Sunflower 11/30/2023 (Thu) 18:39 Id: 105c2b No.5233 del
This was unplanned because I initially made this doll just for me, and Raid was enough to clear all of the north pole tunnels on auto. Raid2 was for sharing to create hell for the NWO since everyone can now raid them. (Seeing their response to it was the funniest thing in a long time, I never thought I'd see miniguns and panzer breaking shells using indoors.) 3 was for manipulating time.

I'll just throw this one out there, it's made to spread on its own: The Burning Black Hole, or Raid4. "The scariest thing anyone ever saw" according to commenters. A black hole has massive gravity, it's the opposite of a sun. A burning black hole is that massive compressed material set on fire.

But the idea was just to use 7-waves based magic in combination with the deep battle doctrine, it just got really crazy when automated.