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/endpone/ 1.5 Update and News Anon Board owner 12/04/2023 (Mon) 08:56 [Preview] No. 8910 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Minor changes and a few other things.

The update I have long teased is finally here. Not the biggest thing in the world but worthy of a announcement sticky.

Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889

Bunker: In the event of Endchan being wiped off the face of the earth, flee to here for now: https://8chan.moe/pone It is not a continuation of /endpone/ but a general bunker/secondary pony board held under friendly hooves. A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).

The /chat/ thread is now cyclic: >>5562 The idea behind it to encourage more short form and casual discussion and a place to dump off topic posts nopony cares about too much. In reality, I am not sure much will change, but a worthy experiment. Higher effort random posts can still be posted to /NMAiE/, and to be honest, the board always can meander a bit in conversation.

The old NSFW no spoilers required on our NSFW thread: >>5560 has been revised. We have always been in practice more SFW than some boards around these parts and no one ever took advantage of the special exception for that thread. Plus, certain more extreme fetish content was not except from that anyway. TD;LR: normal chan spoiler rules now in place.

New banner has been added to the board, which wouldn't be worth mentioning if not for that if my recollection is correct, we haven't added one since 2019! I don't mind our banners being of a smaller number and a lot of them feel more special and carry a certain context, but certain things, like Seaponies, /go/, or the writefag thread probably warrant some representation. Here is my partial attempt to remedy one of those.

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Anon Board owner 03/22/2020 (Sun) 00:57 [Preview] No. 5559 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /pone/! Or as we often call ourselves to differentiate from 8chan/8kun's /pone/ board, /endpone/. The pony board at the end of the known universe. This board is a bit different from most other pony boards on the internet and has generally composed of a tight knit group 2 to 3 core users. Though we welcome any old stragglers who come by. It can be a bit creepy so far out but our bat ponies and bridges can be pretty friendly once you get to know them. Maybe you can find a home here too?

Our rules: https://endchan.net/pone/rules.html

Somethings to keep in mind:
1 Follow the rules of Endchan. Don't do anything illegal.
2 This board has been in practice more SFW oriented, but NSFW has never been explicitly banned. Do to difference in taste and people's definitions of what counts as overly grotesque, a general spoiler rule has been put in place in all threads.
3 This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit. We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly. Just don't bring in a mentality of endless low quality threads and shitposting like glimmmmmer! to X is cucked. It would ruin the board and will not be tolerated.
Edited last time by dolor on 11/21/2023 (Tue) 02:43.

/go/ - Golden Oaks General #3 Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No. 10357 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /comfy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation (Some /tech/ discussion related to that end is welcome as well!).

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915

A new thread has been created:>>10356 /culture/ (...and More!) for better discussion of certain niche topics and deep dives when this thread is too cluttered or topics that maybe too tangential but still useful.

Earlier /go/ Threads:

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

28 posts and 20 images omitted.

Anon 06/05/2024 (Wed) 10:20 [Preview] No.10430 del
2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon Evanescence Bring Me Back to Life" (more than 7 million views!):

Image = recent featured Twifag image
Wonder if this is directed at someone specifically

Other image: 20ez 512M tile; there was a Doge 2048, what about an MLP 2048?

Anon 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:02 [Preview] No.10431 del
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2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon Evanescence Bring Me Back to Life" (more than 7 million views!):
This is one of those things that shows that is always good to double check. Something can be prominent and everyone thinks someone else must've got it but no one did. I remember that video! Wasn't something of a fav but I would just randomly click through stuff and I saw it a few times.I might... might have it downloaded somewhere when I was trying to go through the old emo and edgy PMVs and other related pony content in some early archive attempt.

I think I recall this channel too but not for any of their content; I remember the name sticking out in comments of other videos that weren't MLP related. Now, maybe a different commenter but I think this is the channel. Two for two in vague nostalgia today!

>I think I can recall some novelty stuff existing but I wouldn't know (and be traveled enough) to know every small corner of the Internet.
Perhaps I should rephrase that question. I wonder if there any dedicated pony sites with their own purposes or communities that were hosted only/primarily on .onion? I would think so but know of none.

