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(482.50 KB 828x1002 1667340145436083.jpg)
Lucy thread Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 16:53 [Preview] No. 17054
Lucyspectre on discord. I need more pictures of her because I am not in any marc e-faggot server and I don't know her socials, can someone post more pictures of her please?

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 17:37 [Preview] No.17055 del
is this thread bugged for anyone else? I keep getting 404 when trying to enter into it

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 17:39 [Preview] No.17056 del
nvm posting seems to have fixed it

Sage Sage 11/04/2022 (Fri) 19:30 [Preview] No.17059 del
So what does she actually do? Or is this board turning into social media now.

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 22:19 [Preview] No.17066 del
Larps as trad and loses at arguments against Seymour every day

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 22:40 [Preview] No.17068 del
How is that turbo-pedro still amongst the living unimprisoned?

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 23:13 [Preview] No.17073 del
>She is 19 years old
Good, that means I can legitimately coerce here into secks.

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 23:30 [Preview] No.17075 del
i tried posting her real name (first and last) multiple times but mods kept deleting my post.
anyways what’s interesting about this girl. any drama?

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 23:39 [Preview] No.17076 del
what is the point of doxxing her? why?

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 00:34 [Preview] No.17078 del
>lying hypocrite skinwalker wants to be a lawyer
color me surprised kek

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:07 [Preview] No.17080 del
fair enough and you may be right, but what is posting this stuff going to accomplish? now she is going to private everything, and we all will have to suffer

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:11 [Preview] No.17081 del
yeah you’re right I understand. Alright I’m sorry and I don’t condone any of the harassment towards her, please stop if you are. She didn’t do anything wrong. Mods, if you could delete the posts with the photos and the social links, that would be appreciated

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:17 [Preview] No.17082 del
This. People post everything up to and including their colonoscopy photos online and then freak out when people look at it, I guess?

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:21 [Preview] No.17083 del
what's the point now the cat's already out of the bag. no going back. why'd you even post it in the first place if she didn’t do anything wrong?

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:41 [Preview] No.17085 del
plenty of these girls are decent people but people are still desperate to post them and nitpick. i will say, there is a lot of irony in “lucy” being an orbiter herself and openly gossiping about girls with other people (including ole asteriaa) but having the gall to freak out the second she’s posted.

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 02:02 [Preview] No.17086 del
>multiple times
Seems utterly fucking idiotic.

Anyway, not an Europoor so I don't care too much... yet

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 02:10 [Preview] No.17088 del
did she really ask Seymour to help her get this thread removed? lol

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 02:29 [Preview] No.17089 del
What's her last name?

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 02:49 [Preview] No.17090 del
(18.36 KB 400x400 bonquisha.jpeg)
sheeeeiiit nigga im finna eat dat sidewayz pussy. chinese 4 dinner 2nite niggas

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 03:00 [Preview] No.17091 del
I think, if she wants that info and photos removed, she should simply just request such herself, along with providing timestamp for verification, of course. I really think this would be best for everyone.

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 05:03 [Preview] No.17096 del
Shes a flip, basically the mexicans of the east.

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 14:21 [Preview] No.17132 del
(332.80 KB 828x1472 lucey.jpg)
thanks for the link but I want more cute pics of her like this

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 16:58 [Preview] No.17137 del
>I am so much better than everyone for being so trad and pure and Christian, I see most women as beneath me and hopelessly lost! Truly I pity them, if only they would read the word of the Lord
>Btw look at this pic that barely shows my face and is 99% my bare legs in a skirt which I'll feign ignorance over. Oh and I used to talk to Sosa daily and sent him lewd pics too but stop talking about that because he's just an evil guy, ignore what I did

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 17:13 [Preview] No.17142 del
(2.52 MB 2316x3088 1661788247030.jpg)
>Oh and I used to talk to Sosa daily and sent him lewd pics too but stop talking about that because he's just an evil guy, ignore what I did
screenshots and pics or did not happend

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 17:58 [Preview] No.17145 del
post more pics. She deleted the ones on her Instagram

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 19:39 [Preview] No.17149 del
(1.95 MB 594x688 lucy (1).gif)
have this super cute lucy gif

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:02 [Preview] No.17165 del
Screenshots of her and Sosa arguing about it are in an old eharem thread.

