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TextBin - Anonymous Text Board + Pastebin Anonymous 08/29/2019 (Thu) 01:14:06 [Preview] No. 13495 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Well I've been working on this for around a month now, and I have finally created a semi-decent anonymous textboard. It's basically a combination of a temporary pastebin and an anonymous textboard.
It's a SPA with the backend in Java using Eclipse Vert.x, and the frontend using Vue.js.

Source is below:
2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:48:00 [Preview] No.13731 del
>>13495 and >>13714

The instance is down. I now declare this a BlockChan thread as it has already achieved immutability and true decentralization, something this creation has not. Also I stopped reading at 'backend in java'.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:48:51 [Preview] No.13732 del
Pic related.

Anonymous Board owner 10/04/2019 (Fri) 04:05:45 [Preview] No.13744 del
What did you post, anon?

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 08:08:57 [Preview] No.13746 del
(61.86 KB 1310x695 likeimagesinmongodb.jpg)

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 11:30:23 [Preview] No.13747 del
(19.89 KB 289x358 whitemancomes.jpeg)
Duuuude, extremely deep BR meme.

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Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 18:38:06 [Preview] No. 13709 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What models do the engineers at Google hold who program the pageranking/recommendation algorithms?

Because it seems like I could do a much better job and accomplish the same thing and more, better, without the resulting rates of mental illness.
1 post and 3 images omitted.

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 13:51:58 [Preview] No.13717 del
Or just declare martial law, smash the living fuck out of every officer and server of google, and then begin from the day after they are all dead.

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 21:40:39 [Preview] No.13722 del
Neither of these are answers to OP.

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 22:25:16 [Preview] No.13724 del
OP don't fuck around
>"What models do the google engineers hold"

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:11:32 [Preview] No.13728 del
Do you think Silicon Valley is run by libertarian cowboys interested in meritocracy or something? The company is unironically called Alphabet Inc.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:00:10 [Preview] No.13740 del
13715 describes google's basic setup. It does not describe the ranking algorithm itself, since google keeps that motherfucker under some very tight wraps and changes it up periodically to boot.

Anyone using Minix? BenBoi 12/28/2018 (Fri) 16:28:34 [Preview] No. 13054 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just was wondering if anybody here is running Minix in a serious way. By serious way I mean using it as their daily driver on a desktop or laptop.

I like microkernels and the idea of them a lot and seeing that I have tried Minix before, in a VM ableit, it wasn't too bad and worked well actually. Package management with pkgin (their package manager) worked well and I really did enjoy using.

I still use Linux as with my programming and studying of C and x86 ASM and x86 in terms of the architecture I am going to have to lean to what I use for things such as the system calls Linux has etc. and other OS specific things that cannot be factored out of just using the same ol' x86 with Minix if I were to use it.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 22:22:44 [Preview] No.13707 del
If your CPU is a modern (((Intel))) it already has Minix in its ME.

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 03:45:33 [Preview] No.13708 del
My first fully publicly available web server ran on Minix 2 system. Was up for more than a year and gave me zero problems.

Then again, a few years later I ran a publicly accessible web server on Windows for Workgroups via an old 386 board I had lying around. Uptime was also over a year, although it was heavily protected with separate firewalling and router.

Currently have a Minix 3 install on a Qemu instance. I'm afraid it's just for nostalgia. I don't do anything with it. I can't think of anything worth doing with it. I've never run it as anything other than a gui-less server.

Minix is still useful as a teaching tool by keeping OS concepts thoroughly separated and simplified. I can't see it as a useful live system however. It works. It's stable. It doesn't net you anything other than a halfhearted "woo" on occasion. VMing being what it is, the joys of resurrecting ancient hardware just captures the same kinda pointless "woo" as well.

I've seen an occasional discarded 386 laptop and owned one or two myself. If ever I run across another working model I'd consider installing Minix for a functional desktop on it.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 00:57:11 [Preview] No.13726 del
Aren't they mainly working on porting more packages or do I have that wrong?

