This Sucks, and I want to go Home Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 05:34:49 Id: a2cb7d No. 35 del
I've been lurking endchan for a few months now, as well as 8pol. I'm a cuckchan refugee, and I continued to lurk cuckchan after /pol/harbor because that was my home. I found doublechan to be more agreeable, but sparsely populate.

I hate cuckchan now, it's not the continuous influx of fucking normies and raiders that bothers me, it's the mods. I can deal with the top 10 pages being shit tier /b/ threads, BBC, white bois BTFO, DRUMPF, /pol/ btfo how will they ever recover, or shitty racemixing threads.... I can't deal with the mods knowingly promoting this cancer and inciting the cuckery.

I've bounced around from chans for the last 10 months after I finally got sick of defending my home after so many years, what is probably the better part of a decade. Now I give up. Where can I go to find free speech, based anons, and a lack of normies?

Is it time to go on full time onions?