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This Sucks, and I want to go Home Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 05:34:49 Id: a2cb7d [Preview] No. 35
I've been lurking endchan for a few months now, as well as 8pol. I'm a cuckchan refugee, and I continued to lurk cuckchan after /pol/harbor because that was my home. I found doublechan to be more agreeable, but sparsely populate.

I hate cuckchan now, it's not the continuous influx of fucking normies and raiders that bothers me, it's the mods. I can deal with the top 10 pages being shit tier /b/ threads, BBC, white bois BTFO, DRUMPF, /pol/ btfo how will they ever recover, or shitty racemixing threads.... I can't deal with the mods knowingly promoting this cancer and inciting the cuckery.

I've bounced around from chans for the last 10 months after I finally got sick of defending my home after so many years, what is probably the better part of a decade. Now I give up. Where can I go to find free speech, based anons, and a lack of normies?

Is it time to go on full time onions?

Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 05:59:40 Id: a2cb7d [Preview] No. 36 del
if no one can help, my journey continues.

Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 06:10:21 Id: 2db74e [Preview] No. 37 del
You've got a fucking short attention span if you expected an answer within 5 minutes. Your attention span is too low for smaller communities. It's really simple.

Your too used to looking at things in terms of if it moves when you hit f5.You've got a bunch of buzzwords your spouting one after the other. Cuck this, normie that. You're the type of person who won't ever be pleased cause it won't meet all your checkmarks and it'll just be one of the things on your list of buzzwords.

Onion sites are even fucking slower. There is no perfect community just hiding out there waiting for you. Get other hobbies. Stop accepting shit cause its delivered to you at the speed of sound.Just go someplace you like. If 8chans too slow for you? You'll hate all the other alt chans thats the second fastest english language one.Fucking stop expecting the internet to deliver you content and be the one who provides it. And quit fucking whining in a laundry list of meme words.

Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 11:55:18 Id: a2cb7d [Preview] No. 38 del
first of all it was about half hour beofre I commented to bump. second of all how am I acting shit and how am I spouting meme lists? That's literally the front page of halfchan on any given day.

glad you're feeling like a particular faggot today, hope your childish tantrum made you feel a little bit better as you work through whatever is bothering you.

cheers mate.

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