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QR Bunker General #323: Shall Not Be Construed Edition Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 06:26 Id: 1d2aad [Preview] No. 116231 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.
198 posts and 79 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 01:13 Id: 7447d9 [Preview] No.116447 del
(1.94 MB 300x224 Sheep.gif)

Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 01:40 Id: c2b263 [Preview] No.116448 del
round 1 is ending
round 2 is basically the same as round 1 with emphasis on those who woke up in round 1

good time to plan your coincidence crimes, or use your heart attack guns, eliminate dissent, anything but fess up

Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 02:05 Id: 1d2aad [Preview] No.116449 del
>>116416 How to Make Reports for CP, etc. >>115421, >>116414


#323 A
>>116246 President Donald J. Trump Calls for Probe into Intelligence Community’s Role in Online Censorship
>>116247, >>116249, >>116248, >>116250, >>116251, >>116252 The Swamp Today, Thursday, January 12, 2023
>>116259 Many Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won't Enforce Ban On Semi-auto Rifles
>>116263 Even MORE Biden Docs; Garland Appoints Special Prosecutor; Twitter Files 14 on RussiaGate Hoax
>>116265, >>116269 [video] Are you suffering from a Medical Coincidence?
>>116273 What Biden said about President Trump after the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago…
>>116276 @SharylAttkisson - What if they knew about Biden docs long ago...
>>116278 Biden classified Docs vs Trump Classified Docs
>>116279, >>116280 High school senior dies of cardiac arrest after found unresponsive in bathroom after gym class
>>116287, >>116288 The Swamp Today, Friday, January 13, 2023
>>116294, >>116295, >>116296, >>116298 New Emails Expose White House Colluding With Facebook To Censor Covid Vaccine Injury & Death

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Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 02:06 Id: 1d2aad [Preview] No.116450 del
#323 B
>>116333 Case Missouri vs Biden more stunning developments
>>116335, >>116364 New medicines not requiring testing on animals to receive U.S. FDA approval, according to legislation signed by President Joe Biden
>>116337, >>116372, >>116374 Canada Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, is caught and called out by Senator regarding the investment of 2B tax payer dollars to a company that doesn't exist
>>116351, >>116356 Michigan Middle School Threatens to Sue After Official Releases Photos of Grade School Children Pole Dancing at Club During School Outing; School District, Michigan School District Spying on Parents’ Social Media Posts, Reporting to Employers
>>116359 VAERS Shows 2-Year-Old NH Girl Died Within 24 Hours After Getting COVID Vaccine
>>116360 Lead author in re-analysing mrna vaccine, @JosephFraiman claims to have conclusive evidence that vaccines induce sudden cardiac death
>>116363 Arming Ukraine Is ‘Just Common Decency’ Says Condoleezza Rice
>>116365 German 'Green Party' Shut Down Nuclear Power Plants, Coal Consumption For Energy and Energy Prices Has Skyrocketed
>>116369 Fulton County 2020 Election Case Dismissed for ‘Lack of Standing’ is Reinstated by Georgia Appeals Court
>>116370 Democrat County Commissioner charged with stuffing ballots
>>116373 Canadian taxpayers to pay billions subsidizing green energy investors
>>116383, >>116384, >>116386, Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths
>>116386 World Bank Stats Death Rate per 1000 people
>>116388 The Lindell Report (1-6-23) on election fraud, Wisconsin Speaker of the House Robin Vos

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Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 02:29 Id: 1d2aad [Preview] No.116458 del

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QR Bunker General #322: Propaganda and Stock Photo Fail Edition Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 06:38 Id: f39ddb [Preview] No. 116110 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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107 posts and 40 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 04:31 Id: f39ddb [Preview] No.116225 del
>>116117 Loy Brunson and the Interpretation Clause
>>116118, >>116119 Diamond of Diamond and Silk has died
>>116121, >>116122, >>116123, >>116124 The Swamp Today, Tuesday, January 10, 2023
>>116129 Commentator Liz Wheeler's opinion of DJT
>>116131 Kevin McCarthy KICKS Democrats from powerful committee positions
>>116132 What The Ship (Ep 65) - China Coal & Oil, Containership Backlog
>>116134 Defense Department Briefing
>>116136 New Pfizer leak this morning on Twitter
>>116138 Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise
>>116139 Planefag
>>116141, >>116157 Hillary Clinton's opinion on Brazil's election
>>116146 Amish Farmer Amos Miller Case
>>116147 Natalie Winters on War Room exposing Biden's CCP connections
>>116148 @RepThomasMassie reintroduced bipartisan bill to audit the Federal Reserve, HR 24
>>116149 Four Questions About Biden's Classified Materials Scandal
>>116152, >>116154 House Republicans to vote on bill abolishing IRS, eliminating income tax

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Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 04:59 Id: f39ddb [Preview] No.116226 del
Baker has login issue
can handoff or will ghost
Baker will grab any posts and collect for next bread.

Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 05:25 Id: 81d0cd [Preview] No.116228 del
>Groundbreaking New Book Sends Shockwaves Through Pfizer’s Criminal Enterprise

orig, same author:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
There are 47 other damning reports — just like these ones — using primary source Pfizer documents released under court order by the U.S. FDA.
And no one to date has challenged the accuracy of what these reports reveal.

These important summaries, which detail astonishing ranges of deaths, disabilities, and other systematic harms to subjects
— damage that both Pfizer and the FDA sought to keep hidden from the public for 75 years
— contain vastly important headlines: twenty forms of menstrual damage to women
— how Pfizer covered up a flood of adverse events
— mRNA and PEG in breast milk
— within a month of rollout, Pfizer knew the mRNA vaccines did not work.

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Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 05:49 Id: 46207e [Preview] No.116229 del
Dam Breaking? Major Poll Suggests Democrats Have Lost Trust in the “Safe and Effective” Narrative

“33% of Democrats nationally believe that someone they know may have died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

It seems the dam is truly breaking after all. A new Rasmussen poll
– recently shared on Twitter { https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1612554666822213633 }
– shows a staggering shift in what Democrats once believed to be true about the COVID-19 injections.

Democrats were the most highly vaccinated and most likely to dismiss natural immunity.

About half of Democrats have some serious questions
— and the same can be said for the majority of Independents and Republicans.
So without a doubt, it’s safe to say, at this point in time, COVID-19 vaccine critics are the majority.
The question now is, how long until the dam finally breaks?

12 hr ago

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Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 06:43 Id: f39ddb [Preview] No.116238 del

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QR Bunker General #321: House Rules Subsection Q Edition Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:27 Id: 5c79db [Preview] No. 115984 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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117 posts and 68 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 04:29 Id: 06608f [Preview] No.116106 del
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BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were dying from COVID every day were FAKE

Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 05:04 Id: 74dc62 [Preview] No.116107 del

Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 05:34 Id: 5c79db [Preview] No.116108 del

>>115991, >>115994 First person account of Ashli Babitt shooting
>>115995 Here Are The Concessions McCarthy Had To Make For Speakership
>>115996, >>115997 New York Supreme Court & 5th Circuit Court Rule In Favor Of 2nd Amendment Rights
>>115998 What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?
>>116000 Breaking News Editor For LA Times Dies Unexpectedly at 33
>>116003 Ex-GOP Lawmaker Says House Investigations of FBI, CIA Will 'Shred the Integrity'
>>116004 RFK Jr Explains Why Fauci Had Such a Problem With Early Treatment
>>116006 Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order (EO) 23- 03 (Emergency Management – Illegal Migration)
>>116009 The House meeting is at 5PM Monday (changed from 12PM high noon)
>>116010 Before the mRNA vaccine, 29 cardiac arrests per year in sports, after the vax 1,500 in ONE year
>>116013 World Economic Forum calls for decriminalization of pedophilia arguing it is a violation human rights
>>116019 Local television stations are pushing Covid hysteria again
>>116022 Researcher Pleaded Guilty to Conspiring to Steal Scientific Trade Secrets from Ohio Children’s Hospital to Sell in China

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Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 06:32 Id: 5c79db [Preview] No.116109 del
>>115991, >>115994 First person account of Ashli Babitt shooting
>>115995 Here Are The Concessions McCarthy Had To Make For Speakership
>>115996, >>115997 New York Supreme Court & 5th Circuit Court Rule In Favor Of 2nd Amendment Rights
>>115998 What Is Ukraine Hiding in the Bakhmut Salt Mines?
>>116000 Breaking News Editor For LA Times Dies Unexpectedly at 33
>>116003 Ex-GOP Lawmaker Says House Investigations of FBI, CIA Will 'Shred the Integrity'
>>116004 RFK Jr Explains Why Fauci Had Such a Problem With Early Treatment
>>116006 Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order (EO) 23- 03 (Emergency Management – Illegal Migration)
>>116009 The House meeting is at 5PM Monday (changed from 12PM high noon)
>>116010 Before the mRNA vaccine, 29 cardiac arrests per year in sports, after the vax 1,500 in ONE year
>>116013 WEF calls for decriminalization of pedophilia arguing it is a violation human rights
>>116019 Local television stations are pushing Covid hysteria again
>>116022 Researcher Pleaded Guilty Conspiring to Steal Scientific Trade Secrets from Ohio Children’s Hospital to Sell in China
>>116024 TheSaltyCracker - Brazil Does a Jan 6th ReeEEeE Stream
>>116025 Brazil Military Police Accompany Brazil Protesters into Three Powers Plaza in Brasilia!