> Technically, this very site is a .onion ponysite (and primarily how I access it) and is an odd random coroner of the internet.
True, but this .onion, and a place such as Derpibooru's, are only alternative gateways to normal internet sites often the case for me as well.

Anon 06/06/2024 (Thu) 12:51 [Preview] No.10433 del
2014 thread which includes an anon "dumping the shitty ocean book":

Some of the images are 404'd and I have some/all of those here:

"Host"=older. "Resource type"=newer. WBM discriminates against porn "resource types".

I have an incomplete WARC of that.

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/endpone/ Special Event: Synchronized Rewatch Thread Anon 12/04/2020 (Fri) 07:48 [Preview] No. 6985 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is intended as a thread for synchronized rewatches of Friendship is Magic. Plural because I am uncertain of the details and if it'll be one event or several mini-events.

Note: for general FiM discussion, reviews and spotlights outside of here go to our Post Fim discussion thread >>5314
80 posts and 126 images omitted.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 16:47 [Preview] No.10411 del
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> they also did this while providing a character who is an example of a braggart and show off in a negative sense (beyond the point of being a mere charming sometimes flaw like with Rainbow Dash) I think is very clever and gives a balance that maybe is lacking in our current era of online hype culture.
having that juxtaposition to hammer home the lesson is a very neatly efficient use of the episode's runtime and characters, and I appreciate that from a writing point of view and that this was almost certainly the entire intention with creating Trixie, but I can't help but also think that Trixie is the sort of person Twilight could have ended up as if she let beating Nightmare Moon get to her head. Part of why knowing just how much she relied on her friends to win back in the first two episodes is so important, I suppose.
> I disagree with the issues some had with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity challenging Trixie. Trixie directly invited them to it and acted pretty antagonistic.
It seems like Trixie's standard act is to provoke audience naysayers and critics into challenging her directly to immediately defuse heckling and play up her power and prestige. It may possibly make more sense logically speaking for some more suited pony characters for that role to challenge Trixie, but since the whole conflict is centered around how Twilight's friend's feelings towards Trixie makes Twilight afraid of being seen like Trixie, it doesn't really make sense to skip out on our main characters interacting with Trixie, and this specific interaction serves to establish Trixie's quirks and personality too. It's again that sort of efficient, shortest-path method of achieving what the episode wants to get across that I think is on full display here and I find very admirable. We talked about how episode 5 kinda dilly-dallied a bit before introducing Gilda and it felt like the episode could have been a better-oiled machine, well this episode is run like a tight ship in comparison I'd say. Virtually no wasted space.
>Twilight Sparkle quietly pleaded this after she removed the Ursa Minor from the town. Rationally, as a adult, this monster was threatening the town and actual lives, at least to some extent. Of course her friends wouldn’t hate her for this and it is almost absurd for her to think otherwise.
It's possible Twilight had taken Trixie's initial claim of vanquishing an Ursa Major more seriously than the others and misinterpreted their skeptical reactions as ingratitude, or maybe she thought the townspeople wouldn't understand the threat an Ursa Minor presented... It is still a weird line though.
>Still, I like to think of this from an in-universe perspective as well.
Ponies clearly strongly value maintaining a very innocent, peaceful and sheltered society, which I think is an explanation I prefer to the specific mental maturity of the specific characters idea. Plus ponies are particularly conflict-averse as a species, something which can make them seem childish to a warrior species like ourselves where even simple debates are seen as a kind of contest of wills - like, a pony's reaction to adversity is never going to be that they've gotta toughen up or tough it out as is the adult norm among humans, with few exceptions ponies just seek safety the way human children do. That's part of why they're good for imparting lessons to children, because they grow emotional intelligence and maturity in their childlike adulthood rather than emotional callouses and numbness like human adults do.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 17:09 [Preview] No.10412 del
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>This episode is 8/10. Solid/Great!!!!! This is my favorite episode of this season so far.
I can certainly understand that. For me it had that "bigger" feeling the first two episodes had as well, but I think that may be down to the persistent misinterpretations my brain loves to make as I rewatch, even though the more slice-of-lifey stuff reminds me more of what it was like before this show had the significance both of personal connection and of the epic fantasy scale of the story towards the end. In particular I think this episode fed into that feeling for me because it returns to Twilight as *main* character. She's definitely our audience surrogate, but we have other viewpoint characters and the story's never just about her, it's an ensemble cast right to the end. But this is the first of my mind's automatic misinterpretation: Twilight as the central figure of the story, and the overall arc of the entire show as being about Twilight and her journey and growth. The second misinterpretation is of the show as a cohesive narrative from beginning to end - this is easily logically picked apart but particularly when Twilight's on screen I keep finding myself reading her in context of foreshadowing and future events even though very little was really planned beyond the realm of a given episode's season. I'm sure it'd still be up there in enjoyability for me but I recognise my weird brain biases me since it applies more significance to Twilight-centric episodes than is actually there.
>Just the whole internet I feel there is a lot of... negativity sometimes, with overly affirmational and blindly positive even if I dislike those who want to bring back bullying and shaming behavior.
The internet at large is what I'd describe as "hauntingly hollow". The fact you can get a chatbot to scrape the internet and spit out an opinion is particularly weird, it gives the internet at large a personality and the dominance of social media and self-censoring corporate speak in all the trash shoved online so massively outnumbers everything weird, awful or wonderful elsewhere on the internet that you get this sensation as though the whole world or the inner thoughts of others are made up of this bland, emotionless, corporate robot view of reality where everybody is equally rational and has equal access to the facts, except for the crazies. Especially when the internet makes up the majority of your daily experiences, as it does for me, it feels like the sterile soullessness can surround you until you wonder if you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left.
>And 25 is a lot of spells by pony standards it seems. What counts as a spell, considering that, Rarity created the gold parts of that dress from thin air seemingly. Is that a separate conjuring spell? Or is it some sort of single spell related to her special talent?
Perhaps given how unicorns often use their magic like a pair of hands, lifting and manipulating objects casually and with little thought given to it, I wonder if to unicorns, a 'spell' can be articulated in so many different ways that it essentially operates as a whole class of magic, whilst to a more humanoid caster it would have more limited effects. That is the effect I'd imagine from having a wand plugged straight into your brain as like an extra limb, to be honest.
>Didn't get it done for the episode but still happening. It does relate to this episode.
Looking forward to it, but no rush!

