Anonymous 10/08/2017 (Sun) 05:43:11 No. 106 del
(3.07 MB 3833x3945 1506522723032.jpg)
Spider Jolyne is pretty cool.

How would going after Versace stop all this? The memories are already in Weater Report so taking Versace out of the picture won't do much. I'm honestly surprised Jolyne didn't just go for Pucci when she had the chance.

Adding more mods won't stop spamfag, only Codemonkey can do something about him. Even without spamfag all /b/ amounts to is pedos vs antipedos in every single thread so it's pretty fucked regardless. It pains me to say it but 8chan doesn't even compare to 4chan in terms of content/userbase numbers/functionality. Board creation and less cancerous mods+vpn usage is a plus tho.