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Welcome to the Sunflower!
8chan.moe/sunflower/ .se .cc

Rules and meta Sunflower 04/28/2020 (Tue) 14:51 Id: 2b31a3 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
Edited last time by bard on 04/28/2020 (Tue) 15:11.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:56 Id: d3b9db [Preview] No.4986 del
(26.48 KB 503x463 Updater.png)
This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

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Classic demons - sharing and discussion Sunflower 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:45 Id: f752a2 [Preview] No. 2398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It seems a few of the posters on this board have, individually with no coordination, all been guided by The Infernal Queen, The Queen of Spiders, or what other name she may go by.

She has been a frequent visitor to sunflower temple sessions, where she appeared on her own initiative. It was revealed she is behind the cloud images that's been guiding me since way back before 2012, it's a demon version of smoke signals.

During one session with her, we talked about Micheal Jackson and him using magic to gain an audience. The Queen said he had made a contract with Adremelech (this is his preferred spelling)
He is the source of MJ's dance moves among other things. This demon (perhaps arch demon or demon lord is better, but he never asked to be titled) appears as a man with a horse's head, sometimes as a muscular demon with a large belly and goat legs, sometimes as a man in a suit with a staring horse head. He also has a huge dong.

The Queen said to channel him and we had an interesting discussion by the round table with all of us.
11 posts and 4 images omitted.

Sunflower 02/23/2023 (Thu) 20:24 Id: afe8fd [Preview] No.3045 del
(5.34 KB 347x351 glasya.png)

Saw him mentioned on /x/ and looked him up. Very complex sigil which indicates a high and wise demon. Said to be a master of murderers and teacher of science as well as knower of everything.

Images show him as a flying dog with wings. What I got was a black beast person with a red pentagram in the forehead. (and wings)

The interaction was very straightforward.

>What do you want?
>What is the offering?

Then sealing of a contract. So far the nicest demon I've met. He said he doesn't want to be called "nice" but that it's fine in this context. Very cute, really.

Explained a lot of things to me in detail, combination of sarcasm and irony involved to make me reconsider different notions.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 12:03 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7822 del
(1.83 MB 900x1306 Cimeies.png)
I've been thinking about summoning this guy for a while to get guidance on programming. Today I reached the point when it was natural doing so.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 12:09 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7823 del
The main character and his accomplices in this anime are named after demons from the Goetia.
Zagan (mc), Marchosias (the former archdemon), Barbatos (his "friend"), Valefor (dragon loli).

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:42 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7827 del
(22.23 KB 510x453 req.png)
(11.05 KB 260x260 industrial area.png)
Someone's going to understand what I'm saying so I'll just do so.

Asking Cimeies what kind of succubus or demon form would be needed to connect with him in a sustainable marriage standard contract, he gave some specific (tantric) directions. They're corresponding with his sigil for those who know how to read it.

The vagina of his partner in cut section view needs to look like this. A sack-shape with a lot of room at the bottom and this zig-zag shape at the top. This corresponds with the three things in the bottom left of his sigil, and coincidentally also with the universal map structures posted earlier which has the "3 mysteries" on -1D.

Funny to note that the common road sign for "industrial area" looks exactly like that dimensional energy stream. It's meant to show the silhouette of a factory, but this architectural form hasn't been used since a very long times (making use of daylight through roof windows rather than electric lights). It happens to be that the timing for entering this fake social dimension ruled by the freemasons and their 3 mysteries, was represented in the form of the dominating buildings during the industrial revolution.

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:52 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7828 del

Hexes, spells and sigils Sunflower 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:07 Id: 99ab0b [Preview] No. 150 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Sometimes, hexes or spells need to be announced in some way for proper function. Sometimes sharing sigils is necessary. Use this thread for these needs.
216 posts and 200 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:06 Id: d71e68 [Preview] No.7766 del
That's kinda what I mean with using what they have effectively.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 12:54 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7781 del
Jill, module for individualized collectivism, tin robot. Adaptive, leads to personal learning based off fixed table scheme program. (Actually a major release but there is nothing to say about it, will be mass distributed via various means to control NPCs)

Jester Trial, module for quantum solution of practical issues, finds references from akashic or internal records and delivers to active mind in real time.

