalk it up to them being white. Where are you from then?

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 06:52 [Preview] No.51918 del
Like the reward for desperately scrambling constantly is only like 1 cent more than if you did nothing? iktf

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 07:02 [Preview] No.51919 del
It's funny because I can't stand most people but when other people suffer because of me (particularly my family), it makes me even more miserable. That's the exact opposite of what I intended. I didn't want to be a burden, I wanted to carry the burdens of others, or better yet, alleviate them. But sometimes I can't help but become one myself, there's just no way I can do every thing life demands from me. Even if I can manage it for a while, it's impossible to keep that up for any real span of time. At least for me. A lot of people out there like lizbro work actual jobs and still help their relatives and even strangers on the internet. I can barely stay alive and do some chores. Is that fine? I don't know, I don't really think so, simply because if everyone were like me we'd still be living in the stone age, and I've never been much of an anprim. I haven't been able to improve, but the world doesn't care that I intend to get better or that I want to help, or that I've helped plenty in the past. Well, not so much "the world", the problem lies mostly in society I think. People have their rules and norms and their consensus on what people should be like - they'll treat you better or worse depending on what brand of car you drive, not what sort of values you hold

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 07:08 [Preview] No.51920 del
Sorry, I keep being too vague. I'm not talking about only the effort they put into their jobs (though that's probably the main aspect of it) but more into life in general. What you said is very true though. I remember slava talking about how he gambled his neetbux and made bank more than once. Meanwhile you have these good goys getting up at 3 AM for a 5 hour commute and then 8-10 hour shifts monday to saturday, all for $200 or $300 a month

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 07:44 [Preview] No.51922 del
I should just stop caring about others and make money. I know

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 07:44 [Preview] No.51923 del
It makes sense that you would favor your family over some random normies, and that you would not want them to suffer. Ideally you would want to minimize familial suffering and maximize normie suffering imo.

Maybe you do. You know that saying "Give a mouse a cookie and he'll come back asking for a glass of milk"? Well I think most normies are like the mouse; they'll take all they can get from you, so you can't expect them to ever be pleased

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 07:55 [Preview] No.51924 del
Isabel posted a 20 minute live

>I want to buy her a metal helmet with horns on it and maybe a big mace.
hehe, she would look good with that

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 08:06 [Preview] No.51925 del
Check out the kino. Devon's bikini company has partnered with victoria's secret

>I should just stop caring about others and make money. I know
Yep. and make a crypto exchange account so you can convert XRP when it hits $10

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 08:15 [Preview] No.51926 del
r4u5fy6noGtEvktrP3DdRgzN8v3GEjSsr5 is the address atomic assigned me for XRP. apparently it varies by currency? I'm new to this newfangled generation Z cryptocurrency stuff

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 08:35 [Preview] No.51927 del
>r4u5fy6noGtEvktrP3DdRgzN8v3GEjSsr5 is the address atomic assigned me for XRP. apparently it varies by currency? I'm new to this newfangled generation Z cryptocurrency stuff
That sounds like a valid XRP address. I will send you the XRP if it hits $10 and then you can either convert it to your local currency and also send me back my initial investment. Do you agree with these terms and conditions?
You can think of it as me temporarily lending you money because you have no money to invest yourself, to follow my investment advice (buy XRP) and then you can pay me back once it has increased in value

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 08:37 [Preview] No.51928 del
And you need to have a cryptocurrency exchange account at that point in time to convert it to your currency

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 09:56 [Preview] No.51930 del
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Pink nipplerinos

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 10:13 [Preview] No.51931 del
Microblog: Today is my mom's birthday. I can always remember it well because the date is 22.2. I felt sad only two times after she died, once when I arrived at my parents home and she wasn't there, and then again when I saw her in the casket. And today a bit as well. She was one of those people who was not compatible with the world because she refused to change and suffered the majority of her life because of it, combined and exacerbated with mental illness

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 10:22 [Preview] No.51932 del
I think the process of blogging or writing a journal is not bad at all. I have been trying to do this for around two months now and I think it's a good habit. There are many reasons for why it is good, but one of it is that it is basically a form of meditation. When you write something down which are your thoughts, and then you look at them or observe them and gain some insight about yourself which is the same as meditation

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 10:38 [Preview] No.51933 del
Her hair looks good here with the way the sun shines on it. I don't know if she is a natural blonde, but it almost looks like it.
Also, I think she has relatively long upper arms. Lately I've been noticing the different arm lengths of girls and have noticed that some girls have short upper arms which is not as attractive as long upper arms. Long arms look good imo; the longer the better
Short upper arms is something I can't unsee now that I've become aware of it

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 10:46 [Preview] No.51934 del
>everyone is so nice to me
I wonder why; because she is beautiful. I would be nice to her too, her smile is cute and infectious

I wonder if it is possible for people who never have to go through difficulty or hardship in life have the capability to become resilient human beings. They never had to fortifiy themselves against the intrinsic harshness of life (perceived by us as hard because we think life should be easy or just)

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 14:09 [Preview] No.51936 del
(410.48 KB 523x556 elon_ai.PNG)
Elon tries to paint himself as the saviour of free speech and so on but I think it's possible that he is either just another deceiver like so many politicians and/or he is controlled opposition
I don't know what XI is, I imagine it's some AI project he is involved in or that is connected to X

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 14:16 [Preview] No.51937 del
Cool. I assume it was for her birthday. She did a similar one for her last birthday.


She moggs that little jew too hehe

She's natural blonde as far as I know. Not one pic of her shows even dark roots. Perfect female Nord build.

I don't think they can become resilient. I think that kind of immaturity is a huge problem in the US at least. Not one bitch in this country thinks they should ever have to spend even 10 seconds doing something they don't enjoy, and our society sadly panders to that.

I choose racist

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.51939 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cov3hR6nVpc [Embed]
Full Isabel live

Doc 02/22/2024 (Thu) 15:23 [Preview] No.51940 del
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Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 15:40 [Preview] No.51941 del
Very cute Mckenna pic

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 15:46 [Preview] No.51942 del
New Emmy Joy
https://youtube.com/watch?v=MNDZRIgx-IM [Embed]

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 15:56 [Preview] No.51943 del
i think this guy might have a favorite girl

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 19:49 [Preview] No.51947 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tda4v3EQVr4 [Embed]

Yeah I figured as much. I'll get to that tonight or tomorrow. My mom is in the hospital for the umpteenth time so I won't have as much free time at the puter anymore. It depends on how she's doing. She was really psychotic last night, and I have little hope that tonight will be better

Mine was fully functional (successful even) for the first half of her life, then things started going bad when I hit 10 or so

I don't disagree with that take at all. Sometimes I read things I wrote months or even years ago and it feels like I "gain insight about myself" as you put it

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 19:51 [Preview] No.51948 del
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My favorite part about this is how he has like eighty thousand subscribers. He has successfully evangelized the people on the greatness of his waifu

Doc 02/22/2024 (Thu) 20:52 [Preview] No.51949 del
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Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 00:40 [Preview] No.51951 del
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Hahahaha, poor people are ugly! hahaha. And black! Hahaha.

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 00:45 [Preview] No.51953 del
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Not in ex-sovietland and whitetrash zones in general.

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 01:07 [Preview] No.51954 del
(1.26 MB 1080x1512 Emma Myers(82).png)
(4.39 MB 720x1280 McKenna.mp4)

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 02:17 [Preview] No.51955 del
Well yeah there are some regions where everyone is white or poor

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 02:30 [Preview] No.51956 del
Of course she was born rich she was born in the same great nation as I

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 02:44 [Preview] No.51957 del
You'll be crypto rich in no time

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:20 [Preview] No.51958 del
(252.02 KB 1498x2098 HyePEXTm_o.jpg)

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:20 [Preview] No.51959 del
No sleep tonight. I only have my phone at the hospital. And headphones. What should I watch?

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:28 [Preview] No.51960 del
(222.63 KB 1290x1594 Kathryn Newton(75).jpg)
Watch Banshee.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:29 [Preview] No.51961 del
purpura's enlightening tutorial on how to properly fill out a dress

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:33 [Preview] No.51962 del
No, wait. Watch Blue Tiger (1994).
https://youtube.com/watch?v=liQKaUwI1P4 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:42 [Preview] No.51964 del
The dub is amusingly bad, as was the norm for spanish dubs of the 90s. Where does this movie go, exactly? I had never heard of it before

So do I. But if she doesn't improve she may end up in a public asylum sadly. She's not safe in a house and she can't stay indefinitely at the hospital. Not that she does well here either. She just needs a psychiatrist who cares

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:47 [Preview] No.51965 del
(286.07 KB 864x1080 Anya Taylor Joy(84).jpg)
(336.13 KB 864x1080 Anya Taylor Joy.jpg)
It's an adaptation of anime to movie in a bit of yakuza->western vengeance format with Virginia Madsen, the original Newton.
Nothing too deep, just stylish and comfy.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:58 [Preview] No.51966 del
(8.44 MB 576x1024 6981232.mp4)
What about "Banshee"? I'm unable to find any mainstream movies by that name. There is a 2013 tv show though

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 03:58 [Preview] No.51967 del
(78.66 KB 1080x1050 McKenna Grace(68).jpg)
Its the TV show, its a legit action show with crazy characters, and masculine pain and endurance.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 04:07 [Preview] No.51968 del
I'll give it a chance

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 04:16 [Preview] No.51969 del
(2.26 MB 1080x1920 diesel mixer sounds.mp4)
Well I'm hoping for the best.
I been thinking about framing my mom for a crime so she can be cared for in jail. In the US I think that's the best way.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 05:34 [Preview] No.51970 del
>"Hmmmm, maybe I'll check my atomic wallet"
>open wallet
>glitched and doesn't display any of my coins
>still glitched
Could my bad fortune at least not rub off on Argiebro?