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 18:33 [Preview] No.17166 del

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 19:09 [Preview] No.17167 del
Rheanne you will never be Kennedi. Stop trying to be like her. picrel

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 19:30 [Preview] No.17169 del
she is from 2003 so if her nudes are legal post them I wanna coom

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 21:48 [Preview] No.17171 del
LMFAO, holy shit. I was skeptical of the skinwalking claims until now. Holy fuck. No wonder she's good friends with Asteria.

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 21:50 [Preview] No.17172 del
Samefag but writing all that halfhearted nonsense while your favorite movie is Forrest Gump is really fucking funny.

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 23:42 [Preview] No.17173 del
as one of the autistic theorycels from the ken thread, this is such a painfully obvious misreading of that book. why is a tradcath also trying to larp like she would agree with anything whatsoever from what’s effectively a radical feminist leftcommunist takedown of both the patriarchy and bourgeois feminism and how both are internalized by everyone (it’s not just about women despite the name). it even rips religion a new one. did she even read it or just like the excerpts ken used to post on tumblr? and lol at “my bourgeois conquests” just immediately signals that book is not what she thinks it is about. what on earth.

of all people, why do so many girls either want to be or look up to this specific autistic communist radical feminist, even the girls who supposedly hate everything she stands for? will never understand this phenomenon. seems like these girls don’t think very hard.

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 00:51 [Preview] No.17174 del

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 06:03 [Preview] No.17176 del
Am I just dumb or does she always seem to just put a bunch of SAT words together instead of just using normal everyday language.

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.17180 del

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.17181 del
Seems quite fuckable.
How much does she take per hour?

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 08:18 [Preview] No.17185 del
Quite rich that the woman who lectures everyone on the importance of modesty takes so many selfies, so many of them being lewd. Being a sexualized nurse for halloween is Thot 101.

Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 22:12 [Preview] No.17193 del
She got very nice hands.
Would suckle on.

Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 11:34 [Preview] No.17205 del
found this lucy video

Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 11:35 [Preview] No.17206 del
(1.21 MB 1157x847 lucy.png)

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 08:00 [Preview] No.17255 del
You can tell she has an unhealthy jaw structure by the way she's pursing her lips in all of her pictures. Mouth breather physiognomy.

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 15:27 [Preview] No.17258 del
True but it’s probably genetic. Most flips get braces and double jaw surgery if they can afford it.

Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 23:44 [Preview] No.17541 del
This girl will have nudes leaked within the next 6 months, I guarantee it.

Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 07:25 [Preview] No.17551 del
doubt that would happen. Way too much of a puritan to do something like that but her selfies are lewd enough

Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 16:00 [Preview] No.17558 del
recent lucy pics

Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 10:19 [Preview] No.18453 del
someone post lucy updates. any new pics or info?

plz be true.

Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 05:42 [Preview] No.18513 del
why did she leave servers again?

Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 11:41 [Preview] No.18527 del
Idk but I'm glad she did, she's such a whiny bitch. Loves acting like she's morally above everyone in e-harem/grooming servers but why is she there in the first place? Maybe she finally realized her hypocrisy.

Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 20:49 [Preview] No.18538 del
Doubt it, she always comes back to them. She’s done this many times. Spends every day scolding everyone for being degenerate and not pure enough while she’s doing the same exact shit as everyone else, it gets pointed out that she’s doing the same as everyone, she leaves, then she comes back to post selfies every day, repeat.

Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 07:06 [Preview] No.18557 del
She's been selling pics of herself for discord nitro, probably worried about them being leaked

Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 14:46 [Preview] No.18567 del
She would never ever do that you shitbag

Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 01:47 [Preview] No.25745 del
Any recent wild lucy spottings? Where is she bros?

Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 07:35 [Preview] No.25748 del
She's posting on IG like once a month, mostly just random stories.
Completely forgettable stuff though.