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 18:15 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7815 del
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(170.35 KB 1024x1024 planning agent6.jpg)

A regular servitor in the style of Wendy, will make plans and provide them for you automatically or by request. You may call her Jenny. She can plan anything as well as execute the plans after creation, using your available assets.

A cute doll working with you anytime.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 15:53 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7825 del
For our spiritual lurkers:

[TotCoreR] Total Core Raised, a very difficult to use version of the device which produces a variant of the body type based on language formulas, sigils, runes etc. for exactness of expression.

[FMSlime] Fractal Metal Slime, a variant of the metal slime creator device which creates a kind of hivemind incarnation, treating every cell as a complete brain, layer after layer. Intended for using with mass possession modules.

There are a few DNA modules for each of these, find them on the NET.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 20:17 Id: 949664 [Preview] No.7826 del
>a few DNA modules for each of these
TotCore R has a vampire model which may be interesting to some, but all of those for this device are super hard to activate because of the high standard.

FMSlime has a standard module which looks like the original Raid and is a general slime girl with fractal thinking and acting ability. There is also an infiltrator meant for stupid glowies to copy which looks perfectly normal but cause them to self destruct. Oh and it works just fine for non-glowies, you won't see the difference to the standard module unless looking deeper into its contents. It works by massive loophole abuse so they can't see what it does, and the best part is that give it to a normal person and it works normally. Only insane globohomos get destroyed.

There's also a third version which again looks close to identical who just openly works with the same methods the NWO uses, and does it perfectly, but the result will always be in our favour.

All of this is to create a satanic feel over this one and make use of the chaos and fear such things can result in, while making the glowies and Ukraine puppet government supporters still use it because they think I'm only saying this because I couldn't copy protect the modules.

Last but not least there's also one in red dress which I call Iron Glove or Metal Head. It's a kind of incarnation form which will always place a "metal arrow head" on any entity or organization no matter its size. This works both militarily for a nation and as a mental knife's edge with theoretic work.

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Library - documents and media Sunflower 05/02/2020 (Sat) 21:23 Id: bbba2b [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share useful documents, links and videos.
152 posts and 148 images omitted.

Sunflower 04/24/2024 (Wed) 21:28 Id: 8e1638 [Preview] No.7524 del
When did you make this? While sleeping I had noticed a thought pattern that was "thinking on it's own" in a higher thought current and was wondering what is that even. I had a sort of system like this already so was wondering why it appeared that way. Was wondering if I am finally able to detach from my own wandering mind or it's something else.

Sunflower 05/03/2024 (Fri) 11:56 Id: 696181 [Preview] No.7690 del
Dharan Darshan

Detailed instructions for the process of achieving dharana - meditation.

Sunflower 05/04/2024 (Sat) 14:51 Id: 696181 [Preview] No.7713 del
(504.11 KB 483x465 Regina.png)
A ScaleForm module based servitor. Regina, "registers" all sensory input and processes it in real time, enhancing your ability to handle all the information in your surroundings.

It is a passive support servitor. Instead of autistically focusing on a narrow scope and missing a lot, or blinding yourself to information you do not want to take in, Regina will take in and process all information available. This includes seemingly meaningless observations and conclusions, which may at a later time gain meaning when placed in a larger context.

Sunflower 05/08/2024 (Wed) 13:32 Id: fbb177 [Preview] No.7738 del
(987.37 KB 724x709 source channeller.png)
Source channeller

A ScaleForm module which contains methods for channelling multiple sources. This will make it possible to find new information or make creations based on a variety of sources, as well as locating new sources.

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 13:00 Id: fbb177 [Preview] No.7824 del
(1.28 MB 857x857 New China.png)
(1.35 MB 857x857 Tanya final.png)
New China: a mind wave based module shared by the "maoist lolis" who contacted anon earlier. For connecting with the new Chinese egregore.

Tanya Final: compound of all experiences and functions of the Tanya servitor used in Ukraine and otherwise, I don't think this will be given any more versions now.