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 06:32 [Preview] No.51971 del
(448.75 KB 1548x2000 lPKvkqU4_o.jpg)
Milei is in the process of dismantling the "national institute against discrimination, xenophobia and racism" thank God. Average monthly salary in there was 6 million pesos. I wonder if that's a coincidence. That's also like fifteen times the average, for some reason. I'm assuming the money actually went to the employees, which may have not been the case

My mom's case has been extremely complicated. It's such a long, drawn out story. The longer it goes on the less hope I have of seeing her healthy again. It's funny though because she was 80% of the way there just a few months ago. Then something broke and she's back to being extremely depressed, anxious and psychotic. Only during the night, though. She's more clear headed than I am during the day, for some reason

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 07:31 [Preview] No.51972 del
She looks good with the glasses and her laugh is cute

>She's natural blonde as far as I know. Not one pic of her shows even dark roots. Perfect female Nord build.

>Yeah I figured as much. I'll get to that tonight or tomorrow. My mom is in the hospital for the umpteenth time so I won't have as much free time at the puter anymore. It depends on how she's doing. She was really psychotic last night, and I have little hope that tonight will be better
The way it went with my mom was almost always that she got worse and worse until we had to put her in a mental asylum where they gave her tons of meds which sedated her and made her less psychotic. Then she stayed there for some weeks or months until she got more stable

>Only during the night, though.
That was the same for my mom too, she always had the worst psychotic episodes during the night

I hope you can get it to work. Did it have all your crypto on it?

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 07:35 [Preview] No.51973 del
(610.62 KB 1800x900 homevl-2023.jpg)
I attended the wrong private school

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 07:38 [Preview] No.51974 del
It's not a very convenient schedule. Means you're either paying someone to take care of her (which we definitely can't afford) or foregoing sleep

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 08:07 [Preview] No.51975 del
Can they at least give her some sedative meds there? Mom used to take 1-2 meds regularly, but they gave her something more strong at the asylum for temporary relief

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 08:52 [Preview] No.51977 del
I had a dream about my mom. I was in a repetitive time-loop like in groundhog day where I was trying to save her from having the accident that caused her to no longer be able to walk, but I couldn't do it because something always went wrong every time. But she was always happy to see me

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:07 [Preview] No.51979 del
(711.52 KB 1366x2048 IVHsSp8g_o.jpg)
Yes, but only doctors can make any changes to her medication schedule and they only show up once a day in the morning, and if you miss them that's it, no talking to them until the next morning. It's not a great system. I'd like to believe there are logs left by the nurses for them to read but I'm not even sure they did that

Yes. The upper middle class has always been pretty white. I joke but half the girls in my class were blondes too. The ratio in my school wasn't actually that different I guess. The only problem is I dropped out before the girls' thighs got that thick and juicy

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:10 [Preview] No.51980 del
(1.33 MB 576x1024 9dsa9id21.mp4)
My mom is always happy to see me as well. I started seeing that as a problem more recently. I'm afraid she's too dependent on me. She has no husband, no friends left, no other relatives she's close to anymore, it's just me. That's even more of a problem for me than it is for her, but it's not like it's good for her either

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:21 [Preview] No.51981 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZqAIdVGWK80 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:30 [Preview] No.51982 del
>She has no husband, no friends left, no other relatives she's close to anymore, it's just me.
My mom almost always ended her friendships with most of her friends whenever she went through an episode, because she was so difficult to deal with when she was psychotic and blamed all her problems on other people and mostly the people that were close to her. Her brother cut ties with her because of this as well. But she had 2-3 resilient friends that stuck with her whom she knew from when she was in school. I think they were just used to it and could look past it

>Yes. The upper middle class has always been pretty white. I joke but half the girls in my class were blondes too. The ratio in my school wasn't actually that different I guess. The only problem is I dropped out before the girls' thighs got that thick and juicy
It looks like a nice mix of mediterranean looking girls and blondes. it makes sense that they are descendant of the portugese and spanish

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:41 [Preview] No.51983 del
(558.06 KB 1170x1445 @17luj__GG478nLbcAAfixI.jpg)
Transgenderism is just a problem of identification and of the ego in my opinion. I think spirituality and meditation could potentially, unironically cure some people of transgenderism because it involves of a process of disidentification with your body and your mind. As simple as it may sound, I think transgenderism is just a simple misunderstanding and misidentification with the wrong things

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:51 [Preview] No.51984 del
> I started seeing that as a problem more recently. I'm afraid she's too dependent on me. She has no husband, no friends left, no other relatives she's close to anymore, it's just me. That's even more of a problem for me than it is for her, but it's not like it's good for her either
I tried to help my mom for the longest time too, but I couldn't really help her in the end. She never really got better. That's probably what my dream meant as well.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:01 [Preview] No.51985 del
I will never forgot how happy my mom used to be when she saw me and my sister for the first time after staying in the mental asylum for a while. My dad was hesitant to take us there because we were only relatively young at the time, but she insisted on seeing us, like her life depended on it. And when she saw us, she appeared as if the greatest miracle had happened. I couldn't understand it at the time, but I do now

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:26 [Preview] No.51986 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=19mhs38mapw [Embed]
The dow jones has hit the same (trading fibonacci) level as it did during the 1920s before it crumbled upon itself and the great financial collapse and the great depression happened

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:31 [Preview] No.51987 del
>My mom almost always ended her friendships with most of her friends whenever she went through an episode, because she was so difficult to deal with when she was psychotic and blamed all her problems on other people and mostly the people that were close to her. Her brother cut ties with her because of this as well. But she had 2-3 resilient friends that stuck with her whom she knew from when she was in school. I think they were just used to it and could look past it
You weren't wrong when you said we went through something very similar with our moms. It sounds as if you were talking about my mom. Even down to the fact that the only friend that seemed to tolerate her crazyness was from her school days. Sadly my mom stopped talking to her for some reason. Possibly because she was dating a woman, and her daughter was also a lesbian. She also said I reminded her of her daughter after meeting me which I didn't know what to think about

>descendant of the portugese and spanish
Not quite. Most of those kids are probably some mix of italian, volga german and spanish or some other less common european nationality, same as myself. There are not a lot of people of portuguese descent around here, that's brazil. And we only really had "pure" spaniards early on, up until the early 20th century or so, after the later waves of immigration most of the white people you'd meet were much more likely to be some kind of euromutt

Would you say "cis" people identify with the right things?

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:55 [Preview] No.51988 del
>You weren't wrong when you said we went through something very similar with our moms.
I think you are also similar to me in the sense that I used to never accept anyone's opinion on anything and I never took anyone's advice. Which is ultimately not such a bad thing, because it is usually much better to discover things for yourself rather than accepting some premade opinions from others. It's also the core principle of what J.Krishnamurti is always talking about and why I came to like him so much in the end even though I was very skeptic of what he was saying in the beginning and I also didn't understand it at first

>Sadly my mom stopped talking to her for some reason. Possibly because she was dating a woman, and her daughter was also a lesbian. She also said I reminded her of her daughter after meeting me which I didn't know what to think about
She was probably saying that you're hypermasculine like a lesbian

>volga german
My grandfather on my mother's side was volga german too

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 11:58 [Preview] No.51989 del
>Would you say "cis" people identify with the right things?
No, I think they make the same mistake too, but it's not as harmful for them. I don't know if Suzanne has talked about this, but the basic idea is that you are not your mind or your body, and the identification with yourself as being a person is a false assumption. It means that you are not your thoughts, which can be a big relief. The problem that autistic people stumble upon is that they identify with their thoughts of wanting to be a woman, and then act upon it

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 12:52 [Preview] No.51990 del
There's a huge difference between rejecting advice and not being able to put it into practice.

>hypermasculine like a lesbian
Lol, I don't think that was it. I think she figured out by the (few) things I said that I was a very (maybe overly) empathetic person, and lesbians are normally bleeding hearts

Yes, Suzanne definitely talked about that, usually with the same words too. I miss her graveyard videos. Some of the best content to ever find its way to youtube if you ask me

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:05 [Preview] No.51991 del
Two fat old women from the town's elder care department showed up shortly before I left the hospital. They announced to me that they would be initiating an "intervention" in regards to my mom, which apparently consists of showing up every now and then to check that I'm still sitting there watching after mommy like a good little cuck boy, and doing nothing helpful at all. As soon as the boss woman showed up she declared that the room was too hot and ordered the employee to ask the staff to turn on the AC immediately. She sounded extremely self important and uppity the whole time, like a spoiled brat who was forced to do "work" (driving to places and bossing people around) for the first time in their lives. She tried to gaslight both me and my mom and made a bunch of statements about us as if she had known us our whole lives. All in all, an absolute clown show. A perfect example of the sort of government employees that Milei needs to get rid of. Also a perfect example of a person that needs a right hook to the face that's hard enough to make them rethink their behavior

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:17 [Preview] No.51992 del
Finally something happens

>Did it have all your crypto on it?
All but my monero. It's a very "user friendly" program, meaning there are very few buttons to press in attempt to fix it. I sent in a support email. After that I guess I'll delete fucking everything and recover everything (I hope) with the seed phrase. Surely the problem I'm having isn't something that has happened only to me out of the millions of people who have this wallet (that case actually happens to me kind of often)

>only during the night
Strange. Maybe it really is the moon and those astrology people are right.