Oh, and, one might say he's very good at it. Albeit, he's no Gore Vidal. Absolultely. Fucking. Anonymous. 10/03/2019 (Thu) 01:59:58 [Preview] No.13727 del
Short answer: dunno.

Long answer: My formal expertise as a Minix guru ended during the 2.0.x era. Last I heard the major selling point of 3 was the ability to automatically reload failed modules ... er ... drivers. Done so at the cost of a big performance hit as compared to Minix 2.

>Aren't they mainly working on porting more packages...
Sounds like the perfect meaningless pseudo computer science project to put their personal slaves graduate students through their paces. Thank the gods I never had a CS professor like that. If that really is the case, we would all be better served if Minix 3 disappeared with a link forwarding everyone to the Install Gentoo wiki. Of course, that has as much of a chance of happening as ... oh ... I dunno ... let's say ... Andrew S. Tanenbaum founding a website to preform statistical meta-analysis of electoral polling methodology, while also striving to better educate the public on the contemporary nuances and interrelated history of the United States federal political system.


Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 07:28:32 [Preview] No.13733 del
(86.22 KB 756x474 minix.png)
Back in '97 I ran a Minix-1.7/2.0 system as my primary workstation, including doing long-distance UUCP dailup for email and usenet, and running a mailing-list off it.
I'd just moved interstate, hopping onto a train (legally..) and joining up with some online mates to start a share-house. I would take me about 6 months to get my belongings freighted up, including my NetBSD workstation. One of the guys had a 386SX16 he'd retired after buying a Pentium, and it having 4MB (and a 16-color VGA card) limited it somewhat.. but I saved it from the dump and got Minix running great, both as itself, and as a telnet box when another housemate got his FreeBSD system gatewaying into the Uni PPP service.

Minix-3.x became something totally different.. and I didn't like it. As a NetBSD fag, its using pkgsrc would've been great.. but the hardware support was still no better than before-- ISA NE2000 cards in ${CURRENT_CENTURY}...

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Sel4 exploits Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 19:15:00 [Preview] No. 13721 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Show me your exploits for Sel4.

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Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 13:47:01 [Preview] No. 13716 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Come to oneechan

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 15:56:22 [Preview] No.13718 del
>no onion
might as well browse /g/

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 18:02:03 [Preview] No.13719 del

Anonymous 02/17/2020 (Mon) 00:06:46 [Preview] No.14035 del
Fuck off Sen and stop shitting up ever board with your faggot website. Kys happa scum

(213.03 KB 640x359 hey-nvidia.png)
It sucks 8chan is down, maybe just tonight, I can be your 8chan? Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 11:02:17 [Preview] No. 13511 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
No lurking allowed!! Let's kick some shitposting off here, we need posts before we can fuss over content quality.

In all honesty, why hasn't man invented a realistic blow job machine so he can be pleasured whilst at his desk? Is a human tongue that difficult to mimic? We can have fully emersive augmented reality, but no blowjob machine? Come the fuck on Japan, wake up!
5 posts omitted.

Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 07:40:59 [Preview] No.13566 del
(234.86 KB 630x499 autoblow_2.gif)

Anonymous Board owner 09/17/2019 (Tue) 15:45:13 [Preview] No.13570 del

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 17:13:36 [Preview] No.13606 del
Wow, my life has been leading to this. Imagine how work I can get done without wank breaks!

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 21:06:56 [Preview] No.13675 del
It scares me that any man would trust their dick to that fucking terrifying machine.

Warning All Microsoft Users: You May Need To Switch To Linux or an Other Alternative OS Soon... READ WHY Anonymous 04/10/2018 (Tue) 16:00:02 [Preview] No. 12580 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

"Microsoft have changed their terms of service so that they can monitor any of your personal content, including the files on your PC, while using their products or services and if they deem it offensive they can take that content and their products/services away from you and ban you! If you happen to have an Xbox or have bought PC games from the Microsoft Store and are logged into your Microsoft account on any device while committing your "crime" you can be banned from Xbox Live and have all your downloaded games and any credit that's still in your account taken away!

