/slav/ - Slavs

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Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 16:07:21 [Preview] No. 16
Daily reminder that Slavs AREN'T germanic

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 16:51:50 [Preview] No. 17 del
And your eye proves this how?

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 16:57:53 [Preview] No. 19 del
Some retard on /pol/ said that all blue eyed people are germanic. So this is proof that non-germanics have blue eyes too.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 17:00:06 [Preview] No. 21 del
but slavs are germanic

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 17:03:09 [Preview] No. 22 del
You can check it yourself >>>/pol/14282

Fuck off.

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 03:42:13 [Preview] No. 46 del
Germanic is a social construct

Anonymous 05/27/2016 (Fri) 13:26:50 [Preview] No. 56 del
Depends if you mean germanic "race" or german ethnicity.

German "race" is a social construct of course, but german ethnicity isn't.

Anonymous 05/28/2016 (Sat) 02:12:16 [Preview] No. 71 del
You mean genetics? Most "Germanic" people are of different haplogroups братан

Anonymous 05/28/2016 (Sat) 02:27:14 [Preview] No. 72 del
Most "Germans" are mixes of Germanic, Slavic, and Baltic

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