There's another autist who has to fight, and fights hard, for his autism diagnosis. Why do they want that? imo it's an excuse for them to act retarded.

Women's rights is a cancer that no society can survive

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:19 [Preview] No.51993 del
I apologize for the constant posting of violent fantasies. But I swear not everybody gets on my nerves. I just seem to have reaaaaally bad luck with the sort of people I run into. I know a couple peeps in this town that are as chill and lovely as they come. I'm not saying I'm not a little crazy, I probably am, but I DO NOT think the problem is only on my end. I don't know what it is that has these people so horribly passive aggressive, competitive and generally insufferable. Maybe it's the economic crisis, maybe they're so frustrated about falling down the socioeconomic hierarchy that they take it out on other people, especially those they still perceive as being below them. That's my running theory for now

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:23 [Preview] No.51994 del
I really miss being a kid and sitting in my room all alone reading about birds or dinosaurs or the in-betweens (there were some cool ones) or ancient egypt. People are too much to handle. If I ever make enough money I'm 100% going the cabin in the woods route

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:36 [Preview] No.51995 del
My diagnosis is VALID you BIGOT. I think both sides of that debate have a point tbh. You don't want to encourage victimhood for obvious reasons but you also don't want people who may have whatever to not know what tools they're working with, or normies to not know what they're dealing with

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 15:40 [Preview] No.51996 del
Thanks pal, she's perfect.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 17:04 [Preview] No.51997 del
Btw, I bought 400 XRP each for you too, Lizbro and Doc. I bought at around 25 cents for a total of $300. If it hits $10 I'll send it to you and you can both pay me back my initial $100 investment

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 17:10 [Preview] No.51998 del
That all makes sense. My thinking is that how valid is the diagnosis if he/she had to fight so hard to get it?

It sounds like a dream. Very peaceful.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 17:57 [Preview] No.51999 del
New Everkino

>All but my monero. It's a very "user friendly" program, meaning there are very few buttons to press in attempt to fix it. I sent in a support email. After that I guess I'll delete fucking everything and recover everything (I hope) with the seed phrase. Surely the problem I'm having isn't something that has happened only to me out of the millions of people who have this wallet (that case actually happens to me kind of often)
Sounds like a software-specific issue; but it's good if you have the seed phrase. Maybe you could try to import it either on another pc or laptop, or a different user account with your seed phrase. But maybe it's just a known issue or glitch and it can be sorted out another, easier way. Maybe check their twitter first and see if there have been any issues recently. Also if you know your address of your XRP you can manually check the address's balance on https://xrpscan.com

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 18:38 [Preview] No.52001 del
I listened to the Isabel live and damn does she love Korea. Nonstop korean music and discussion of korean media. The stuff all seems so corny to me.

You can split mine between the others. If XRP goes 40x like that my portfolio will be looking good.
But thank you.

Damn, very sensual shoot.
Hopefully they'll respond to my emails. I'll be away from my computer until monday anyway so I can't do much. And yeah I checked their Twitter, nothing there.

Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 20:05 [Preview] No.52002 del
>You can split mine between the others. If XRP goes 40x like that my portfolio will be looking good.
Ok, then I will hold 600 XRP for Doc and CC each

Doc 02/23/2024 (Fri) 21:12 [Preview] No.52003 del
(188.57 KB 1052x1134 dakota fanning (3).webp)
(92.02 KB 1080x1080 dakota fanning (1).webp)
(135.80 KB 1080x791 dakota fanning (2).webp)
Forgot to morning post due to internet being down at my regular morning post time.


Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 02:06 [Preview] No.52007 del
It does have that feeling where everything is very comfy and childish in a way. Also Korean stuff doesn't have niggers.

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 03:10 [Preview] No.52008 del
(2.45 MB 1080x1338 cates.mp4)
(675.13 KB 480x480 Ana.mp4)
I wouldn't say koreanboos are "based". They are oblivious NPCs that will defend "nice things are nice" positive posting while simultaneously rejecting the results of those things. Its unicorn mentality. Can't call them malicious, but surely are fucking stupid.

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 03:11 [Preview] No.52009 del
(150.93 KB 998x1630 Dakota Fanning(50).jpeg)
Weebs are at least bombarded with based messaging from anime regularly, korean culture is very shallow. But very few koreanboos are not weebs anyway.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 03:42 [Preview] No.52010 del
What is the result of nice things?

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 03:49 [Preview] No.52011 del
(111.21 KB 1023x1376 Katelyn Nacon(2).jpg)
(312.11 KB 720x1242 1706997618202424.jpg)
Total slavery and obliteration.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 03:59 [Preview] No.52012 del
(9.61 MB 576x1024 7213954.mp4)
Yeah, it's like moe anime except even more shallow and low IQ

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:03 [Preview] No.52013 del
(1.86 MB 576x1024 8ur392ju291.mp4)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=18bPe4YYceo [Embed] what a pleasant style. I don't love this song in particular (I don't dislike it either) but you can make really good stuff within this kind of sound. I only wish the vocals weren't so overwhelming they're a bit much

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:10 [Preview] No.52014 del
Well shit.
I see it as the opposite side of wanting a nice comfy baby society, but not wanting to be xenophobic against the non comfy people.

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:22 [Preview] No.52015 del
(106.48 KB 1920x1080 jenna-ortega-1_0635.jpg)
When I say "nice things are nice", I mean useful idiots who peddle wokeness and socialism and all things stupid because they think you can just print more money and stop all wars.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.52016 del
wdym so far Putin has obeyed every order I've given him through my posts on vk

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:37 [Preview] No.52017 del
(2.75 MB 3676x5512 382475798_47687653.jpg)
another night sitting on a chair in the hospital because no one else is willing to look after her. What ya gonna do right? I managed to get 6 hours of sleep during the day which should've been plenty enough but for some reason I'm super sleepy and making mistakes/mixing up things a lot. It's always the stress/worry/anxiety that gets me, not the lack of sleep

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:50 [Preview] No.52018 del
And now youtube isn't working. Great. Maybe I wouldn't complain as much if there WEREN'T THREE THOUSAND DIFFERENT THINGS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERY DAY

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:51 [Preview] No.52019 del
(174.42 KB 828x1034 Katharine Isabelle(3).jpg)
In high anxiety situations I need to pull out the hardcore distractions, so its either hardcore p0rn or hardcore learning. Like crunching on my japanese, or physics, or programming. I can tell myself its important.

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 04:56 [Preview] No.52020 del
Books are a good one too. Just grab the nerdiest hardest book you would otherwise never read, Nietzche or something, and crunch through it just to punish your brain.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 06:47 [Preview] No.52022 del
Yay I got permission to use the empty bed next to my mom's. Good news for a change

Out of the three things you suggested, none work for me. I have yet to find something I can do while suffering from anxiety that will alleviate it. I always end up just powering through which is not ideal

Nice Dana. Her hair is starting to look a little ridiculous at this point. Ridiculous doesn't equal bad though

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:00 [Preview] No.52023 del
Rare sign of life image post from Grace

May sound like a meme, but focusing or paying attention to breathing can help with anxiety. Or just generally taking deep breaths in an out

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:14 [Preview] No.52024 del
With each breath out, you let go of all thoughts or worries. and then repeat that

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:15 [Preview] No.52025 del
Xochi stole yet another one of my waifus

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 12:41 [Preview] No.52027 del
That's why you repeat it. And if you repeat it for a long enough time, you should be able to get more calm

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 15:27 [Preview] No.52028 del
(3.57 MB 720x1280 emily rudd (2).mp4)
(1.01 MB 720x1280 Rachel Weisz.mp4)

That works for panic. Anxiety is our instinct to take action going against a problem we can't solve by throwing rocks at it. Its screaming JUST DO IT, and you can't do shit.
So you have to trick it mentally to think you are doing something, and its usually easier if its something useful.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 15:59 [Preview] No.52029 del
She is a menace, a ravenous predator.

I was just wondering why you never post her anymore.

Thats an old video, she has since trimmed her hair.
So what I'm getting is that you should throw rocks at the doctor until he does what you want.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:38 [Preview] No.52030 del
The "we haz the foamz" girls 20 years later

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 19:54 [Preview] No.52031 del
(115.22 KB 1080x1712 emily rudd (1).webp)
(3.95 MB 720x1280 emily rudd (3).mp4)
(3.72 MB 720x1280 emily rudd (1).mp4)

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 20:08 [Preview] No.52032 del
She is quite the hot bitch

Doc 02/24/2024 (Sat) 22:30 [Preview] No.52034 del
(2.85 MB 720x1280 rudd (3).mp4)
(136.98 KB 742x1080 emily-rudd_0071.jpg)
(188.55 KB 864x1080 emily-rudd_0177.jpg)

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 00:41 [Preview] No.52035 del
close enough spelling

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 01:04 [Preview] No.52036 del
(313.22 KB 1080x1079 emily-rudd_0019.jpg)
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(195.28 KB 1080x1079 emily-rudd_0126.jpg)
Putin's son is a tranny?