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Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 06:56 Id: 5c79db [Preview] No.116116 del

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QR Bunker General #320: Kevin Exit Stage Left Edition Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 06:48 Id: 18d01e [Preview] No. 115880 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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98 posts and 54 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 07:08 Id: f17688 [Preview] No.115980 del

>spelling Nazi is going
sum temp plates to do the kek dew

czecKeK'T clean chine

Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:21 Id: 18d01e [Preview] No.115981 del
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Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:22 Id: a4bd97 [Preview] No.115982 del
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Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:22 Id: 18d01e [Preview] No.115983 del

>>115897, >>115898, >>115899 The Swamp Today, January 6, 2023
>>115911 If Trudeau can confiscate firearms, what other property is next?
>>115916 Ontario school boards soliciting sexual information about children through perverse surveys
>>115920 150,000 Votes in the 2020 Election Not Tied to a Valid Address in Wisconsin
>>115926,>>115927 English ex popstar calls out nonces and releases a track about nonces
>>115930 U.S. House of Representatives House session scheduled noon Monday, 9th
>>115932 Matt Gaetz - Kevin McCarthy Hasn't "Earned" Speakership
>>115933 The House votes to adjourn until 10:00 p.m. ET Jan. 6th
>>115934 General Flynn returns to Twatter
>>115935 Rep. MTG - Hear the REAL story of January 6th, 2021 with Darren J. Beattie
>>115936 What role did FBI informants have in events surrounding the January 6th riot? Sunday on Full Measure
>>115937 1k citizens charged with Jan 6th crimes none are formally accused of sedition, treason, insurrection
>>115938 CDC announced that they are distributing $3.2 billion to state, local, and territorial health departments across the United States
>>115939 Judicial Watch obtained copy of intelligence warning stating: "Al Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US, involving planes, new techniques, tactics

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Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:37 Id: 18d01e [Preview] No.115990 del

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QR Bunker General #319: Corrupt Politicians Exit Stage Left Edition Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 08:37 Id: 5d502b [Preview] No. 115753 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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120 posts and 59 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 06:37 Id: fd9b5c [Preview] No.115876 del
enjoying the Turley comment on MAGA forces crushing the GOP

Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 06:38 Id: fd9b5c [Preview] No.115877 del
>11th round

Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 06:40 Id: 5d502b [Preview] No.115878 del
>>115765 @realDonaldTrump Kevin McCarthy will do a good job
>>115766, >>115767 The Swamp Today, Tuesday, January 4, 2023
>>115771 The House meets to take a fourth ballot on electing a new speaker
>>115772 Press Secretary Jean-Pierre and Landrieu Gaggle Aboard Air Force One
>>115775 RSBN LIVE: Day Two - 118th Congress Vote on Speaker of the House
>>115776 UK Consultant surgeon defies censors to raise the alarm over serious health threat
>>115777, >>115783 Attorney Leslie McAdoo Gordon does play by play of House vote today
>>115785, >>115786, >>115787 The House Rules Package, which is really what the fight is about
>>115790, >>115791 House meeting is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on January 4, 2023.
>>115794 44,000 clinical trial participants -Pfizer used 170 participants to claim 95% efficacy
>>115798 Funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 3:30 AM EST
>>115801, >>115802, >>115803, >>115808 The Swamp Today, Thursday, January 5, 2023
>>115818, ArtI.S5.C1.2 Quorums Principal in Congress
>>115819 MAGA Forces Are CRUSHING The GOP Establishment!
>>115821, 15 busted in Jacksonville drug sting

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Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 06:42 Id: 5d502b [Preview] No.115879 del
(84.25 KB 162x223 Peperider.PNG)
Thank you

Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 07:03 Id: 5d502b [Preview] No.115886 del

THE MOST DELETED VIDEO ON THE INTERNET!!! BECAUSE THIS DOCTOR TOLD THE TRUTH!!! Anonymous 01/05/2023 (Thu) 01:04 Id: 16a4ef [Preview] No. 115797 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

A man who described himself as “Dr. Sean Brooks, PhD, Oxford,” gave a series of incendiary statements about COVID-19 vaccines at an Ohio school board meeting IN EARLY 2021. Video clips of Brooks talking at the meeting have been shared widely on social media and elsewhere on the internet by anti-vaccine advocates.