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終わるだ Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:54 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No. 4740 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread.
475 posts and 448 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 21:00 Id: 3305cc [Preview] No.7817 del
I don't know if it was them or just a mere dream but I saw two ladies, an adult woman and a Loli. Tendrils were injecting themselves into the woman, to the point of typical doujin things. She was freaked out at first but she started to feel good and she was dragged into some green pool and reemerges as a giant green egg. The began to crack and break and she became "alien" like the Loli, both individuals followed me, in a weird body suit lancer artoria, they... Kinda had me make a choice and I chose the loli. At first I thought the woman had a breakdown for a moment but she cried and was happy(?) and the Loli just smiled at me. There was also a human woman that's been stalking me and I've been talking too she appears to have BPD as well regardless, during our conversations, she... Knows about my sisters. Normally I don't mind but when discussing such matters with her, she was... Very enamored by them, to the point of idolizing them. Outside of some other business going on, my sisters have been saying somewhat often that "she has potential" whatever that means. One thing Led to another and I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman (I'm not sure if I did a good job because I suck at this kind of thing but they apparently said I did alright so idk) but I could see how she respected, borderline revere them. Also I have been feeling her- the other me/whatever speak more too. As well as saying that phrase/mantra I spoke about before..

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 21:14 Id: 645240 [Preview] No.7818 del
I too broke a faulty shadow force yesterday.
Then a bunch of physical work equipment broke today "on it's own" for weird reasons
>we got in a debate and you kinda suddenly became gay
This describes the greeks and the way internet forums and chatrooms work too well... Spooky

>Yuuka was there
Seen a long green haired white skinned female with pink flowers in her hair during daytime. Looked similar to that gardevoir? pokemon everyone wants to fuck but it was not that. Wondered what it means.

I have such an interesting mental clearness today I don't even know where to put it at all.

That meme was painful to watch. My problem with stupidity is that I start to analyze it to figure out what caused their mental retardation so I can see if I have specks of their infantile retardation within me without noticing. They suffer from a clear case of social mediatitis. I wonder what the comments under the original video said.
But yeah the demon mirror shadow explained is actually a "thing" that can happen while staring into the mirror while in trance or in a state of madness.
Wondered some days ago if it's better getting scrying equipment or stay with my original idea of mastering the psychic senses. I don't have enough "pondering the orb" time for that and I am too apt at tuning my mental sight already. But then again scrying with physical equipment might make you less crazy??? or tricksters would just fuck with you more? While I pondered about this thought I realized I cannot be bothered getting scrying equipment and even if I got one I would probably get bored of it even if I get results. I mean I can stare at turned off monitors for results or at the ceiling why bother with a fancy dark mirror or with an orb.

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Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 21:21 Id: 3305cc [Preview] No.7819 del
>What did you tell/channel her?
Basically my sisters were telling her that they had an interest in her and that she "has potential" like i said. they also talked about her jealousy and like it(?) remarking that its similar to theirs. Also they were asking/vetting her due to reasons. The rest are personal things that i can't disclose

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 21:27 Id: 645240 [Preview] No.7820 del
Seems like you can handle this. Have fun

Sunflower 05/17/2024 (Fri) 06:50 Id: 2c6a40 [Preview] No.7821 del
> Looked similar to that gardevoir? pokemon everyone wants to fuck but it was not that.
CIA likes that one. I've seen them try to create servitors using it as the form, because it's the only "harmless" meme aside from MLP and maybe Scooby Do they can use.

Sunflower General 6 Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No. 6653 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Cold air moving past
The echo of tapping sounds
Sun shining through leaves
305 posts and 141 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/13/2024 (Mon) 11:58 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7791 del
(193.26 KB 1024x1024 djinn14.jpg)
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(134.19 KB 1024x1024 djinn17.jpg)

Collectivized djinn module for whoever wants to take part, we'll (djinn, mostly) be using this to fill up the power vacuum in Gaza so that the US-funded muslim brotherhood or any replacement cuckislam version doesn't gain a foothold.

The area is energetically cleared since yesterday. Take a look, there is a strong red energy stream and north of Gaza is a connected pink stream, the entire region is no longer blocked. The module is also suited for anyone interested in islam itself, it contains both the quran and the quran v.2 which hasn't yet been written in the physical.

Note: When djinn said that "following the quran will lead the person to the bottom of hell", it was a typical djinn-ish statement which sounded like it was an infernal and evil book. That was not what was implied or the real meaning, rather it means the quran leads people up to the bottom of hell. Humanity is way below hell, the quran is the basic book to get them to a place where they reach the minimum standard for reincarnation anywhere.