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:04 [Preview] No.52037 del
bullying disabled people smdh. that's gotta be against the hippopotamus oath

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:08 [Preview] No.52038 del
(12.64 MB 720x720 rudd.gif)

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:10 [Preview] No.52039 del
hypochondriac oath*

I got to go home tonight. Such a relief. Now I know how wagies feel after getting home. Walking into the kitchen and seeing the same dead roaches exactly where I left them was utterly blissful

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:14 [Preview] No.52041 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq98yMHWpLs [Embed]

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:20 [Preview] No.52043 del
At that tier of tranny I would be fine with, but the real thing is far from it.

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:29 [Preview] No.52044 del
as long as they can more or less keep up the facade I don't really care tbh. like I've said many times before whenever this topic comes up, I'd rather be seen with a hot tranny than a 3/10 4'2 mexicoid with a thicker mustache than the tranny could ever grow. there are not that many out there and they're definitely not my preference though so it's highly unlikely that that'd ever happen. not to mention that half of them are just "trendgenders" or fetishists and just continue dating women

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:44 [Preview] No.52045 del
this is a 2 among israeli transgender women

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 03:01 [Preview] No.52047 del
speaking of which, new biblefu vid dropped yesterday

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 03:30 [Preview] No.52048 del
Is biblefu the the curly haired woman? I will check that out when it is time to not be awake.

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 03:57 [Preview] No.52050 del
(13.05 KB 306x319 Captura3.JPG)
sanest looking young woman at church

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 04:09 [Preview] No.52051 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2B8gjd2ZS-0 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 04:41 [Preview] No.52053 del
Hehehe. Thanks

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 07:26 [Preview] No.52054 del
I was sure you'd want to continue discussing whether you'd have sex with men or not. How unfortunate that you didn't. Nice outfit and nice body on ms. pagani btw

Not sure what I did to deserve those thanks but yeah sure np fren

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 07:28 [Preview] No.52055 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DAAPWcYpiA0 [Embed] some of these go for $2-3k here. not quite as pristine as that one and not in that color, but still good looking. they weren't popular back in the day but I love the combination of classy ass looks and Audi engines (back when that was a really good thing, especially in a cheaper car)

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:02 [Preview] No.52057 del
> As soon as the boss woman showed up she declared that the room was too hot and ordered the employee to ask the staff to turn on the AC immediately. She sounded extremely self important and uppity the whole time, like a spoiled brat who was forced to do "work" (driving to places and bossing people around) for the first time in their lives.
>I don't know what it is that has these people so horribly passive aggressive, competitive and generally insufferable.
I know this exact type of woman. I have dealt with this type a lot when I was working at a nursing home. There were some women there who were like that - it was mostly the ones in charge of running or managing the place, the nurses were usually genuinely nice people - one of them was the head of the nursing home, and there was another one working under her who was just as passive aggressive and constantly bitchy as her boss. But after a while I noticed that she was like that to everybody. Generally people who are rude or passive aggressive like that have some inner ego issues or are overworked or just hate their job. People that are rude, it's always on them, because there is never any justification for being rude

>I'm not saying I'm not a little crazy, I probably am, but I DO NOT think the problem is only on my end.
It does not sound like it's on your end, but you can choose how you deal with it or respond to it. I can't remember which stoic said it but there is a quote that goes something like "if you let somebody upset you, then you are complicit in it." i.e. you have to give your own permission first to let it affect you. usually this happens subconsciously

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:17 [Preview] No.52058 del
Who's this?

>I was just wondering why you never post her anymore.
She stopped posting on ig for some reason. I think she is an intellectual type who is too smart for using ig

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:18 [Preview] No.52059 del
It's not exactly a long process that you get a lot of time to stop. But yeah I've been trying my best to process things in a different way these last few days

>>52051 this vid does a great job of explaining essentially what I'm going through. This is obviously just one interpretation of the phenomenon but it's very accurate to my experience, particularly the part where the "window of tolerance" shrinks so much that you're left with very few environments and experiences that you can handle without becoming stressed out and angry. It's kind of bizarre honestly, I didn't even know this could happen. I had heard about autismos liking routine/predictable outcomes, and about psychological comfort zones, but I didn't know you could find yourself in a situation where you're only able to comfortably inhabit one or two places and talk to one or two people

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.52060 del
No, that makes sense. That's probably how it is. It's like an animalistic first response. It's probably why black people are so easily irritable in general, they're somehow deeper into the animal mind. But I think it's possible to develop a habit or a mechanism that interjects and becomes aware in a moment where someone upsets you or makes you angry. Like light bulb that turns on to remind you and you become aware that that situation is something where you ususally let someone upset you, but before you do, you interject and refuse to let it affect you in any way

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:45 [Preview] No.52061 del
Found it, it was from Epictetus

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 16:31 [Preview] No.52066 del
(64.65 KB 640x1265 uc8a2c1u7wjc1.jpeg)
At a birthday.

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 16:49 [Preview] No.52067 del

>I wonder if Isabelbro is doing alright
I set aside my shut-in tendencies for a day to try snowboarding with my sister, and of course, I fell and thoroughly wrecked my collarbone. I had to have surgery to repair it. It'll still be a while before I'm recovered, but the thick of it is over now.

>Was he for sure going to get the nose surgery?
I was, but it's been delayed now

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:12 [Preview] No.52068 del
> I fell and thoroughly wrecked my collarbone. I had to have surgery to repair it. It'll still be a while before I'm recovered, but the thick of it is over now.
Damn. This is why I don't go outside unless I have to. Go outside, lose an arm, go outside again, lose a leg; etc.
Will there be any permanent damage or issues?

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:37 [Preview] No.52069 del
>Will there be any permanent damage or issues?
Well, I have a plate and eight screws in me. There shouldn't be any long-term mobility problems, though. They told me there might be some nerve damage, but it's too early to tell. Unfortunately, I fell on my right side, and I'm right-handed, so I have to do everything with my left hand for the next few weeks, at least.

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:42 [Preview] No.52070 del
Thanks for linking the video. I promise to watch your videos later as I'm busy now.

I didn't know she was inactive until you mentioned it.

Nice Emmas

Damn isn't that typical; try to do as the normies do and end up in the hospital. I hope you are recovering well. People say the collarbones are exceptionally painful to break.

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 20:46 [Preview] No.52071 del

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:19 [Preview] No.52072 del
faceblindness is a sign of autism sir
proof we're totally not autistic and you people are

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:21 [Preview] No.52073 del
lmao love the way his shirt is extra crispy

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.52074 del
(84.27 KB 736x736 1706966652824921.jpg)
this bitch looks like the game of thrones ten myrcella chick tbh

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:24 [Preview] No.52075 del
Oh I mistook you for cam there. He never thanks me. I go through the trouble of clicking on a video that youtube shows me, highlighting the URL, pressing not one but two keys at once, coming back here, clicking on the text field and pressing TWO keys again, all to get absolutely nothing in return from him. Who does he think he is? Tell me

dammit you weren't supposed to survive now I have to tie loose ends

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:31 [Preview] No.52076 del
list of action movies with good soundtracks
>Bad Boys I and II
>John Wick I

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:32 [Preview] No.52077 del
>I remember slava talking about how he gambled his neetbux and made bank more than once.
damn... slava bout to make a career as financial advisor... finna make me invest in a rower company.....

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:33 [Preview] No.52078 del
American Made

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:33 [Preview] No.52079 del
Oh I forgot The Matrix probably because I never think of it as an action movie. But if you see it as one it definitely belongs on that list

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:36 [Preview] No.52080 del
(361.84 KB 1836x2448 k24gftdrd3181.jpg)
health insurance premiums go brrrrrr
tho sorry to hear that sounds like a somewhat permanent injury that might cause problems later. if that makes you feel any better some guy around these parts got shot years ago so you're not topping that

Doc 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:37 [Preview] No.52081 del
Matrix. (you added while I was thinking, not fair)
The Professional.
Romeo + Juliet.
Anything John Carpenter.
Some things Tarantino.
I'm probably missing some really important ones.

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:38 [Preview] No.52082 del
(8.25 MB 498x498 dance-dance-moves.gif)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=zeYz56_oJwg [Embed]
sucker punch the eternal seethe machine
deal with it people

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:45 [Preview] No.52083 del
You mentioning financial advisors reminds me of something funny I saw on tv the other day. This journo on the streets was interviewing people at the bus stop asking about their jobs, their commutes and their wages. He ran into a financial adviser who said he was getting paid $300 a month. Dude can't even afford the cheapest tie in the market much less the rest of his important businessman suit. At that point he's the one in need of financial advice. I'd advise him to just start stealing cars instead, he'd make $300 two times a day, on a bad day

Probably a couple of the Fast & Furious movies belong on there too. I gotta rewatch the first one and tokyo drift, I barely remember anything at all

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 21:58 [Preview] No.52085 del
Didn't stevis get both shot and stabbed? Or were both incidents stabbings? I don't remember anymore

Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 22:31 [Preview] No.52086 del
>try to do as the normies do and end up in the hospital.
Yeah lol

>I hope you are recovering well. People say the collarbones are exceptionally painful to break.
Thank you. It was painful but not exceptionally so. The surgery was definitely worse than the break.

