Anonymous 10/08/2017 (Sun) 06:32:38 No. 130 del
That webm was painful.
Doublefine is one of the few companies in the industry that I actually think has the goal of making good games. Obviously Psychonauts was great. Brutal Legend was a great concept that was poorly managed and obviously just ran out of money while they were working on it. The arcade projects were complete shit. I honestly don't think Tim particularly gives a shit about politics. IIRC he said something that was light-heartedly pro-GG then got a lot of backlash and backed down a lot. But he also has a company to run and pissing off the liberal media (particularly the ones that are going to review his games) isn't really that great an idea regardless of how he feels.
Like what does he have to do to not be a cuck? Tell everything like it is to such an extent that he can't get a fair review on his game, it inevitably bombs and DF goes under?
idk, on the homepage it looks like they're going to try to switch back to xyz soon but I have no idea if that's related.