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:29 [Preview] No.10420 del
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Shower thoughts: old guard /b/ronies traditions are well memed but not well preserved or understood by newcomers.

I have fair bit of half finished OC for this board that I ought to dump someday if I don't get around to finishing it.


Uh, I am sorting of writing from a sleep drunk state (I mean in this sense:>>9287). Had a bit of a rough week and this is the first time I have felt my mind somewhat clear in awhile. Cheap content for the board I guess.

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:58 [Preview] No.10422 del
Wow, I am tired, wrong thread! Eh, oh well I make it work this time.

>We talked about how episode 5 kinda dilly-dallied a bit before introducing Gilda and it felt like the episode could have been a better-oiled machine, well this episode is run like a tight ship in comparison I'd say. Virtually no wasted space.
I completely agree. Pacing was perfect.

>Ponies clearly strongly value maintaining a very innocent, peaceful and sheltered society, which I think is an explanation I prefer to the specific mental maturity of the specific characters idea. Plus ponies are particularly conflict-averse as a species, something which can make them seem childish to a warrior species like ourselves where even simple debates are seen as a kind of contest of wills - like, a pony's reaction to adversity is never going to be that they've gotta toughen up or tough it out as is the adult norm among humans, with few exceptions ponies just seek safety the way human children do. That's part of why they're good for imparting lessons to children, because they grow emotional intelligence and maturity in their childlike adulthood rather than emotional callouses and numbness like human adults do.
If there is ever a featured hits of /endpone/ this is going in it. I like this articulation nyself. Let's see if my tired mind can put together my thoughts on how I view the show real quick...