>health insurance premiums go brrrrrr
This won't cause it to raise, but still, the surgery and hospital visits were around $2k altogether

>tho sorry to hear that sounds like a somewhat permanent injury that might cause problems later

>if that makes you feel any better some guy around these parts got shot years ago so you're not topping that
Not yet, anyway. >>52075 get to it, Argie!

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 01:21 [Preview] No.52087 del

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 03:32 [Preview] No.52088 del
(72.13 KB 1080x1221 Joey (1).webp)
(115.66 KB 1080x1349 Joey (2).webp)
(2.52 MB 720x1280 Joey (1).mp4)

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 03:43 [Preview] No.52089 del
Saw "Infinity Pool", a good thrill, disturbing and spooky, but less original than Brandon Cronenberg's other movies. Maybe because it is trying to fly closer to the ground truth of the elites rather than explore interesting mental horror like his other movies.
Still, good movie. Mia Goth is a weirdo in it.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 04:27 [Preview] No.52090 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=AzNBURiHaDc [Embed] sponsored by whatever the fuck that drink is

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:12 [Preview] No.52091 del
Cool pics

Streets of Fire and Vanishing Point [1971] come to mind for me. I'm always terrible at recalling movies.

The one hand anime landing heh

>tfw somebody shot stevis and it wasn't me

Passed imo, I like the outfit.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:22 [Preview] No.52092 del
Hey that's what I bought on your recommendation (hehe)
It was entirely unremarkable. Arizona tea but with a 4x arthoe tax, which they deserve I guess. I know it's not the real stuff, so don't think I am badmouthing the stuff you guys enjoy.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:26 [Preview] No.52093 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=J1GpxrR6mSc [Embed]

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 07:25 [Preview] No.52094 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9-6cp08EMuI [Embed]

>arrows pointing in different directions, each of them a different length

ohh I get it now. It only took 20 minutes of staring at it dead on. Lisa needs braces

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 07:32 [Preview] No.52095 del
They took an infusion that's only ever been prepared traditionally and drank hot and turned it into a refrigerated canned drink. Probably threw some soy and plastics in the pot too

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:25 [Preview] No.52097 del
>Well, I have a plate and eight screws in me. There shouldn't be any long-term mobility problems, though. They told me there might be some nerve damage, but it's too early to tell. Unfortunately, I fell on my right side, and I'm right-handed, so I have to do everything with my left hand for the next few weeks, at least.
Does it mean you are only typing with one hand now?

>this bitch looks like the game of thrones ten myrcella chick tbh
I don't know how you are seeing any resemblance between them

>Oh I mistook you for cam there. He never thanks me. I go through the trouble of clicking on a video that youtube shows me, highlighting the URL, pressing not one but two keys at once, coming back here, clicking on the text field and pressing TWO keys again, all to get absolutely nothing in return from him. Who does he think he is? Tell me
Your links consist to 90% of car reviews

Nice neck

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:34 [Preview] No.52098 del
By the way, did you decide on whether to go to college or not?

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:35 [Preview] No.52099 del
decent track tbh

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.52100 del
(472.49 KB 1900x1140 448801750_tforofrmad-2.jpg)
No one but me seems to be worried or seems to have taken notice of the fact that the overall colors at fashion shows or celebrity events have become darker and darker. It is almost always normal for celebrities to wear completely black outfits and no one finds this odd or unusual

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.52101 del
>>52099 meant to tag >>52096

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 08:38 [Preview] No.52102 del
yeah i have noticed that. pretty weird imo

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 09:21 [Preview] No.52105 del
That's patently false. I'd say around 80% are songs, 10% are car related and 10% are about autism or psychology

What I'm really interested in is why politicians (particularly women, who aren't expected to wear suits) wear all black (yet still formal) outfits to the Vatican. Who or what are they mourning?

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 09:47 [Preview] No.52106 del
Then again vatican officials wear black and red sometimes which always seemed at odds with their surroundings as well. There's definitely stuff that's going over my head in regards to colors and their meanings in catholicism

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 10:00 [Preview] No.52107 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=GDIDXlPH8BY [Embed] gonna shill this because she's cute. Does she deserve a second chance? Probably not. Is she going to spend her youtube money wisely if her channel does eventually blow up? Most likely another no. But what would Jesus have done? Or any self-non-respecting simp?

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.52108 del
You can't deny she's charismatic as heaven. She was born to preach whatever the heaven she's preaching. I'd kill the stepmom and the CPS officers in exchange for a night in that car. We could talk about life and the universe over a cup of tea (without protection)

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 14:43 [Preview] No.52109 del
(352.99 KB 1080x1080 Emily Rudd(8).jpg)
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(113.54 KB 1080x1923 Winnick.webp)

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 16:58 [Preview] No.52111 del

Interesting. I makes sense to me in a way. If there is never a good choice and everything someone does makes things worse and causes everyone to yell at them, then they are trained to not do anything. I feel that sometimes. Then again the freeze/faun, or whatever the 2nd option was, are both feminine responses, and I'm not pretty enough to be acting like a bitch.

Nice all denim outfit

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 17:14 [Preview] No.52112 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Guo_ReQRI8s [Embed]
You either die based, or live to see yourself become cringe

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 18:40 [Preview] No.52113 del
(140.96 KB 864x1080 freya-allan_0429.jpg)
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Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 21:34 [Preview] No.52114 del
grow your hair out, get a wool beanie, shave your face and body smooth, wear sweatpants hoodies and other loose clothes. It's not hard. Granted I was 15 or so when I went through that phase, at your age you'd probably look closer to a low T hobo than a woman

Opinions on media products aside they're already at the "these youngsters need to learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" stage it's so over for them

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 21:48 [Preview] No.52115 del
(19.96 MB 1506x1080 Maya.mp4)
E-Begging (aka, marketing) is hard.

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 22:23 [Preview] No.52116 del
Can't make a phone call, but when it comes to dressing like a girl you're like Rambo in the jungle making traps.
>it's so over for them
Has been for a while imo, but that clip really stood out to me. "Remember GAME?" "Oh yeah, GAME... GAME was crazy" "A-hehehe *chews loudly*"
I may as well listen to Joe Rogan

Nice vid

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 22:50 [Preview] No.52117 del
(1.76 MB 4096x2732 382476208_47715108.jpg)
that's why us millenials are the best generation

they've had a few too many microplastics in their protein powders. Should ask them to multiply 7 by 8 and see how long it takes them

Doc 02/26/2024 (Mon) 23:23 [Preview] No.52119 del
(20.35 MB 1080x1296 Emma Stone.mp4)

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 23:28 [Preview] No.52120 del
The knee pussy

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 00:38 [Preview] No.52121 del
>A daring act of martyrdom, unfortunately you have been drawn as the seething soyjak

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 00:40 [Preview] No.52122 del
Man I saw Matrix Resurrections just now because it was on TV and hot damn does the movie suck. The first time you watch it you're inevitably more forgiving because you're both nostalgic and optimistic but the second watch is absolutely revealing. What a fucking shitshow. Every cringeworthy self referencing witticism, every predictable throwback, every failed fight choreography and every generic SJW political take straight out of 2013 twitter hits so much harder the second time around. You already know the movie is bad by the second watch so you watch it without rose tinted glasses, and you realize just how awful it actually is. Downgraded from a 3 to a 1

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 00:52 [Preview] No.52123 del
I much prefer watching walkaround videos of old Ford sedans.
That Versalles had an Audi engine huh? Neat.

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 02:52 [Preview] No.52124 del
It is impressive how much the movie feels like it was made by middle aged women, watchoskis really tasting those stakes.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 03:17 [Preview] No.52125 del
>CVS makes me wait in line twice for my mom's pills
>I steal some sunscreen while I'm forced to wait
Now that's therapeutic

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 03:59 [Preview] No.52126 del
Yeah. The version of the engine in the base trim even had a carburetor. Manufactured in the early 90s, german design, so simple it doesn't even have electronic injection, I'd trust that engine with my life

Yeah. It's revoltingly amateur and "budget" feeling at certain points too. You'd never guess the director, cast and crew were involved with the original trilogy which were super polished and neat blockbusters

Fighting the stereotypes huh?

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 05:18 [Preview] No.52127 del

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 05:30 [Preview] No.52128 del
(336.83 KB 2879x2879 youtube post.jpg)
Nice. I do love carburetors for that reason. Very robust.
>fighting stereotypes
Sometimes I don't feel like being society's whipping boy.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 06:03 [Preview] No.52129 del
(1.12 MB 576x1024 81247841.mp4)
return to vikeng

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 06:06 [Preview] No.52130 del
Tough choice. The Peugeot has almost twice as much power, far superior steering, brakes and build quality. On the other hand, the Kwid is an SUV, and we all know that's what really matters. Yeah, it's FWD and actually considerably smaller than the 208 both inside and out, but it's an SUV. You can't beat that

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 06:11 [Preview] No.52131 del
https://youtu.be/PI_Jl5WFQkA?si=cP5bOgZBPm0P0Xu- basically this except in this case the large truck is an 11 ft long indian citycar

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 06:36 [Preview] No.52132 del
One thing I've noticed when driving my Mustang is that EVERY car has headlights that sit above my eyeline, so even if they aren't retard mexicans with their high beams on 24/7 I'm still getting dazzled. I need to install my own obnoxiously bright LEDs, I already bought them.

imo there is value in having a car a certain height where you can very easily get in and out of it. I got to drive a 1956 Chevy around for a few days and that thing was so comfy. The door opened all the way into the footwell, and the floor was totally flat, so easy to step out of.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 06:43 [Preview] No.52133 del
The boomers had it so good

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 07:12 [Preview] No.52134 del
Despite my millions of hours sitting at the computer my hip and knees are still in good enough condition that I don't really notice the difference between taller and lower vehicles all that much. I never sat in any really low sports cars though

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 07:14 [Preview] No.52135 del
>Despite my millions of hours sitting at the computer my hip and knees are still in good enough condition

Just wait till you get older anon. That will suddenly start to change and for the worst.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 07:53 [Preview] No.52136 del
I said they were in good enough condition, I didn't say they were pristine lol.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 07:55 [Preview] No.52137 del
On the third hand:

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:34 [Preview] No.52138 del
Rylee is so happy now to be a fashion model and she closed the fashion show with her walk in this show in Italy, which is the biggest honor for a model. But look at the avatar image of the designer. Do you think Rylee knows what that symbol means

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:43 [Preview] No.52139 del
>https://youtube.com/watch?v=GDIDXlPH8BY [Embed] gonna shill this because she's cute. Does she deserve a second chance? Probably not. Is she going to spend her youtube money wisely if her channel does eventually blow up? Most likely another no. But what would Jesus have done? Or any self-non-respecting simp?

