Anonymous 02/04/2023 (Sat) 07:21 Id: 50bcd1 No.221 del
(367.68 KB 1280x1600 E4VHtDDVkAcRSMz.jpg)
>How did you guys find EndChan?
Sorry! This question is what I'm also wondering. You might need to ask the board administrator in 「別墅」.

>What happened on Komica that made you come here?
>And why three boards now? All three are somewhat active, I assume each one is for something different.
At first, as you've already known, here were two such image boards for avatar fags. But now it turned out to be adding one more as totally three such boards.

The creation of the former two is more for private group usage. The later is due to the closure of our original board. We have no chice.

According the founder of komica said, it is suspected that someone posted child pornography on the boards in komica, and then instantly reported it to the host business owner. In the end,「掛圖」was shut down. That's why we're here now.