Anonymous 06/28/2023 (Wed) 20:00 [Preview] No.25928 del
She still posts selfies and the like on her ig simulacoisie (How fucking pretentious is that username) but its stayed private since she left servers. Looks like she probably won't come back.

Anonymous 06/29/2023 (Thu) 05:32 [Preview] No.25942 del
shes so pretentious and tryhard just look at her letterboxd reviews. Spotting Ken wannabes is so easy. She even uses some of ken's pics on her rym.

Anonymous 06/29/2023 (Thu) 05:33 [Preview] No.25943 del
Kek she removed forrest gump as her favorite film

Anonymous 06/29/2023 (Thu) 06:29 [Preview] No.25944 del
I follow her on letterboxd I don’t really see how shes a ken wannabe through that. She is pretentious for sure but she has completely different tastes from Ken. Time to stop labelling all academically-inclined pseudointellectuals as Ken wannabes, its actually an insult to Ken.

Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 00:02 [Preview] No.25955 del
>Time to stop labelling all academically-inclined pseudointellectuals as Ken wannabes, its actually an insult to Ken.
Time to stop upholding Kennedi as an intellectual just for having an interest in literature/philosophy, its an insult to authentic female academics

Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 03:06 [Preview] No.25960 del
definitely this

Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 18:52 [Preview] No.25983 del
Lucebros, is she the smartest egirl?

Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 10:39 [Preview] No.26030 del
But ken is literally superior to most "academics" in general. thats why she didnt go go college, she is above publishing research papers

Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 10:39 [Preview] No.26031 del
no smart girl would larp as a tradthot

Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 13:40 [Preview] No.26034 del
Unless she wants to scam some idiots for money, which would be perfectly fine in this case.

Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 22:34 [Preview] No.26068 del
rheanne's boyfriend is ugly as shit and shes addicted to male attention

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 00:17 [Preview] No.26105 del
Stop giving this girl attention already

Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 21:21 [Preview] No.26394 del
if you get me removed from her instagram following i will literally kill you

Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 21:30 [Preview] No.26396 del
She's private btw most anons can't see
I don't think she's ever purged followers ever, at least a large noticeable amount

Anonymous Board owner 07/04/2023 (Tue) 23:35 [Preview] No.26419 del
Do not post anything relating to her school or employment, intimate 'using things against her', nor anything that may encourage any form of harassment.
Edited last time by Octave on 07/04/2023 (Tue) 23:36.

Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 18:36 [Preview] No.26540 del
??? But its literally all public information that can be found easily?
I dont condone any harassment towards her.
Wish yall had this same energy for defending ken

Anonymous Board owner 07/05/2023 (Wed) 19:48 [Preview] No.26555 del
You explicitly mentioned the possibility of posting things that could be 'used against her', including her school and place of employment. Those were your words. Seems pretty clear what the intention was. Engaging in or promoting real world harassment, or any other form of illegal activity, or posting content that will enable or incite others to do so, or could be interpreted in such a way, is not allowed. This stands whether the information is public or not.
As to the comparison to how content regarding Kennedi is moderated, as far as I'm aware this girl did not intentionally share her full name, and there is a distinction there, one that has been made on this board in the past. The situations are not the same and so they will be moderated differently with regard to the level of personal information that will be allowed to be posted.
And, by the way, it would still not be allowed to post Kennedi's place of employment, if she had one, or to encourage actual harassment of her.

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 16:46 [Preview] No.26775 del
(2.40 MB 750x1334 IMG_0901.png)
there is this girl that wants to go after these 4chan egirls, she tried to go after rheane, mio with some weird blackmail shit

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 19:09 [Preview] No.26800 del
Do you have her current socials?
I want to be friends with her. Shes so based

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 20:18 [Preview] No.26808 del
Whats the beef between her and rheanne/rhea/lucy?

Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 06:03 [Preview] No.26852 del
her names thousandknives or something, I forgot
she targeted her bc rheanes prettier than her or something. Because rheane is actually asian and she isn’t. IIDK they probably edated the same nazi ebf tristan ricks at some point

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 12:14 [Preview] No.28023 del
Anyone have Lucy’s socials?