But it gets worse. This applies to all Microsoft products and services. So therefore Windows itself! I think I have already been a victim, probably due to posting here, as recently my Windows 10 key was revoked out of the blue. I contacted Microsoft and they told me my key was no longer valid but outright refused to tell me why. So I had to buy Windows 10 again. I didn't buy it direct from them of course. Please post if this has happened to you very recently too.

I'm pretty scared about what's coming. They want us off the internet and I think this is how they're going to get many people. They're going to just shutdown our Windows on the basis of us breaking their new terms of service. What if ISPs are next?"

OP comment:

First off, no one should be using Windows 10. If you like Windows get an older one like Windows 2000, Vista or XP and make sure you turn OFF all automatic updates in the settings. Make sure you do not leave it online 24/7 either (leaving the OS online when not in use makes it much more vulnerable). There are also programs out there you can install that will completely remove all auto-updates for Windows if you are too lazy to change the settings.

If you want to switch to Linux you can install "Wine" and run Windows executives right from your Linux OS. Depending on which OS you partition (such as Q4OS) this will mimick an older version of Windows. Q4OS is what I recommend because you can install Wine and the OS replicates Windows XP, looking almost exactly the same!

Second, which is VERY important, users should be using a private VPN service in this day and age. No reason not to. Get off your lazy ass, buy a cheap private VPN (these can cost as low as $30 PER YEAR), and shield yourself by encrypting your communications and spoofing your IPs. Its easy and even us boomers can learn how to do it, I did.

Third: always have physical offline backups of any of your important files (this includes ISOs of the OS you use, software you may use and any media or other files you deem valuable).

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

10 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 04/07/2019 (Sun) 02:46:50 [Preview] No.13264 del
Also remember, glow niggers like to cast wide nets when buying/developing exploits, so using obscure stuff that normies do use might help you. This won't help you if you're a high value target, for whatever reason, in which case they will allocate as many resources as possible to get you. If that's the case, then you shouldn't even be on any sort of computer.

Anonymous 04/07/2019 (Sun) 02:54:31 [Preview] No.13265 del
Many of those virus scanners include functionality that checks the hash result of each scanned file against a database of file hashes, so that could be used to identify specific files. For example, if you downloaded one of the NZ shooting videos and have it stored on your drive, in an unaltered state.

Anonymous 04/18/2019 (Thu) 04:53:26 [Preview] No.13285 del
>There are some actions which can only be completed on windows (Unless you are willing to spend many hours porting software over to linux.)
What are you doing that requires Wangblows only? After Effects or something?

Anonymous 07/02/2019 (Tue) 11:39:02 [Preview] No.13355 del
>If there were any good novice systemd-free distributions, I'd recommend them, but I didn't see anything worth installing.
Try Devuan. Installation is n00b friendly, stable as stable was old Debian, huge repo, actively maintained.

Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 10:50:01 [Preview] No.13695 del

Have they updated the shitty install thing in the last two months? The one that shits on figuring out basic drivers, something 75% of distros can do no problem?

Richard Stallman Resigns Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 04:54:05 [Preview] No. 13560 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>To the MIT community,

>I am resigning effective immediately from my position in CSAIL at MIT. I am doing this due to pressure on MIT and me over a series of misunderstandings and mischaracterizations.

>Richard Stallman
49 posts and 15 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 21:43:19 [Preview] No.13678 del
>implying RMS isn't a SJW

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 17:02:17 [Preview] No.13684 del
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I think RMS had one of those, "I'm gettin' too old for this shit!" moments.

Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 23:39:53 [Preview] No.13688 del

Richard M. Stallman did nothing wrong.

Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 23:42:15 [Preview] No.13689 del
How is RMS handling this?

White men attack Stallman Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 02:13:51 [Preview] No.13692 del
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White men demand the arrest of Richard M. Stallman


>* Defending Pedophilia: MIT professor Richard Stallman has made a career of defending pedophilia, yet he remains on staff at the university. We call for his termination, (and arrest).