I think understanding the intent of writers and artists matters more than a lot of modern culture gives credit too. Like, Faust's going into the show with this mentality does give some context to Twilight's actions here. Though I think the show also can be looked at, and should be looked at through an entirely in universe lens. Not just as a thought exercise.

> The second misinterpretation is of the show as a cohesive narrative from beginning to end - this is easily logically picked apart but particularly when Twilight's on screen I keep finding myself reading her in context of foreshadowing and future events even though very little was really planned beyond the realm of a given episode's season
Think about this for example. You can say that FiM, especially at this time, was just a kids show with no intent to maintain a coherent narrative and world. Yet, Faust had a lot of particular ideas of how the world work and tried to enforce rules. Certain things sometimes were set up or hinted out, maybe not with the level of a high fantasy epic with grand plans but look at Star Trek, I am not just talking about the Original Series. I'd make the bold claim that The average Star Trek show is often more internally inconsistent from season to season and episode to episode than FiM is. If the Trekkies can try to cobble together, rationalize, and theorize everything than so do we and we have greater grounds then they do!

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Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 08:19 [Preview] No.10423 del
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>The internet at large is what I'd describe as "hauntingly hollow".
Oh, indeed I get that. For me, my experience with the internet has often been primarily little corners left behind by social media and what little groups that either formed organically or I could carve out myself in "what's left".

>Especially when the internet makes up the majority of your daily experiences, as it does for me, it feels like the sterile soullessness can surround you until you wonder if you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left.
The problem with a lot of the places that are left and at least partly outside of it, they are often just soullessly reacting to the mainstream without having their own soul. Like... if you only speak in a billion wojak memes parodying the soullessness of pop culture, you're part of that souleness and have no spark left yourself.

Speaking of "you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left." I have enjoyed yours! If something ever happens and this board dies and no bunker is built I would like to stay in touch:
...though I would understand if you didn't want to. Anon posting as I do. This link up here is my only outside contact point from /endpone/ that I have publicly available at the moment myself.

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/night/ Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:14 [Preview] No. 4924 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /night/ This is the thread that both serves as Luna's thread and a thread to the majesty of the night itself.

Exactly what that is maybe hard to define exactly. But that's what the adventure of the /end/ is for!
263 posts and 278 images omitted.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 02:39 [Preview] No.9671 del
Did the noodles taste good?

In all seriousness, I am trying to recall if I have ever been "tricked" by such a scenario for that long. That doesn't seem too weird but I understand it freaking you out thinking that Rarity had been there, in the flesh, for more than 5 minuets.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 02:55 [Preview] No.9700 del
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I only remember the tail end, as is common.
This took place on a space ship, and I recall my character's character had been called into question, but I had not been formally accused of anything. There were, perhaps, invaders on the ship, but that wasn't known for sure.

In the middle of my sleep cycle, the 'defend your space' klaxon sounded. What precisely did it actually mean, or sound like? I'm not sure, but I jumped out of bed, and started locking the three doors to the segment of tube I was in. Everything was made of glass so I could still see the rooms beyond as some sort of shape appeared and disappeared at the far end of what I could see, beyond a third door. Only, Applejack was rushing up and ... using a blowtorch to separate the deadbolt from the door mechanism. It would no longer be locked! I drew my katana (or had already drawn it as I saw AJ; not sure now) and upon realizing I was being set up for an accidental death, I shouted at ... some american tough-guy cartoon figure, who was being projected onto a shelf, so it was approximately like when Twilight was a wind-up ballerina figurine in Dolores's room, only it was this guy. Whose image I can't find but anyway.

So, I shout at him, using my blade to shove his tiny blade aside which seems, if I recall aright, seemed to knock the figurine's arm completely off, so here's this tiny tough guy with one arm, who shouts in response something like
>You'll have to trust us.
>Either you'll sink, or you'll swim.
>Your test begins now.

At which point the werewolf thing started pawing at the glass door, though I woke up before it actually fell aside far enough for any kind of battle.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:25 [Preview] No.9716 del
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Vaguely, something with a arm, like touching me. Reaching out from somewhere. Was trying to lay down and watch Frasier or something. Otherwise nothing. Boring dream that would be spooky if I was a kid. Sorry for the EQG pic if that isn't allowed here. Just posting a arm reaching out.