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 12:22 [Preview] No.28024 del
(729.55 KB 828x611 lucy12.png)
(1.34 MB 828x1026 PerfectBlue.png)
(1.56 MB 828x819 lucycosplay.png)
Moar pics. Always missed her cosplays, though I wonder how she afforded them being a college student

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 13:21 [Preview] No.28025 del
Unless she cosplayed a ton, doesn't mean she had to spend a lot of money on it.

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 14:34 [Preview] No.28027 del
>I wonder how she afforded them being a college student
probably selling nudes to pedophiles like most egirls do

Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 23:33 [Preview] No.28039 del
theres this thing called a part time job that most college students partake in. also those are cheap shitty quality cosplays, you can tell by how shiny the fabric is. not very expensive

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.28588 del
This is what she actually looks like.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 07:54 [Preview] No.28589 del
How did that file get nearly instantly deleted? It wasn't even a bad photo and nothing identifying was in it, just some random people. I don't get how that would be instantly removable considering all the pics posted here of people's entire families without consent.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 08:06 [Preview] No.28590 del
There was personal info in the photo + reverse image search can potentially reveal dox.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 08:14 [Preview] No.28591 del
I see. I wasn't the one who posted it, just curious. That makes sense, except the second point since that applies to a lot of other photos here too. Not trying to say you're modding wrong or anything though. I agree she deserves privacy.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 19:02 [Preview] No.28622 del
you could probably just crop or censor everyone else around her. also really weird its like lucy gets special treatment so as to not be doxxed, wonder how come

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 19:23 [Preview] No.28624 del
It’s because she lurks and has definitely been in contact with the mods. she is super paranoid bc she’s very academically focused and there’s stuff online that could be used against her work and school life. also the photo I posted above doesn’t have any personal info so yes it is special treatment. meanwhile other girls on here get revenge porn posted of them, which is illegal, and kennedi’s pics of her whole family and her as a child have been posted and nothing was done about it.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 19:24 [Preview] No.28625 del
if anyone has saved the pic can you repost it with the people cropped out? see if it still gets removed.

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 21:04 [Preview] No.28629 del
The obsession with comparing her board treatment to kennedi’s as a justification to doxxing is odd. What’s with the vendetta posting against lucy obsessively finding her personal info to share like her Linkedn? Did she steal your ebf or something?

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 21:23 [Preview] No.28630 del
It's funny how many different people we've been accused of giving 'special treatment' at various points.
In the case of other similar photos or personal information on the board that isn't removed, I will say that there is a different standard if the subject has openly, willingly, and intentionally shared their full name (as have, for example, Kennedi, Ciara, Marky, Sunny,) since in these cases, there is nothing really to dox. Everyone already knows their info and there's no way to change that. But I wouldn't feel good about enabling the proliferation of personal information that isn't already out there, and that could potentially lead to harm or harassment, especially when it seems to be for no apparent reason. If this girl was continually attention seeking in chan-related spaces and/or engaging in nefarious activities, I might feel differently about it, I don't know.
>the photo I posted above doesn’t have any personal info
The name of her school can be seen in the photo.
>other girls on here get revenge porn posted of them
I don't know that to be the case.
>kennedi’s pics of her whole family and her as a child have been posted and nothing was done about it
The circumstances are completely different and Kennedi hasn't indicated that she has a problem with those photos being posted.
If everything else is cropped out it won't be removed.

Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 08:08 [Preview] No.28947 del
She(?) looks like a transexual... :^3

t. One of the guys I went out with, knows of a dude that destroyed his marriage over one of those degenerates.

Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 08:20 [Preview] No.28949 del
(386.53 KB 1080x1836 simul.jpg)

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 07:26 [Preview] No.29039 del
Hot. Classic ethot cosplayer route though just like bonbi. Onlyfans when?

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 15:20 [Preview] No.29046 del
I don't think she's "actively enough online" that she'd do an OF.

Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 16:58 [Preview] No.29050 del
It does seem to be trending that way, sadly.

Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 16:32 [Preview] No.29233 del
She has the look of a self hating race traitor.

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 02:43 [Preview] No.29260 del
what do you mean by this?
and well, she is dating a pasty ass white guy...