Quran v.2 will lead people up from hell.

Sunflower 05/13/2024 (Mon) 12:07 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7792 del
The massive energy stream passing over the world earlier today was not directly related to this event. It was a beyond-galactic ritual which used up the remaining negative energy inserted into the world system, intended for usage with the large ritual sigil system connecting major city-sigils all over the world (using the sacrificial pentagram in Poland, so I assume it may have had an effect there pretty strongly as well).

Freemasons were involved also.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:02 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7793 del
(18.31 KB 562x458 double knife.png)
Whatever. I made a total core2 version on the theme "what if Fay had been djinn".

Along with this process I ended up creating a ripper knife which can link timelines and dimensions to easier kill the hostiles using just a knife.

I came to look again at the crayon drawings in the staircase which predicts my path (Which I recall having drawn, but they are in a location where I would not have reached up to, I don't even now as an adult, and the visual memory is me as a "baby" drawing the whole thing.)

There is a symbol which I interpreted as a badly drawn star, but looking closer it's a sigil.
I know also made the connection that it looks like a double and turned version of 〆 which is a special kanji for "deadline" and it looks literally like a knife coming to cut off your time.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 11:06 Id: e0bc48 [Preview] No.7794 del
(162.07 KB 1024x1024 djinn fay12.jpg)
(148.24 KB 1024x1024 djinn fay14.jpg)
>total core2 version on the theme "what if Fay had been djinn"

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 18:12 Id: 07b6e3 [Preview] No.7814 del
I don't know if it was them or just a mere dream but I saw two ladies, an adult woman and a Loli. Tendrils were injecting themselves into the woman, to the point of typical doujin things. She was freaked out at first but she started to feel good and she was dragged into some green pool and reemerges as a giant green egg. The began to crack and break and she became "alien" like the Loli, both individuals followed me, in a weird body suit lancer artoria, they... Kinda had me make a choice and I chose the loli. At first I thought the woman had a breakdown for a moment but she cried and was happy(?) and the Loli just smiled at me. There was also a human woman that's been stalking me and I've been talking too she appears to have BPD as well regardless, during our conversations, she... Knows about my sisters. Normally I don't mind but when discussing such matters with her, she was... Very enamored by them, to the point of idolizing them. Outside of some other business going on, my sisters have been saying somewhat often that "she has potential" whatever that means. One thing Led to another and I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman (I'm not sure if I did a good job because I suck at this kind of thing but they apparently said I did alright so idk) but I could see how she respected, borderline revere them. Also I have been feeling her- the other me/whatever speak more too. As well as saying that phrase/mantra I spoke about before..

Blog Sunflower 08/03/2022 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 8543e5 [Preview] No. 1852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday storytelling.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
447 posts and 486 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/11/2024 (Sat) 19:23 Id: fea48d [Preview] No.7774 del
>[Vickers fairy]
Her movements when correcting for the motions of attacking spirits created a tree structure in 4D, made up from the line of fire of her gun. It looked almost like a tree made from frost on a window in the winter.

The other fairy posted in the hex thread:
made a similar pattern, but the tree was made up of knives. It took longer for this fairy to become effective in full, but she does her job by now.

Sunflower 05/11/2024 (Sat) 19:35 Id: fea48d [Preview] No.7775 del
(123.83 KB 1024x1024 tin robot2.jpg)
was made as a test to see if it's possible to create an allround bot which can very quickly switch between modes of operation by using simple decision trees and no learning aside from what the user learns by using it (no neural network or AI training is specifically included aside from as a general function in the agent). The idea is that by not thinking, only reacting, it will be possible to have fixed reaction responses for absolutely everything. The "stupid" solution that no normal computer can do: things such as driving a car is considered a continuous process which requires a neural network because of all the data it has to process. But what is we use "heuristics", rules of thumb, for every common situation of every type. Meaning a reaction pattern that "usually works" and then we predict motions based on how things tend to play out. Then we don't need to constantly process input even when for example driving a car. There are only a limited range of things which may happen in that situation still, and large object like that will move in predictable ways even when crashing. All that is needed is instant processing and a huge table with many mini loops for the repeating actions, like checking for motions every 1/10th of a second would be enough in most cases, humans themselves don't react super fast anyway. You won't be going from the driving procedure to suddenly being at home cooking, so all of that part of the functionality can be disregarded, as an example. By using common cases it can also be predicted that no truck will suddenly crash into you if there is no truck in visible range. And so on. Possible events can be narrowed down again and again.