>You'll have to trust us.
>Either you'll sink, or you'll swim.
>Your test begins now.
This and Applejack's presence make me want to suggest that this is the dark and edgy version of Applejack's trial of honesty from Friendship is Magic's premiere episodes! As summarized better by bridgefag (?) >>8895
>Applejack, arguably the weakest and weirdest. Her line, ‘’Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.'’ feels... odd. Why couldn’t she just say that Twilight Sparkle would be caught by Fluttershy? Feels more fitting for her to have been the Element of trust, faith, or as I have heard Faust wanted, integrity. Even then, this test felt like they could’ve built something a little better here. She would’ve had no reason to lie here. It doesn’t really show her character other than prove her general competency and being a dependable friend and ally.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.9837 del
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I had a dream also vaguely involving Applejack. She was a minor presence on these Apple themed greeting cards and in the background while my grandmother was trying to get us passports to go to Hawaii, don't ask me about geopolitical situation...

>some american tough-guy cartoon figure, who was being projected onto a shelf, so it was approximately like when Twilight was a wind-up ballerina figurine in Dolores's room, only it was this guy. Whose image I can't find but anyway.
I legit laughed for some reason at this one.

>(or had already drawn it as I saw AJ; not sure now) and upon realizing I was being set up for an accidental death,
I know that dreams are vague but do you recall who or what force? I mean, it seems that Applejack was only one on your side here.

>Sorry for the EQG pic if that isn't allowed here. Just posting a arm reaching out.
It is fine. EQG ain't banned, I just the the board has been neutral indifference for the most part. Or at least that is how I would describe my relationship with EQD anyway.

>As summarized better by bridgefag (?)
Yes, you are correct, that is me.

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.10421 del
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Still dreaming more normal and IRL stuff. A couple of anons here have even popped up more than once, usually in vague background rolls. My dreams used to be far more surreal and only in the last two to three years have they taken a somewhat "realistic" turn. Despite strong stresses having been a feature for a great deal of my life. I wonder what has brought on this turn. Now, granted, there can still be some pretty surreal things in them, but it hasn't been bizarre viruses spread by song and random elements thrown together as much.

One notable exception: had two rare instance of a lucid dream recently. There was someone that looked grotesque and creepy. I realized I was dreaming. I started to laugh at him and attack him over just switching the scenario to something I wanted. Another time, I don't remember much. Flying in the clouds (?) and I realized it was dreaming and fought hard to not wake up yet.

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No. 5562 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /chat/! The thread where you can talk about anything! Technically most threads on /endpone/ can meander a bit. This thread is for casual banter and idle chitchat of any topic. Funposting and randomness too.
477 posts and 504 images omitted.

Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 08:01 [Preview] No.10403 del
Interesting /g/ posts which contain the word "stabbed":
>I thought about getting a knife before. Then I realized if you get mugged the second you pull out your knife you turn it into a live or die situation. You can't just cut someones arm and incapacitate them. You pretty much have to slit their throat or cut a major artery. This opens the possibility to you getting shot or stabbed by someone with way more resolve/strength. Pepper spray is a much more effective deterrent than a knife. \\ TLDR: If you carry a knife you're a fucking retard.
>>and the people [in Europe] seem happier and healthier [than those of USA]
>Globalism means we're all eating the same microplastics and seed oils and if you've ever been to Europe they have plenty of fat fucks.
>\ Whatever statistics you're thinking of are leftoid propaganda designed to make you give up the autonomy that a car gives you and pay 40% income tax to pay for the privilege of cramming yourself into a steamy fart-tube of a bus or metro system rat maze like a good little worker drone until you eventually get blown up by a suicide bomber or stabbed in the street by an immigrant. All for the good of the planet of course.