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 03:31 [Preview] No.29262 del
Who cares about that mixed that keep her ass out of the sun trying to be fair and end up with a yellow greenish terribly ugly skin tone that even with filters she looks bad and ashy

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:50 [Preview] No.29303 del
>what do you mean by this?
Don't reply to severely mentally ill people.

Anonymous 08/24/2023 (Thu) 20:54 [Preview] No.29304 del
Anon discovers olive skin...

Anonymous 08/25/2023 (Fri) 17:15 [Preview] No.29336 del
she got the yellow green booger undertone

Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 20:22 [Preview] No.29609 del
Does anyone have her nudes yet her cosplays are already so revealing theres bound to be someone with something out there

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 10:50 [Preview] No.41023 del
She looks like her pussy smells of sunshine and heaven.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 11:00 [Preview] No.41024 del
This girl has nudes floating around on discord

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 15:06 [Preview] No.41044 del
that's very disappointing if true.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 15:52 [Preview] No.41053 del
I highly doubt that considering her prudish behavior and whole tradlarp persona she wanted to maintain.
Anyways is anyone following her instagram? I've been requesting for a long time and she never seems to accept despite her being public before

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 16:10 [Preview] No.41057 del
>Anyways is anyone following her instagram?
Yup, she posted pics from Germany this week.
Seems she's been having a bf for some time now.
Still looks really pretty.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:04 [Preview] No.41070 del
You still falling for these trad larpers? This kind of girls are known closeted whores.

I'm 100% sure they exist. Discordiands have them, you have to ask there. She's too ugly for me to care and do it for you.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:17 [Preview] No.41073 del
Ivan has them.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:26 [Preview] No.41074 del

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:32 [Preview] No.41076 del
He likes ugly brown girls, so he probably has them

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:37 [Preview] No.41077 del
(130.91 KB 750x1138 IMG_20230821_012404.jpg)
he posted this some time ago and all the other ticked egirls are confirmed to have nudes floating around on discord.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:41 [Preview] No.41078 del
could be bait

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:48 [Preview] No.41080 del
No, it was posted casually in chat and the discussion wasn't about lucy. All the ticked e-girls and also others in that list, like kasper and satyrn, have been leaked.

All e-girls have nudes. The real question is whether they have been leaked or not.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:54 [Preview] No.41082 del
Trick too?

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 17:55 [Preview] No.41083 del
Yeah she was leaked 2 years ago on discord.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 19:05 [Preview] No.41089 del
Definitely bait. Funny how all orbiters claim every egirl has nudes leaked but fail to ever provide them. Stop bumping this irrelevant literal who

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 19:08 [Preview] No.41090 del
You are retarded.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 19:12 [Preview] No.41091 del
How? The past dozens of posts on this thread is just a back and forth on whether or not she has nudes leaked. If anything you're the one being retarded. If she really has nudes then simply share them

Anonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 13:38 [Preview] No.43823 del
Her cosplay is RADICAL

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 19:27 [Preview] No.46586 del
This has piqued my interest. Is there any more info on this whole situation? What was this person trying to blackmail Rhea with and why? And where did she know her from in the first place?

I've looked into this a bit.
The 'Mio' referred to, who used to go by 'clownworldvictim', and was supposedly also being blackmailed, is this person: https://www.instagram.com/wrtheringheights/
I found her mentioned in the archive by her old username here: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/59458733
Her and Rhea both follow each other on Instagram.
Evidently, from the screenshot in >>26775 Mio was involved with online 'extremists' and had her nudes passed around.

The 'Tristan Ricks' person who is claimed to be a Nazi and pedo was also mentioned here: >>18320
So evidently that Vivi girl was also involved in this same circle. It's said that Vivi e-dated this Tristan guy and it's suggested that Rhea may have also e-dated him. Is there any more info on this guy or his relationship to/with Rhea?

