Anonymous 10/08/2017 (Sun) 06:13:08 No. 122 del
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Is Mark still the BO? There were a lot of sketchy rumors about him a couple years ago but it kind of seems like they stopped. But that sounds kind of fucky.
I kind of wonder if there isn't a well-organized liberal group that's coordinated to take down the whole site.
Theory: they're turning into stands because of some spores or something that's already in the air that turns people into snails. Weather report is just subconsciously creating conditions that allow it to thrive.
It doesn't take a lot of franchises for me to be happy. But elder scrolls went to shit and Cliffy B started fucking up Gears and then epic stopped Unreal so I pretty much don't give a shit about anything else.
I'll probably buy a console when Psychonauts 2 comes out though. I really liked the first one.
It's basically just /sp/ with like a weeaboo board that happened to be modifying cripple's opensource software so they just left the ability to create boards as far as I know.