/slav/ - Slavs

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(7.37 MB 640x480 slavs1.webm)
Untermensch therad Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 12:22:47 [Preview] No. 93
This is the reason why Slavs can never be nazis

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 12:23:31 [Preview] No. 94 del
(920.70 KB 640x480 slavs2.webm)
Hitler hated us the most

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 15:19:22 [Preview] No. 96 del
(19.98 KB 143x158 greycockandballs.png)
what did he mean by this?

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 15:24:00 [Preview] No. 97 del
that Hitler didn't care about Suomi perhaps?

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 15:27:31 [Preview] No. 98 del
and yeah, Suomi is the balls of Europe

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 19:31:40 [Preview] No. 99 del
(474.53 KB 1280x720 paracas more.jpg)
Joke's on Krauts too because what nazis worship as ubermensch aren't even humans but rather what should be called hybrids of humans and something else.

Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 00:55:38 [Preview] No. 100 del
Any kind of eugenics / racial doctrine is ridiculous.

Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 01:02:05 [Preview] No. 101 del
Also it's good to finally see some slavic brother post on my board.

Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 20:28:53 [Preview] No. 110 del
(853.90 KB 986x1118 Aryan genes in Europe.png)
>claim that you have Aryan genes and therefore you are superior
>exterminate people with actual Aryan genes
Was Hitler legitimately retarded or just jelly and frustrated?

Anonymous 06/10/2016 (Fri) 02:17:25 [Preview] No. 112 del
Didn't Hitler have E1b1? Wouldn't he be an "untermensch"

Anonymous 06/10/2016 (Fri) 14:53:57 [Preview] No. 113 del
I wish you guys posted on /pol/ more often to cure our Hitler worshipper's retardation. They seriously think Hitler loved the Slavs and dindu nuffin. Those who know they were hated try to undermind your people's advances in the field of Chemistry and Physics.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 14:02:43 [Preview] No. 114 del
>They seriously think Hitler loved the Slavs and dindu nuffin.

Nah. They don't think that. They know Hitler hates Slavs and they hate us too.

They are just pretending they love us, so we support them in their rise to power. Not gonna happen tho.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 14:04:52 [Preview] No. 115 del
He was born in northern Austria. Maybe some czechs fucked his gf, so he got mad and went to a rampage against Slavs.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 20:22:58 [Preview] No. 118 del
Nah hitler viewed slavs as corrupted (raped)Aryans the former slaves of the Mongols.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 20:24:47 [Preview] No. 119 del
I think his grandfather was a Rothschild. He raped his grandmother. One more reason to hate.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 20:26:02 [Preview] No. 120 del
Afterall doesn't slav come from slave?

But whatevea we are all cucked now.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 21:14:19 [Preview] No. 121 del
>Afterall doesn't slav come from slave?

Yes. But that is english (germanic) label for us.

We call ourselves Slovani ( / Słowianie ), which comes from the word "slovo" ( / słowo ) which is literally a word for "word" in slavic.

So, we call ourselves "the people of word", where germanics call us slaves.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 21:17:09 [Preview] No. 122 del
Actually it was probably the other way around. Slav doesn't come from slave, but slave comes from Slav.

That's because Germans, Turks and other empires were using slavic slaves for a long time.

Anonymous 08/09/2016 (Tue) 13:23:39 [Preview] No. 132 del
Hello Schlomo, Next, are you going to tell us the 6 gorillion?

Anonymous 08/09/2016 (Tue) 15:43:19 [Preview] No. 133 del
(37.16 KB 478x478 jiraiya.jpg)
Nothing funnier than a Nazi loving Slav.

Anonymous 08/09/2016 (Tue) 19:06:55 [Preview] No. 134 del
(167.17 KB 924x928 euphoric liberators.jpg)
Man I missed a good chance for a dank meme response, hang on, I'm starting over again...

Nothing better than a Nazi loving Slave.

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