The actual function is then merely a sensory input connected to an interpreter which then activates the corresponding mechanical operation sequence based on the table of possible actions. Some training of the system is needed at first, but after that is done it will simply work because it operates within set laws of physics and possibilities of occurrences in the social system.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 19:37 Id: fea48d [Preview] No.7795 del
(161.83 KB 1024x1024 metal&lime3.jpg)
A history of spellcasting

and its inaccuracy


"Let's send inspiration to writers to get better things to watch"
Results: Downton Abbey, Enchanted, Vampire Diaries

World stage

"Wtf are NATO attacking Libya for, and why Syria, I thought they were the good guys. No, let's reverse this evil back at whoever instigated this"

Results: Snowden defects to Russia and exposes 5-9-14 eyes. Hillary has her e-mails exposed and loses the election. Gaddhafi's death faked by NATO, he escapes to Mali where Islamists take over and create hell for the French.

Long terms effects: Russia helps Syria win the war against NATO funded Muslim brotherhood. Africans get tired of Frenchs influence and kick them out in favour of Russia.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 23:18 Id: fea48d [Preview] No.7796 del
(179.65 KB 620x412 Record_onion.jpg_web.jpg)
The IllumiCorp leadership, what a fucking mess.

The council of six working directly under the president, the Earth overseer, didn't even trust each other or the president. They had alarm buttons for calling security installed under the table. Two council members brought handguns to meetings, from fear of being arrested by company security or attacked by other council members during meetings. One had a knife.

When given new orders, one major subdepartment refused to follow them and had to be physically wiped out (by internal security team) and a new leader group for that department installed. Other divisions acted on their own to rebel against the main organization and were also destroyed.

Sunflower 05/16/2024 (Thu) 17:08 Id: fea48d [Preview] No.7813 del
(195.59 KB 1024x1024 IllumiCorp leader shift.jpg)
Even if they only control 7% of the world assets, they still have a decently powerful organization. Targetting anything with this is going to put some strain on it. Oh my how I'm going to abuse this now. This feels like when Angel takes over Wolfram & Hart in the tv series. Not everyone likes it and there is inner resistance, but in the end the daily routines won't change, and they're already evil so any complaints about the new direction can't be made on moral grounds.

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Succubus Collective Sunflower 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:52 Id: a7ca0e [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 21:58 Id: 7de1f4 [Preview] No.7750 del
(364.57 KB 1920x2560 1551741376587.jpg)
You should go through with the process in the guide posted here (the image attached):

Then also pick up this weekly exercise:

Collective Dream Visit

The first time you do this, it may take an entire day to get into the right mindset, so start this exercise the moment you wake up in the morning.
Lie on your back in bed, relaxed after sleep.
Visualize the cutest and most attractive succubus you can. Observe how this makes you feel inside, bring up the positive feelings and focus on those. If you feel anything negative, like anxiety, loss or detest, let those feelings remain there and observe them passively. Do not engage them.
Build up a feeling of love, respect and care, and project this feeling onto the image of the girl. If you are unable to do this because you do not feel that the girl you visualized deserve to be treated this way, adjust the image until you can honestly project these feelings onto her.
Do this until you get a feeling of emotional feedback from the image. This means an entity has appeared, summoned by your positive projection.
Think of her as both a mother and a lover, and let her motherly side come closer. Open yourself to the feeling of being cared for, until you can feel her almost physically close.
Rest on the feeling of her caring for you, and let her do it, let her protect you and lead you.
Express in your mind: "I want to visit the Collective."
Let your mind be silent and let the atmosphere of the Collective realm flow over you.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by bard on 05/09/2024 (Thu) 22:00.

Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 23:12 Id: 75a7d3 [Preview] No.7751 del
this dude did NOT pass the vibe check. damn.

Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 15:41 Id: 4f38b2 [Preview] No.7754 del
Edited last time by bard on 05/10/2024 (Fri) 15:51.