He told parents and board members that people who take the vaccine will end up dead and sterile.

All cause mortality has skyrocketed around the world, many countries witnessing nearly a 20% increase leaving doctors 'baffled' of course.

In Europe, statistics provided by EuroMOMO, a European mortality monitoring organization, show that there have been more excess deaths recorded in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021, and that the greatest increase in deaths has occurred in children and young people.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/fH98jZa9uZ20/ [Embed]

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QR Bunker General #318: 2022 Exit Matrix Stage Right Edition Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 05:30 Id: 342a8a [Preview] No. 115623 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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116 posts and 70 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 06:07 Id: 42614e [Preview] No.115749 del
A higher loyalty.

Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 08:18 Id: 342a8a [Preview] No.115751 del
>>115628 #318

'''#318 @112
>>115637 Federal Civil Rights Investigation Opened Into California Medical School For Discrimination Against White Students
>>115640 endchan GV - use endchan.org for now to access this site (previously .net, .gg)
>>115643 Barbara Walters is dead at 93
>>115644 Pope Benedict is dead at 95
>>115648 >>115660 Amicus brief of Paul Preston & New California State submitted Dec 30, 2022
>>115649 Docket files, Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al.
>>115679 Combat Medic, Patrick L. Riley - Request for Religious Accommodation for Exemption from Immunization
>>115682 Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>115696 Top 2023 Conspiracies and Best Political Lists of 2022, Robert Gouveia Esq.
>>115702 Severe Weather Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground
>>115704 The Evidence Covid-19 Was Spreading Around the World in Late 2019
>>115705 QClock
>>115708, >>115709 The Swamp Today, Tuesday, January 3, 2023
>>115713 Florida Gubernatorial Inauguration

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Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 08:30 Id: 342a8a [Preview] No.115752 del
>>115637 Federal Civil Rights Investigation Opened Into California Medical School For Discrimination Against White Students
>>115640 endchan GV - use endchan.org for now to access this site (previously .net, .gg)
>>115643 Barbara Walters is dead at 93
>>115644 Pope Benedict is dead at 95
>>115648 >>115660 Amicus brief of Paul Preston & New California State submitted Dec 30, 2022
>>115649 Docket files, Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al.
>>115679 Combat Medic, Patrick L. Riley - Request for Religious Accommodation for Exemption from Immunization
>>115682 Seattle radio host Dori Monson dies at 61
>>115696 Top 2023 Conspiracies and Best Political Lists of 2022, Robert Gouveia Esq.
>>115702 Severe Weather Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground
>>115704 The Evidence Covid-19 Was Spreading Around the World in Late 2019
>>115705 QClock
>>115708, >>115709 The Swamp Today, Tuesday, January 3, 2023
>>115713 Florida Gubernatorial Inauguration
>>115719 17k Physicians and Scientists call for an end to mRNA Covid jabs
>>115723 Bombshell Huckabee Announcement - SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020

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Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 09:06 Id: 342a8a [Preview] No.115759 del

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QR Bunker General #317: Unselect Committee of political Thugs Edition Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 05:30 Id: cd799d [Preview] No. 115497 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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118 posts and 71 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 03:48 Id: 91fab5 [Preview] No.115619 del
I wish

Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 03:58 Id: cd799d [Preview] No.115620 del
(153.88 KB 370x480 BAD_IDEA_Pyro_cage.PNG)
tanks and tanks anon

Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 05:04 Id: cd799d [Preview] No.115621 del