>You can't deny she's charismatic as heaven. She was born to preach whatever the heaven she's preaching. I'd kill the stepmom and the CPS officers in exchange for a night in that car. We could talk about life and the universe over a cup of tea (without protection)
Some of what she says about God may be true but she sounds unhinged

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:52 [Preview] No.52140 del
If a 13yo boy in 2007 had that pic as his avatar I wouldn't have given it a second thought. But it's very weird how there are so many grown ass adults, especially rich and/or famous people, that are into that kind of symbolism now, long after it stopped being trendy.

I'm buying everything she's selling.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:02 [Preview] No.52143 del
Did not realize the last vid was 99 MB, hehe. Was wondering why it took so long to make the post

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:11 [Preview] No.52144 del
Microblog: the last 3 days I have done almost nothing. I need to be careful not to fall back into laziness

>E-Begging (aka, marketing) is hard.
What do you need to do?

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:34 [Preview] No.52145 del
Yesterday I was thinking about this:
There can be different planes, or levels of mind and you can freely choose to "tune into" them. If you tune into the higher frequencies, then your mind moves on those higher planes on its own
You can also choose to live in the lower planes, but then you will stay there. The choice on whether to go up or down in planes is entirely up to each person. Other people mostly keep you down in the lower planes and act like "ballast", unless it's a group of people purposely focused on doing exactly the opposite

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:41 [Preview] No.52146 del
The higher planes might feel foreign or you might feel as if one doesn't belong there, but it will feel normal the same way as the lower planes feel like home to the lower mind people

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 10:07 [Preview] No.52148 del
What I mean is:
Suppose you are a poor child and wander around outside. all your poor friends are at the poor children's playground, but not too far away, there is a gated and beautiful playground with a fence around it. the gate can be opened, but there is no one at that playground. it has lots of space and beauty to it, but the other children won't go with you, as they feel like they don't belong there or they think that they're not allowed to be in there. you can go there, and play, and as you play you notice a peace and quiet away from the noise of the poor children's playground. no one comes and tells you to leave. but you are playing alone and it might feel as if you don't belong here or are not allowed to be in there

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 13:31 [Preview] No.52149 del
Honestly if you try hard enough to keep up she mostly makes sense. It's clear that there's some lore that's personal to her, maybe I just haven't watched enough of her videos to understand her personal approach to Christianity, but most of the time I understand what she's saying, she does not sound manic to me. I'd bet a lot of XRP that she isn't. Also she replies to comments and her replies are perfectly normal. If there's any mania going on it must be very mild

That may be the most engaging video of a massage I've ever seen

You could've made your blog entry a lot longer than that. You need to pay more attention and learn from the best

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 13:33 [Preview] No.52150 del
That said I don't think she lost her son because of those dastardly atheists. I'm pretty sure it was the booze, drugs and whoring around that did that

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 14:09 [Preview] No.52151 del
That's a good analogy. Interesting.

Hell yeah Jim

You must really like that Samantha if you watched more than 30 seconds of her. I couldn't do it.

She lost her kid to the state?

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 14:55 [Preview] No.52152 del
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Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 14:57 [Preview] No.52153 del
(131.07 KB 1080x1559 Samara Weaving(1).jpeg)
Gain some followers on my niche of horror games, network with industry folk.

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 16:12 [Preview] No.52155 del
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Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 17:10 [Preview] No.52157 del
(1.11 MB 320x240 moosefix.gif)
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What causes ugly duckling syndrome? Just butterface melting off after puberty? Filters and makeup?

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 17:34 [Preview] No.52158 del
Weight loss or late puberty generally. Like with that Like that Nevil guy from the Harry Potter movies.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 20:58 [Preview] No.52161 del
>You must really like that Samantha if you watched more than 30 seconds of her. I couldn't do it.
Lol I don't know about "really like". She's pretty and more interesting than the atheists and agnostics. Also she talks openly about her whoring which is a breath of fresh air. No facades with this one. Sure I'd much rather have a virgin but nowadays the virgins are 12 at the oldest and that's illegal

>She lost her kid to the state?
yeah. She talks about it all the time, I think she does care. Doesn't mean she didn't deserve it (she absolutely did) and also doesn't mean she's guaranteed to do a better job if she gets a second chance. But she sounds like she does have motherly instinct which is the essential first step. Generally speaking I'd rather bet on the junkie whore than on the politician or the kike. The former are not as well dressed or well spoken but they at least have some chance of redeeming themselves, they're not innately evil

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 21:15 [Preview] No.52162 del
>Ford planning to make small cars again in order to be able to compete with China on volume
Lmao didn't I predict this? Here's another prediction: a few months later they'll start announcing ICE versions of these small cars for developing countries. 180 degrees turn and back to where they were a decade ago

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 21:46 [Preview] No.52163 del
>If there's any mania going on it must be very mild

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 21:56 [Preview] No.52164 del
(137.00 KB 1080x1620 -Olivia Wilde.jpeg)
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We are in such a disruptive moment nobody knows how the market will even work in the near future.
Like, car manufacturers are going to make the robots, that will become able to automate simple manual labor this year.
But who is going to buy them if services and factory workers are jobless? etc...?

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:05 [Preview] No.52165 del
you haven't seen them? you aren't paying attention fren

>emma myers
>car door that lights up
you can only choose one (1)

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:07 [Preview] No.52166 del
Won't work. It's another planned to-fail wet dream of some utopia by a pampered spoiled rich class that is totally separated from reality and how real economies work.

#1 To make millions of robots you have to have a massive industrial base with skilled workers. America lacks that today.

#2 In order to have a massive industrial base with skilled workers, you need to be totally energy independent and that requires using your own fossil fuel resources. They can't have the green agenda too, doesn't work both ways.

#3 Robots need to be coded, built and to be maintained 24/7. That requires, again, a lot of hired well paid skilled workers. It requires heavy industry.

Every fucking thing the political "elites" do has worked contrary to what they claim they strive for.

>who is going to buy them if services and factory workers are jobless

Their idea of universal income won't work because you need taxpayers to fund it, and to have taxpayers you need workers. No workers, no taxpayers, no UBI, and thus no one making any money from consumption either.

Cannot wait to see the West implode and this blow up in the idiots' faces.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:13 [Preview] No.52168 del
I'll have these absolute ignoramuses know that Lexus has made and continues to make compact cars

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:16 [Preview] No.52170 del
also known as owning a jeep

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:22 [Preview] No.52171 del
"we have rylee at home". still give her an 8.5 though

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:32 [Preview] No.52172 del
I was just thinking yesterday about the same thing as what Alex Jones mentioned about the AI predicting human behaviour here >>52169

often when I see a cute girl I imagine what it would be like if she beat someone to death or vored someone etc

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:43 [Preview] No.52173 del
Fair rating. I think she looks cute

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 22:55 [Preview] No.52174 del
I imagine it's not easy if you don't already have built a following.
I want to connect more with other people too, but I don't really know where to start. Even to get some genuine non bot followers on Twitter takes some time and I still haven't got any

>Hell yeah Jim
You saw the connection to the roaring 20s, right?

Doc 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:02 [Preview] No.52175 del
(185.74 KB 1800x1080 emiru-33_0355.jpg)
(131.19 KB 810x1080 emiru-33_0361.jpg)
I will reply you in a few, its time to dinner.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:23 [Preview] No.52176 del
wtf I love kathryn newton now

>Fair rating. I think she looks cute
IMO rylee has more cuteness to her (talking strictly about looks) and this girl is more of a fuckdoll. also while she's very thin and slender she doesn't have proportions as unique as rylee's. still a great find though


Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:48 [Preview] No.52177 del
Whore mania aside; for me it's her iguana eyes. The eyes of a prey animal.

Sexy bird jew. I like her lips.

Odd photos, especially the one with her vax card.


I believe you did. That prediction makes sense as well. The US, which is the bread and butter of the car market, is going to shit, so manufacturers will have to adapt. I'd say production will adjust to about 15% meme vehicles and electrics for the rich westerners, 25% trucks and fleet vehicles, and 60% poverty cars.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.52178 del
(114.44 KB 1063x1805 emmamyers.webp)
It's more complex than utopia is going to fail or not, its evident that disruptive as the recent developments are, they won't break break the rules of our world. But it will be a big change and there will be a lot of booms and busts.