Interesting video game video which reminds me of Russian Roulette:

Nice horsecock videos:

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Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.10407 del
>Buckshot Roulette
That game helps me understand the appeal of gambling. More on that:
. Moronic gamers: Jack https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=otQtQEeC-lA and Case https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=9ynISZj0mjw
. Mark https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=pln0lUgsWsU and Manly https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=I9DyGcnrMNk
. explained https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=PWSlfg1V380

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 04:18 [Preview] No.10408 del
Image looks grey:

Thumbnail image looks black:

I like the black/dark grey color over a lighter grey, but must say that the thumbnail isn't a very good representation of the image colorwise.

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 17:44 [Preview] No.10413 del
Sometime this month I bought a 3-USD thing from this one brick-and-mortar store: it's like MLP merch of Rarity. Seems they sold out of the Twilight Sparkle version of the thing which I saw some time ago. Also had ~2 G5 versions of it; tiny photo: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreiddpda2sxicdruifvpxbddil4sd5f3oafpprgfmkiyenizy56bm7q . I watched the first 27 minutes of 3-hour long video "How AI was Stolen" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=BQTXv5jm6s4 and found it to be interesting. It's about the history of AI and stuff. One of the things that video does: answers some questions/thoughts that I had ~6 years ago. "Artificial intelligence" started in the 1900s.

I got the 32 million tile today. Video on 2048 strategy: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=OO4tA5i7X9g

It's ironic that it looks like a PS2 video game but the system requirements says this:
>Relatively modern dedicated graphics card (Vulkan support required)

Trying to post the image you meant to post...

Anon 05/29/2024 (Wed) 18:17 [Preview] No.10414 del
>[Democratic systems, are they any good?]
In the US, a system of representative democracy is used. So elected representatives supposedly do what their constituents want. Sounds OK, but was times under monarchy really that bad? Or is that just Whig History? An obvious criticism of democracy is that no one is really that dedicated or involved in politics. Most voters don't know a lot about politics and economics, so why should their vote matter? Quote from some TV show episode where an absolute democracy is criticized: "I think you're confusing knowledge with opinions." Additionally, politicians themselves aren't that dedicated. Presidents serve for 4 years. Senators and other higher-ranking politicians can have such a position for up to ~50 years. (Higher-ranking politician in the same position for decades is similar to the aristocracy class.) Monarchs on the other hand are supposed to serve and lead for their entire adult life. Makes me think of Putin - maybe he'll still be "president" of Russia when he becomes an old madman with Alzheimer's or dementia (such a corrupt system might enable such weirdness).

The question kinda becomes this: would those with governing power (politicians/aristocrats/monarchs/governors) do politics/ruling/leading/serving/war any better if democracy was not involved. In the book "Democracy, the God that Failed" I think the author argues that the economics of a nation without democracy is better than one with democracy. Or at least other(s) make that argument.

Reject Modernity. Embrace Tradition.

*3-hour-long video

>generated image

>post the image you meant to post
Failed again - https://endchan.org/.media/512ed5d8b9933d616145fd477f2bc206-imagepng.png - see that Derpib'u ID.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

NMAiE General Bridgefag 12/04/2023 (Mon) 11:09 [Preview] No. 8912 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Still moving along edition.

Let's see what happens as we truly entered into the G5 era since last /NMAiE/. Will it be as chaotic as Pony Life era was or will it be mundane? Even if G5 can't quite capture the lightning in the bottle we still can continue on and be comfy respite at the very least.

Note: Slight change in format as a lot of the activity has concentrated on a handful of important threads, so a mix of new threads and threads that are old but are seeing the most "action" right now/important in some way or have news. A lot of new threads have been from random anons just curious about the place, those have not been furthered for obvious reasons .

-FRESH MATERIAL/important threads

Synchronized Rewatch Thread: >>6985
Now formally launched:>>8889

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users): >>5562 Now a cyclical thread.

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81 posts and 82 images omitted.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.10355 del
>It is MUCH harder to post or administrate when you're dead.
Or easier, depending on your view of said obligations!

>picking on you for posting after you died would constitute beating a dead horse, wouldn't it?
Unironically lol'd.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 05:53 [Preview] No.10363 del
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>Unironically lol'd.

