/tf2c/ - Team Fortress 2 Classic

TF2 Classic, a mod of Team Fortress 2 by Valve Software. Normal TF2 discussion fine as well.

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Jason Grant 06/23/2017 (Fri) 17:06:33 Id: a8ba5d [Preview] No. 84 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A new update is coming soon, and it's going to nerf the Baseball Bat, Bonk, Dead Ringer, Rescue Ranger, Basejumper(fucking why?), Vita Saw, Panic Attack (turns it into a spammy force of nature), and many more. Here's a copy paste of the new update if you're interested.


Jason Grant 06/23/2017 (Fri) 17:11:49 Id: a8ba5d [Preview] No. 85 del
>Baseball Bat

Meant to type sandman, holy shit I'm retarded.

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Jason Grant 04/02/2017 (Sun) 21:59:00 Id: 49a469 [Preview] No. 81 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm a cancerous faggot who just loves seeing all the bullshit Pay2Win loadouts and their abuse. Hell whenever I get some drops that have to do with a P2W loadout I equip them and abuse them. Hell I even enjoy loadouts that fluctuate the critical hit appearance rate.

Honestly I don't know what to do. Seeing these crazy loadouts, using them myself and fighting against them is too addictive. There's no greater satisfaction to me than playing say a vanilla pyro and airblasting a soldier's Direct Hit with banner/krit effects.

Equally there's nothing more satisfactory for me than going ninjaneer, killing ten people with a sentry plus wrangler, then destroying said sentry to get twenty guaranteed crits. Seeing my enemies underestimate me while I blast them away with 2 shotgun blasts is too damn fun. Honestly I don't give a fuck about the cancerous hats, animations and cosmetics.

No, I just love the chaos this game has accumulated in the pubs over the years. Honestly, I wonder what a total shitshow competitive would be without banning all these awesome meta set ups plus their crit modifiers like demo knight, buff banner, Rambo medic and so on.

Jason Grant 04/02/2017 (Sun) 22:04:19 Id: 49a469 [Preview] No. 82 del
Oh and btw, no I've never payed for any loadout, I'm patient and autistic enough.

Jason Grant 04/10/2017 (Mon) 05:10:44 Id: e78035 [Preview] No. 83 del

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Jason Grant 02/28/2016 (Sun) 22:49:09 Id: bdcf60 [Preview] No. 71 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>tring to make a shitty game playable again
>expecting the horsefuckers and furfags to stay away

Jason Grant 03/02/2016 (Wed) 06:00:21 Id: 62cebd [Preview] No. 78 del
We can try, damn it.

Jason Grant 05/23/2016 (Mon) 16:56:35 Id: dd271c [Preview] No. 80 del
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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Jason Grant 01/05/2016 (Tue) 09:39:28 Id: 614c88 [Preview] No. 49 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Jason Grant 01/05/2016 (Tue) 12:29:42 Id: 47b957 [Preview] No. 50 del
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>unironic sellouts

I'll never get these people.

Jason Grant 01/05/2016 (Tue) 18:55:02 Id: ec1877 [Preview] No. 51 del
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Jason Grant 02/05/2016 (Fri) 06:35:35 Id: cc9ebb [Preview] No. 59 del
>people who sell out with no monetary gain

Jason Grant 02/28/2016 (Sun) 22:49:37 Id: 0f6d49 [Preview] No. 72 del
>stay on my servers only my servers they're official and stuff only my servers

Jason Grant 03/02/2016 (Wed) 07:12:06 Id: fa3e4d [Preview] No. 79 del

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404UserNotFound 03/01/2016 (Tue) 23:18:59 Id: 5ebad1 [Preview] No. 73 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So I just saw the thread on that Leeky forum;

> and 404 is right about loldeathmatch and lolstealfromtf2

You're damn right I'm right. I like you guys. At least I'm not the only one sitting here wondering what the fuck the dev team was snorting when they decided to add the fucking Gunboats (especially adding them for the Demoman, they look fucked up on his feet)

Pic related even though it's quite old (was made way back when I was on the TF2C dev team).

