Sunflower 10/16/2023 (Mon) 10:49 Id: 7c24ea No.4590 del

The white sun ritual

The purpose of this practice is the achievement of absolute purity. The removal of all negative paths, by unveiling all of them to you, showing you which set of possible paths lead to your actual salvation. The ritual is not a set performance of specific practices, but it is a set process.


Set your mind with the intent to perform the "white sun ritual". Spiritual beings around you are always reading your mind. When someone is doing a spiritual practice, they look closer at you. By expressing what you are intending to do, they can help you in the process.

Begin by creating an undisturbed environment. Turn off electronic devices or leave them in another room. Close doors around you or pick a spot outdoors where you will not be bothered by any person or other disturbance. If you have a meditation program you usually do, a yoga routine or other spiritually tuned practice that you know will put you in a good state of mind, start by performing this once.

If you do not have such a routine, you can follow this simple procedure:

Lay on your back with legs straight and feet shoulder wide apart. Arms a little bit out from your sides, palms up. Relax and just breath. You may feel tension appear in your chest or abs, let that happen and remain like this until the tension disappears.

Without changing position, turn your hands palm down, move our arms closer to the body and press your palms down into the ground/floor. Raise your body up by moving your heels closer, so that you form a slight bridge. Remain like this and put your hands behind your neck. Press your hips and your chest upwards, until your muscles start being uncomfortable, then return to the relaxed position and remain until the tension is gone.

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