TBH I was reminded recently of the joke as somewhere I came across "DnD Dad" who re-did this scene.
The earlier one, the drow wizard, Red, said to the rest 'yeah whatever I'm going to bed'
>Oh, you're pretty tired?
"By the Spider I just said as much!"
>So ... you're feeling

Which is almost as funny but not as equine related.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:45 [Preview] No.10371 del
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>beating a dead horse
Slightly clever punny humor I am a sucker for.Equine related or not, I can appreciate!

Speaking of drowsy, I am pretty drowsy myself. Hopefully I'll get back here soon as I have a lot of things to post and comment on I also need to touch base with you again. In the meantime. Goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:54 [Preview] No.10396 del
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>also I need to touch base

I keep logging in, but not seeing a message.

Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 09:49 [Preview] No.10405 del
Message now sent.

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:20 [Preview] No. 5560 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the official thread for NSFW content!

All your desires for posting NSFW content. Check the catalog first before creating another thread and post all that material here.

We have been discussing a lot about the spirit of this board and while it remains for the most part SFW, I do believe that /endpone/ should set up a proper regulated thread for this material.

Now, I am providing to you the rules of this thread. A lot of people go crazy when NSFW appears into the game, so let me explain a few observations and essential norms that should make everything clear:

ESSENTIAL (must read)

1. The three basic rules of Endchan are applied, especially those who have intentions to post real life pornography. Only fictional content related.

2. This is NOT /b/. Endless shitposting and taking advantage of the NSFW nature for derailing the thread with spam/low quality posts that prevent the usual activity (breaking the 3rd rule of Endchan) will not be tolerated.

3.The OP image for the thread must be SFW.

4.This does not necessarily preclude the creation of other threads that relate to NSFW topics, but this is the only thread in which you can post unspoiled NSFW pictures and is intended to be the main hub for such discussion.
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Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 04:50 [Preview] No.10337 del
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Anon 05/25/2024 (Sat) 02:33 [Preview] No.10393 del
Sexy stallion

Anon 05/25/2024 (Sat) 02:41 [Preview] No.10394 del
I want to definitely say: horse butt does NOT look like this, human butt does (which is what I think ML pulled from). Horse butt does not have the gluteal cleft that humans have; thinking anatomically, it makes sense that humans have that fold/cleft under their butt and horses and ponies don't have that there. See attached image which is not entirely anatomically correct. (Also autocorrect kept making stupid "fixes" to what I typed when tapping out this post: weird/unusual.)

Gayi generated

Anon 05/26/2024 (Sun) 07:16 [Preview] No.10397 del
Kinky mares. I came.

Anon 05/27/2024 (Mon) 08:46 [Preview] No.10400 del

/Culture/ ..and More! Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:22 [Preview] No. 10356 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Behold, the new daughter thread of /go/, expanding upon:
>but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation.
...and whatever else may pop up.

This is meant to allow deep dives of particular topics and more niche discussion that may not fully fit in /go/ at times.

Still, keep this under advisement:
>Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

Anon 05/24/2024 (Fri) 04:47 [Preview] No.10392 del
In the new /go/ it was mentioned "this isn't archived"
Which put me in mind of other songs that could exist as a PMV. The song I had in my head because of unrelated nonsense was How Bizarre
But searching for that led me here:


Neither TMBG nor 4everfreebrony are all that bizarre, and I don't expect they traded songs at a bazaar with each other either.

Although, maybe they did. In which case OMC and Dashie will have to dance and sing about the pair,
> How bazaar, how bazaar

//No I'm not switching to decaf
<//why would you ask?

Twilights Book Fort/Writefag, Story Ideas, Advice, Proofreadings, Reviews, And Shilling Anon 10/07/2019 (Mon) 13:42 [Preview] No. 4724 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This thread is for Anons who want to give back to the community, either by writing their own stories or helping others with theirs. Also make sure to keep any ideas you have for a fan-fiction in this thread, and of course give your opinions on the ideas of other Anons.

I’ll make sure to check up on this thread regularly, to ensure that (you)’ll have at least one Anon to give you some advice or check your fic out.