Some lines later:

>Today's resource: God's Criminal Justice System: Does the Bible support the death penalty before the crucifixion? How about after the crucifixion? The death penalty forms the centerpiece of the Gospel. The first and last books of the Bible deal with execution, as do the Old and New Testaments generally. Enjoy this presentation of God's ideas about criminal justice. Many Christians pray for an open door to share the Gospel with a friend. That door opens with every newscast, and with the reading of every newspaper, for those who benefit from God's Criminal Justice System. Meanwhile, discover the unique style of Bob Enyart and enjoy all of his teaching tapes.

MOZILLA SELLS OUT! Anonymous 08/16/2017 (Wed) 00:02:50 [Preview] No. 10727 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Mozilla To Build New Browsers That Conform To Internet Censorship


In November of 1737, decades before America officially declared its independence from the king of England, a young Benjamin Franklin published an essay in The Pennsylvania Gazette entitled, “On Freedom of Speech and the Press.” In it, Franklin wrote, “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the Constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.” Franklin went on to write, “An evil magistrate entrusted with power to punish for words, would be armed with a weapon the most destructive and terrible.”

Although this was written in an article published more than two and a half centuries ago, Franklin’s words are quite possibly more relevant today than they ever have been. Indeed, there is an ongoing effort by the progressive left and extremists such as George Soros to silence speech that doesn’t align with the liberal agenda. This effort to effectively gut the First Amendment is taking place virtually everywhere you look, from the mainstream media, to Hollywood, to college campuses, and perhaps most frequently, across the Internet.

Recently, the popular Internet web browser Mozilla Firefox announced that it plans on joining the fight against what it considers to be “fake news,” a term that to leftists means nothing more than news that is written by conservatives. Mozilla said that it was “investing in people, programs and projects” in an effort to “disrupt misinformation online.”

The first question that every constitutionalist and liberty-loving American should be asking is as follows: How does Mozilla define “fake news?” Are they only talking about suppressing radical websites such as sites run by white supremacists, or are they talking about any news that comes from conservatives? At the very least, it should worry you that companies like Mozilla are often reluctant to thoroughly define “fake news” – it is highly unlikely that this is unintentional.

Furthermore, what exactly gives Mozilla the right or the authority to determine what is misinformation and what is not? The United States Constitution is the law of the land, and the freedom of speech is an inalienable right from God. The fact that Mozilla thinks it has sweeping authority to select which speech is censored and which speech is not runs contrary to everything that America was founded upon.

With the assault on independent media getting increasingly aggressive, many Internet bloggers and website owners are desperately looking for ways they can continue voicing their opinions without being harassed, suppressed or silenced. If you are one of these people, you may want to consider using “Brave,” a relatively new web browser founded by former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich.

On its website, Brave states that its goal is “to transform the online ad ecosystem with micropayments and a new revenue-sharing solution to give users and publishers a better deal, where fast, safe browsing is the path to a brighter future for the open web.”

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anonymous 03/18/2018 (Sun) 21:24:12 [Preview] No.12496 del
what's the word on waterfox?

Anonymous 03/18/2018 (Sun) 21:24:33 [Preview] No.12497 del
what about waterfox?

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 18:01:57 [Preview] No.13673 del
Tor, W3M and Brave/Dissenter.
(and pale moon)

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 14:28:01 [Preview] No.13682 del
Palemoon is essentially its own browser at this point. It was forked from Firefox so long ago that it doesn't resemble what it has become. I keep both installed for different things. "Modern" sites that require a lot of JS cancer go into firefox and everything else I use palemoon for.

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 16:12:14 [Preview] No.13683 del

Most recent board discussion regarding Palemoon:

That said, the discussion reflects the board user base at the time being as it was of the pre-8chan migration generation. It's probably time to take Palemoon out for another test drive.

