Sunflower 02/06/2022 (Sun) 11:07:16 Id: e03f19 No.699 del
>I'd like to hear other accounts of that time
I've researched earth's history, but I was on the astral during that time so it's at a macro view that only see intentions at a level above racial and cultural developments, nothing on the individual level. My nature can only manifest physically in the last period so I've only been around in the physical since the Roman Empire.
Although I think I have a decent idea of what took place down here after talking to people who were present and comparing it with current relics.
>does seem strange that a society as advanced as they were could even be touched
I know exactly why it happened and I told them this, because the issue is still there at a technical level. I can't explain this in text in any comprehensive way though, other than saying that it came from the same source as our problems on earth; being over-reliant on the Babel's Tower technology. (The Sunflower temple is itself a version of the same method, but created using dark magic.)
>a hostile AI, they may be gaslighting the public about them
Everyone seems to do this in some way.
>firearms and martial arts for personal combat
Lyrans don't do personal combat aside from small teams exploring wild planets. It's very large scale. The AI system will send several starship destroyers if a single lyran civilian is attacked. At an individual level they don't make decisions like this, it's a way of instilling fear into enemies; they will know they are dealing with a machine and not someone making decisions based on emotions. You don't want to trigger an AI response like this. It usually works, and in the cases where the attacker has no fear, they will be eliminated.
I can see how some will try to spread the idea of hostile AI, if they want to attack lyrans. It's definitely going to react with hostility if they do something.
>I am interested in their position
The galfed faction behind me created gulag and designed the popular weapons used by the Soviet union. They also control Vietnam. They are not particularly involved anywhere else on earth. They want stability and act as a police force, taking down people who misbehave. You can't have idiots starting wars with other galaxies, it puts everyone at risk. Earth elites had to be removed for this reason, they were working with aliens to steal natural resources, and could possibly have caused a war with other civilizations.

The lyrans just want to spread their race and culture and upgrade technology everywhere. They apply the roman doctrine of assimilation; anyone can become a lyran if they accept their standards.