JoJofag 10/08/2017 (Sun) 05:49:57 No. 108 del
Goons are the most common suspect. It could also be /leftypol/ falsflagging as /pol/, but I honestly don't know. Just there are a lot of posts that aren't consistent with the norm.

For example, there's a guy who autistically mods Paper Mario TTYD and shows up every so often to shill his mod and get feedback. This is all well and good. However one of the last times he showed up there were a bunch of people crying, not angry, but crying and upset that he modded the script back to the the original text that heavily implied Vivian was a tranny. Which if you don't approve of is fine, the usual response would just be that that's gay and that would be it. However /v/ would not have that sort of reaction and they especially do not approve of censorship of any kind so the outcry was very, very out of place. People in that thread were also saying this was very fucky.

More recently there was a simple thread asking which games had the largest bestiaries and why his previous thread was deleted. This topic seemed like pretty standard /v/ fair, but it had no takers, and got shit-posted to death. I can't find it now so I can only imagine the faggot mods deleted it because a bunch of goons decided to mass report it.

Pucci said that Versace would be able to "dig up" the memories out of Weather.