HOLY MOTHER FUCKING FUCK Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 18:34:39 [Preview] No. 13572 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]


> To the MIT community,

>I am resigning effective immediately from my position in CSAIL at MIT. I am doing this due to pressure on MIT and me over a series of misunderstandings and mischaracterizations.

>Richard Stallman


> On September 16, 2019, Richard M. Stallman, founder and president of the Free Software Foundation, resigned as president and from its board of directors.

>The board will be conducting a search for a new president, beginning immediately. Further details of the search will be published on fsf.org.

>For questions, contact FSF executive director John Sullivan at [email protected].

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

26 posts and 22 images omitted.

betamax Board owner 09/18/2019 (Wed) 09:46:20 [Preview] No.13600 del
(118.71 KB 1280x847 Pooh.jpg)
>they're not Real Jews™
>posts tangential nonsense using Tor or I2P (most likely Tor)
>forgets RMS is a Jew™

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 10:15:11 [Preview] No.13601 del
Greetings, BO.

I feel for you here as I've had some experience modding a board elsewhere. One has to walk a fine line between what the users want, and the point of being a non-random board. Yet, image-boards aren't meant to be uber-professional discussion groups.

A case could be made that RMS isn't tech relevant anymore. That's debatable, but he hasn't done much hardcore coding in too long a time, which is the sort of thing that steers the hardcore away from considering him relevant discussion material.

More to the point, it is clear this discussion has moved along from being about RMS, to what he may or may not have said, to what other related people have said, and on to totally unrelated people and subjects. Finally, it has moved completely over into being about the cultural wars-nothing but.

I'm not here to tell you how to run a board, but I might suggest now is the time to lock the thread. That's not an easy decision, but this topic, far and wide across the Internet, almost universally falls into unproductive cultural wars territory.

Think about it.

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 10:17:32 [Preview] No.13602 del
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This is pretty sad duded... your argument is that it actually is da jooz? How does that even work in this case? Stallman is a CIS white male... so you're saying that he decided to take himself down with a bizarre written public declaration in defense of statutory rape because he's a jew and part of a jewish conspiracy or something?

I think what really happened is that you got talked into buying this enchanted object at Alex Jones' antiquities shop and it's stuck to your face now and there's nothing you can do to remove the curse. When you look at your hands, you see jewish conspiracy. When you look at the sky, it's got jewish conspiracy all over it. You can't see objective reality anymore or discern between actual shenanigans and some guy just fucking up badly. You poor bastard.

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 12:20:52 [Preview] No.13603 del
>posts tangential nonsense
>BO doesn't bother to read threads on his own board
>Thinks an answer is the question is a cringe post.
No wonder this place is so dead when the BO can't keep up with one thread let alone a live board.

betamax Board owner 09/18/2019 (Wed) 14:40:43 [Preview] No.13604 del
Everybody, just post on the other thread by the same topic here: >>13560 and stop posting /pol/ shit or else I'll have to result to delete cringe Tor posts!

You're generally right, though this is the symbolic death of the figurehead behind the GPL centric free software movement, it's on topic but I'll lock this thread.

RMS supports the Jewish Voice for Peace, and anyone who had done some basic research knows that he is Jewish. If you think Jews are White, you've clearly have not met an ethnic European Jew who deny their whiteness for their Jewish ingroup which anyone who hates their own race is a cuck. Stallman is anti zionist and an atheist but he's still a Jew. People who are upset about that reality are clearly newfags that don't know much of anything about RMS and what he promotes. Do you really grasp how much of an autistic lolcow RMS is, eating toejams in public and talking about rhinophytonecrophilia? Alex Jones married a Jew that tried to Jew him but who the fuck cares about that since this isn't /pol/. Regardless of what you think of all the young girls who had gone under Epstein can consent to sexual intercourse considering the long term effects thereof, RMS himself no longer see himself fit to be a part of the FSF and stepped down voluntarily, the end.

>ded bort
<posts in ded bort
Edited last time by _ on 09/18/2019 (Wed) 14:43:31.