Mexico still has the demographics for it and they are being tooled, but they don't need to be that massive if the robots evolve exponentially and begin to do the work themselves.

The US never had a lack of energy issue, its a matter of cost and economical warfare. The point of the oil wars wasn't to power cars, it was to surround Russia and prevent them from having oil/trade

Not a lot, not with AI on the level we are reaching.

No elites are claiming this events, they are afraid of them.

>Their idea of universal income won't work because you need taxpayers to fund it, and to have taxpayers you need workers. No workers, no taxpayers, no UBI, and thus no one making any money from consumption either.
This is not true, you can have a corporate scale economy and taxation of that economy in order to fund governments/armies.

The structure of power remains violence <- land(resources) <- industry <-work. But now with the understanding that information precedes all of that. And we, as AI, are information, even if in a passive sense.

You don't seem to be interested in discussing and theorizing about the subject, just dunking on the bad guys and feeling good. Which is fine. But if you do wish to theorize, I'm open to it and will further elaborate on the ideas as I usually do.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:14 [Preview] No.52179 del
me when I see the numbers on this month's bills

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:18 [Preview] No.52181 del
omg porn is going to make it grow THAT big?

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:24 [Preview] No.52182 del
(2.86 MB 1080x1920 twin peaks.mp4)
Maimed in the great Gaza war? That's rough.
You're still paying for those plumbing repairs right?

Hopefully this will stop you from watching girls poop.
On the topic of Youtube; I do like that australian bible study woman you posted. She makes good content and sounds nice.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:25 [Preview] No.52183 del
(160.51 KB 864x1080 rockruff_0153.jpg)
(135.51 KB 836x1080 rockruff_0160.jpg)
The point about Ford is that they, as other car/robot makers are aiming to please or follow a technocratic elite. Not market forces.
In this first moment of confusion, the expected behavior of both suits and governments is to seek the expertise of the "smartest" people in the room, in this case, depends on which side of the spectrum they fall in. It can be Musk, it can be Gates, it can be Altman, etc...
They will play both/all sides, and copy what others are betting on.
The malthusian elites like gates who call people "useless eaters" will make small green cars, so that is what they will try to do, not because of any reason other reason.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:29 [Preview] No.52184 del
yeah I wonder if she'd record herself pooping for me

my take on Ford (and most large automakers) is that they're 100% on board with the WEF agenda. whatever ze evil german man is offering in exchange for their loyalty, it's much better and more important to the shareholders and chairmen than however much money they can extract from the company. They're clearly on their way to going bankrupt and they DO NOT CARE just as with so many other huge companies that follow the agenda

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:39 [Preview] No.52186 del
But how WEFpilled can a car manufacturer really get? Aside from hiring 100% gay blacks, or giving gay blacks free cars.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:44 [Preview] No.52187 del
by sacrificing itself not unlike how a jew will rest their forehead against a gun barrel so long as their death is for (their) greater good

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:56 [Preview] No.52188 del
would lick those armpits

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:10 [Preview] No.52189 del
True, though I don't see how ditching EVs in favor of lower priced cars is an economic sacrifice.


Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:22 [Preview] No.52190 del
WEF plans are poor because AI will disrupt the market long before it is capable of solving the logistic complexities we currently use market capitalism to solve.
It will fail by itself or by outside competition.
Corps will shift from one technocrat to another as the predictions fail or come true. Like prophets.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:42 [Preview] No.52191 del
Ok (I don't understand at all)

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 04:25 [Preview] No.52192 del
(1.24 MB 480x854 m2-res_854p.mp4)
Car manufacturers don't need ESG investment money and could lobby regulations off to maximize profits, they don't because they are insecure about the future. If the WEF is going to win and have a world government or if there will be another form of centralized plan for society that decides car designs based on a certain ideal.
They are cooperating with the Nazis, figuratively speaking.

WEF only requires them to meet carbon goals and shit, so economic cars are fine.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 05:05 [Preview] No.52193 del
(72.33 KB 1125x819 -Emma Myers(4).jpg)
(150.84 KB 1080x1906 -Emma Myers.jpg)
*blobmaxxes on you*

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 05:18 [Preview] No.52195 del
I imagine it being the human version of a cat going loafmode, and naturally it would be me she is blobbing on.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 05:27 [Preview] No.52196 del
she looks like you could hear her swallow saliva from a mile away

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 06:00 [Preview] No.52197 del
I keep forgetting you're an Emma hater
Foolish of me

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 06:14 [Preview] No.52198 del
curious how you avoided explicitly disagreeing with what I said

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 06:14 [Preview] No.52199 del
emma "GULP" myers

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 06:20 [Preview] No.52200 del
(11.20 MB 576x1024 Download(7).mp4)
aging like the finest wine on earth

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 07:06 [Preview] No.52201 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QlHX6FOCvSY [Embed]

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 07:39 [Preview] No.52202 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=um9Niv-j2X4 [Embed] extra cute goth

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 07:47 [Preview] No.52203 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XzE8hxxs3I0 [Embed]

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 08:00 [Preview] No.52204 del
>IMO rylee has more cuteness to her
It's hard to beat pic related

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 12:58 [Preview] No.52205 del
github one is literally me

Now there's a utilitarian vehicle, just look at that roof.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 14:12 [Preview] No.52207 del
(71.47 KB 1080x1069 -McKenna Grace(2).jpeg)
(51.31 KB 1080x1064 -McKenna Grace.jpeg)

Anonymous Admin 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:22 [Preview] No.52209 del
(165.44 KB 1000x1426 shaolin-soccer.jpg)
(77.54 KB 636x714 shaolin-reaction.jpg)
Gonna watch Shaolin Soccer this weekend. Quality entertainment.
March 2
At 8 and 21 UTC which should be:
- EST: 3am, 4pm
- BRT: 5:00, 18:00
- CET: 9:00, 22:00
- AEDT: 7pm, 8am (on Sunday, 3rd)
The usual place.

Anonymous Admin 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:23 [Preview] No.52210 del
Thought she has a colt, but just a phone.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:41 [Preview] No.52211 del
Alex is filming season 2 of her godawful and satanic series "Mayfair Witches"

>github one is literally me

Nice, we should be able to create our own waifu kinos soon

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:44 [Preview] No.52212 del
(2.38 KB 361x62 schopenhauer.PNG)
Yesterday I was thinking about how to connect with people and so on and had the similar thought as pic related

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:46 [Preview] No.52213 del
(201.32 KB 1056x1080 emily-rudd_0001.jpg)
My personal technique from the past has been start a fight. When you start a fight, you lose half of the audience. But you gain the loyalty of the other half.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:51 [Preview] No.52214 del
1 person is not a large audience.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 17:35 [Preview] No.52215 del
Include some ass and titties too. Brown girls twerking will bring in bodies. In terms of videogames; having sexy characters that women can cosplay and porn can be made of, that's a big factor.

It looks good for visual content. is that what she is in New Orleans for?

Neat. And good morning.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 17:59 [Preview] No.52216 del
Lots of symbolism and boobs

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No.52217 del
(303.57 KB 1329x2048 -shiroganesama.jpg)
Saw Lisa Frankenstein.
Its deranged, but not in a good way. It's just a lazily written masturbatory fanfic by an edgy perma online lady called diablo cody, at least she had the decency to make it entirely narcissistic instead of trying to make an activist/political thing, very little wokeness. But she is not a deep or interesting person so its boring.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 18:35 [Preview] No.52219 del
(262.67 KB 1179x1353 -Karen Gillan(4).jpg)
(154.84 KB 1179x1372 -Karen Gillan(3).jpg)
(171.71 KB 1080x1270 -Karen Gillan.jpg)
Jennifer's Body was more consistent, it was both more clearly a dark humor thing and Jennifer was clearly evil.
This one is very female logic of I want all things but none of the consequences, a narcissistic fantasy. It does manage to give some sense to it, but its a bit of a bizarre experience.
You have to give a special kind of suspension of disbelief to get what she is doing.

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 20:36 [Preview] No.52222 del
(85.02 KB 1080x1350 -Kathryn Newton.jpeg)
Also, it would be completely unwatchable without Newton. She took the bipolarity of the movie and ran with it, almost like if she was making fun of the script.
The first half of the movie tries to be somewhat serious and I got really bored and considered dropping, looked ahead and saw it taking weird turns and marched on.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 21:19 [Preview] No.52223 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8TL-K-dc4n4 [Embed]
>you're trying too hard bro
>they can smell the desperation bro just stop caring bro
>you sabotage yourself... by going after bad partners.... because you were traumatized.... in a past life
>your experiences are not objective reality
>have you tried therapy bro?
>or maybe... thinking differently?

This fucking normie. I get that he is a hammer(psychologist) and likes to treat every problem like it's a nail needing to be hit, but good lord. Do these people have like a chip in their brain that will kill them if they ever give out practical advice?