#317 @115
>>115514, >>115529, >>115532 Image of the volume of infant vaccines
>>115516 Clown Planet #146
>>115518 1st Responders Border Crisis
>>115519, >>115520, >>115523 Cassidy Hutchinson allegedly attempts to throw Trump attorney under the bus
>>115521 Ottawa Police tweets shredded by international pushback
>>115525 Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett changes testimony
>>115526 Elon Musk Says "Significant" backend upgrades "rolled out" at twitter amid international outage
>>115527 Kabosu, the Iconic Shiba Inu Dog Behind the 'Doge' Meme, struggles with illness
>>115533, >>115564, >>115565 Ontario Doctor loses medical license over not promoting the Covid narrative
>>115537 UK Border Force official arrested for being illegal migrant who arrived 20 years ago
>>115538 Ukrainian air defence missile lands in Belarus just weeks after blast in Poland
>>115541, >>115542 “Inflation Reduction Act” To Increase Price Inflation For American Families
>>115552 @DschlopesIsBack - please reinstate the wrongfully banned accounts of my friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

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Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 05:28 Id: cd799d [Preview] No.115622 del
>>115514, >>115529, >>115532 Image of the volume of infant vaccines
>>115516 Clown Planet #146
>>115518 1st Responders Border Crisis
>>115519, >>115520, >>115523 Cassidy Hutchinson allegedly attempts to throw Trump attorney under the bus
>>115521 Ottawa Police tweets shredded by international pushback
>>115525 Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett changes testimony
>>115526 Elon Musk Says "Significant" backend upgrades "rolled out" at twitter amid international outage
>>115527 Kabosu, the Iconic Shiba Inu Dog Behind the 'Doge' Meme, struggles with illness
>>115533, >>115564, >>115565 Ontario Doctor loses medical license over not promoting the Covid narrative
>>115537 UK Border Force official arrested for being illegal migrant who arrived 20 years ago
>>115538 Ukrainian air defence missile lands in Belarus just weeks after blast in Poland
>>115541, >>115542 “Inflation Reduction Act” To Increase Price Inflation For American Families
>>115552 @DschlopesIsBack - please reinstate the wrongfully banned accounts of my friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
>>115554 @JackPosobiec - Xi Jinping Files drop, Part 4
>>115557 AFLD reports hospital incidence of prescribing 'remdesivir' under its second name 'verklury' deceiving patients

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Anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 05:43 Id: cd799d [Preview] No.115630 del

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QR Bunker General #316: Biden Pushed Twitter to Take Down Dissenting COVID Accounts Edition Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 21:48 Id: c87da6 [Preview] No. 115391 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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92 posts and 62 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 03:47 Id: 457f62 [Preview] No.115493 del
>no matter. once they figure out how to stream you the "trending personality" download, unicorns will be dancing in Utopia.

Society is very sick. Copypasta:

"1st, they engineer a virus scare. COV19 is very real, & can be occasionally quite deadly, but is only fatal in a small % of people. The real trick is that its Spike protein has been carefully hand-engineered with the help of supercomputer modeling to come up with a protein that attacks the endothelial lining of the blood-brain barrier, increasing its permeability. This is important. The BBB is designed by nature to keep pathogens and foreign objects out of your central nervous system. This is a problem for the NWO, who want to cyborgize your brain cells with silicon nanowires. Does this sound like science fiction? I’m sorry to say, it’s 100% real. If you read Charles Lieber’s papers, it quickly dawns on you what they’re trying to do. The whole thing is operated by 5g cell networks. You take the vaccine, and the mRNA produces SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins, and your immune system picks them up as antigens and makes you immune to the virus, but at the same time, it also weakens your BBB and allows the nanowires (the hidden constituent of the vaccine) into your brain. Beamforming antennas will be used to energize the nanowires inside people’s brains and command & control their neurons remotely, using cloud computing infrastructure and AI algorithms to manipulate things like mood & emotions, spending habits, sexual urges, just about anything you can imagine. If the NWO wanted to, they could make you sit there being literally cucked by a nigger while the nanowires force your brain to release oxytocin & serotonin so you happily bond with the man fucking your wife. That’s just one example. The possibilities are limitless. They could make you hate anyone they wanted, love anyone they wanted. It is a system for absolute, totalitarian control that will strip you of every last scrap of your individuality."

Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 04:50 Id: 63e28e [Preview] No.115494 del
Baker can bake

Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 04:58 Id: 63e28e [Preview] No.115495 del

>>115401 Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) Farewell Speech
>>115415 Election-defending Cyber National Mission Force elevated by Pentagon
>>115416 The Evolution of Cyber: Newest Subordinate Unified Command is Nation’s Joint Cyber Force
>>115417 @TheRabbitHole84 - It is hard to understate the levels of dishonesty witnessed during Covid
>>115426 A striking feature of our culture includes the specific set of illusions
>>115426 Chronicles of Totalitarianism
>>115429 @mfa_russia - Russia bans sale of oil and oil products to foreign companies & individuals if contracts include use of price cap mechanism directly or indirectly
>>115430 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova Will Hold a Briefing on Current Foreign Policy Issues
>>115434 Glenn Greenwald - Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History, New Twitter Files on Rigged Covid Debate
>>115436 Kari Lake - Certifying an election that you know is fraudulent is a felony
>>115437, >>115438 Top White House Covid Advisor, Dr. Jha, finally admits on a recent zoom call that there’s “no study in the world that show that masks work
>>115441, >>115475 Anon post QR - Buffalo, NY storing National Guard vehicles for crowd control
>>115442 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in 8 Months due to Vaccination
>>115445 Web archive - Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists lied to women and families

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Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 05:25 Id: 63e28e [Preview] No.115496 del

>>115401 Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) Farewell Speech
>>115415 Election-defending Cyber National Mission Force elevated by Pentagon
>>115416 The Evolution of Cyber: Newest Subordinate Unified Command is Nation’s Joint Cyber Force
>>115417 @TheRabbitHole84 - It is hard to understate the levels of dishonesty witnessed during Covid
>>115426 A striking feature of our culture includes the specific set of illusions
>>115426 Chronicles of Totalitarianism
>>115429 @mfa_russia - Russia bans sale of oil and oil products to foreign companies & individuals if contracts include use of price cap mechanism directly or indirectly
>>115430 Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova Will Hold a Briefing on Current Foreign Policy Issues
>>115434 Glenn Greenwald - Media Rewrites Ukraine’s Dark History, New Twitter Files on Rigged Covid Debate
>>115436 Kari Lake - Certifying an election that you know is fraudulent is a felony
>>115437, >>115438 Top White House Covid Advisor, Dr. Jha, finally admits on a recent zoom call that there’s “no study in the world that show that masks work
>>115441, >>115475 (you) Anon post QR - Buffalo, NY storing National Guard vehicles for crowd control
>>115442 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in 8 Months due to Vaccination
>>115445 Web archive - Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists lied to women and families

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Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 05:45 Id: 63e28e [Preview] No.115504 del

(19.46 KB 129x71 QR bunker logo.PNG)
QR Bunker General #315: It's not like a snowday Edition Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 21:46 Id: d09a76 [Preview] No. 115171 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

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160 posts and 122 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:13 Id: 4a1445 [Preview] No.115381 del

Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:17 Id: 4a1445 [Preview] No.115382 del

>>115179, >>115186 Lake v. Hobbs Day 2 on break until top of hour
>>115180, >>115183 Governor Ron DeSantis just received approval from the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate mRNA C•19 vaccine mfrs
>>115182 America's government was thrown into turmoil last night after a small band of insurrectionist traitors stormed the Capitol building while waving the flag of a foreign power – UKRAINE
>>115191 JFK Assassination & The Deep State with RogerJStone
>>115192 Join for this important forum hosted by @KurtSchlichter & others
>>115207, >>115208, >>115209 The Swamp Today
>>115214 The Extreme Solution US Navy Found to Deal With Enemy Drones in Middle of the Ocean
>>115216 Maricopa County admitted that they broke the law.
>>115226 Emerald Robinson: What a great year for America's national security state (exposing the LIES)
>>115227, >>115230 Congress Ruins Christmas! Dems Pass $1.7 TRILLION Omnibus Bill to STEAL Our Presents!
>>115229, >>115231 @ChanelRion SURPRISE! Catch Trump’s Exclusive interview in full TONIGHT 8pm EST
>>115251 Legacy Media Is DEAD | Bari Weiss BREAKS DOWN The Media- Russell Brand
>>115257, >>115259, >>115259 Majority of Biden board picks confirmed at major utility Tennessee Valley Authority
>>115265, >>115266 Kari Lake responds to losing initial round of suit

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Rolling_Home on 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:30.

Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:39 Id: 0831b0 [Preview] No.115388 del
Man dressed as woman allegedly took photos of women in restroom, pulled pepper ball gun at Hulen Mall

local newspaper failed to mention that it was a tranny man dressed like a woman

Man accused of brandishing gun in Fort Worth mall on Christmas Eve arrested, police say

Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:47 Id: ba5c65 [Preview] No.115389 del
I have hands on experience

Anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 21:57 Id: 4a1445 [Preview] No.115398 del