Also this is not a greenfaging thread. This is explicitly for sharing fan-fiction and ideas for fan-fictions. There are other many green-text threads on this site, so feel free to take your greenfaging there.
300 posts and 259 images omitted.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 03:04 [Preview] No.9702 del
>I am board

I'm on board with those who are bored!

I didn't finish, but liked the experience of reading Subjunctive - a story about the Changeling invasion of Canterlot but it was all about the proposed differences in how Changeling language works.
Since words can fascinate me, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I also started in on Project: Sunflower, which about a gal turned into a pony so she could spy on Equestria, since Earth was facing a gray-goo scenario and needed someplace to run to.
The reason I started on that, was I'd offered to critique a piece written in that universe that focused on building the apartment complex that would house the last billion people expected to be alive and retrievable by the time it had been cleared to begin construction.
That title, that I forgot, would only be interesting in you were fascinated by plumbing, and other engineering concerns. I could go either way, and this one didn't grab me since it was focusing on committee meeting drama and miscommunication, rather than the actual engineering of the building.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:07 [Preview] No.9715 del
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> Subjunctive - a story about the Changeling invasion of Canterlot but it was all about the proposed differences in how Changeling language works. Since words can fascinate me, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
I skimmed through some of it and liked what I saw so far. It looks the kind of thing that I think was looking for: Off the beaten path from the big fics of old I see circlejerked while also not being something that was the reason people circle jerked them (Low tier self inserts and one shots). Thanks!

>I also started in on Project: Sunflower, which about a gal turned into a pony so she could spy on Equestria, since Earth was facing a gray-goo scenario and needed someplace to run to.
Can be interesting, can be not. HiE fics of this sort I don't autohate but have been done to death. I have always liked some of the anons' input around input so I'll give it a shot.

>I could go either way, and this one didn't grab me since it was focusing on committee meeting drama and miscommunication, rather than the actual engineering of the building.
I think this can be summarized as: Why have what happens in slack at work be the driving force of the plot? Plumbing, I known little but I can get engrossed in something if presented interesting enough.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 02:38 [Preview] No.9733 del
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I am going to throw in my two cents as well.

Fear and Trembling:'
This fic caught me off guard in very good way. I am not sure how much of that requires what my expectations were going in and how personal they were to just me. I will be citing this fic in a later post sometime.

Rainbow Dash: Re-Animator:
This is one of those stories that I thought wouldn't be my cup of tea, but the slightly comedic and more "cartoony" mad scientist feel of it I liked. I think what I liked about the most was the "comfy" feeling of Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle working together and sneaking around. It is still pretty dark and serious Rainbow Dash is trying to undo Twilight Sparkle's untimely death, after all. I will say I haven't read this in years and some stories I have revisited that I misremembered or now dislike them.I still think it fits though with your requirement of something that is good but a bit off radar.

Libera Mé:'
This one... I am the most mixed on. It looked interesting but I got 10 Chapters in and something just didn't click with me. I had planned to revisit it again. They made contact with the mysterious monster pretty early on from what I recall.


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Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 22:55 [Preview] No.10322 del
I've now finished Subjunctive. I feel too low IQ to really get in the nitty gritty details but I did enjoy it and it felt "fresh", compared to the usual stuff I read. I think I am a fan of highly detailed world building that autistically focuses on subtler aspects like that.

>Rainbow Dash: Re-Animator
This was good but just when I was getting into it felt like that it ended abruptly. It isn't too sort a fic but I think it would have benefited from Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle having a little more time being partners in crime together.

Anon 05/20/2024 (Mon) 02:26 [Preview] No.10379 del
> Subjunctive. I feel too low IQ to really get in the nitty gritty details but I did enjoy it and it felt "fresh", compared to the usual stuff I read.
I have only just barely started to skim it. Will see how hard it is for me to grasp slight but VERY rudimentary interest in linguistics aside.

>I was getting into it felt like that it ended abruptly.
I remember partly thinking that myself, albeit:
>over 50k horse words
I wasn't sure if that was just my own warped sense of pacing from reading so many 100K plus word fics over the years.