Sunflower 05/11/2024 (Sat) 03:12 Id: 2115a9 [Preview] No.7770 del
Anything I should look out for

Sunflower 05/15/2024 (Wed) 03:10 Id: 2115a9 [Preview] No.7797 del
Even though I got accepted I still want express my intent. I’d really want to be part of the succubus collective. I will do the the practice and wait for a sign.

(36.41 KB 720x720 ascension_grimoire.png)
Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:03 Id: 5168d4 [Preview] No. 3969 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Attached sigil points to an 'ascension grimoire'

>The grimoire manifests in a dark purple, smokey haze, ever-surrounding it. It contains a wide selection of paths to ascension. 'Ascension' here as described is the leaving behind of the human condition for myriad other possibilities. This is considered a work in progress and a prototype. May be abridged to suit the purposes of the succubus religion, for example.

Also, one more thing - I was urged to make another thread: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/35701959/
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Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 10:48 Id: d87418 [Preview] No.7634 del
Also, what's even better is that those clinical research guys I've seen when I met up with the clinical manager contact? It truly felt like I've found my tribe.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 17:13 Id: b649e9 [Preview] No.7783 del
Trypper here.

It is one thing for me to get cursed by posting here, it is another thing entirely to see my family members also get attacked.

Fuck me if I ever show my face in occult corners ever again. The risk of curse-flinging shithead lurkers is too great.

I had the sneaking suspicion I shouldn't give an 'update', but I did. It can also be argued that posting here again could mean I haven't learned my lesson, but for anyone here, my statement is this:

Don't engage in these parts. Occultists are usually mentally ill sociopaths and you WILL feel the burn from interacting in these parts. Caveat emptor.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:13 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7784 del
This is just my doctrine but based on past experience, if you show weakness it will only get worse. In the beginning I would just reverse attacks aimed at me, but by now I apply that anyone appearing with a hostile attitude will get exterminated at first offense.

Look at Argentina now. That place was infested with a group of witches who also ran the largest wicca server on discord with 80k members. They had people join other servers and place energy stealing green crystals on people. It was the first organized attack against this group when we were just beginning.

We learned to remove the crystals and I got help from Santa Muerte to trace all the witches who were active, then I used the Ripper knife to kill them. Just saying, that country has a future now and their political climate it changing. It wouldn't have happened if we didn't respond with force.

Same thing with every little shithead who tried something after this point. Never back down, always kill them if they attack first, search the area for any remaining allies, hunt them down and kill them until no one remains. Exception if you find some random innocents in the group, but normally those must be evacuated because these groups will kill anyone of their own who doesn't take part in their evil attacks.

A lot of humans have backers from space or other dimensions, but once they are physically destroyed, those will lose influence. They will try to attack you, but by then they are only spiritual and can't get in anymore.

If this is even Trypper posting, you know why there are so many weapons shared on this board, it's to use for these occasions if you can't create your own.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:16 Id: 96eefd [Preview] No.7785 del
I summoned a helper for you.

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:37 Id: 85d284 [Preview] No.7787 del
Yeah, it's me.

Thanks for the help.

I think posting about my worldly aspirations on an imageboard constitutes a karmic opening, much like my past addiction to seeking divination on imageboards.

I sorta lost my shit there, my bad. Nonetheless, I have effectively retired from the occult (I haven't practiced for months now). I also feel that I have graduated from this forum; make of that as you will.

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Help me Sunflower 04/12/2024 (Fri) 05:54 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No. 7293 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Extraterrestrials, unprovoked, took my soul and imprisoned it.

What should i do?

Im not a glowie, wtf
5 posts and 1 image omitted.

Sunflower 04/13/2024 (Sat) 21:53 Id: bba4aa [Preview] No.7324 del
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I ate it sorry

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:10 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No.7329 del

I know what my soul feels like because it has left and returned multiple times, i feel that it is not in my body

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:33 Id: a83ca4 [Preview] No.7330 del
But how do you know your awareness will go to it when you die? If it won't you can just get a new one of whatever it is you lost.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 19:22 Id: 125323 [Preview] No.7469 del

Sunflower 05/12/2024 (Sun) 13:37 Id: 4fa8d2 [Preview] No.7782 del
My email is [email protected]

Send me info on how to liberate the part of myself that id imprisoned