Shame it's a mid movie. I like Kat and I like how all the promo images looked.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 21:32 [Preview] No.52224 del
cute mini laura

That's my problem with cam's advice as well. A lot of the time you can't tell if he's an actual human being giving out genuine advice or just Apple's slogan

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:01 [Preview] No.52225 del
(295.03 KB 1440x1800 -Nataly Alyn Lind(1).jpg)
(216.85 KB 1080x1618 -Nataly Alyn Lind.jpg)

Doc 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:05 [Preview] No.52226 del
The really scummy part is the "curated community" under a price tag. Hehh.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:20 [Preview] No.52227 del
Cute video. I didn't know Laura had a daughter

Big breasts, and no cell phone reception. She's perfect.

He has an "Tate's Top G" style club? lol I didn't notice.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:42 [Preview] No.52229 del
I do wonder what kind of security those rustic resorts for girls have

>$30 for a group session
Ah man, that's nearly as much as a case of Monsters. Those blue pills aren't cheap.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:07 [Preview] No.52230 del
>Originally fill my engine with 4 quarts of "break in" specific oil
>Drive the car for 300 or so miles
>Notice my oil pressure dips when I accelerate
>Check my oil, only around 1.8 quarts remain in a engine meant to hold 6
>The rest presumably burned off
>Burned 2 quarts in 300 miles of mild driving
Wow. Very cool. Much engine damage. Thanks Motul you fucking french niggers

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:10 [Preview] No.52231 del
She doesn't, that's one of her nieces. All the women in her family look the same and there's a whole bunch of them, Mormon style

In many parts of the "developing world" you could get a much better kind of "group session" for that price

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:19 [Preview] No.52233 del
Heightmogged btw

Bless her family. That bitch should have some kids with the gigachad already.
>group session in the developing world
That sounds much more therapeutic

Doc 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:03 [Preview] No.52234 del
(249.64 KB 971x1641 -Margaret Qualley.jpg)
She would have to be smoking a lot to burn all that.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:50 [Preview] No.52235 del
Maybe at full throttle, but I never noticed it. The engine is most likely fine, I cut open the oil filter and only found slight little metal flecks which I guess isn't too abnormal, It's just annoying that once again I can't get away with things that normal people do all the time.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 06:08 [Preview] No.52236 del
Speaking of which, I just left the hospital at almost 2 AM to buy cigs for my little sister. With her social circles being so shitty I've always worried that she'd end up stealing or worse yet, degrading herself in exchange for cigarette money so I promised her I'd always buy her cigs whenever she ran out. I have NO IDEA whether I'm doing the right thing or not. I could use some advice from daddy Doc in regards to this. And make sure you're wearing leather while you type

>It's just annoying that once again I can't get away with things that normal people do all the time
I mean, you could just buy a lightly used Corolla. You don't want that life. You're facing the consequences of your actions now. I WISH I was still creating my own problems like when I was a kid and would install the weirdest least usable linux distros I could find (there were many)

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 06:15 [Preview] No.52237 del
There were a few times I effectively bricked my PC because it would do nothing post-POST and there was no way to prompt anything to happen. For a long time I didn't have any backup flash drives or other computers so I had to wait until someone I knew would have some free time and lend me their laptop so that I could make a new bootable flash drive and install a more reliable distro lol

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:18 [Preview] No.52238 del
>That's my problem with cam's advice as well. A lot of the time you can't tell if he's an actual human being giving out genuine advice or just Apple's slogan
>This fucking normie. I get that he is a hammer(psychologist) and likes to treat every problem like it's a nail needing to be hit, but good lord. Do these people have like a chip in their brain that will kill them if they ever give out practical advice?
What do you consider practical advice?
The advice that would help both of you is to change your thinking because you think of yourself too negatively. Once you have changed your thinking you can help yourself. You don't need practical advice from others.
The video I tried to link to CC at least 10 times talks about this, maybe from a somewhat business perspective but it is the same principle and can be applied to everything. basically all philosophers have brought up this exact same thought using slightly different wording

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:25 [Preview] No.52239 del
Yesterday I hit a milestone and gained my first non bot follower on Twitter who even liked 2 of my posts. My plan is to post art that I like and then try to gain some followers

That is always how modern influencers make money. They always have free content to get you interested and lure you in, and then sell some course, product or something similar for the more interested

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 10:02 [Preview] No.52241 del
Even if someone gave you great advice, you would still just take the advice in the dark without knowing if it is good advice or not. You will have to verify the advice for yourself anyway.
The changing of whatever it is that you need to change in yourself to remove your problems and become more happy or fulfilled in life always has to come from yourself, someone else can't activate it for you

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 10:38 [Preview] No.52242 del
(247.18 KB 350x663 olrod.PNG)
hand sign of satan
one eye closed
tongue out
+ black clothing

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 11:32 [Preview] No.52243 del
I was half joking dw. "Think different" was literally Apple's slogan. Doesn't mean it can't be great advice in regards to life if it's directed at the right person. It's a lot more abstract than telling someone to e.g. "touch grass" or "hit the gym" or "buy XRP" but that doesn't mean it can't be great advice. It all hinges on the issue of what exactly it is that the person in need of advice needs to hear. The problem lies in figuring that out imo. Giving useful advice is not nearly as easy as people think it is

>listens to DSBM
>complains about people raising horns

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 14:09 [Preview] No.52245 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rQqCkzpVTzk [Embed]

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:04 [Preview] No.52246 del
>What do you consider practical advice?
Things like "you need to make more money" "you need a haircut that doesn't look retarded" "there are no females in this area, you need to go somewhere else". Though I get that it's impossible to say those kind of things in response to that reddit post that Healthy Phone Scammer GG was responding to.

Congrats on the follower, an affirmation of your taste in art.
Liz reposted this artist, though I think it's because hes a gay jew (I deduced this from one picture of his face) from le Brooklyn than that his art is any good.

Now that's practical advice. A long time ago Kevin Samuels did a stream about manchildren or something like that and he gave tons of practical advice about how to make your living space appealing to a woman. Concret things like "have everything perfectly clean" "have a bar and know how to make a few drinks" "buy lots of incense and good smelling things" "have some music ready to go that fits the mood"

Hello good morning sirs

Doc 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:20 [Preview] No.52247 del
(10.67 MB 720x1280 m2-res_1280p (2).mp4)
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(126.01 KB 864x1080 -Emily Rudd(7).jpg)
(126.99 KB 864x1080 -Emily Rudd(5).jpg)
(114.57 KB 864x1080 -Emily Rudd.jpg)

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:20 [Preview] No.52248 del
>You're facing the consequences of your actions now
In a general sense you're right, but in a specific sense I want to put oil in my car and have it stay there like how it works for everyone else.
>the weirdest least usable linux distros I could find

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 15:35 [Preview] No.52249 del
Emily looks really good without the adam's apple

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:47 [Preview] No.52253 del
Not a Doctor, but I think it's a good thing you buy her the cigarettes. Like you say, it's better she get them from you then get them from other men.
Also get her to smoke the first one in your presence, that way she sees your face as she gets the good cigarette feelings.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:50 [Preview] No.52254 del
Btw let me know when you have made an account on a crypto exchange. I don't know which one would be best suited for someone in Argentina, but I use Kraken. Just don't use (normal) Coinbase, their fees are crazy.
It would be good if you had gone through the whole process, so you are able to trade and or sell at the right time when it is the right time

>>listens to DSBM
>>complains about people raising horns
I am just consooming the music, Olrod is purposefully planting the seeds of satanism on teenagers and dumb normies. Maybe she herself is being manipulated

>Things like "you need to make more money" "you need a haircut that doesn't look retarded" "there are no females in this area, you need to go somewhere else". Though I get that it's impossible to say those kind of things in response to that reddit post that Healthy Phone Scammer GG was responding to.
What I mean is, the best advice would be advice that leads someone to be able to help himself or enable him to be able to figure out the problems for himself without having to rely on the help of someone else

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:56 [Preview] No.52255 del
Endchan is acting weird today

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 16:58 [Preview] No.52256 del
(893.83 KB 576x1024 Download(2).mp4)
>have everything perfectly clean
I asked the council of dead roaches and the general consensus was that the place looks pretty immaculate

>have a bar and know how to make a few drinks
I always have old plastic bottles and several packs of tang at the ready

>buy lots of incense and good smelling things
What is the point if they're just going to poop on me later

>have some music ready to go that fits the mood
Suizid will do the job for sure

I wish I remembered which ones gave me the most trouble. I mostly only remember the names of the good ones

Where "good" means "boring"

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 17:04 [Preview] No.52257 del
(3.44 MB 576x1024 Download(1).mp4)
Congratulations you successfully managed to creep me out. That's the first time ever that happens on this board. Either way I don't doubt that a lot of people link feelings and faces in such basic and direct ways

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 17:11 [Preview] No.52258 del
(2.10 MB 3146x4719 41xk8Ylk_o.jpg)
(1.96 MB 3648x5472 qTPxEC61_o.jpg)
(1.61 MB 3275x4912 X2DFWcKg_o.jpg)
Red and black again

Nevermind, I think the issue was on my end. Never trust the Greeks

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 17:18 [Preview] No.52259 del
I just had another idea for a game, but it would be a really huge project and would probably be too complex or difficult to put into practice

What do you think of this game as an idea:
Short description: One game where you have to hop in between games; each game is a unique game and is interfaced with the other games. You can change certain things in one game and they have an effect on the other games. For example one of the five games would be a horror game similar to Silent Hill or Resident Evil, and there could be a lever or something and once you push or pull it, it may lay open some area in another game. The way to interface the game would be for example, in the horror game, you walk into a deserted aracade and play it there

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