Now, also in that Vivi thread (>>18299) there was a post (later deleted by mods) alleging that someone named Brandon had created the thread and this post also contained a link to a doxbin with, of course, his dox, along with other information about him. In the doxbin it's alleged that Brandon is a pedophile with a history of stalking and harassing women and initiating sexual relations with underage girls online. The doxbin also contained this link https://files.catbox.moe/hneq3m.MOV of some girl (I don't know who) talking about her experience with Brandon. But the interesting part is this: around the 4m 12s mark of this video you will see some screenshots of DMs Brandon had with some other guy where Rhea is mentioned; this is where the attached image is from. It looks like Brandon may be referring to her when he says he 'used to be close to her', and like the prior comments in the conversation are also about her. The full context of these messages isn't entirely clear, but you know what it looks like they're talking about.

All the details of this aren't clear, but, putting together the pieces, it looks like Rhea/Lucy, Mio, and Vivi were all involved together along with these Tristan and Brandon guys in some sort of alt-right/nazi-larp grooming server, or gc or the like, where underage girls pandered to pedos. What was the full extent and nature of Rhea's involvement with this group and these people? Her friend Mio apparently had her nudes spread in those circles; was Rhea also sending nudes to this Brandon guy and possibly others, as it looks like she may have been? Was that part of what this 'thousandknives' girl tried to blackmail her with, possibly due to some intra-group drama? There's probably a lot more to this.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:11 [Preview] No.46594 del
Someone already posted above about the existence of her nudes, but some people were in denial.
All e-girls have nudes, no matter what is their online persona. Hope you retards will finally understand this.

Anonymous 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:01 [Preview] No.46605 del
>All e-girls have nudes
show me agathas nudes then

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 11:50 [Preview] No.46629 del
(75.33 KB 571x457 20221007-1.png)
(87.66 KB 394x375 20221007-2.png)
Everything is starting to fall into place.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 18:42 [Preview] No.46676 del
lmfao the siege mask, fucking classic.
Anyway has anyone been able to access her instagram recently? I've been requesting for a long time without being accepted. Seems like she's gone schizo mode and locked down her account and is not accepting any new requests.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 19:54 [Preview] No.46684 del
shes not schitzo mode. she doesnt accept creepy ppl from 4chan or discord, only real life friends. her insta has been that way for a while.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 20:08 [Preview] No.46686 del
she has 1.4k real life friends wow

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 21:40 [Preview] No.46691 del
Holy toasted aryan. That's the Tahlia simp

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 21:50 [Preview] No.46692 del
She's very popular and successful

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 22:12 [Preview] No.46693 del
SEA nigger larping as asian.
In her candids she looks like diarRhea.

Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 22:58 [Preview] No.46694 del
I have always thought she was pretty nice looking. She has that asian hapa egirl streamer look so I wonder why she sought attention from incels on discord rather than just started streaming or something. Always the 0 input fags shitting up the board with racebait.

Anyone have any recent pics of her? I don't know her socials.

Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 02:51 [Preview] No.46705 del
Not the fucking Siege mask, lmao. The 2pure4u self righteous bitch is of course the typical ewhore pandering to the worst people on the internet at the end of the day.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:56 [Preview] No.47298 del
Too bad about being a Discord incel ho. She's used goods forever now.

Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 16:01 [Preview] No.68053 del
why is she listening to snake eater so much

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 08:52 [Preview] No.69016 del
Is this her lastfm? Probably MGS got big on Tiktok or something and she tried it. Has anyone ever seen her at any of the concerts she seems to list every one she goes to on there..

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 15:19 [Preview] No.69030 del
i'll go to the next concert she attends and try to snap some pics if i see her

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 23:19 [Preview] No.69078 del
Based irish lucybro. is it the one tomorrow?

Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 07:10 [Preview] No.69105 del
yeah i'm going to the yeule show. looks like her bf isnt going to be there either..
do you think i should try approaching her?

Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 12:42 [Preview] No.69116 del
>>68053 based

Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 22:48 [Preview] No.69179 del
bumping for update?

Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:13 [Preview] No.69183 del
im her friend on insta and im warning her about you stalkers!

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 00:28 [Preview] No.69187 del
grats on getting your follow request accepted anon

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 00:48 [Preview] No.69188 del
I hate cosplayers. Just get naked, slut

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 02:45 [Preview] No.69193 del
I saw her at a show a few months ago and tried to say hello and she called me an incel creep and threatened to call the police.

