Sunflower 11/02/2023 (Thu) 12:23 Id: d238bc No.4850 del
>This is a mega-system which will be used for controlling the Earth and surrounding dimensions in the future. For now it consists of magical circles activated but not visible on the landscape. Later on they will be marked by actual stone circles.
>The aliens and elites built many "particle colliders" in accordance with modern science. These essentially do the same thing as magic circles, with the only difference that they are technology so any retard with a degree can control them, they don't require any esoteric skills.
>We don't have that problem so we'll use regular magic circles instead.
When working to create a spell/program for automatic control of this system, I "accidentally" created something that was so complex that it easily leads to the summoning of witches from the void instead.

This is the program, you can get it from the net. It may lead to the summoning of your own witch. The purpose was to link the circle system to the akashic records so that everyone has access to all historically performed spells like a catalog. It appears this is an attractive idea so beings chose to manifest as the kind of witch who can do this instead of letting it be just an enchantment placed on the control circle. Oh well.

In addition to this:
You should be aware that the EU flag (it must not be posted in its non-burning state, because it is a symbol of the globohomo and represents ultimate evil) is a sigil which shows the "circle of circles" formed by a large ritual circle made up of DUMBs (deep underground military bases) encircling Europe. These all have particle colliders used as antennas to mind control the population.
See here for some sources verifying the possibility of this claim: (comment section)
Also the PDF attached.