Anonymous 10/08/2017 (Sun) 05:57:13 No. 113 del
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I mean it depends on the board. Even a month ago fullb had some interesting threads on b. I just looked at the halfchan catalog and the only threads that aren't porn or repetitive threads are getting like no replies and 404 in a few minutes.
>userbase numbers/functionality
Well, yeah.
There were a couple threads I had open today that apparently got deleted but I wasn't following closely enough to really see what happened.

IMO dysnomia should:
>just make cyclical threads for all the general topics
>let a couple people from those threads become mod but ONLY moderate those threads and spam
>have 1 pedo thread and not allow b mods to delete cp unless it's hardcore, just tell people to file global reports and let the global mods try to parse apart what violates DOST because it's hopelessly vague and b isn't really the right place to argue about it
>have an aggressive early 404 setting with maximum number of pages in the catalog to minimize quality sliding
>appeal for some new mods to delete spam and just encourage them to delete spam by ip
Like there would definitely be some casualties but you've got to stabilize the board first and foremost.