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 21:22 [Preview] No.69302 del
Did you approach her anon?
Lol what concert was this

Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 03:49 [Preview] No.69341 del
Prove it
you’re lying. she’s from Dublin Ireland and there are no Irish people on endchan

Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 03:54 [Preview] No.69342 del
>there are no Irish people on endchan
How would you know that?

Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 05:23 [Preview] No.69350 del
I thought we were all Irish here

Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 19:13 [Preview] No.69815 del
Erm akshually we have empathchan who is also from Dublin and incessantly selfposts on her own thread, therefore we do have Irish endchan users

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 09:24 [Preview] No.70039 del
yeah nah I didn't even see her there though that's probably a good thing if she's really like this >>69193 seems like a dodged a bullet kek

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 12:37 [Preview] No.70050 del
She should recreate the Kennedi k-punk photo

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 14:55 [Preview] No.70059 del

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 21:42 [Preview] No.70097 del
(1.69 MB 1179x1729 IMG_5254.jpeg)
(1.69 MB 1179x1729 IMG_5254.jpeg)
Yep I saw she started reading it. I wonder what she thinks she doesn't even write reviews on goodreads kek especially since we slammed her for her letterboxd ones
I think you're lying anon none of us have the confidence to go up to any of these egirls irl

Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 23:05 [Preview] No.70113 del
Well maybe she will write some reviews in the future, I like her letterboxd reviews and hearing her thoughts on things in general so it would be nice

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 10:07 [Preview] No.70170 del
She copies every single one of Ken’s interests. John maus, tiqqun, mark fisher, zizek, marx, she’s even a radical feminist now yet only has male friends and ugly white boyfriend just like ken

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 12:11 [Preview] No.70187 del
Yeah but shes not exactly like Ken? She likes anime and popular anime, completely different literature, music, and film taste, different aesthetics- Ken is more vintage and Rheanne is very modern.

You can't just cherrypick the most popular leftist theorists (Marx, Zizek, Fisher) and say she copied her, because Ken copied every single other breadtube leftist then in that case.

You can't just cherrypick one artist they both like, when Ken is vastly more interested in John Maus, and Rheanne only ever listened to Maus in 2020.
Also Im not sure about her politics but last I remember shes still a tradlarping TERF with minutely leftist economic ideals.
And all of these egirls are pick-mes with exclusively male friends. I don't see your point.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 16:25 [Preview] No.70211 del
Does anyone have the old pics and vids she posted on 8chan?

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:10 [Preview] No.70235 del
(122.20 KB 266x265 ken.png)
Pathetic Ken wannabe.

How about you get your own personality, hoe? Oh, sorry, forgot you're just an empty skinwalking husk loool.

>of all people, why do so many girls either want to be or look up to this specific autistic communist radical feminist, even the girls who supposedly hate everything she stands for? will never understand this phenomenon. seems like these girls don’t think very hard.
Because Ken is an ALPHA BITCH in sheeps clothing. Other e-girls have an instinctive urge to mimic her as a show of submissive behavior. It's biological.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:27 [Preview] No.70236 del
There are barely any Kennedi wannabes on this board lmao

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:38 [Preview] No.70238 del
Kennedi Convergence Theorem: Given enough time, any e-girl thread will descend into Kennedi thread.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 18:54 [Preview] No.70239 del
If she really wanted to be like Kennedi she would have dropped out of high school to leech off neetbux and her rich friends

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 19:10 [Preview] No.70243 del
keep seething, high school is a bourgeois institution producing obedient slaves

nothing wrong with leeching off imperialists

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 20:10 [Preview] No.70247 del

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 20:16 [Preview] No.70249 del
Yeah compared to ken whos just sitting on her ass all day living on neetbux and simpbux, shes literally studying to be a lawyer rn if you see her linkedn shes making moves.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 20:53 [Preview] No.70253 del
imagine hiring this dumb bitch as a lawyer

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 21:09 [Preview] No.70255 del
I'd gladly hire her for any lawyering services I might need

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