I had a modeller rig the Merc into the "i dunno lol" pose so I could make a fake update image mocking Frying Dutchman after he was brought in and the focus of TF2C switched to loldeathmatch.

Jason Grant 03/01/2016 (Tue) 23:23:35 Id: d2f72f [Preview] No. 74 del
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Why do you even go to leekyforums? Most of the posts there are from bots copying posts from chans and reddit. Are you seriously going there to respond to a repository fucking bots and not the original poster?

404UserNotFound 03/01/2016 (Tue) 23:27:18 Id: 5ebad1 [Preview] No. 76 del
I stumbled onto the leeky forums thing through Google. I haven't posted on there either.

Through Leeky though, I found this site. That's why I posted here.

Jason Grant 03/01/2016 (Tue) 23:31:36 Id: d2f72f [Preview] No. 77 del
check out the other boards that don't have ids. they're better.

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Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 19:31:08 Id: 2d925d [Preview] No. 68 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>8chan is down A G A I N

Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 19:53:36 [Preview] No. 70 del
Don't forget, you're here forever.

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Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 03:02:56 Id: f6518a [Preview] No. 33 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I can't stop making banners for this board help

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 03:03:48 Id: f6518a [Preview] No. 34 del
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Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 19:38:28 Id: b1806e [Preview] No. 69 del
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Complete banner list

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RIP Groundgremlins Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:23:04 Id: 8e3479 [Preview] No. 66 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>The floorcrawlers will soon be no more

Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:40:50 Id: 6fe208 [Preview] No. 67 del
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after 100 years, this scourge is finally at an end

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Jason Grant 02/04/2016 (Thu) 23:46:54 Id: 6949ef [Preview] No. 58 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>post yfw you're not live TF2

Jason Grant 02/05/2016 (Fri) 06:36:27 Id: 826c43 [Preview] No. 60 del
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Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:09:34 Id: 3493a0 [Preview] No. 61 del
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i keep going back to it, but i always end up disappointed

Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:14:31 Id: b695bc [Preview] No. 63 del
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Even MvM doesn't appeal to me anymore.

Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:20:54 Id: 3493a0 [Preview] No. 65 del
MvM mode when? [spoilers]hopefully after they fix the fucking game if ever[/spoilers]

AlphaBlaster 01/03/2016 (Sun) 06:17:20 Id: 4bcff1 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
**Spoiler test**
Or are spoilers like this

I dunno what I'm doin
6 posts and 3 images omitted.

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 21:31:13 Id: 35e9fb [Preview] No. 45 del
Also what the fuck is wrong with people that don't like bunnyhopping in games?

Used to be the best part of FPS games then at some point in almost every fucking game, you'd get banned from servers just for jumping repeatedly using the physics that are PART OF THE FUCKING GAME

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 22:39:07 Id: 4bcff1 [Preview] No. 46 del
Not exactly hard considering how brand new this site is.

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 22:40:01 Id: 4bcff1 [Preview] No. 47 del
TF2C does in fact have bhopping, and it is fucking fun and fast.

No grenades, might be implemented later as an optional thing, but I wouldn't know since I'm not a dev.

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 23:18:49 Id: 35e9fb [Preview] No. 48 del
Last time I played a TF was ETF (Enemy Territory Fortress), which was I guess a long time ago. It was fast, had bunny hopping, and multiple types of nades (nail bombs, etc).

It was fucking awesome, had good community going, then after a week break I log into the IRC and there's like fucking nobody there.

Finally one person logs on and says something about the community broke up and most are playing Guild Wars.

I was like.. wh..ahh.a WUT?

God damn it was fucking awesome, no idea why everybody left for Guild Wars for some fucking reason, but when they did it lowered the community numbers to where it couldn't sustain.

Then I was excited for TF2 when I first heard about it, but then when I saw what it really was, huge disappointment.

I gotta check this out since it's free like ETF

I miss sniping people bunnyhopping 400mph

Jason Grant 02/06/2016 (Sat) 17:20:05 Id: d3cca4 [Preview] No. 64 del
Grenades coming soon for Deathmatch, and I'm sure there will be a way to put them into regular gamemodes with some items_game.txt fuckery.